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Object subordinate clauses

Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense. | The Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | Tenses of the Verb in the Passive Voice | The sequence of tenses. Reported (Indirect) speech | General Review of the tense and voice forms of the verb | The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Subordinate Clauses | Adverbial clauses of concession | Adverbial clauses of comparison |

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A. Substantive Clauses developed from the Volitive.
  3. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  6. Adverbial clauses of cause (or causative clauses) express the reason, cause, or motivation of the action expressed in the main clause or of its content as a whole.
  7. Adverbial clauses of comparison

Ex. 251. Read the following sentences and analyze the use of Subjunctive I and Suppositional Mood in object subordinate clauses.

1. She suggested that Miss Fairly should go to the pictures in the town, which was only six miles away. 2. Mrs. Pestle had suggested that her daughter, then already quite well known as a harpsichordist, should join us in this recital. 3. To begin with, he alluded to my exalted position and importance, and suggested that I should remove myself to Pretoria. 4. He then turned to Alice, and before my very face proposed to her that she should fly with him. 5. The doctor feels that you have made too quick a change from a mountain climbing to our cloistered life, and he suggests we send you away, for less than one short year, to some place where you can have normal exercise. 6. Andrew was there. Ivory insisted that he be present, in the most genuine and friendly fashion imaginable.

Ex. 252. Use the corresponding mood forms instead of the infinitives in brackets.

A. 1. He insisted that a young actress (to star) in the play in the coming year. 2. He requested that she (to partner) him. 3. We ask that you (to listen) to our convincing arguments. 4. I insist that you (to mention) their names and their good work in your report. 5. We insist that the firm (to answer) within this month. 6. I insist that you (to press) your trousers and (to get) a shave. 7. She requested that I (to give) the dictionary to her. 8. My friend strongly advises that we (to attend) these lectures. 9. The teacher insisted that we (to write) a composition on Tuesday. 10. The professor proposed that I (not to experiment) alone. 11. She demands that the students (to work) at the laboratory regularly. 12. The teacher (to recommend) that we should do the exercise in writing.

B. 1. They arrange that the conference (to take place) in the library. 2. The Dean directed that the meeting (to hold) at four o’clock. 3. We agreed that we all (to read) the book in the original. 4. Who suggested that she (to choose) that branch of philology? 5. Don’t you propose that the discussion (to put an end to)? 6. She suggests that I (to consult) the professor. 7. The doctor advised that my brother (to go) to the south immediately. 8. She never suggested that he (to do) anything but paint. 9. We suggest that their plan (to turn down). 10. The firm insisted that we (to press) the matter otherwise they wanted to cancel the engagement. 11. I suggest that our children (to teach) English 12. She thought it an admirable suggestion that he (to undertake) her daughter’s case. 13. Miss Post had suggested that the private file (to type) out neatly – it would be easier for Miss Hairlie to read. 14. I want you to undertake all the arrangements. Who do you suggest (to do) it?


Ex. 253. Fill in the blanks with one of the verbs: to ask, to insist, to demand, to request, to suggest, to order. Pay attention to the form you use

1. The man … that his advocate should try to convince the judges that he was innocent. 2. He … that we should persuade her to see the doctor at once. 3. The students of the group … that she should attend all the lectures to pass her examinations. 4. I … that they should settle the matter themselves. 5. All the members of the group … that everything should be cleared up before the meeting. 6. Our new friends … that we should go on a camping trip in the coming year. 7. The teacher … that the pupils should go on an excursion on Sunday. 8. The girl … that they should give her another chance to improve. 9. He … that his secretary should be sent in to him immediately. 10. I … that he should speak his opinion frankly. 11. They friendly … that she should not take it seriously. 12. Who … that you should consult this doctor? 13. They… that the issue be discussed in a week. 14. The man … that they should meet in the library. 15. Nell was resolute in … that she should see the dentist.


Ex. 254. Change the structure of the following sentences so as to use the forms of the Subjunctive Mood in subordinate object clauses. Look at the model.

Model: He insisted on their coming on Sunday.

He insisted that they come (should come) on Sunday.

1. I proposed to find a doctor and bring him to see Strickland. 2. I suggest my friend’s postponing the party till next Sunday. 3. Danny proposed to blow up the sewer. 4. The defence insisted on hearing some more witnesses. 5. The captain ordered the passengers to leave the deck. 6. I proposed not to bother him about such trifles. 7. He told them it was time to have dinner. 8. He demanded our mentioning this fact in our report. 9. He insisted that it was necessary for me to accompany him. 10. He was very nice about it and insisted on my accepting an extra week’s salary.

Ex. 255. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested phrases.

1. She suggested … (щоб я відправив книги в Москву поштою). 2. The official advised … (щоб мій товариш відправив телеграму зі сплаченою відповіддю). 3. The clerk insisted … (щоб відправник написав своє ім’я повністю внизу бандеролі). 4. They arrange … (щоб термінові телеграми приносили протягом двох годин). 5. The woman requested … (щоб я написав прізвище і адресу одержувача в середині пакету). 6. The man demands … (щоб в нього прийняли замовлення на розмову з Москвою терміново). 7. The chief directed … (щоб документи відправили листом на замовлення). 8. I requested … (щоб нас не роз’єднували, доки ми не закінчимо розмову). 9. The post-master ordered … (щоб телеграму принесли якнайшвидше). 10. The girl at the counter requested … (щоб я заповнила бланк).


Ex. 256. Translate the sentences into English.

А. 1. Вона запропонувала, щоб ми прогулялися по саду після обіду. 2. Студенти проcили, щоб їм показали фільм в оригіналі. 3. Я розпорядився, щоб для студентів ще раз прочитали лекцію. 4. Ніхто не наполягає, щоб ви виконали цю роботу сьогодні. 5. Директор наказав, щоб усі зібралися в актовому залі через дві години. 6. Вона порадила, щоб ми чекали її біля входу в парк. 7. Він запропонував, щоб усі студенти брали участь у цій дискусії. 8. Ми домовилися, щоб всім разом провести її у неділю. 9. Бібліотекар вимагала, щоб я повернула книги в кінці тижня. 10. Він наказав, щоб все приготували до п’ятої години.

В. 1.Вона попросила, щоб секретар надрукував необхідні папери якнайскоріше. 2. Пасажири вимагали, щоб водій негайно зупинив автобус. 3. Викладач запропонував, щоб студенти вибрали книги для індивідуального читання самі. 4. Він вимагав, щоб його впустили в дім, ніби в нього було на це право. 5. Мати наполягала, щоб син сказав їй усю правду. 6. Його батько наполягав, щоб Майкл отримав освіту, необхідну для джентльмена. 7. Вона дала розпорядження, щоб Тому вручили листа вранці. 8. Вчитель порадив студентам, щоб вони працювали влітку гідами-екскурсоводами. 9. Куратор запропонував, щоб ми обговорили це питання з деканом

Ex. 257. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the use and the meaning of the verb forms. Translate them into your native language.

1. I wish I could speak Spanish. 2. He wished he had his father’s talent. 3. I wish you were listening to me more attentively. 4. I wish you were here and knew what we know. 5. Alec wished he hadn’t gone with them. 6. We wish it were sunny and warm all year round. 7. Mother wished Ann didn’t have a bad cold. 8. I wished I had stayed in the country longer. 9. She wished she hadn’t been rude to him. 10. We wish we had known about the incident then. 11. I wish I could have kept us company that night. 12. Steve wished he had stayed up all night. 13. I wish you would come to my party tomorrow. 14. I wish you would tell me what your theory is. 15. He only wished he could work more.


Ex. 258. Compose sentences expressing an unreal wish using the sentences given below for basis. Look at the model.

Model: It is a pity he took leave of us so soon.

I wish he had not taken leave of us so soon.

1. It is a pity you did not restrain yourself from saying those insulting things. 2. It is a pity you did not comply with their request. 3. It is a pity he is so shy and self-conscious. 4. I am sorry that my feelings got the better of me at that moment. 5. It is a pity that the doctor overlooked that vital symptom. 6. I am sorry that I made that error. 7. It is a pity you can’t go to the country for a week or so. 8. It is a pity that you lost your temper while speaking to the teacher. 9. It is a pity Ann did not sing songs as a encore. She was in fine voice yesterday. 10. It is a pity we did not reach a conclusion on that question yesterday. 11. It is a pity I took my child for a walk yesterday evening. The weather was nasty; a cold wind was blowing.


Ex. 259. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested phrases.

1. We wish all of us … (to pass the exams successfully). 2. Did you wish you … (to take part in the last conference). 3. Sometimes he wished he … (to choose another topic for his graduate work). 4. How I wish that you … (to take interest in the subject). 5. My mother always wished I … (to be a teacher). 6. The students wished Professor N. … (to deliver them lectures on the history of the language). 7. I wish you … (to work hard at English). 8. My friend wishes he … (to be responsible for these lectures). 9. How we wish we … (to have courses in literature). 10. The speaker wished that the students … (to pay more attention to those important facts).


Ex. 260. Use the corresponding mood form instead of infinitive in brackets.

1. I wish I (to buy) that grey hat instead of this one. It was more expensive, but the quality was much better. 2. His words created such a stir, he wished (to utter) them but it was too late. 3. It looks like raining, I wish we (to take) our raincoats. 4. I wish you (to be) there to witness everything yourself. 5. The child is crying, I wish I (to know) how to calm her. 6. I wish you (to finish) your homework already. We could go for a walk now. 7. I wish I (to know) it was your favourite writer. I would have bought the book for you. 8. All the time she wished (not to mock) at the poor boy. 9. I wish they (to stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate. 10. Mike wished that the editors (to permit) him to copy some of their material. 11. Joel wishes that he (to spend) his vacation on the Gulf Coast next year.


Ex. 261. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Шкода, що ви не любите вірші. 2. Шкода, що я не дотримався вашої поради. 3. Яка шкода, що ви не знайомі з його працями. 4. Шкода, що зараз не весна. 5. Яка шкода, що ви ніколи не були в Англії. 6. Ми пожалкували, що не зустріли її в театрі. 7. Я б хотів, щоб ви приїхали до нас на дачу. 8. Яка шкода, що погода зіпсувалася. 9. Нам би хотілося, щоб ви ніколи не запізнювалися. 10. Хотів би я знати, куди вони пішли. 11. Як би нам хотілося, щоб ви жили з нами по сусідству. 12. Вона пожалкувала, що прийшла дуже рано. 13. Дівчині було шкода, що вона не вміє танцювати. 14. Він пожалкував, що ніколи не був у нашому театрі. 15. Мені дуже шкода, що ви пропустили таку цікаву лекцію. 16. Місіс Сміт шкодувала, що її син не лікар. 17. Шкода, що ви вчора не прийшли, у нас було дуже цікаво. 18. Фільм був дуже цікавий, мені шкода, що ви його не бачили. 19. Шкода, що ви не пішли оглянути цю виставку; я переконаний, вона б вам сподобалася.


Ex. 262. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the use and the meaning of the verb forms.

1. I feared lest I should be detained. 2. He feared lest I should have stayed too long in the sun. 3. She was afraid lest their meeting should be the last. 4. He fears lest she should have a romantic idea of the place. 5. She felt a little uneasy lest they should arrive late. 6. We were afraid lest she’d disturb them. 7. He was afraid lest people should know the truth about his affairs. 8. He felt a little uneasy that his friend might easily read his mind. 9. Mother was afraid that the girl might have told too many lies. 10. I was afraid that you might have fallen ill. 11. The man fears that he may miss the train. 12. The girl felt a bit uneasy that the hostess might disapprove of her words. 13. The woman was afraid that she might lose her job under the circumstances.


Ex. 263. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs in brackets using the Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.

1. We feared lest the weather (to change). 2. I felt a bit uneasy lest I (to make) mistakes in the dictation. 3. He feared that she (to learn) much more than she had told them. 4. The girl looked upset and feared lest his parents (to be) rude to her. 5. The woman was afraid that her niece (to see) certain old newspapers and (to know) about her parents. 6. The painter feared lest the public (to disapprove) of his brushwork. 7. The boy was afraid that he (to be late) for the performance. 8. I dreaded lest any stranger (to notice) me and (to speak) to me. 9. He trembled lest his secret (to discover). 10. Fearing that it (to rain), he took an umbrella. 11. I was afraid lest the boy (to read) the article already.


Ex. 264. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Боюсь, що я загубила ключ; ніде не можу його знайти. 2. Сестра хвилювалась, якби я не забула слова. 3. Він боявся, що ще довго не засне через шум у сусідній кімнаті. 4. Ми хвилювались, що давно блукаємо по місту. 5. Ви легко вдягнені. Боюсь, щоб ви не захворіли. 6. Вона боялась, як би її промова не розгнівала слухачів. 7. Діти хвилювались, як би тато не забув про свою обіцянку купити їм цукерки. 8. Боячись, як би не розбудити сина, вона швидко вийшла з кімнати. 9. Він боявся, що хлопець, старший за нього, хоче пожартувати з ним. 10. Вона хвилювалась, щоб вони не залишилися до чаю. 11. Боюсь, чи не трапилося з ними чого-небудь; їх досі немає. 12. Боюсь, що він відмовиться поїхати з нами за місто. 13. Мати боялася, що син застудився і йому доведеться посидіти вдома декілька днів. 14. Він боявся, що не встигне підготуватися до екзамену. 15. Діти боялися, що їх не візьмуть до лялькового театру.

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