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Topic Activities

Косвенные высказывания | TOPIC ACTIVITIES | The Judicial Power in Great Britain | Косвенные команды, просьбы, предложения | THE US CONSTITUTION | Constitution Articles | GRAMMAR AND PRACTICE | Особенности относительных местоимений и наречий | TOPIC ACTIVITIES | The Legislative Power in the USA |

Читайте также:
  1. A tangent here, but have you noticed how kid glove Vox is when he disagrees with giggles? (as he did on this topic of alpha game)…. It almost looks like beta appeasement.
  2. A) While Reading activities (p. 47, chapters 5, 6)
  3. A. Introducing the topic
  4. Activities and Honors
  5. Activities and responsibilities

1. Learn the following words:

federal bureaucracy федеральная публичная администрация (бюрократия, государственные чиновники)
to be at the apex находиться на вершине
to vest облекать властью, наделять полномо­чиями
to execute исполнять
faithfully добросовестно; верно
to implement выполнять; осуществлять; воплощать в жизнь
to enforce (laws, acts, etc.) проводить в жизнь, следить за соблюде­нием (законов, постановлений и т.п.)
to exercise authority пользоваться властью; осуществлять власть
to refer to относиться, ссылаться
guidelines and rules директивы и нормы
to establish устанавливать; учреждать
huge огромный; многочисленный (здесь)
board совет; правление; министерство; коллегия
commission комиссия, комитет
primarily в первую очередь
to be charged with поручать, вменять в обязанность, возла­гать ответственность (миссию)
to provide service обеспечивать социальное обслуживание
to make up составлять
major основной, главный
to subject to подвергать; представлять
confirmation утверждение; подтверждение
a secretary министр; секретарь, глава департамента (в США)
an undersecretary заместитель главы департамента
an assistant secretary помощник главы департамента
to serve at smb’s pleasure нести службу по чьему-либо соизволе­нию (желанию)
appointment назначение
appointee [epoіn?tі:] назначаемое лицо
to fill a position занимать (должность, вакансию)
upper-echelon [?е∫ələn] высший эшелон власти (высокопостав­ленные лица, руководящие круги)
implicitly косвенным образом, не прямо, не явно
to remove увольнять, смещать с должности
to assign duties предписывать обязанности
to take over заменять, вступать в должность при дос­рочной её вакантности

2. Familiarize yourself with the executive departments and offices of the US federal bureaucracy:

the Executive Office of the President – Исполнительное управление при Президенте

the Cabinet – Кабинет Президента (все главы исполнительных департаментов – консультативный орган при Президенте)

executive departments of the Cabinet – исполнительные департа­менты (министерства) Кабинета

the White House Office – Служба Белого Дома

the Office of Management and Budget – Административно-бюджетное управление

the National Security Council – Совет национальной безопасности

the Council of Economic Advisors – Совет экономических кон­сультантов

Office of Policy Development – Политическое ведомство

Office of National Drug Control Policy – Департамент здравоохранения

Office of Science and Technology Policy – Департамент науки и техники

Office of Administration – Служба администрации

the administrative or service agencies – административные или общественные учреждения (агентства)

the Small Business Administration – Управление малым бизнесом

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – На­циональное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космичес­кого пространства

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA = ЦРУ) – Центральное разве­дывательное управление

the General Services Administration – Управление социальным об­служиванием

independent regulatory agencies – независимые регуляторные ве­домства (агентства)

government corporations – управленческие корпорации

3. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

bureaucracy; personnel; agency; commission; statute; service; to nominate – nomination; administrative – administrator; department; regulatory; cabinet; directors of bureaus; function (n) – to function (v); practice.


4. Review the meaning of the following verbs:

to employ –давать работу; держать на службе; to take care of – заботиться; to be concerned with – касаться, иметь отношение; заниматься, иметь дело с ч-л; to appoint – назначать; to sign – подписывать; to include – содержать, заключать в себя; включать в состав; to carry out – выполнять, доводить до конца; to head – возглавлять; to hire – нанимать, принимать на работу; to report to – представлять отчёт к-л.; быть подотчётным к-л.; to require – требовать; to advise – давать советы, консультировать.



5. Translate the following English word-combinations:

to execute the laws faithfully; enforce acts of Congress; senatorial confirmation; to make up a second major element of the bureaucracy; to fill upper-echelon positions; the chief executive; can remove them at any time; by custom and practice.


6. Look through the text and match the underlined English words and expressions with the following Russian equivalents:

1) держит на службе штат сотрудников из гражданских лиц;

2) все остальные;

3) в соответствии с…, согласно;

4) подписывает законопроекты (билли), наделяя их юридической силой закона;

5) осуществляет власть, руководствуясь Административным правом;

6) под руководством Президента;

7) занимается сбором информации и консультирует Президента;

8) возложена миссия выполнять политику исполнительной власти;

9) представляются в Сенат на утверждение;

10) высший руководящий состав;

11) будучи принятыми на службу;

12) право назначать и смещать чиновников;

13) увольнять без причины;

14) в случае смерти, отставки или болезни.

The Executive Power in the USA: Bureaucratic Organization

The US federal government (or bureaucracy as it is often called) is made up of three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Today the federal bureaucracy employs more than 3 million nonmilitary personnel: 15 000 in the judicial branch, 40 000 in the legislative branch, and all the rest in the executive branch. The President is at the apex of the federal bureaucracy.

According to Article II of the Constitution, “The Executive Power shall be vested in a president … (who) shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This means that the President is a chief administrator (chief executive). The President not only signs bills into law, but also implements them. Practically, the chief executive exercises his authority through Administrative Law. This refers to the guidelines and rules established by executive branch agencies to implement and enforce acts of Congress.

The chief executive is helped in administrative tasks by a huge bureaucracy, including the Executive Office of the President (EOP), the Vice-President, 14 executive departments of the Cabinet, and more than 50 regulatory agencies, boards, and commissions.

Under the president is the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The EOP includes such organizations as the White House Office, the Office of Management and Budget, the National Security Council, and the Council of Economic Advisors. These agencies are primarily concerned with gathering information and advising the president. The other parts of the EOP such as Office of Policy Development, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of Administration, etc. are charged with carrying out executive policy and congressional statutes and providing service.

Fourteen executive departments of the Cabinet make up a second major element of the bureaucracy. Each is headed by a Cabinet Secretary who is nominated by the President and subject to senatorial confirmation. Typically, each Secretary has an undersecretary and several assistant secretaries, who serve at the President’s pleasure. Beneath them are the directors of bureaus and other offices within the department.

The third and fourth major elements of the bureaucracy are the administrative or service agencies – such as the Small Business Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA = ЦРУ), the General Services Administration, etc. – and independent regulatory agencies and government corporations. The directors of administrative or service agencies report to the president, who can remove them at any time.

The president nominates or appoints people to fill upper-echelon positions: the top personnel in the Cabinet departments, members of the Executive Office, and upper-level executives in regulatory agencies. The appointees for the regulatory agencies must be representative of both major parties. (Once hired, they do not report to the president but function as independent members of the bureaucracy). Senate confirmation of these presidential nominations and appointments is generally required, except for most positions in the Executive Office of the President.

The presidential power of appointment also implicitly includes by custom and practice the authority to remove officials. The president can remove without cause all presidential appointees except those named to regulatory agencies.

The role of the Vice-President is not very well defined in the Constitution. It is the President who assigns duties to the elected Vice-President. The Vice-President is supposed to take over from the President in case of death, resignation or sickness until the next election.

7. Read the text one more time and say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The US Federal Government is made up of three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

2. The most numerous is the legislative power.

3. According to Article 2 of the Constitution the Legislative power shall be vested in the President.

4. Thirteen executive departments make up the most important element of the bureaucracy.

5. The Department is a bigger institution of authority than bureaus and offices.

6. The President cannot remove the directors of administrative and service agencies.

7. To be independent of the President’s subjective wishes the upper-echelon positions in the President’s Cabinet are filled by the Congress. The President’s power is so large that he can remove any appointee without exception.

8. The functions of the Vice-President are not clearly defined in the Constitution.


8. Match the following Russian and English equivalents:

1) to make up 2) to execute 3) to sign 4) to refer to 5) guideline 6) huge 7) advisor 8) to head 9) small business a) исполнять (закон) b) возглавлять c) составлять d) огромный e) советник f) подписать g) малый бизнес h) указание, директива i) относиться к ч-л.; ссылаться на

9. Use prepositions correctly. In case of doubt turn to the text:

1. The government is made up ___ (of, for, in) three branches.

2. According ___ (for, to, at) Article 2…

3. The President sings bills ___ (for, on, into) laws.

4. These agencies are concerned ___ (with, at, after) gathering information.

5. To be charged ___ (in, for, with) duties…

6. To be subject ___ (with, after, to) senatorial confirmation…

7. The direct report ___ (for, to, at) the President…

8. The President assigns duties___ (to, for/ at) the Vice-President.

9. In case of early death the Vice-President takes over ___ (after, from, at) the President.

10. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the executive power vested in under the American constitution?

2. What does it mean to be “the chief executive”?

3. What is the President supposed to do as chief executive?

4. Who is the President helped by in administrative tasks?

5. What are the agencies of the EOP primarily concerned with?

6. What are a few parts of the EOP charged with?

7. What departments make up a second major element of the executive power?

8. Who heads the departments of the Cabinet?

9. Who subordinates to the Cabinet Secretaries?

10.What are the third and fourth elements of the bureaucracy?

11.Which of the bureaucratic elements are independent?

12.What executive personnel is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate?

13.What does the President’s power of appointment include?

14.Who can’t be removed by the President from the bureaucracy if once hired?

15.Who takes over from the President in case of death, resignation or sickness?

16.What function enhances a president stature?

17.What is the chief executive’s most important task? What does it include?

18.What does a president’s popularity frequently rise and fall with?

19.What are the major tasks and powers of the President as legislative leader?

20.What powers are a part of the President’s role as diplomatic leader?

21.What is the President’s role as commander-in-chief?

22.Which of the President’s functions is the most trivial?

23.Which of the President’s functions is the most crucial? Why?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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