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Grammar and practice

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Читайте также:
  1. After having studied grammar (The Noun. The Number)
  3. Base Practices
  4. Base Practices
  5. Becoming Your Own Grammar Tutor
  6. BEFORE, AFTER & WHILE Practice
  7. But grammar gives them the willies

Relative Clauses

Определительные придаточные предложения

Позиция Следуют за определяемым существительным
Тип I. Identifying (идентифицирующие) II. Non-Identifying (не идентифицирующие)
Пунктуация Запятые не ставятся Выделяются запятыми
Маркеры: 1) relative pronouns 2) relative adverbs who/ whom/ that о людях; which/ thatо вещах и животных; whoseо принадлежности; whereо местонахождении; whenо времени; whyо причине who/whomлюди which вещи, животные whose принадлежность whereместо whenвремя
Функция Сообщают важную информацию опознавательно-конкретизирующего характера, без которой смысл главного предложения был бы непонятен. Дают дополнительную информацию описательно-классифицирующего характера, не влияющую на понимание смысла главного предложения.
Примеры 1. People are fined. Люди получают штраф. (Какие люди? За что? Неясно.) People who/that park illegally are fined. Люди, которые паркуют ма­шины в нелегальном месте, получают штраф. 2. My cat is called Monty. Моего кота зовут Монти. (Ясно, о ком идёт речь.) My cat, which I found in the street, is called Monty. Моего кота, которого я нашёл на улиц е, зовут Монти (дана дополни­тельная информация).

1. Read and translate the following sentences. Make analysis of the relative clauses:

1. We know a lot of people who serve in the militia.

2. An investigator is someone who uncovers a crime.

3. I spoke to a man whom I had met before.

4. Jim is the boy whose uncle is a doctor.

5. I do not like stories that have unhappy endings.

6. Peter told me about his new job, which he’s enjoying very much.

7. My neighbour Leonid, who lives in Moscow, is a member of Russian Parliament (State Duma).

8. The woman who lives next door is a lawyer.

9. The person who is sitting next to her is a well-known scientist.

10. Andrew works for a company that distributes cars.

11. I know a lot of people, who live from hand to mouth.

12. The people who work in the office are very friendly.

13. The policeman who I wanted to see was on holiday.

14. We attended the seminar which our tutor recommended.

15. Do you know anyone who speaks English and French?

16. John, who speaks French and Italian, works as a tourist guide.

17. This is the suburb where Felix lives.

18. I’ll always remember the day when I got married.

19. The reason why he can’t meet you tonight is that he’s working overtime.

20. “For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty who don’t want to learn – much.”

(W.C. Sellar and B.J. Yeatman, British authors)

2. Choose the correct relative pronoun or adverb from the list:

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