Chapter fourteen
- it was double Dutch to him – была для него китайской грамотой (тарабарщина, галиматья)
- They’ve made a good job of sewing you up. – Тебя неплохо подлатали.
- Tattersall’s – место заключения споров на скачках; место, где встречаются торговцы лошадьми
- the Tote – totalizator – тотализатор
- He was alive, but only just. – он был едва жив
- The idea … was as safe as a stick of dynamiter in a bonfire – Эта мысль была также опасна, как и шашка динамита, брошенная в костер.
- to entice Mr Thiveridge out of his lair. – выманить господина Фивериджа из его логова.
- cosh – (сленг) дубинка
- as bait to a predator – как подсадная утка, наживка
- the Wolseley – английский автомобиль, названный по имени производителя (назывался так до 1960-х годов, хотя в 1927 году был продан компании Morris и затем вошел в состав British Leyland
- a junior CID officer – (сокр.) Criminal Investigation Department; младший офицер уголовного розыска (полицейские этого подразделения не носят форму)
- a scythe – (с.-х.) коса
- I nearly found out the hard way. – Я чуть было не проверил это на собственной шкуре.
I. Explain the following phrases:
- Pete said, ‘I suppose you still can’t remember what happened?
‘No,’ I said regretfully, ‘Sometimes I think – but I can’t get hold of it – ‘
‘Perhaps it’s just as well,’ he said comfortingly.
- Now the boundary was crossed.
- There was nothing on my tail. … But I was taking no chances.
- It crossed my mind, not for the first time, that cause and effect in the Thiveridge organization never followed closely on each other.
- Here was the attack I had been waiting for, and I had damn nearly walked meekly into the trap.
II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:
- коричневая оберточная бумага – p.72
- сложил и засунул во внутренний карман – p.72
- подсказка – p.72
- расстояние между двумя зданиями – p.74
- раскрыть секрет - p.74
- чувство меры – p.75
- сделать заявление – p.75
- быть недовольным – p.75
- отчет очевидца – p.76
- меньшее зло, чем – p.77
- я не посмел третий раз взглянуть на него – p.78
- производитель тканей – p.78
- слишком много совпадений – p.78
III. Answer the following questions:
- What happened to Joe Nantwich? Why was he killed?
- How and where did Alan discover Joe? Why did Alan search Joe’s inside pocket? Why didn’t Joe tell Alan anything before dying?
- What made Alan feel jealous while looking for Joe?
- What steps did Alan take to help the police investigate the murder?
- Why did Alan tell a lie about Joe’s last minute?
- What did Alan mean when he said to himself that the boundary had been crossed and whom did he consider responsible for it?
- What question was it to be answered and why wasn’t it simple?
- Where did Alan spend the night after the first day of West Sussex races? Why did he take precautions not to be seen?
- What letter did he write to his father? Why did he ask his father to forgive him?
- Why did he acquire four shillings’ worth of pennies? What did he do with them?
- What did Alan expect to happen the next day? What effect did the awareness of danger have on his nerves?
- Why did he feel that his behaviour was a bit idiotic as nothing happened during the races?
- Who met Alan after the race? Why did he follow the men?
- What gave Alan a shock? What did he suddenly realize?
- How did Alan manage to escape the trap set for him?
IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:
to quicken their steps
faint smile
there was no sign of Joe
he gave a single choking sound
to acquire four shillings’ worth of pennies
my nerves had calmed down
urgent messages
folded warrant
Class twelve (Chapter 15)
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