Chapter thirteen
- The three aspirins I had swallowed in place of breakfast had not come up to scratch. – Три таблетки аспирина, которые я проглотил вместо завтрака, вовсе не помогли.
- Why on earth did he do that? – С чего это вдруг он сделал это?
- nominee – покупатель по доверенности, подставное лицо
- It sounds very fishy to me. – Это кажется мне очень подозрительным.
- the electoral register – списки избирателей
- Spill the beans, there’s a good chap. – Давай парень, выкладывай все, что знаешь.
- Mr Alan has an unerring instinct for smelling out crooks. – У господина Алана просто нюх на жуликов и пройдох.
- to take heed of the warning – чтобы я внял предупреждению
- You tip Joe the wink to lose. – Вы намекаете Джо, что он должен проиграть.
- He can offer better odds on it. – Он может предложить принять на нее ставки на самых соблазнительных условиях.
- nee – (born) рожденный
- camouflage – Только для прикрытия
- Whoever put them on me – Тот, кто натравил их на меня
I. Explain the following phrases:
- Lodge’s face when he saw me was a picture.
- I told them how Kate and I had tracked down the horse-box, and that that particular line of enquiry was a dead end.
- But I guessed that he was as addicted to detecting as an alcoholic to drink. He couldn’t help doing it.
- He sold it for a large profit after the war, went to Brighton, and bought for next to nothing and old taxi business that had wilted from wartime restrictions and lack of petrol.
- My son is Sherlock Holmes reincarnated.
- Ex-Regimental-Major Thomkins made such serious inroads into the illicit profits of Marconi-cars, that as a racket it was more or less defunct.
- It’s too much of a coincidence to have two businesses, both shady, one above the other, both with invisible and untraceable owners.
- Presently Lodge said, ‘I can see why your father misses you as a fraud spotter.’
II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:
- я был в ужасном настроении – p.66
- сохранять серьезное выражение лица – p.67
- выпустил эту деталь – p.67
- предательство – p.67
- вызвались стоять у дальних препятствий – p.68
- забрал то, что ему причиталось (что заработал) – p.68
- приобрел свой собственный ресторан – p.68
- купил за бесценок – p.68
- с выгодой – p.68
- быть обидчивым, очень чувствительным на эту тему – p.69
- в отношении обмана и махинаций – p.69
- запугивать малые предприятия – p.69
- незаконные доходы – p.69
- законная сторона дела – p.69
- открыть новое предприятие, расширить дело – p.69
- сбалансировать бухгалтерские книги – p.70
- с оттенком насмешки – p.70
- пока они не начинают мешать – p.70
- мошенник – p.71
- неожиданно – p.71
III. Answer the following questions:
- How fast was Alan recovering? Why was he in a foul mood?
- Why was Alan cross with Inspector Lodge?
- What had Inspector Lodge find out in connection with Alan’s accident?
a) about the attendants at the fences,
b) about the owners of Marconi-car taxi line,
c) about Clifford Tudor,
d) How business matters are settled at Marconi-cars,
e) About the standard office routine there.
- Why did that information sound very fishy? What were Alan’s ideas on what was going on and who might be responsible for it?
- Why did Alan want to believe that the man they were after was a complete stranger?
- What was the role of bookmakers, jockeys, trainers, C. Tudor?
- Whom did Alan suspect of being involved in the fraud?
- What supposition wouldn’t Alan have to face?
IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:
at tortoise pace
my memory is affected
transfer of ownership
all business matters are settled by…
on any other official list
standard office routine
shady business
invisible and untraceable owners
legitimate gains
a bunch of bookmakers’ tickets
racing form book
the men were are after
pointed questions
a coincidence or the beginning of a scheme
Class eleven (Chapter 14)
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