Chapter six
- Coroner – коронер, следователь, производящий дознание в случаях насильственной или скоропостижной смерти
- coroner’s inquest – следствие
- I’ll keep you posted – буду держать тебя в курсе дела
- When Charles I was beheaded – Карл I (1600-1649) был обезглавлен
- Honours even – ничья, счет равный
- a horse-box – фургон для перевозки лошадей
- colic – колика, резкая боль
- lay-by – место на обочине для кратковременной остановки
- breast bone – грудная кость
- the AA book – автомобильный справочник (Automobile Association)
- Seniour Steward – главный распорядитель на скачках
I. Explain the following phrases:
- School work could wait, my father used to say. It was more important for me to know every detail about the kingdom I was to inherit.
- I had discovered how painful it is to love.
- I had some idea that they intended to ransom me to my distant millionaire parent.
- ‘Deeds speak louder than words.’
- But I didn’t make it.
- It no longer has any priority with us.
- Someone has been to great pains to tell me not to ask awkward questions about it.
- Perhaps the taxi business is in the doldrums.
- ‘You must have touched the nerve somewhere,’ said Lodge.
- It was comforting to realize that my adversary was not a man of superhuman intelligence.
II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:
- быть очень голодным – p.23
- быть в прекрасных отношениях – p.24
- с явным облегчением – p.24
- из-за меня – p.24
- засвидетельствовать, дать показания – p.24
- сопровождать – p.24
- страховка – p.25
- таможенные пошлины – p.25
- несколько партий меди – p.25
- ежедневные дела компании – p.25
- оценить с первого взгляда – p.25
- важность колебания мировых цен на сырье – p.25
- избежать наказания за это мерзкое злодеяние – p.25
- завидовать – p.26
- ветеринар – p.27
- припарковался на обочине – p.27
- устроить отличную ловушку – p.27
- остановить наугад первого попавшегося водителя – p.27
- девай, передавай свое сообщение – p.28
- совать свой нос в чужие дела – p.28
- подлинный регистрационный номер машины – p.29
- забрать деньги, которые ему положены – p.30
- мне это льстит – p.30
- могу еще больше все запутать - p.31
- вам не нравится, что вас называют молодым и горячим – p.31
- быть жестоким до некоторой степени – p.31
III. Answer the following questions:
- Why did Alan stay on in Bill’s house after his death?
- What was the verdict of the inquest? Why wasn’t Alan surprised?
- What was Alan’s job in London’s office of the company?
- How did Alan spend Friday evening? Why did he have to admit that it was painful to be in love?
- What made Alan stop on his way home after Kempton Park races?
- What happened to Alan in the horse-box?
- Why hadn’t Inspector Lodge got any further with Bill Davidson’s death?
- What conclusions did Alan come to after the incident with the horse-box? Why did he think he hadn’t been injured?
- What course of actions did Alan decide to take further?
- What thoughts crossed his mind while he was playing cards with Bill’s children? What surprised Alan when he compared the children with their parents?
IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:
to attend the inquest
I promised him his death would be avenged
to arrange the details of
accounts of my racing
my assessment of the future
I’ll die of suspense
Where did you take Kate out?
She is teasing us
I ended up standing
It was no good
to unbutton the shirt
there is no indication
I consider it significant enough
to justify this belief
to ignore his pay packet
may be on bail or let off with a fine
no mention of wire in the press
to put people on their guard
Class five (Chapter 7)
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