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They write in the newspapers he was invited to

Читайте также:
  1. B) grow (2) / make (3) / write / compose / invent / paint / build / discover / elect
  2. I. Read the following transcriptions of geographical terms. Write them in words.
  3. I. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
  4. III. Write the bones of the skeleton according to the task
  5. My Favourite Writer
  6. My Favourite Writer
  7. Read the text and write whether the statements after the text agree with the information given in the text. Write


  1. I still remember the day………
  2. You may tell it to your friend………
  3. The party……… was rather long and boring.
  4. He called the police …… his life was in danger.
  5. This proposal was the last thing………
  6. The town …… was situated near the bay.
  7. The actor …… was giving an interview.
  8. The storm …… caused a lot of damage.
  9. I don’t believe all ………



Ex. 7. Omit the relative pronouns where possible.


1.This was the town that I had lived in when I was very small. 2.i didn’t have any idea as to the direction in which we were driving. 3.The doctor who we were waiting for was late. 4.I’ll never forget the day when I met you. 5.This is the island where we spent our vacation. 6.The music, which I listened to last night, was good. 7.The girl who’s going to be an airhostess should speak foreign languages. 8.The interview, which was given by a film director, as a great success. 9.I liked the lecture, which he had given. 10.The TV serial, which we saw last night wasn’t very interesting. 11.All the actors who played in that film were really talented. 12.The fax, which has just arrived, is very important. 13.The dormitory where the students live is situated far from the University.14.She is the girl who we were talking about this morning.

Ex.8. Read the jokes. Open the brackets using attributive clauses without connectives.


Young artist: You think it’s the worst picture (которую я когда-либо рисовал), don’t you?

Old artist: No, I don’t. I’m sure it is the worst picture (которую кто-либо в мире нарисовал).


A man was very fond of books and had a fine collection of them. He was displeased with some people never running the books (которые он дал им почитать). One day he complained of it to his friend who was a librarian.

“Yes, unfortunately, this is usually the case”, said the librarian.

“People don’t return the books (которые они у вас взяли), because they find it much easier to retain the books than to remember the things (о которых они прочитали).”


A man of a rather limited education is trying in vain to make out a fourteenth century text (который он обнаружил на полках библиотеки). At least he gives up all hope to understand it and says to his neighbour, “In some books (которые здесь можно взять) the spelling is very bad. I think the publishing houses don’t pay proper attention to the way (как некоторые авторы пишут слова).”

Ex.9. Translate into Russian. Define attributive clauses without connectives.


1.The stories Bob tells us are usually very funny. 2.The experiments they’ve made are not very successful. 3.The girl he fell in love with soon left him. 4.The letter I received informed me about my father’s illness. 5.i know the fact you are driving at. 6.He’s the man I can rely on. 7.The things h said seemed meaningless. 8.She is the woman a man would like to take care of. 9.The device he had constructed proved to be useful. 10.This is the man you wanted to see.


Ex.10. Using who, which and that, combine each set of sentences into one sentence. Punctuate correctly. (More than one correct answer is possible).


Models: 1) a) People need people.

b) They are the luckiest people.

- People who need people are the luckiest people.

2) a) My uncle owns a fashionable apartment.

b) He lives in L.A.

- My uncle, who lives in L.A., owns a fashionable apartment.


  1. a) Tom’s car was at the repair shop.

b) Tom’s car is a 1985 Mazda.

  1. a) I like friends.

b) They share my interests in helping others.

  1. a) Workers may lose their jobs.

b) They oppose this contract.

  1. a) The herb smells wonderful.

b) Jane planted the herb last week.

  1. a) Dancing is my hobby.

b) Dancing relaxes me after a long working day.

  1. a) Andrew’s house has a terrace.

b) The terrace overlooks the sea.

  1. a) The fireworks began at ten o’clock.

b) They were spectacular.

  1. a) The boats are in the marina.

b) They are all for sale.


Ex.11. Translate into English paying attention to attributive clauses.


1. 1.Мне бы хотелось поблагодарить тех людей, которые организовали эту выставку.

2. Все события, которые произошли с нами, не были случайными.

3. Репортёр, который первым оказался на месте аварии, успел дать материал в вечерний выпуск.

4. Вот письмо, которое вы искали.

5. Мой деловой партнёр, который сейчас находится в США, вернётся на следующей неделе.

6. Беседа, которая оказалась очень полезной, продолжалась более часа.

7. Дом, в котором я живу, расположен в самом центре города.

8. Реклама, советам которой я часто следую, на этот раз подвела меня.

9. Человек, с которым я недавно разговаривала в институте, оказался новым деканом нашего факультета.

10. 7.30 – как раз то время, когда прибывает самолёт из Москвы.

11. Дети, которые посещают гимназии, получают хорошее образование. 1

12. 2. Полицейский посмотрел на водительское удостоверение, которое я протянул ему, и вернул мне его обратно.

13. Это – та проблема, которую предстоит решить следующему поколению.

14. Кэрол, которая работает стюардессой, только что улетела в Индию.

15. Люди, которые много работают, обычно добиваются успеха. 1

16. 6. Никогда не ешьте фрукты, которые ещё не созрели.

17. Олимпийские игры, которые явились последними в 20 веке, прошли в Сиднее.


Ex.12: Repeat the meaning of the given verbs and use them in the exercise below. Complete the sentences with the following particles: away, down, in, off, on, out, up.


Some Common Phrasal Verbs

figure out........ find the solution to a problem

hand in.......... give homework, test papers, etc., to a teacher

hand out........ give something to this person, then that person, then another person, etc.

look up.......... look for information in a dictionary, a telephone directory, an encyclopedia, etc.

make up......... invent a story

pick up.......... lift

put down........ stop holding or carrying

put off........... postpone

put on........... put clothes on one's body

take off.......... remove clothes from one's body

throw out f ….. put in the trash, discard

turn off.......... stop a machine or a light

turn on.......... start a machine or a light

wake up......... stop sleeping

write down...... write a note on a piece of paper


1. Before I left home this morning, I put ______ my coat.

2. When I got to class this morning, I took my coat ______.

3. The students handed their homework ______.

4. Johnny made a story ______. He didn't tell the truth.

5. The weather was bad, so we put ______ the picnic until next week.

6. Alice looked a word ______ in her dictionary.

7. Alice wrote the definition.

8. My roommate is messy. He never picks ______ his clothes.

9. The teacher handed the test papers ______ at the beginning of the class period.

10. A strange noise woke ______ the children in the middle of the night.

11. When some friends came to visit, Chris stopped watching TV. He turned the television set ______.

12. It was dark when I got home last night, so I turned the lights ______.

13. Peggy finally figured ______ the answer to the arithmetic problem.

14. When I was walking through the airport, my arms got tired. So I put my suitcases ______ for a minute and rested.

15. I threw ______ yesterday's newspaper.



Ex.13: Complete the sentences with particles. Discuss the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the sentences.

1. When I raised my hand in class, the teacher called ______ me.

2. While I was walking down the street, I ran ______ an old friend.

3. Fred feels okay today. He got ______ his cold.

4. Last week I flew from Chicago to Miami. I got ______ the plane in

Chicago. I got ______ the plane in Miami.

5. Sally took a taxi to the airport. She got out ______ the taxi in front

of her apartment building. She got ______ the taxi at the airport.

6. I take the bus to school every day. I get ______ the bus at the corner

of First Street and Sunset Boulevard. I get ______ the bus just a

block away from the classroom building.

Ex.14: Complete the sentences with correct forms of other: another, other, others, the other, the others.

1. Jake has only two suits, a blue one and a gray one. His wife wants him

to buy another ____ one.

2. Jake has two suits. One is blue, and ____________ is gray.

3. Some suits are blue. ____________ are gray.

4. Some suits have two buttons. ____________ suits have three buttons.

5. Our physical education class was divided into two groups. Half of the students stayed inside and played basketball. ____________ students went outside and played soccer.

6. If you really hate your job, why don't you look for ____________ one? You don't have to be a dishwasher all your life. There are lots of ____________ jobs in the world.

7. An automobile consists of many parts. The motor is one, and the

steering wheel is _____________. _____________ parts are: the brakes, the trunk, and the fuel tank.

8. Some people keep dogs as pets. ____________ have cats. Still

____________ people have fish or birds as pets. Can you name

____________ kinds of animals that people keep for pets?

9. When I was a kid, I had two pets. One was a black dog. _____________ was an orange cat.

10. When I walked into the classroom on the first day, the room was empty. I sat down at a desk and wondered if I was in the right room. Soon ____________ student came and took a seat. Then a few____________ followed, and the room slowly began to fill.

11. The students in our class had two choices: basketball or soccer. Half of the students played basketball. _____________ played soccer.

12. Here, children. I have two coins. One is for you, Tommy. _____________ is for you. Jimmy.

13. My boyfriend gave me a ring. I tried to put it on my ring finger, but it didn't fit. So I had to put it on _____________ finger.

14. People have two thumbs. One is on the right hand. ____________

is on the left hand.

15. The telephone and the automobile are twentieth-century inventions. _____________ are the computer, television, and the airplane. Can you name _____________ twentieth-century inventions?


Ex 15: Complete the sentences with in, at, or on. All of the expressions contain time expressions.

1. History is the study of events that occurred ______ the past.

2. We don't know what will happen ______ the future.

3. Newspapers report events that happen ______ the present.

4. Last year I was a junior in high school. ______ present, I am a senior in high school.

5. I am a student ______ the present time, but I will graduate next month.

6. Ms. Walker can't come to the phone right now. She's in a meeting ______ the moment.

7. I usually take a walk ______ the morning before I go to work.

8. Frank likes to take a nap ______ the afternoon.

9. Our family enjoys spending time together ______the evening

10. Our children always stay home ______ night.

11. I got home ________midnight

12. I ate lunch_________noon

13. I moved to this city ___________September

14. I moved here _____-1990

15. I moved here _________September, 1990

16. I moved here September, 3

17. I moved here September, 3, 1990

18. I moved here ______the fall

19. I work ___________morning. ______________the afternoon I have an English class

20. ________ Wednesday I work all day.

21. My plane was supposed to leave ______ 7:07 P.M., but it didn't take off until 8:30.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: QUATATIONS AND JOKES | Our Century and the next One | Text IA | YOUNG ENGINEERS. | OCEANS OF RESEARCH. | THE ASSEMBLY LINE | Still Sprinting | Text IIB | NOT SO SNOW WHITE AFTER ALL. | William Randolph Hearst |
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