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I. Read the following transcriptions of geographical terms. Write them in words.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following voice mail messages and complete each message using one of the three verbs In the box.
  2. B) grow (2) / make (3) / write / compose / invent / paint / build / discover / elect
  3. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.
  5. Deal with these problems. Brownstock washing following an oxygen delignification
  6. Ex 11 Change the following sentences using the words in bold type.
  7. Ex 14 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech following the examples. Notice the changes in the pronouns.

[jH'kreIn], ['jVqrqp], ["jVqrq'pJqn], [kR'peITIqns], [kraI'mIqn], ['dxnjHb], ['rASq], ["belq'rHs], ['pqVlqnd], [slq'vxkIq], [rqV'meInIq], [mPl'dqVvq], ['hANgqrI], [speIn], ['dZE:mqnI], [frRns], ['sJqv'RzPv].

II. Give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

Східно-Європейська рівнина; морський кордон; сприятливе географічне положення; транзитний пункт для пасажирів і товарів; мішані ліси; луки; землі для фермерства; степи; Кримський півострів; природні ресурси; дорогоцінне та напівдорогоцінне каміння; лікування мінеральними водами і грязями; гірське озеро; погодні умови; різноманітний рослинний і тваринний світ; ссавці, риби, комахи і плазуни; Середземноморська субтропічна кліматична зона.


III. Arrange the following words in antonymic pairs.

· East, favourable, narrow, rich, comfortable, fertile, positive, natural, south, plains, short, land, different, horizontal, deciduous, curative, considerable, varied.

· Poor, morbific, wide, artificial, west, mountains, unfavourable, long, sea, similar, infertile, vertical, north, pine, inconsiderable, uniform, uncomfortable, negative.


IV. Read some interesting facts about Ukraine.

1. Geographical center of Ukraine is the town of Dobrovelychivka of Kirovograd region, where in 1990 a symbolic monument was established. The geographical center of Europe is situated near the village of Dilove of Transcarpathian region.

2. The average height of the Carpathians is 700 – 1,700 m. The average height of the Crimean Mountains is 700 – 1,200 m.

3. There are nearly 40 types and subtypes of soil in Ukraine. Almost 45% of the whole area is fertile farming land.

4. The area around the rivers Dnipro and Dnister is the only place in the world where the width of the so-called “sweet” black soil line reaches 500 km. This soil is exceptional in providing very high natural quality of the harvests and belongs to the national wealth.

5. The total area of the Black Sea is above 482 thousand square km and the maximum depth reaches 2,245 m, average – 1,271 m.

6. 125 rivers have length of over 100 km, almost 4 thousand – over 10 km. The most dense river system exists in the Ukrainian Carpathians and the least dense – in the southern regions.

7. Shatskyi group includes over 30 lakes that together with the surrounding landscape form Shatskyi natural National Park where sports competitions are held and recreational zones are created.

8. Eighty-five kinds of rare animals are entered into the Ukrainian Red Book along with some kinds that are threatened with complete extinction.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Geographical Position of Ukraine| Climate of Ukraine

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