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V. Insert a correct preposition. Entitle and translate the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of Present, Past or Future Simple.
  2. Busque una forma incorrecta entre las palabras subrayadas rodeando la letra correspondiente.
  3. Busque una forma incorrecta entre las palabras subrayadas rodeando la letra correspondiente.
  4. Choose one correct sentence for each picture. There are more sentences than you need.
  5. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
  6. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs: visit / read /arrive /go / have / teach / smoke / do / speak / wash / like / go / study / know
  7. Correct word or phrase.

Telephone is the quick means (from/ of/ by) communication. The people who live far away can talk (to/ at/ with) one another as if they are sitting face (into/ for/ to) face. Telephones are connected (from/ of/ by) wires known as cables. Now we also have wireless telephones. They can work (within/ at/ on) a certain range (at/from/ in) the telephone connection. These are called cordless phones. This type (of/ from/ by) phone can be carried (with/ in/ by) a person (within/ in/ at) a car or even if he goes (to/ at/ for) a walk.



Grammar Exercises

Direct Question Indirect Questions
  He asked, “ Have you received my E-mail?” He asked, What article did you read?”   He asked, When will you send this parcel?” He asked, Why have you switched off your cell phone?” He asked, Who is calling you?” He asked me if (whether)I had received his E-mail. He asked me what article I had read. He asked me when I should send that parcel. He asked me why I had switched off my cell phone. He asked who was calling me.

I. Transform the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. I asked my friend, “When shall we go to the computer club?”

2. The teacher inquired, “Have you already switched off your cell phones?”

3. He wondered, “What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?”

4. My mother resented, “When did it happen?”

5. The author of the article was interested, “Why don’t young people like to read books?”

6. She asked me, “How long have you been using this mailbox?”

7. My parents inquired, “Will you have sent this parcel to the granny by her birthday?”

8. I inquired, “Did you really get his SMS yesterday?”

9. My friend wondered, “Are you going to watch that reality-show?”

10. I asked my fellow-student, “Had you finished your investigation by week-end?”


II. Translate into English.

1. Мати спитала свого сина, чи він вже обрав модель стільникового телефону, яка йому подобається.

2. Товариш поцікавився, коли я бачив цей фільм.

3. Я спитала, чи майстер відремонтує мій комп’ютер до п’ятниці.

4. Вчитель поцікавився, чи знаємо ми всі можливості інтерактивного спілкування.

5. Батько спитав, чому я не працюю над рефератом зараз.

6. Лектор запитав студентів, хто приготує повідомлення про засоби спілкування.

7. Я поцікавилася у працівниці поштового відділення, скільки часу займає відправка грошового переказу до Києва.

8. Товариш поцікавився, скільки часу я відвідую курси з комп’ютерного програмування.

9. Одногрупник запитав мене, яку книгу я читала вчора цілий вечір.

10. Вчитель обурився, чому студенти не підготували індивідуальні завдання до вівторка.

Lesson 2


Text: TheUkrainian and British Press

Grammar: Indirect Requests. Indirect Speech (Review)



Active Vocabulary


magazine event abroad public agriculture forecast brief account to consider literary investigation local fan peculiarity freedom quality newspaper tabloid to publish emotive reporting royal in addition to lunch ["mxgq'zI:n] [I'vent] [q'brLd] ['pAblIk] ['xgrIkAltSq] ['fLkQst] [brJf] [q'kQunt] [kqn'sIdq] ['lItqrqrI] [In"vesti'geISn] ['lqVkql] [fxn] [pI"kjHlI'xrItI] ['frJdqm] ['kwPlItI 'njHs"peIpq] ['txblOId] ['pAblIS] [I'mqVtIv] [rI'pLtIN] ['rOIql] [q'dISn] [lAntS] журнал подія за кордоном громадський сільське господарство прогноз, передбачення короткий, стислий оцінка,відгук вважати,розглядати літературний наукове дослідження місцевий розм. любитель особливість свобода заст. газета для знаті, панства бульварна газета видавати, публікувати емоційний репортаж королівський на додаток до, окрім ленч, другий сніданок



Read the text and answer the questions.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 90 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: VII. Read the additional text, entitle it, discuss with your group-mates advantages and disadvantages of fast food restaurants. | IV. Translate into English. | Typical Meals and Cooking | Eating Places | III. Make the following sentences passive. | Shops and Shopping | The Fastest Ways of Travelling | The Most Common Lodging | VI. Read the story and fill in the appropriate articles where necessary. | II. Translate into English. |
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Means of Communication| The Ukrainian and British Press

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