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The present Indefinite Tense

Читайте также:
  1. A) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of Present, Past or Future Simple.
  3. Commands, powers, funds, performs, conducts, passes, Constitution, represents, recommends, enforces
  4. Dr Carter says he decided to improve his presentations because
  5. Exercise 1 Use Present Simple
  6. Exercise 15. Open the brackets using correct tense form and voice.

Вживається: коли дія відбувається постійно, регулярно,систематично, але не в момент мовлення.

Утворення: 1форма дієслова(інфінітив без to):

To read-I read

To speak-I speak

To go - they go

Для 3 особи однини + \s\, \es\ (he,she,it)

I read-he reads

You go- she goes

Допоміжні дієслова:







I read-I don’t read

She speaks-she doesn’t speak


I study at college

Do I study at college?

She likes English

Does she like English?



Завдання 1

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. My working day (to begin) at sev­en o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

2. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the af­ternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well.



Тема 1.6:My relatives. Питальні речення

Фонетична зарядка

Прочитайте діалог, звертаючи увагу на інтонацію

Прочитайте діалог, стежте за правильною вимовою звука

Прочитайте та зверніть увагу на наголос

Послухайте, повторіть та прочитайте

Прочитайте діалог, звертаючи увагу на інтонацію, робіть паузи згідно з розділовими знаками

Прочитайте та вимовляйте правильно

T: What exercise did you have to do for today?
P1: We had to do exercise 7 on page 46.
T: How long did it take you to do it?
P1: It took me … minutes to do this exercise.
T: And you?
P2: I’m afraid but I couldn’t do it.

Читання тексту «My relatives»

Our family is neither large nor small. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We all live together in a three-room flat in one of the industrial districts of Kharkiv. We are an average family.

My father Ihor Ivanovych is 45 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and grey eyes. He works as a manager at a big plant. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. By character my father is a quiet man, while my mother is energetic and talkative.

My mother’s name is Olha Petrivna. She is a teacher of music and plays the piano well. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her.

My sister’s name is Alla. Like our mother Alla has blue eyes and fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Alla is three years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 8th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Literature is her favourite subject and she wants to become a teacher, as well as I do.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. Our parents don’t always agree with what we say, but they listen to our opinion.

All of us like to spend our weekends in the country. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. They are aged pensioners now, but prefer to live in the country. My grand-grandmother is still alive. She lives in my grandmother’s family and is always glad to see us. Her health is poor and she asks us to come and see her more often. I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are happy when we are together.

Завдання 1 Перекажіть прочитаний текст

Надання додаткової лексики до теми «Relatives»


Relatives by birth:

A family – родина
Parents – батьки
A mother (mum) – мати (мама)
A father (dad) – батько (папа)
A son – син
A daughter – донька
A sister – сестра
A brother – брат
A grandfather – дідусь
A grandmother – бабуся
A great-grandfather – прадід
A great-mother – прабабця
A grandson – онук
A granddaughter – онучка
Grandparents – бабуся и дідусь
Grandchildren – онуки
An uncle – дядько
An aunt – тітка
A nephew – племінник
A niece – племінниця
A cousin – двоюрідний брат (-а сестра)

Relatives by marriage

A husband – чоловік
A wife – жінка,дружина
A father-in-law – тесть, свекір
A mother-in-law – теща, свекруха
A son-in-law – зять (чоловік доньки)
A daughter-in-law – невістка
A brother-in-law – чоловік сестри
A sister-in-law – дружина брата
A stepfather – вітчим
A stepmother – мачуха
An adopted child – усиновлена дитина
An orphan – сирота
A widower – вдовець
A widow – вдова
Twins – близнюки
To be married – бути одруженим
To get married –одружитися
divorce – розлучення
Divorcee – розлучен
Single – холост, не замужем
Descendant – потомок
Direct descendant – прямий потомок
Heir – спадкоємець
Progeny – потомство
Relatives – родичі
(one’s flesh and blood – родич)

Завдання 2 Скласти діалог з даною лексикою

Надання граматичного матеріалу

Питальні речення:


B Англ. Mові є 4 типа питальних речень:

1) General Question
Pr. Indefinite
: I go to school

Do I go to school?
She visits her grandmother every summer
Does she visit her grandmother every summer?
I am a good student - Am I a good student?
She is at home - Is she at home?
We are football players - Are we football players?

2) Alternative Question

There are 5 desks in the room - Are there 5 desks...?
Are there 5 or 10 desks in the room?
Are there 5 desks or 5 pencils in the room?
Are there 5 desks in the room or in the street?

3) Special Question
A nice lamp is on the table
Where is a nice lamp?
What is on the table?
What kind of lamp is on the table?
I go to bad at 9 o'clock
When do I go to bad?
When do I go at 9 o'clock?
Who goes to bad at 9 o'clock?

4) Disjunctive Question
I see you, don't I

She comes to me, doesn't she?


Завдання 1. Поставте всі види запитання до наступних речень.

My mother works at a hospital.

His brother likes to read books in his room.

Завдання 2. Розкрийте дужки

What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3. When she (to catch) the bus? 4. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 5. She (to go) home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How she (to get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings? Where... you? — I... in the kitchen. 2. Where... Fred? — He... in the garage. 3. Where... Lisa and John? — They.. at college. 4.... you busy? — No, I... not. Mike... busy. He... the busiest person I've ever met.

Завдання 3. Перекладіть

Де ти живеш? Коли в тебе канікули? Що тобі подобається в коледжі?



Змістовий модуль 2. «EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES»

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

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