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Прочитайте прислів’яї

Читайте также:
  1. I. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1- 5 в нем, используя части предложений A- F.
  2. Z. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.
  3. А) Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения.
  4. А) Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.
  5. Вправа 2. Прочитайте кожний із текстів. Визначте стиль, до якого належить кожен із них.
  6. ЗАВДАННЯ 1. Прочитайте текст. Визначте його тему й основну думку.
  7. Завдання 11. Прочитайте текст. З'ясуйте, чи впливають вищі почуття на творчість журналіста.

Прочитайте діалог, звертаючи увагу на інтонацію

Прочитайте діалог, стежте за правильною вимовою звука

Прочитайте та зверніть увагу на наголос

Послухайте, повторіть та прочитайте

Прочитайте діалог, звертаючи увагу на інтонацію, робіть паузи згідно з розділовими знаками

Прочитайте та вимовляйте правильно

Early to bed,
Early to rise
Makes a man
Healthy, wealthy and wise.

Надання лексичного матеріалу


to get up — вставати
to have to + inf. — змушений щось робити
to make bed — застеляти ліжко
to put smth on — одягнути щось
to have breakfast — снідати
to have a lot of work to do — мати багато справ
to prefer — надавати перевагу
to sweep — мести
to dust — витирати пил
furniture — меблі
carpet — килим
vacuum-cleaner — пилосос
to go shopping — ходити по магазинах
to have opportunity — мати можливість
family affairs — сімейні справи

Читання тексту «My Working Day»

On week days I usually get up nearly six o'clock. I do not like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares, breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I prepare my breakfast for my own, I should have to get up earlier. I do not like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o'clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner. I like a big dinner, because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favourite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock, sometimes at eleven o'clock.



1. When do I usually get up on week days?
2. What do I do when I have got up?
3. Do I like big breakfasts?
4. Is my school close to my home?
5. What do I do when I have some spare time?
6. When do I usually go to bed?

Надання граматичного матеріалу

The Past Indefinite Tense
Вживається: для позначення дії, яка здійснюється у минулому, та не має зв”язку з теперішнім.
Слова показники: yesterday,last week, last month, a year ago
1) Past. Tnd (правильні дієсл.) = інфінітив без TO + ed
To life + ed lived
To study - studied
To stop - stopped
2) Past. Tnd = 2 форма неправильній дієслів
3) Питання: I worked — Did I work?
He asked - Did he ask?
Питання = Did + підмет + інфінітив
You went home - Did you go home?
They took a book - Did they take a book?
4) Заперечення = did = not + інфінітив
I worked - I didn’t work
He asked - He did nit ask правильні дієсл.

You went home - You didn’t go home
They took a book - They didn’t take a book неправильні дієсл.
Відповідь: Yes, I did / No, I Didn’t


Завдання 1. Розкрийте дужки (Past Simple).

1. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday?

2. Mr. Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning.

His wife (to water) plants in the garden. 4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV. 6. Their little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile). 7. Her brothers (to shout) at her. 8. Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitch­en.11. She (to wash) the dishes and (to look) very tired. 12. The children (to brush) their teeth, (to yawn) a little and (to go) to bed.13.Their mother (to change) her clothes and(to brush) her hair.

Завдання 2. Поставити речення в Past Indefinite Tense.

His father works at the plant.

I often see them in the park.

Do your pupils read English books?

Her mother teaches mathematics at school. -


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Vocabulary:My family and myself | About Myself | My Flat | Тема 1.4: My Flat. Множина іменника | The Possessive Case Of The Nouns | My Working Day. | Утворюється | Читання тексту | Тема 2.10 My Future Profession. Розвиток навичок читання та перекладу тексту | My future career |
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