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Assignment #2.

Читайте также:
  1. Assignment #3
  2. Assignment #5.
  3. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  4. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  5. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  6. Assignments for stylistic analysis

Assignment #1.

(up to «Sometimes, someone would speak...).

I. Study the vocabulary. Render the situations from the text containing these word-combinations:


to make fun of smb.; to hoist smth.; to be faded to many different shades; to be thoughtful for smb.; to have smb. on the team; to have smth. for all of smb.’s life; in the older days; one’s mind is on sth. (to have one’s mind set on smth./smb.); to prove smb. wrong/right; to shiver with cold; to take hold of smth.; to leave one’s sleep.

II. Translate into English, using the vocabulary:


Я з роду не бачив нічого подібного! У нашій команді з'явився новий гравець, і справи відразу ж пішли в гору. Якщо ви відвідаєте виставку цього видатного художника, то ви запам'ятаєте її на все життя. Ну, яка ж ти соня! Коли б ти не лягала спати, вранці ти ніяк не можеш відійти від сну. Давай укладемо парі, і я доведу, що ти помилявся. У минулі часи успіх супроводив рибакові.

III. Make up lists of new words to topics:

1. the sea equipment

2. the fish

IV. Give antonyms to the following from the text:

- to get rid of sth.

- to be impartial to smb.

- to lose one’s form/shape/fit

V. Comment on the following:

¨ «First you borrow, then you beg»

¨ «Age is my alarm-clock»


VI. Items for discussion:


a) In what way does the description of the old man, his shack and his mode of life characterize him?

b) Characterize the boy’s attitude towards the old man.

c) What else is Di Maggio famous for, besides being an outstanding baseball player?

VII. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage «He no longer dreamed of storms»... up to the end of it.

Assignment #2.

up to words «I wish the boy was here…»

I. Find the synonyms in the text for:

¨ to be drawn by

¨ exactness / accuracy

¨ to go for / to make for

¨ fragile

¨ a drop

¨ to bear smth


II. Find the antonyms in the text for:

¨ to congregate

¨ a loud voice

¨ unstable (2 words)

¨ respect/esteem for sb.

¨ harsh/rude (2 words)

¨ optimistic


III. Study the pronunciation of the following words:

phosphorescence; Portuguese; carapace; filaments; iridescent; imperceptible; gear; pivot; myriad; porpoise; scythe

IV. Give the English equivalents from the text to:

•відчувати жаль


•проковтнути наживку

•бути в полі зору


•бути (не) сприйнятливим до (хвороби)


V. Translate into English using the vocabulary of the chapter.

1. Джон був слабовільною людиною, він лише плив за течією життя. 2. Мені боляче дивитися на сонці, у мене з'являються чорні плями перед очима. 3. Не бійся, ти не впадеш - мотузок завтовшки з кулак. 4. Вони працювали поперемінно. 5. Пароплав тягнув їх човен на буксирі до самої пристані. 6. Якщо довго залишатимешся у воді, у тебе почнуться судоми.

VI. Explain the difference between the words given in pairs. Illustrate it with the sentences of your own.

¨ desperate – despairing

¨ course – direction

¨ tolerate – endure

VII. Comment on the following:

1. «No one should be alone in their old age. But it’s unavoidable».

2. «It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready».

VIII. Speak on the following:

1. What details and trifles does an experienced fisherman pay attention to? How does he know that big fish is somewhere around?

2. The deceiving beauty of the sea.

3. Why did the old man refer to the fish he had hooked using the personal pronoun «he»? Was it just a fish for him? Did he consider the fish to be an enemy?

4. If you are asked to paint a picture on what you have read what colours would you use and why? Put the idea verbally.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: IV. Answer the questions choosing the replies from the definitions. | VII. Find Russian equivalents. | Sentences about the companies. | The History of Marks and Spencer | XIV. Scan the text, translate and answer the questions. | Use the questions below as a guide. | IV. Translate the text into English | III. Match the adjectives to their meaning | Correct word or phrase. | Letter-writing expressions. |
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