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Exercise 10. Translate words given in italics.

Читайте также:
  1. Advanced a hypothesis that, for a given degree of delignification, sulfite pulps
  2. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  3. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  4. Change the words in capital letters so that they make sense in the text
  5. Choose one of the words above and fill in the blanks in the sentences
  6. Complete the text with items from the box. You will only need six of the eight sentences given.
  7. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.

1. The urine is stored in сечовий міхур.

2. There are 2 нирки in the human being.

3. Сечовід виводить urine from the kidneys.

4. All urine is виділяється from the body by сечовипускальний канал.

5. These organs are situated in the posterior part of черевної порожнини.

6. Ниркова миска is the hollow funnel, into which urine is discharged before entering the ureter.

7. A renal stoneis a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the сечі.

8. Nephrons виводять продукти відходів from the body.

Exercise 11.Find synonyms to the words in italics in the text (sometimes more than 1 word is possible):

To keep the urine in the bladder, to remove urine from the body, to carry urine out of the body, these organs are placed behind the peritoneum, substances that can be dissolved, absorb substances again, inflammation of nephrons, unwanted (unnecessary) materials, a mucous membrane.

Exercise 12. Fill in prepositions from the box below where necessary:

for by away into out of in around of to due to into


Most urinary infections are … … bacteria that come from your own intestines. Some bacteria lie …… your anus after you pass a stool. These bacteria can sometimes travel …. your urethra and …. your bladder. Some bacteria penetrate ….. the urine and multiply quickly to cause infection.

Cystitis means inflammation ….. the bladder. It is usually caused …….. a urinary infection. Typical symptoms are pain when urine is conveyed ….. ….. the body, blood in your urine and a fever.

Your immune system can often clear the infection. Without antibiotics, cystitis (particularly mild cases), may go ….. on its own …. a few days. However, symptoms can sometimes last ….. a week or so if you do not take antibiotics.

Grammar in Use


  Active Passive
Present (not) asking – той, що питає (not) being asked – той, якого спитали
Perfect (not) having asked – той, що спитав (not) having been asked – той, якого спитали


Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into your native language paying attention to Participles:

a. Microorganisms invading the human body can develop an infection.

b. Vessels carrying blood to the heart are called veins.

c. The liver consisting of lobes is covered by fibrous tissues.

d. A nephron eliminating wastes from the body, regulates blood volume and blood pressure.

e. Being examined by the physician the patient was prescribed antibiotics.

f. Being located in the posterior part of the abdomen the kidneys receive blood from the paired renal arteries.

g. Having asked the patient about his complains the doctor could make a preliminary diagnosis.

h. Having been operated successfully the patient was gradually recovering.


Absolute Participle Construction My friend suffering from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. Так як мій друг страждав від сильного болю, я викликав лікаря.   External bleeding being profuse, the patient was taken to the hospital. Так як зовнішня кровотеча була дуже надмірною, то пацієнта забрали до лікарні.   The surgeon having performed the operation, the patient’s condition became better. Після того, як хірург зробивоперацію, стан пацієнта покращився.   The operation having been performed, the patient’s condition became better. Коли було зроблено операцію, стан пацієнта покращився.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 181 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: FUNCTIONS IN THE SENTENCE | Mastication | THE GERUND | The liver | Exercise 6. Find corresponding equivalents | Exercise 12. Put the words from the table into an appropriate gap. | Exercise 3. Find sentences with Gerund in the text and translate them into your native language. | ENDOCRINE GLANDS | HORMONES | Exercise 12. Put the words from the table into an appropriate gap. |
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Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying attention to Verbal noun.| Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.

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