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V. Look through these descriptions and give the words they describe. Try to improve the incomplete descriptions.

Читайте также:
  1. Air is sucked from the boiler house through the forced draft fan and enters the
  2. Answer these questions
  3. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  4. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  5. Can you answer these general knowledge questions about work?
  6. Change the words in capital letters so that they make sense in the text
  7. Choose one of the words above and fill in the blanks in the sentences

VI. Fill in prepositions and translate the sentences. of, at, with, from, to, in, of, for, between

1. Group...smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex networks...the purpose... bringing crude oil or natural gas...several nearby wells...a treatment plant or processing faci­lity.

2....this group, pipelines are usually short, couple... hundred meters, and...small diameters.

3. Sub-sea pipelines...collecting product... deep water production platforms are considered gathering systems.

1. Mainly long pipes... large diameters, moving products (oil* gas, refined products)... cities, countries and even continents.

2. Gas and oil transportation networks include several compressor stations... gas lines or pump stations... crude and multiproducts pipelines.

3. Distribution pipelines are composed... several intercom nected pipelines... small diameters, used to take the products... the final consumer.

4. Pipelines... terminals... distributing products... tanks and storage facilities are included... the group... distribution pipelines.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Газорозподільні мережі - система трубопроводів для транспортування і розподілу газу по об’єктах.

2. Газ в газорозподільні мережі високого тиску надходить з магістрального газопроводу через газорозподільну стан­цію, в газорозподільні мережі середнього і низького тиску - через газорозподільні пункти.

3. За призначенням розрізняють газорозподільні мережі:

· магістральні міські і міжселищні - проходять до го­ловних газорозподільних пунктів; розподільні (вуличні, внутрішньоквартальні, та ін.) - від газорозподільних пунк­тів до вводів; вводи - від розподільного газопроводу до ви­микаючого пристрою на вході до будівлі;

· ввідні газопроводи - від вимикаючого пристрою;

· внутрішні газопроводи - від ввідного газопроводу до місця включення газового приладу.

4. Газопроводи газорозподільної мережі бувають

· низького (до 0,005 МПа),

· середнього (від 0,005 до 0,3 МПа),

· високого (від 0,3 до 0,6 і від 0,6 до 1,2 МПа) тисків.

VIII. Choose the correct word. In these sentences there are some words which you do not know. Guess what they mean and explain them to each other.

The gathering system is a network/industry of pipelines and facilities. In most places, the gathering system transport/pipelines will be buried approximately three feet deep. Buried pipelines will be supported/protected by special coatings on the outside of the pipe/line, as well as a cathode supporting/ protection system. The cathode supporting /protection system consists of a current of electricity /heat applied to the buried line/pipe to ensure adequate protection/support in the case of damage to the interior/exterior coating.

The temperature of the artificial/natural gas delivered to the pipelines will be controlled/managed to minimize temperature effects on the permafrost and on the pipeline/ network. In wet areas or river crossings, the pipe/line will be weighted or anchored to prevent/support it from floating.

Where it is not desirable to bury the network/pipeline, it will be built approximately five to six feet above the ground/ soil to allow for wildlife and snowmobile movement. It will also be designed to support/withstand environmental conditions.

The main parts of the gathering system/network will be:

• Gathering pipes/pipelines to move natural gas and natural gas solids/liquids from the natural gas fields to the gas and liquids cohesion/separation facility.

• A pigging facility/device along the gathering system. It will contain pigging and natural gas liquids handling/ monitoring equipment. (Pigs are devices that are placed into a pipeline to perform/process certain functions such as cleaning the inside of monitoring its condition).

• Area Facility: Natural gas liquids/solids will be separa­ted from the natural gas at this device/facility. It will include equipment for gas performing/processing, gas chilling and comparing/compression, and liquids processing/performing.

• Natural Gas Solids/Liquids (NGL) Pipeline: The natural gas liquids will be compressed/pumped through a 10-inch diameter pipeline. The right-of-way will be 50 meters wide/width and will be shared with the natural gas pipe/pipeline. More pumping facilities/devices can be added along the way/route in the future if it is necessary to increase/enlarge the amount of natural gas liquids/solids moved through the pipeline.

What is it? A system of pipelines, compressor stations, NGL and other related facilities that gather natural gas and associated NGLs from the supply region and transport it to the transmission pipeline system.

IX. Read and translate the text; draw the table of oil pipe­lines classification.

According to the transporting matter pipelines are divi­ded into:

Oil pipelines There are two types of oil pipeline: crude oil pipeline and product pipeline. While the former carries crude oil to refineries, the latter transports refined products such as gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, and heating oil from refineries to the market. Different grades of crude oil or different refined products are usually transported through the same pipeline in different batches. Mixing between batches is small and can be controlled. This is accomplished either by using large batches (long columns of the same oil or product) or by placing an inflated rubber sphere or ball between batches to separate them. Crude oil and some petroleum products moving through pipelines often contain a small amount of additives to reduce internal corrosion of pipe and decrease energy loss (drag reduction). The most commonly used drag-reducing additives are polymers such as polyethylene oxides. Oil pipelines almost exclusively use steel pipe without lining but with an external coating and cathodic protection to minimize external corrosion. They are welded together and bent to shape in the field.

X. Reproduce this piece of information filling in the right letter.

Gas pipelines

Practically all overland transportation of nat...ral gas is by pip...line. To transport nat...ral gas by other modes such as tru...k, train, or ba...ge would be more dangerous and expensive. While g...s collection and transmission lines are made of st...el, most distribution lines (i.e., smaller lines connecting from the ma...n or transmission lines to customers) built since 1980 use flexible pl...stic pip...s, which are e...sy to lay and do not cor...ode,

XI. Fill in the blanks with the necessary tense form. Don’t forget about Passive Voice.

Offshore (submarine) pipelines

Offshore (submarine) pipelines_____ (to need)

for transporting oil and natural gas from offshore oil wells and gas wells to overland pipelines, which further

______ (to transport) the oil to a refinery or the gas to a

processing plant. They_ (to be) more expensive and

difficult___ (to build) than overland pipelines. Offshore

construction usually (to employ) a barge on which

pipe sections____ (to weld) together and (to

connect) to the end of the overland pipe. As more sections

______ (to weld) to the pipe end, the barge (to

move) toward the oil or gas field, and the completed portion of

the pipe______ (to lower) continuously into the sea

behind the barge. Construction progresses until the barge

______ (to reach) the field and the pipe_ (to

connect) to the oil or gas well. In deep seas with large waves,

ships instead of barges (to use) to lay the pipe. The

most notable offshore oil pipeline (to be) one linking the

British North Sea oil fields to the Shetland Islands.

XII. Fill in the gaps with: to transport, be transported, transported.

Pipelines for transporting other fluids

Pipelines have been built_____ many other fluids

(liquids and gases). For instance, liquid fertilizers are often

______ long distances via pipelines. The mixture of oil

and natural gas coming out of a well must as

two-phase flow by pipelines to processing facilities before the oil can be separated from the gas. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) by ships (tankers) also requires short

pipelines to connect the ships to onshore storage tanks. Pipelines as long as 180 miles have been built carbon dioxide to oil fields for injection into reservoirs to enhance oil recovery. Finally, on a smaller scale, most chemical,food, and pharmaceutical plants use pipe various liquids and gases within the plants. When such fluids are corrosive or cannot tolerate impurities, the pipe must be of inert materials.

Check yourself! ■

If you can translate these word-combinations your total score is 240.Congratulations!

Treatment plant organization  
Deep water production platform  
Gas and oil transportation networks  
Natural gas delivery temperature  
Unrefined crude oil large quantities  
Pipelines classification categories  
Research monograph subject  
Database records  
Published research international  
Dead weight tonnage  
Coal combustion  
Petroleum-derived liquid mixture  


Task 6. Pipeline Operation

I. Word usage and common errors.

1. One word or two? Some words are made by combining two short words which each has only one sound (monosyl­lables). It is a common mistake to write them using two words instead of one.

S bedroom, bathroom, goodnight, online.

X bed room, bath room, good night, on line.

2. Very. You cannot use “very” together with an adjective which already has the idea of being “very” some­thing. Examples of these kinds of adjectives are: “delicious” means “very tasty”, enormous means “very big”, “lovely” means “very nice”, “great” means “very good”.

S Ukrainian food is delicious.

X Ukrainian food is very delicious.

II. Pronunciation practice.

Headquarter, monitor, frequently, batches of fuels, temporary storage tanks, support, require, measure, various, gather, valve, perform, delivery, rate, refinery, utility.

III. Translate the international words and find more of them in the text.

Distance, automatically, computer, company, parameter, system, construction, project, instrumentation, compressor, station...

IV. Read and translate the text. Underline adjectives and adverbs in the text.

Modern long-distance pipelines are operated mainly automatically by a computer at the headquarters of the pipe­line company. The computer monitors the pressure, flow rates, and other parameters at various locations along the pipe, performs many on-line computations, and sends commands to the field to control the operation of the valves and pumps. Manual intervention is frequently needed to modify the automatic operation, as when different batches of fuels are directed to different temporary storage tanks, or when the system must be shut down or restarted.

When a pipeline is built, the construction project not only covers the civil work to lay the pipeline and build the pump/ compressor stations, it also has to cover all the work related to the installation of the field devices that will support remote operation.

Field devices are instrumentation, data gathering units and communication systems. The field instrumentation includes flow, pressure and temperature gauges/transmitters, and other devices to measure the relevant data required. These instruments are installed along the pipeline on some specific locations, such as injection or delivery stations, pump stations (liquid pipelines) or compressor stations (gas pipelines), and block valve stations.

The information measured by these field instruments is then gathered in local Remote Terminal Units (RTU) that transfer the field data to a central location in real time using communication systems, such as satellite channels, microwave links, or cellular phone connections.

V. Find the meaning of the word and the antonym (if any) in the right — hand columns.

word the meaning of the word antonym
operate   adapt, adjust, alter, change, amend, vary, transform, revise, refashion, rework    
monitor   spread, diffuse, conduct, pass on, transfer   intensify
transmit   check, watch, observe, keep an eye on, supervise, scrutinize, examine   request
modify   manage, control, regulate, preside, rule, produce, oversee, supervise order, give orders, instruct, give instructions, command, charge, dictate, tell   wind down
direct   pick up, start again, start over, take up; revive, resurrect, save, regenerate, renew, reopen   distribute
restart   gauge, calculate, compute, determine, assess, quantify, evaluate, appraise, rate    
measure   collect, bring together, amass, pull together, pile up, gather together, muster, draw together, marshal, round up, mobilize    
gather   function, work, run, activate, go, control, drive, maneuver, use; manage, trade, run, work, organize, carry out, direct, carry on, conduct    


VI. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the necessary tense form.

to perform, to send, to direct, to shut, to need, to operate, to monitor

Modern long-distance pipelines____ mainly

automatically by a computer at the headquarters of the

pipeline company. The computer the pressure^

flow rates, and other parameters at various locations along the

pipe,__________ many on-line computations, and

_________ commands to the field to control the

operation of the valves and pumps. Manual intervention is

frequently______ to modify the automatic operation,

as when different batches of fuels_____ to

different temporary storage tanks, or when the system must be down or restarted.

VII. Answer the questions.

1. How are the modern long-distance pipelines operated?

2. ' 2. What device monitors the pressure, flow rates, and other parameters at various locations along the pipe?

3. Is there a necessity for manual intervention to modify the automatic operation?

4. What kinds of work does the construction project cover?

5. What is the difference between the field devices and field instrumentation?

6. Where are the field instruments installed?

7. What are the Remote Terminal Units?

VIII. Make up sentences from the given words.

1. are controlled/Pipelines/remotely/and/operated.

2. are controlled/Pipelines/from/The Main Control Room.

3. all the data/is consolidated/central/In this center/in one/ database.

4. is received/from multiple/RTUs/The data/along/the pipeline.

5. to find/RTUs/along/It is common/at every station/ installed/the pipeline.

IX. Study the picture and read the sentences in the right order.


SCADA System for Pipelines

—Advanced Pipeline Applications are software tools instal­led on top of the SCADA system, that provide extended func­tionality to perform leak detection, leak location, batch tracking (liquid lines), pig tracking, composition tracking, predictive modeling, look ahead modeling, operator training and more.

— The SCADA system at the Main Control Room receives all the field data and presents it to the pipeline operator through a set of screens or SCADA#Human Machine Interface, showing the operational conditions of the pipeline.

- To optimize and secure the operation of these assets, some pipeline companies are using what is called Advanced Pipeline Applications.

- The operator can monitor the hydraulic conditions of the line, as well as send operational commands (open/close valves, turn on/off compressors or pumps, change setpoints, etc.) through the SC ADA system to the field.

X. Study the material and prepare the report.

Business of Pipelines

Most pipeline operators do not own the throughput they are shipping. Shippers - oil and gas producers, refineries, uti­lities and industrial customers - own the throughput and pay the pipeline operator to ship it based on the type of the product shipped, amount of throughput and distance transported.

Since oil and natural gas have to be transported to market, shippers generally reserve a fixed volume per month on the pipeline in order to ensure reliable delivery to their customers. Pipeline revenue is based on costs and throughput volumes.

How Do Oil, Natural Gas and Products Move Through a Pipeline?

No matter what the throughput, liquids in a pipeline move in discrete batches. Because every batch in a pipeline moves at the same speed - about four to eight kilometers per hour for liquids - the batches don’t mix except where they actually come in contact, and these small volumes can be reprocessed. Rarely are batches separated by physical means such as metal or plastic pigs. Natural gas volumes are not batched. They move through the pipeline at about 40 kilometers per hour. Strategically placed centrifugal pumps or compressors move liquids or natural gas respectively through pipelines. These facilities are necessary because of energy loss due to friction.

How Are Pipelines Operated?

Pipeline operation involves more than loading and off loading batches at the right time and place.

Control centre personnel are responsible for:

· monitoring the pipeline system 24 hours per day,

· scheduling batch receipt and delivery,

· controlling batch movement, and

· responding to emergencies.

Field personnel are responsible for:

• inspecting the pipeline and pipeline safety measures such as cathode protection,

• maintaining and repairing the pipeline, pumps, comp­ressors, valves, metering equipment, safety measures and elect­ronic equipment, and

• calibrating instruments.

How Are Pipelines Monitored?

Control centre personnel monitor pressure, temperature, flow rates and look for any inconsistencies which may indicate a potential leak or equipment failure. Information is fed to the control centre through remote supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

Sudden, large pressure drops will trigger automatic emer­gency systems that close valves to isolate the section of the pi­peline in question.

Check yourself!

If you can translate these word-combinations your total score is 252. Congratulations!

Control centre personnel  
Equipment failure  
Data acquisition (SCADA) systems  
Pipeline section isolation  
Pipeline safety measures  
Pressure and temperature gauges  
Shippers- oil and gas producers  
Main control room  
Leak location  
Batch tracking (liquid lines)  
Compromision tracking  
Look ahead modeling  



Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 165 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Создание собственного видеофрагмента. | I. Word usage and common errors. | IV. Answer the questions. | Pipelines | VII.Complete the sentences. | III. Read the text and underline the international words. | Give the title to the extract and discuss the problem. | Pipeline components | Task 8. Safety. Ecological and Environmental Impact | Some more facts... |
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Task 5. Pipelines Classification| Task 7. Leak Detection Systems

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