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Some more facts.

Pipelines conveying flammable or explosive material, such as natural gas or oil, pose special safety concerns.

• 1982 - A logic bomb inserted by the CIA into the control system software for the Soviet Trans-Siberian Pipeline caused one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history.

• June 4,1989 - sparks from two passing trains detonated gas leaking from an LPG pipeline near Ufa, Russia. Up to 645 people were reported killed.

• October 17,1998 - at Jesse in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, a petroleum pipeline exploded killing about 1,200 villagers, some of whom were scavenging gasoline - the worst of several similar incidents in this country.

• June 10, 1999 -a pipeline rupture in a Bellingham, Washington park led to the release of 277,200 gallons of gasoline. The gasoline was ignited, causing an explosion that killed two children and one adult.

• August 19, 2000 - natural gas pipeline rupture and fire near Carlsbad, New Mexico this explosion and fire killed 12 members of the same family. The cause was due to severe internal corrosion of the pipeline.

• July 30, 2004 - a major natural gas pipeline exploded in Ghislenghien, Belgium near Ath (thirty kilometres southwest of Brussels), killing at least 23 people and leaving 122 wounded, some critically. (CNN) (Expatica)

• May 12, 2006 - an oil pipeline ruptured outside Lagos, Nigeria. Up to 200 people may have been killed.

• November 1, 2007 - a propane pipeline exploded near Carmichael, Mississippi, about 30 miles (48 km) south of Meridian, Mississippi. Two people were killed instantly and an additional four were injured. Several homes were destroyed and sixty families were displaced. The pipeline is owned by Enterprise Products Partners LP, and runs from Mont Belvieu, Texas, to Apex, North Carolina, according to an Enterprise spokesman.

• 07. 2004 - pipeline between Belgium’s port Zeebrugge and northern France exploded, 23 victims.

• 08. 2005 - 28 inches underground pipeline exploded in Nigeria, resulting in conflagration which spread to 27 square miles.

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Газові і нафтові запаси, придатні для видобутку і ті, які планета Земля може без катастрофічних наслідків від­дати людям, вичерпуються і вичерпаються вже у першій половині цього століття.

2. Тому треба втілювати у життя енергозберігаючі тех­нології і шукати нові джерела енергії.

3. Безпечні для людства і природи джерела енергії мо­жуть дати можливість цивілізації розвиватися в майбутньому.

4. Це має бути така енергія, що не буде шкодити ні лю­дям, ні планеті.

Check yourself!

If you can translate these word-combinations your total score is 276. Congratulations! You have finished the basic course.

28 inches underground pipeline explosion    
Pipeline operations major emphasis    
Abnormal flow rates computer| monitoring    
Metal pipes internal corrosion control!    
Pipeline walls possible flaws detection  
Corrosion signs visual inspection  
Gas Pipeline Leak Detection Test Case Study  
Pig tracking  
Predictive modeling  
Operator training  
European consumption cutback  
Global energy and coal industries  



Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 82 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: I. Word usage and common errors. | IV. Answer the questions. | Pipelines | VII.Complete the sentences. | III. Read the text and underline the international words. | Give the title to the extract and discuss the problem. | Pipeline components | Task 5. Pipelines Classification | V. Look through these descriptions and give the words they describe. Try to improve the incomplete descriptions. | Task 7. Leak Detection Systems |
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Task 8. Safety. Ecological and Environmental Impact| Инструкция по выполнению работы

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