Читайте также:
1. For thousands of years, pipelines have been constructed...
2. The Chinese even used bamboo pipe...
3. A significant improvement of pipeline technology...
4. Another major milestone was the advent in the 19th century of steel pipe...
5. The development of high-strength steel pipes...
6. Initially, all steel pipes...
7. The application of welding to join pipes in the 1920s...
8. Today, most high-pressure piping consists...
a....made it possible to construct leak proof, high-pressure, large-diameter pipelines.
b.... to transmit natural gas to light their capital) Beijing, as early as 400 BC.
c....took place in the 18th century, when castiron pipes were used commercially.
d....made it possible to transport natural gas and oil over long distances.
e....had to be threaded together.
f....in various parts of the world to convey water for drinking and irrigation.
g....which greatly increased the strength of pipes of all sizes.
h....of steel pipe with welded joints.
VIII. Read the passage and correct the computer translation of it.
Major innovations since 1950 include introduction of ductile iron and large-diameter concrete pressure pipes for water; use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for sewers; use of “pigs” to clean the interior of pipelines and to perform other duties; “batching” of different petroleum products in a common pipeline; application of cathode protection to reduce corrosion and extend pipeline life; use of space-age technolo-gies such as computers to control pipelines and microwave stations and satellites to communicate between headquarters and the field; and new technologies and extensive measures to prevent and detect pipeline leaks. Furthermore, many new devices have been invented or produced to facilitate pipeline construction. These include large side booms to lay pipes, machines to drill under rivers and roads for crossing, machines to bend large pipes in the field, and X rays to detect welding flaws.
Головні нововведення, оскільки 1950 включають введення гнучкого заліза і конкретних впливових труб великого діаметру для води; використовування хлористої (PVC) труби polyvinyl для стічних труб; використовування “свиней”, щоб чистити внутрішність трубопроводів і виконувати інші обов’язки; “пакетування” різної нафтової продукції в загальному трубопроводі; додаток захисту cathodic, щоб скоротити корозію і розширити життя трубопроводу; використовування просторових-віку технологій, як наприклад комп’ютери, щоб управляти трубопроводами і мікрохвильовими місцями і супутниками, щоб спілкуватися між штаб-квартирою і областю; і нові технології і обширні заходи, щоб перешкодити і знайти витоки трубопроводу. До того ж, багато нових пристроїв було винайдено або проведено, щоб полегшити конструкцію трубопроводу. Ці включають великі бічні буми, щоб класти труби, машини, щоб свердлити під річками і дорогами для перетину, машини, щоб зігнутися великі труби в область, і X rays щоб знайти welding дефекти.
IX.Learn the definition by heart.
Pipelines can be categorized in different ways. In what follows, pipelines will be categorized according to the commodity transported and the type of fluid flow.
What is a Pipeline?
Definition. A pipeline comprises all parts of the physical facility through which liquids (crude oil, petroleum products) or gases (natural gas, carbon dioxide) are transported, including pipe, valves and other equipment attached to the pipe, compressor units, pump stations, metering stations, regulator stations, delivery stations, holders and fabricated assemblies.
Pipelines are the safest and most efficient means of transporting crude oil and natural gas from producing fields to refineries and processing plants and of distributing petroleum products and natural gas to the consumer.
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Check yourself!
If you can translate these word-combinations your total score is 204. Congratulations!
Pipeline manufacture | |
Large - diameter concrete pressure water pipes | |
Pipeline leak detection | |
Computer control initialization | |
Pipeline construction facilitation | |
Regulator delivery station | |
Fluid flow type | |
Treatment plant | |
Smaller-diameter branch lines | |
Stoneware pipe system | |
Capital city development | |
Chain pumps |
Task 3. What is the Difference between Oil and Gas Pipeline?
Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 62 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Pipelines | | | III. Read the text and underline the international words. |