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1 Kevin Goldman, «Consumers Like Print Ads Better Than Those on TV, Study Says,» Wall Street Journal, 6 June 1995, B9.

2 Advertising Age Yearbook (January 1982): 173.

3 William Spain, «In General, Where Are The readers?» Advertising Age, October 14, 1996, S6.

4 Elisabeth Gleick, «Read All About It,» Time, October 21, 1996, 66-69.

5 Elisabeth H. Weise, «On-Line Magazines. Will readers Still Want Them After The Novelty Wears Off?», Marketing News, January 29, 1996, 1, 14.

6 Alan Guttesman, «A Bright Future For a Change,» Adweek, September 9, 1996, 6-9.

7 Joe Mandese, «Going Public: A Proposal to Ease Advertiser Access to Public TV Stations Could Open the Medium to More Messages,» Maiketing and Media Decisions, September 1990, 34-35.

8 Scott Donaton, «The Next 50 Years», Advertising Age (Spring 1995): 54.

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1 Bickley Townsend, «The Media Jungle,» American Demographics (December 1988): 8.

2 Anthony F. McGann and J. Thomas Russell, Advertising Media, 2nd ed. (Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1988).

3 David A. Aaker and John G. Myers, Advertising Management, 4th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1990).

4 Herbert E. Krugman, «What Makes Advertising Effective9», Harvard Business Review (March/April 1975): 96-103.

5 Dennis H. Gensch, «Computer Models in Advertising Media Selection», Journal of Marketing Research 5 (November 1968): 423-4.

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1 Donald C. Marschner, «Theory Versus Practice in Allocating Advertising Money,» Journal of Business 40 (July 1967): 286-302.

2 Gary L. Lilien et al., «Industrial Advertising Effects and Budgeting Practices,» Journal of Marketing 40 (January 1976): 16-24.

3 Leonard M. Lodish, The Advertising and Piomotion Challenge (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 92-4.

4 Dagmar Mussey, «Selling Esteemed Watch With Lmiited Ad Budget,» Advertising Age, February 12, 1996, 18.

5 Ovid Rio, The Dartnell Sales Promotion Handbook, 7th ed. (Chicago. The Dartnell Corp., 1987), 91-2.

6 Julian L. Simon, «Are There Economies of Scale in Advertising?» Journal of Advertising Research (June 1965): 15-20.

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1 Mark Landler, «AT&T: A Bold Strategy Turns Sour,» New York Times, 13 April 1997, F7.

2 H. D. Wolfe, J. K. Brown, S. H. Greenberg, and С. С Thompson, Pretesting Advertising Studies in Business Policy, no. 109 (New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1963).

3 David W. Srewart, «Measures, Methods, and Models in Advertising Research,» Journal of Advertising Research (June/July 1989): 54-60.

4 Rudolph Flesh, The Art of Readable Writing (New York: Harper & Row, 1974).

5 Julie Liessee, «KGF Taps Data to Target Consumers,» Advertising Age, October 8, 1990, 3, 88.

6 Don E. Schultz, Strategic Advertising Campaigns, 3rd ed. (Lincoln, Ill.: NTC Business Books, 1990), 550.

7 Wally Wood, «Update: Single Source,» Marketing and Media Decisions (September 1989): 116-17; Laurence N. Gold, «TV Ad Testing Enters New Generation,» Marketing News, October 23, 1989, 2.

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