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At the negotiating table

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Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It is the process for resolving conflict between two or more parties to achieve an acceptable compromise.

Negotiations take place to handle differences or conflicts of:

· Interests (wages, hours, work conditions, prices)

· Rights (different interpretations of an agreement).

The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement which is acceptable to both sides.

There are four main stages of negotiations:

1. preparing objectives, information, strategy

2. discussing (argue)

3. propose and bargain

4. close and agree.

The objectives are classified as follows:

Like – ideal

Intend – achievable

Must – real.

80% of the negotiating time is spent arguing. There are two kinds of arguing:

· reasonable and constructive – debates, discussions

· unreasonable and destructive – emotional quarrels.

A negotiator should be constructive in arguments and try to get information by asking open questions. It is important to state only ideals at first.

Another very important point of negotiations is proposing and bargaining. Proposals should be realistic.

The final step is closing and agreeing. The aim of closing is to get the opposition to stop bargaining and to make an agreement. The final thing to do is to write down the agreement and agree what is written down.

To be an effective negotiator one should have such characteristics as:

- preparation and planning skills

- knowledge of the subject matter being negotiated

- ability to think dearly under pressure

- ability to express thoughts verbally

- listening skills

- judgement and general intelligence

- integrity

- ability to persuade others

- patience

- decisiveness.

In order to be a success at the negotiating table, one should have negotiation skills as well as a theoretical knowledge. But without a practical experience it is hard to negotiate effectively.


III. Post-reading stage:

3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

An essential part Resolving conflict An acceptable compromise To handle differences Work conditions To be acceptable   Preparing objectives Arguing Propose and bargain Negotiating time Debates Emotional quarrels To get information To ask open questions To state ideals The final step To make an agreement An effective negotiation


4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is negotiation?

2. What is the aim of negotiation?

3. What are the main stages of negotiation?

4. What characteristics are necessary to be an effective negotiator?


5. Read and learn the negotiating expressions:

To make a deal - укласти угоду
To sign a contract - підписати контракт
To meet a deadline - наблизитись до крайнього терміну
To reach an agreement - досягти домовленості
To resolve one’s differences - владнати непорозуміння
To propose a solution - запропонувати рішення
To consider a proposal - розглянути пропозицію
To reject an idea - відхилити ідею


6. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. May I suggest that we table this discussion until tomorrow?

2. We must figure a way to resolve our differences.

3. Let’s consider this new proposal.

4. Can we reach an agreement in time to meet the deadline?

5. I do not know if this will solve our problems.

6. The president will reject any opposing ideas.

7. Perhaps you can propose a solution to this problem.

8. Let’s make a deal!


7. Read and learn the verbs of negotiation:

1. to suggest- пропонувати

2. to recommend- рекомендувати

3. to propose- пропонувати

4. to offer- робити пропозицію

5. to bargain- торгуватися, домовлятися

6. to compromise- йти на компроміс

7. to settle- вирішувати

8. to resolve- вирішувати


8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I would like to recommend a 10 percent pay cut.

2. I propose a S104 per share tender offer on this stock.

3. I suggest we redesign the equipment.

4. I am offering a 6 percent commission on the sale.

5. We need to bargain with our competitors and make a deal.

6. Let’s settle our disagreements before progressing further.

7. Can we compromise here? I’ll give a little, you give a little; maybe we can reach an agreement.

8. We need to resolve our problems first, then we can talk about contracts.

9. Read and learn the sentences with conceding, downplaying, and exploring other possibilities:

  I see your point. I’ll go along with that. I’ll buy that. This is a minor point. This is of little (no) importance. Only (or just). What would happen if…? Is it possible that…? Do you have any other ideas? Perhaps (maybe).     Я розумію вашу точку зору. Добре, я погоджуюсь з цим. Я беру це. Це незначне зауваження. Це не має великого значення. Лише. А що б було, якби…? Чи можливо, щоб…? Чи є у вас інші ідеї? Можливо.


10.Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The cost is of little importance if we can’t sell the product.

2. The design is a minor point here; what matters is how much it costs.

3. It’s only a design; it’s a nice feature, but it’s not the most important thing.

4. It’s just another software program among thousands; why is it so special?

5. What would happen if our company bought fewer machines at a higher price? Would that work for you?

6. Is it possible to redesign the software for us?

7. Do you have any other ideas about solving this problem?

8. Perhaps you need to give this some additional thought before deciding

11. Give the equivalent verb for:


· concession · proposal · offer · settlement
· agreement · negotiation
· suggestion  


12. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right that have a similar meaning:

1. I’ll buy that 2. A minor point 3. Maybe 4. To settle 5. A good price 6. To propose 7. No cause for concern 8. In any case 9. Concern a) a bargain b) worry c) perhaps d) I agree e) Reassurance f) Nevertheless g) To suggest h) To resolve i) Of little importance


13. Write sentences using the following expressions:

1. make a deal

2. reach a compromise

3. reject an idea (or point of view)

4. propose a solution

5. make a concession

ІV. Follow-up:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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