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Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian. 1. impartially; 2. unspecified wrongdoing; 3

Читайте также:
  1. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions. Transla the completed sentences into Ukrainian.
  2. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate words or expressions from the box. Translate the completed sentences into Ukrainian.
  3. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate words or expressions from the box. Translate the completed sentences into Ukrainian.
  4. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate prepositions. Translate the completed sentences into Ukrainian.
  5. Exercise
  6. Exercise 1. Read and translate (see the Introduction for details).
  7. Exercise 1. Read and translate (see the Introduction for details).

1. impartially; 2. unspecified wrongdoing; 3. securing witnesses; 4. witnesses and evi-

dence are available; 5. Ohio Constitution specifically requires; 6. be extended only for good

cause; 7. face to face; 8. give an accused the right to a public trial; 9. atmosphere is hos-

tile to the accused; 10. each day spent in jail awaiting trial; 11. criminal or civil liability;

12. inflict double punishment; 13. state is bound to provide; 14. opportunity to question

them in person; 15. come and testify; 16. alleged offense; 17. promises of leniency; 18. law

enforcement officers; 19. is entitled to a speedy trial; 20. fair notice of the specific charg-

es; 21. confronting accusers; 22. state cannot rely on anonymous accusers and witnesses;

23. prepare her defense intelligently; 24. unreasonable government intrusion; 25. no one

can be deprived of life; 26. designed to protect; 27. search warrant can only be issued by a

judge; 28. person cannot be tortured into confessing; 29. was overturned on appeal; 30. per-

son cannot arbitrarily be fined, jailed, or put to death; 31. accused’s silence doesn’t indicate

his guilt; 32. have the matter resolved quickly; 33. charge is a vague statement; 34. with

a criminal charge hanging over her head; 35. questioning by the police; 36. laws must be

enforced only through a rational procedure; 37. violation of these rights; 38. insure funda-

mental fairness; 39. Constitutions prohibit unreasonable searches and seizures; 40. remain

silent; 41. at all steps of the procedure; 42. exceptions to the general rule; 43. provide ac-

cused persons with various basic rights; 44. is constitutionally entitled to the services of an

attorney; 45. incriminate himself; 46. everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law;

47. specific time limits; 48. notice of the charge; 49. 14th Amendment to the United States

Constitution; 50. may result in dismissal of criminal charges; 51. wearing him down with

questioning; 52. trickery; 53. guilt or innocence; 54. guilty finding.


Exercise 7. Fill in the missing words in the text below and then translate into

Ukrainian. Use Vocabulary – 2 and Exercise 2A.



Search and Seizure. Both the United States and Ohio Constitutions prohibit _______

(1) searches and _______ (2). Generally, _______ (3) enforcement officers cannot _______

(4) a person or his property without a search _______ (5). A search warrant can only be

_______ (6) by a judge on _______ (7) cause to believe that particular _______ (8) of a

crime will be _______ (9) at the specific place to be _______ (10). There are a number of

situations where law _______ (11) officers can conduct searches without a _______ (12).

For example, _______ (13) can be conducted without a _______ (14) in connection with

a lawful _______ (15), when the search is _______ (16) with the permission of the person

whose property is being _______ (17).

Self-incrimination. Both the United States and Ohio Constitutions state that no one

can be compelled to _______ (18) himself. This means that a person cannot be tortured




into _______ (19) or making _______ (20) statements, or even any statement. Further, a

person cannot be _______ (21) to confess or make a; _______ (22) by: frightening him,

_______ (23) him down with questioning, _______ (24), or promises of _______ (25).

During a trial, the accused cannot be _______ (26) to testify (be a witness). Moreover, if

the _______ (27) decides to remain silent, the _______ (28) cannot suggest to the jury that

the accused’s silence indicates _______ (29).

Right to Counsel. An accused person is constitutionally _______ (30) to the services

of an _______ (31). If she cannot afford an attorney, the state is _______ (32) to provide

one for her in any case in which _______ (33) is a possible punishment. In _______ (34)

cases, the accused must be provided with _______ (35) counsel at all steps of the _______

(36), beginning with the _______ (37) in the police station after her _______ (38), through

_______ (39) by the police, _______ (40) hearing, trial, and _______ (41), if any.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 136 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Правила вселенских соборов | Правила поместных соборов | Глава 9-я. - об отлучке епископов и клириков | Глава 7-я (9-я). - о судилищах и о клириках и мирянах, имеющих тяжбы | О епископах Булгарии, Кипра и Иверов | Постановление Константина Великого | Об императорских преимуществах | Глава 1-я. - как происходят избрания рукополагаемых епископов и о бывающем при них прекословии | Глава 16-я. - о том, что епископ не должен совершать хиротонии в епархиях, ему не подчиненных | Exercise 3B. Translate into Ukrainian. |
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Exercise 3C. Translate into English.| Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Translate the following two texts into Ukrainian. Use

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