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Short description of the applying organisation (max. 1 page)

Читайте также:
  1. A brief description of the corridor №2
  2. B) Choose one of these sections and make up a short story.
  3. C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation
  4. Course Description
  5. Description
  6. Description of the Baseline Environment
  7. Description of the project

· Field of activity and target groups, structure, financing, staff, date established:

NGO Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities (KSEO) is the basic unit of the International School of Equal Opportunities, which now has branches in 19 regions of Ukraine. Since 2000, on its base new methods and technologies were worked out, nationwide and international projects aimed at strengthening of children's rights are implemented. Throughout the period of its activity the organization actively participates in the development and implementation of gender policies in the field where priority attention is put on the protection of human rights, in particular the prevention of trafficking in women and girls, combating all forms of gender violence, worst forms of child labour and sexual exploitation of children, etc. KSEO is involved in developing of standards of gender equality, indicators of measuring, the development of national action plans and public programs in the abovementioned areas. The basis of all educative and preventive work of the School is the “Peer education” principle, in other words - involving the same children and adolescents to work with peers. This approach is based on volunteering and allows each project to achieve the most effective results. KSEO was officially registered in April 2002.


· Goals and mission of the NGO: built on the ideas of democracy and gender equality, KSEO makes its contribution to the strengthening of equal rights and equal opportunities for all community members. Such contribution will help to establish effective and full use of available resources in the formation of civil society and rule of law in Ukraine.

Mission of KSEO:

• combining efforts for gender equality in society;

• we want this world to be a better place for people and people not to become a subject for discrimination and violence; we want life to be better thanks to us, our work and our creativity;

we are making a contribution to overcome child trafficking and worst forms of child labour;

• we share our experience with many people so they can get involved in motion for establishing themselves on equal terms with each other.

For nine years the organization has implemented about 60 projects supported by: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Academy for Educational Development (USA), the Development Fund for Democracy, U.S. Embassy, the Canadian-Ukrainian Gender Fund, UNDP Equal Opportunities Program, UNIFEM, the Council of Europe, the International Organization for Migration, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH, USA) and others.

KSEO is a member of NGOs networks, which are working under the auspices of IOM, OSCE, ECPAT International. Since 2000 KSEO traditionally takes part in a nationwide campaign "16 Days Against Gender Violence!". Since 2005 - annually celebrates the International Day against child abuse (on Nov. 19th).

In 2008, our organization was one of the initiators of "Stop the violence!" campaign. For this purpose we put all our resources in it: training, gender interactive theater, forum theater, debate tournaments, movement “Young men against violence” and other forms of interactive work.

The most successful achievements: creation of a network of School of Equal Opportunities in the regions of Ukraine (today we have departments of SEO in many regional centers and smaller cities), a network " Young men against violence" (which unites young people that promote non-violent behavior in society (share experience in other countries), Gender interactive theater (GIT) in Kyiv and regions, which is a unique phenomenon not only in Ukraine as the theater is known far beyond the Ukrainian borders. In the repertory of GIT are over twenty plays on social issues such as child trafficking, illegal migration, HIV / AIDS, drug abuse, domestic violence and so on. Since 2004 SEO held the street happening theater festival with performances on social problems. Experts who work with us were trained in Europe and the United States and were the first in Ukraine to implement the method of “Peer education”, working toward the prevention of negative effects: child trafficking, all forms of violence against children. Besides, our experience in leading of different information campaigns speaks for itself; we use contemporary art technologies, participate in various annual and occasional promotions. (The list of projects is attached).


· Since when has there been cooperation between the applicant and the partner organi­zation? For nine years, since 2002.


· How many people (core staff/project staff) will be deployed in the project? What qualifications do project staff have?: In general - 30 people; in particular:

Irina Konchenkova - project manager - an expert in “Peer education” method, executive director of Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities;

Larysa Kolos - Research Project Manager, UNDP expert;

Janina Nyemaya - Expert in ART technology, chief director of the Gender interactive theatre. The project will be implemented in partnership with public and private institutions, organizations that have experience in such matters that our project aimed; experts from these organizations will work in the project:

Larysa Magdyuk - expert in monitoring and reporting; in framework of the project is responsible for developing performance indicators for project implementation and project evaluation;

Ruslana Bezpalcha - responsible for developing of information materials and scientific methodological handbook "A Decade of Tolerance and Non-Violence for the Children";

Svetlana Sulimova - Project Coordinator of Vinnytsia, Regional Council member, Director of the Vinnytsia city center of social services for family and youth;

Natalia Kritsak - Project Coordinator in Odessa, Chairman of the Odessa branch of the NGO "Equal Opportunities School";

Irina Movchan - media-expert; President of Ukrainian Centre for Education Reforms; network of press-centres in all regions of Ukraine; she will be responsible for media activities, press-announces and press-releases.

Olena Udalova - expert on educational programs, reviewer for the manual; scholar of the Institute of innovative technologies in education, Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine; she will be responsible for official licensing of the manual.

Anzhela Beliak - Partner Representative of the German organization "Action reconciliation service for peace”; provides a visit of international experts in conducting information campaigns from Germany to Ukraine.

Other experts will subscribe to the project after the contest.

· If possible, enclose statutes and most recent annual report.

The Statute and the annual report are enclosed to the project application.


2. Short description of the partner organization (max. 1 page):


Action reconsilation service for peace (ARSP) is a European level non-governmental volunteer organisation. More than thousand of young volunteers have been involved in our work towards international and intercultural reconciliation. ARSP was founded in 1958 by Christians seeking to confront the era of National Socialism in German history. ARSP’s international programmes offer an opportunity for young (mostly European) volunteers to learn about history, other cultures and societies and about themselves. It provides a chance to experience and accept different patterns of thought and behaviour. The programmes help the volunteers to fight racism and anti-semitism and to commit themselves to the creation of a more tolerant, just and peaceful world. ARSP is a member of AVSO and AGDF and has about 600 of members.


ACTION RECONCILIATION SERVICE FOR PEACE has been active since decades in the international and European youth exchange. A main point of our work are voluntary services of young people, in a present time - in thirteen different countries. The idea of the work of ARSP: international, intercultural and interreligious youth exchange, promotion of intercultural and European competence, dismantling of discriminations and exclusions, promotion of individual and social commitment, involving young people into international, social, political and cultural work. Sustainable peace is made impossible by anti-Semitism, all kinds of human rights violations by international understanding and learning.


Since 2002 ARSP has been cooperating with the Ukrainian non-governmental youth organization “School of Equal Opportunities”. The main ideas of this organization are correspondent with the leading aims of the work of ARSP: protection and support rights of the children and other social group.


The idea to make this project came to us, as we have worked with the young leaders from different Ukrainian organizations and we have seen the necessity of the informational work with this group.

Seven volunteers of ARSP are working in the different social project in Ukraine und bring international experience in the project abilities. They support our idea to make an informational company in the project cities and to be active in this project with the young generation. The method “equal to equal” (peer education) is the best practice with the young people. Our partner has a great experience with such a method. We will invite 2 experts from Germany to Ukraine, to bring and to impart the international experience on this level. The first arrangements with the German experts are going in Berlin. The experts must to be involved more in the first part of project and have to help the young people to receive new experience and to acquire new knowledge in work with the young generation. The volunteers of ARSP together with the young leaders of the “School of Equal Opportunities” will prepare many work-shops and be active in the debate clubs.


The volunteers of ARSP and the German experts will bring a new point of view on this problem in Ukraine und impart their experience. Their experience is important for the project as well and will improve the results of the project.

3. Project goals and background (1 page):

· What does the project hope to achieve?

We see the following results of the project: • Acquiring the skills of children to protect their rights through the School of tolerance and broad information campaigns, educational techniques, that were developed by School of Equal Opportunities and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Family and Sport;

• Changing the way of humans’ mind in society, directly (through the measures provided for the project, in particular through information campaigns) or indirectly (through mass media publications, roundtables, etc.) for protection of children from all forms of violence and understanding of their rights.

• Strengthening the national mechanism for protecting human rights through lobbying the ratification of Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Children by the Ukrainian parliament. This document will provide the child a personal opportunity to address the UN Committee for violation of his rights.

Project objectives will be achieved through collaboration with government institutions and NGOs. The circle of those will be extended during the project.


· From whom did the idea for the project originate?

Originally the project idea came from children and young coaches of KSEO, those who work in “Peer Education” method, in the course of events of national action plan on implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved in Ukraine in 2009. They seek to compile and disseminate their own experience in conducting information campaigns at the national level: in framework of the project an information campaign will be planned and conducted. It will be directed on wide protection of children, with children’s involvement of to its development and implementation.

The origins of the project:

Since 1991 when we have joined to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and ratified it, our government has taken a major commitment in the field of children's rights, but still there are too many cases when children suffer from various forms of violence. National policy-making mechanism on children’s protection is suffering from the changes (in December the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports was eliminated; the fate of State Department, which supervised the rights of children and coordinated the implementation of National plan of action connected with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), children's hotline that operated at the state level stop it’s work. Ukraine still did not join the activities on the International Child Rights Day (19 November). In 2010, during the 56th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Ukraine presented it’s combined third and fourth periodic reports on implementation by Ukraine of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. International experts - members of the committee report praised Ukraine and noted the progress made by Ukraine in the sphere of protection of laws since the last periodic report (in 2002). But at the same time they expressed a number of recommendations aimed for better implementation of obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol on involvement of children in armed conflicts.

Respect for human begins with an attitude towards their children. Children grow and develop every day, despite the economic crisis and social turmoil. And, unfortunately, dying almost daily: lack of medicines, through carelessness, brutality and cruelty of some adults, from someone's words, the knife or bullets, drugs or one’s hands. No matter how difficult the circumstances are, further delay is impossible. We must take care of our children today, must protect their health, their freedom and dignity, to create conditions in which everyone can fully explore its capabilities.

Everything in life starts with the perception of the world through the eyes of a child. It is therefore important, when it knows his rights from childhood. We are all different. But equal in rights. Every child is valuable, not only for their parents, but also for the whole world precisely because it is unique and there will not be any other like him.

· Are or have there been any similar projects?

If so, what effect did they have?

SEO had similar projects in recent years:

1)"Say" NO!" to trafficking". 2006-2007.

The result was:

• lobbying of changes in legislation on combating trafficking in human being, particularly children;
• participation in the development and adoption of the State Program on Combating Human Trafficking in the period to 2010;

• development and publication of the manual for working with children and youth in problems of trafficking, including child trafficking;

• initiation of announcement in Ukraine to stop the violence and an active participation in all others.
2) The project "The use of interactive methods in anti-corruption work with young people" 2006 - 2008.

In the framework of the project next steps have been done:

The result of the project "The use of interactive methods in anti-corruption work with young people":

· young trainers were prepared to work with students and to lead interactive campaigns for students.

· collaboration in the field of anti-corruption education among educational institutions;

· community organizations and media in Kiev, Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia regions;

· increasing the level of awareness among youth about the phenomenon of corruption in Ukraine and changing the attitude toward corruption among youth;

· developing the path of confrontation to corruption in institutions; attracting of wide public audience to the anti-corruption campaigns.

3) “Gender - in schools”, 2008-2009.

Such results were achieved:

· gender mainstreaming in education and in schools; •

· development and production of teaching manual "Gender and We”, and the establishment of same named web site for young trainers working in “Peer education” in schools;

· participation in realization of gender equality in Ukrainian society in the time term till 2010, and the establishment of the new state program for the next period.

4) "Using innovative technologies to conduct information campaigns on gender equality, combating trafficking and protecting the rights of children",

On march 3rd 2011 KSEO will provide section in the frame of forum for NGOs in the public. This forum will take place in Ukrainian House. In program: the experiences’ exchange of our organization in carrying out information campaigns, performance of Gender interactive theater with a play “Children are the flowers of life” on the topic of child protection.

· What effect is the project supposed to have on the situation with regard to human rights?

1. Innovative measures under the project will help large numbers of children and youth from different regions of Ukraine to obtain knowledge about the possibilities of protecting their rights and to build an active citizenship platform in the protection of their rights:

· Debate Tournament to be held in the regions of 30 for students, will direct children and youth to actively advocate their rights and the need for the juvenile justice system.

· A public campaign "Decade of tolerance and non-violence for the children" will raise awareness on child rights among NGOs and the wider population.

· Holding a contests for the best poster made by children "Children Against Violence” and summarizing at the level of local government will draw the attention of the authorities to the problems of children.

· Gender interactive theater productions will enable the emotional, cultural impact in the protection of rights of a significant number of children and young people (at least 1000).

· Quests, flash mobs, poster competition, photo contests and installations performed in the regions will increase the level of awareness of more than 1000 people.

2. Experts of public and private sectors, as well as young coaches will receive the manual "Decade of tolerance and non-violence for the children" (use of innovative techniques for children) in quantity of 1000 copies. It should be an effective tool for future activities aimed at protecting of children's rights. Guide will help to disseminate the experience of the information campaign aimed at protecting children's rights in other regions of Ukraine.

3. Will increase the level of awareness among 600 of public sector professionals (social services, departments for children) that are directly working in the field of children's rights, respect for protecting these rights. Experts also have the opportunity to understand the need for soon ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and submit their vote in its lobby. The planned meeting with invited experts in the field of child protection form Germany plays an important role.

4. It is planned that 30 NGOs in selected regions will enable its activities and pay greater attention to the protection of children. Their additions to the process of lobbying for the ratification of the Optional Protocol will help to make pressure on parliament.
5. The level of awareness concerning child protection will also increase among journalists; therefore they will pay more attention to the problems of violations of these rights.

6. Spreading the information on human rights through media and Internet to the general population of Ukraine. It will bring up the ideas of necessary defend of their rights and the rights of their children.

7. Experience of action for children should become a national, annual, widely supported by government and society.

Principles and criteria of the project:


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 118 | Нарушение авторских прав

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