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Читайте также:
  3. Choose three words from vocabulary and give their definitions.
  4. Complete these sentences with the key vocabulary words in the form required
  5. Exercise 6. Answer the following questions using active vocabulary.
  6. I. Vocabulary Drills.
  7. I. Vocabulary Drills.
by first name by nationality a block of flats to consist of by profession creative to be specialized in to deal with to adore to get on well with (people) housewife charming keen to sew to knit to look like smb. to take after smb. in character form naughty relatives far from to miss to spend free time together many things in common both science fiction favourite to visit classmate the only child по имени по национальности многоэтажный дом состоять из по профессии творческий специализироваться в иметь дело с обожать ладить домохозяйка очаровательный умелый шить вязать быть похожим на кого-то походить на кого-то по характеру класс (ступень обучения) непослушный родственники далеко от скучать по проводить свободное время вместе много общего оба, обе научная фантастика любимый посещать одноклассник (ца) единственный ребенок



9. Answer the questions on the text:


What is her name/surname?

What is her nationality?

Where does she live?

Is her family big or small?

How many members does it consist of?

What is her mother's/ father's name?

Does she adore her mother?


10. Agree or disagree with the statements about Helen’s family. Start, using the phrases «it is right/it is wrong»:


1. Helen is 17.

2. Helen is not Russian.

3. Helen lives in a small town.

4. Helen's family is big.

5. Helen's father is a psychologist.

6. Helen's family has their own house.

7. Helen and her mother are good friends.

8. Helen's mother doesn’t like to do work about the house.

9. Helen's mother prefers reading.

10. Helen's mother doesn’t work.

11. Helen's sister is a student.

12. Helen's sister is a charming girl.

13. Helen's best friend is Sveta.

14. Helen has many things in common with her friend.


11. Work in pairs and make a dialogue:

One of you is Helen, another person is Helen’s new classmate who wants to become her friend and to learn more about her and her family.


12. Put in the right words:


1) Let me... myself.

2) My... is....

3) I am Russian ….

4) My mother can....

5) I... my grandparents.

6) My sister looks... my mother but she... my father ….

7) My friends and I like … together.

8) We have many ….

9) I … in music.

10) Our family … of sports.

11) My father is a doctor ….

12) As for me, I... to read.


13. Give the synonyms:


1) I like dancing.

2) Our family has four members.

3) On Sundays I go to see my grandparents.

4) I love my mother.

5) My father works with a lot of people.

6) Our relatives don't live with us.

7) I like to have a rest with my friends.

8) She has the same character as her father.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 127 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Часть 1 | MODULE 1 | Describe anyone of your group-mates. The rest of the group should guess the person. | EXERCISES | EXERCISES | Work in groups. Discuss characteristics of a good and bad student (make a table) and present your ideas to the class. | EXERCISES | EXERCISES | EXERCISES | Choose three words from vocabulary and give their definitions. |
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VOCABULARY| Work in small groups and make a list of typical domestic responsibilities.

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