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Gradual process of complete automation of the complex manufacturing of the products

Читайте также:
  1. About the Bologna Process
  2. Automation
  3. Central World Shopping Complex, Бангкок, Таиланд
  4. Choose one of these verbs from the box to complete each sentence. Use the present simple or the present continuous.
  5. Choose the correct words to complete the story.
  6. Complete the sentences below by using one of the idioms above. Some of them can be used more than once.
  7. Complete the sentences using Past Continuous of the verbs in the box.

On this stage, the society is not ready to complete transition to the system with free distribution of the products. Just imagine what will happen if we give to modern society which is spoilt by the monetary system the free access to resources right now. This society never worried about environment, it is accustomed to own and privatize and still has absurd values of status and authority, it was raised in the terms of competition and never troubled about cooperation and social support. It will bring us to wild chaos and disorder. People which always waged with other in the old system will do the same in the new one, because they are already accustomed to such type of behavior.

That’s why we must make the transition process gradual, but rapid. It will help us to re-educate society step by step.


The main factor we need to pay attention in transition process is automation.


Let’s imagine that resources become free of distribution, but people still must perform a lot of dirty and monotonous work. Even if we rid of deficit and improve the social climate it is very risk and doubtable decision to hope that such work will be honestly performed by people. Such activity as scientific researches, inventiveness, cognitive and educational actions will be gladly performed by them. But such work as, for example, water closet cleaning, coal mining or field works will not be performed just with enthusiasm. As we see from our history the morality of humanity is often unpredictable. That’s why the transition to resource based economy without enough labor automation level is obviously absurd.


From the other side, the development of technologies has a limit in monetary system. The complete automation in such system is simply impossible, because when the people are replaced by robots, the society will lost the purchasing capacity. It will lead to collapse of economy and the whole system as result.

So, the only decision is gradual automation of the complex manufacturing. It is important that the manufacturing of every product must be automated completely, from the collection of raw materials to the energy sourcing and final manufacturing processes. The efforts for automation may not be scattered on the all branches, but they must be simultaneously directed on manufacturing of just one appropriate product. It can be, for example, the bread manufacturing, or some other product which satisfies the basic human needs.

The final result we must achieve is the automation of the manufacturing of some product on the level where there is no need of human resources for its manufacturing at all. Ultimately, it looks like you just push the button and receive the ready product at the output of automation system.

We must pay all our attention, efforts and resources exactly on GRADUAL automation of the COMPLEX (which includes all production processes of some products) manufacturing. Otherwise, if we will try to implement automation in all fields of human labor simultaneously we will come to collapse with its all painful consequences, because it can lead us to situation when we have high unemployment level and no one complete automation manufacturing system.

The course of automation must be the following:

  1. Automation of Energy Production
  2. Automation of Food Industry
  3. Automation of Transportation
  4. Construction and Building Automation
  5. Automation of Household Products Manufacturing
  6. Automation of manufacturing processes of means and equipment for implementation of automation
  7. Automation of other working processes


It is possible to realize the first steps of this plan even now in monetary system, because it stimulates automation by itself. Every capitalist strives to reduce the use of human labor because of it’s inefficiency. These capitalists are glad to replace the people on their enterprises by some robot. The human makes mistakes, ails, asks higher salary and riots. The exploiters will gladly finance the project which gives them the finished result or products made automatically by machines, without attraction of human labor. All they need to do is to sell automatically made products on the market and get their profit.


Such way, these capitalists can contribute to complete automation of the products by themselves. But at the end point these capitalists will be useless for the system also, because we will be able to receive these products without them.

It would be perfect if such system is sourced by own renewable energy sources and is completely independent from monetary economy. Such system would be perfect fact of possibility of transition to resource-based economy.

It is important to look after accessibility of such technical information for society. Of course, the capitalist, which owns ‘’eternal motor’’ will try to hide the technological process as much as he can for his own profit. But we will need to fight with this phenomenon by other, more aggressive methods.


3) The studying of real technological progress and definition of the transitional point

The problem of Jacque Fresco is that all his arguments sounds like ‘’I don’t know whether we have enough money to build resource-based economy, but I can surely say that we have enough resources to do that’’.

I as many would like to take these words ‘’enough resources’’ on trust. But our work may not be based on faith or assumption.

It is easy to break the money system. ‘’To brake is not to create’’ (popular proverb). But before we ruin everything we must be sure we REALLY have enough TECHNOLOGIES and RESOURCES to build a new and right system.

I didn’t see the detail researches of this issue personally. I don’t even say about REAL drawings and technical documentation of The Venus Project. As I understand, nobody has seen them yet. If Jacque Fresco is so educated scientist, why then all his developments are not accessible for society? Because somebody can earns the money on this? Does it matter who will have a profit from his achievements if we all will be able to realize his ideas? There is no logic in this secrecy.

Yet we have only words and assumptions instead of facts. These words can affect the people which perceive everything just on emotions, but they have not effect on people who are managed by healthy sense. If these assumptions are faulty, the consequences will be very painful. But we may not to allow it.

So, our main task on this stage is to check the actual state of affairs and promulgation the proved facts for society. In order to do this we must make a lot of deep and detailed researches. We need to define exact quantity of population, resources, capacity of available electrical plants, available industrial facilities and so on. The most important thing on this stage is definition of present level of labor automation.

Of course, such general research will take a lot of time. Anyway, we need to do it on enthusiastic and amateur principles. But our work will be facilitated if we will make a calculation of resources and automation level only for manufacturing of some single product (we described it above). I mean a product which is manufactured by almost complete automation system. It will be enough for transition to resource-based economy.

Let’s imagine that this product is bread. What ingredients does it contain? We must look at the bread bag: flour, water, sunflower oil, sugar, yeast, salt. It has only six components. Approximate quantity and weight for one loaf we can find at the bakery or in the Internet. For example, we need 500 gram of flour for one loaf. Usually, we can receive 80% of flour by grinding. It means that we have 800 grams of flour from 1 kilogram of wheat grain. In order to receive 500 grams of flour as it pointed in receipt we need 100*0,5/80=0,625 kg (625 g) of grain.

Let’s definite the population of our country. We can say roughly (by means of Wikipedia) that it is 45539000 people. The average human consumes approximately one loaf per day. Anyway, we can find more exact data about bread consumption in appropriate statistical institutions which give the norm of bread production for bakeries. So, in accordance with our, I will repeat, roughly calculations we must have 45539000*0,625=28461875 kg (28461,88 tonnes) of wheat grain per day in order to satisfy the population of our country in bread. It will be 28461,88*365=10388586 tonnes per year.

We can find the productivity of one normal combine (it can be Claas, John Deer, New Holland or other brands) in the catalogue of the manufacturing companies. They are free and available.

For example, LEXION 770 can harvest about 84 tonnes per hour (of course the real productivity is a little bit less). The average period of harvest gathering is about 10 days. If the rape harvest stays more than 15 days on the field it begins to crumble (20-30%). So, we must have enough combines to gather the harvest (10388586 tonnes of wheat) by 10 days. The usual working day of combine is about 9 hours (it’s up from the climate), though sometimes it reaches 12 or more working hours. On this basis, we can define the necessary quantity of combines: 10388586/(84*9*10)= 1374,15 combines.

Let’s imagine that one combine is operated by two ‘’tankmen’’ (driver and mechanic). As result, we see that we need only 2750 combine operators in order to provide enough grain for bread baking to feed 45539000 people at the modern level of automation.

In accordance with our calculation we see the level of automation of the grain gathering process.

Of course, this calculation took only one hour of our time and is rough enough. It is possible to make the same calculation using more official and exact data, but it will take a bit more time. We must take into account that we calculated only grain gathering process, but such processes like, for example, soil cultivation and grain seeding are performed by the same operators. So, the most important is to calculate the quantity of available machines at farms which by law are usually registered. The sellers of agricultural machines, for example, find this data at village Soviet, statistical organizations and other institutions in order to find the most ‘’fat and rich’’ customers.

The positive index for level of complex automation of manufacturing of the products will be minimal engagement of the human resources to the manufacturing processes.

We should also make the same calculations for other bread components.

It is called research activities. Calculation, research, data operation is difficult work, but it gives us needful result. I understand that calculation is not the same than to watch video-clips in Youtube, but if we want to have the true information, we must do this.

Bread manufacturing is difficult and complex technological process which contains many stages. Beside combines, we need to calculate the quantity if ploughs, seeders, fertilizers, tractors, silos, electricity, fuel and other. It is something like macro business-plan, but in our case we calculate the resources and not the money.

But as we see as bread gets stale on the market shelves, I can assure you that I will certainly have the positive results of your research.

Besides, you can take the other products instead of bread. It can be, for example, a potato which is the final product. In such case, we need to calculate only the quantity of equipment for planting and gathering of potato and we will have the level of automation of potato growing. Parallel with such research we must build the dynamic system of scanning of available and potential resources which must work in real time.

If we, for example, are going to create a global resource management system, we need to build it before the monetary system is ruined. At this stage we need to involve governmental institutions and specialists from automation and cybernetic to this work. Most of such specialists work in companies which pay them. When the big amount of money is invested to development of a new model of telephone, the result is achieved very fast.

So, our task is informing of such specialists about ideas and plan of transition to resource-based economy.

We must have a real possibility to monitor the status of planet Earth and its resources in real time, not by means of periodical surveys or photos from satellite. Such system must automatically calculate the production facilities based on requirement of society. It must always interact with society. This system must also provide efficient distribution of resources and products in accordance with abilities and capacity of our planet.

But, we need to have enough level of automation firstly. As you know, firstly we invented the computer for automation of data operation and just then we created Internet for connection between the computers.

After we reach complete automation of the complex manufacturing of some product and calculate that we are able to manufacture this product without engagement of human resources (or almost without them), we need to step to the next stage.


4) Work on the governmental and international level or ‘’enter to battlefield’’

We are the core of the new resource-based system. The core of the old monetary system is a government. The government can be divided on visible (president, deputies and other puppets) and invisible (oligarchs, bankers and other puppeteer). I don’t know to say that, but we need to cooperate with this layer, because we have no other option yet. Most resources are in the hands of government, so it is a power that can implement the changes more or less easy. Despite the fact that they are not going to leave the ‘’wheel of government’’, it is useless to war with them. If we break them down, the same exploiters and slaveholders will replace them and everything will start from the beginning. In our case we need negotiate with them. But we must not to go into politics by ourselves.

The proved scientific researches are worth argument for society, but not for the government. The government will never leave the power. But we don’t need to take it off. Let they play. All we need is to implement resource-based economy into the life.

We must officially and publicly offer the plan of transition to resourced-based economy for our society. At this stage we need publicity and cooperation with independent mass media (infrastructure). But the last is usually owned by oligarchs. So, they scarcely will ‘’advertise’’ us. We need to look for another ways of distribution of the information, because this factor is very important for us on this stage. In accordance with our transitional plan, the government must implement free products to society step by step be means of investment to scientific researches and implementation of complete automation of complex manufacturing of all products in accordance with train of automation described above. These products will transfer to free category one by one.

Let’s imagine that we will have complete automated system of bread manufacturing. In this case we have absolute and practically approved fact that we are able to build the same system, but on the country level right now. Such system will feed everyone by free. During gradual implementation of such system on the country level, the bread will become constantly cheaper. When we have enough production facilities with automated system of manufacturing processes, the bread will become absolutely free.


At the same time, when the free products appear, the society will also be changed step by step. People will not accumulate the bread in such case, because there is no sense to accumulate it. It is free products and you are not able to sell it. Besides it spoils very fast.

The prior bread manufacturers which will lose their job must be supported by government. The government must provide some privileges and support to these people. It will help them to receive other products by donations or even talons until transitional period is finished completely.

The other products will transfer to the category of free products after the bread.

It can be necessary that at the first stages the government contributes some amount of money to development of technical equipment for automation and support of people (especially former manufacturers of free products). If the government will prevent or hinder the implementation of resource-based economy which will be scientifically and practically proved, we will use the support of society which will be informed enough about transitional plan and quite real possibility if its realization (see cl.2). When the proved offer for social and economical changes is announced, the government will have no other option except to meet our claims. Otherwise, the government will be destroyed by violent methods. As our history shows, we have already practiced in our history before.

All this transition must be fulfilled simultaneously with other countries. In order to do this, we must to keep the contact with other international Chapters of The Zeitgeist Movement and share our plans, experience and knowledge with them. When we feel that it is time to make the final strike, we will do it simultaneously. Such way, the system will be destroyed.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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