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Подготовка к контрольной работе

Читайте также:
  2. III. Мобилизационная подготовка и мобилизационная готовность Российской Федерации
  3. А - подготовка к взятию кала;
  4. А. Сбор информации и подготовка.
  5. Аэробика с игрушками при работе с детьми 6–7 лет
  6. Безопасность труда при работе
  7. В работе


Контрольная работа №2


Контрольная работа № 2 должна быть выполнена письменно и предъявлена преподавателю до начала сессии. Контрольная работа №2 включает тему «Причастие и причастные конструкции».


Задание 1. Выполните письменно следующие грамматические упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Найдите в следующих предложениях причастие. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Модель: The specialists in tax and taxation being in great demand are engaged in forming and pursuing the balanced tax policy.

Специалисты по налогам и налогообложению, пользующиеся большим спросом, заняты формированием и проведением сбалансированной налоговой политики.


1. The workers of tax services promote the economic development increasing the welfare of the society.

2. They have to create tax systems on the basis of generally adopted principles of the economic theory.

3. A corporate tax is an excise tax imposed upon the privilege of conducting business in the corporate capacity.

4. The Constitution and laws passed by Congress have given the U.S. government authorization to collect various taxes.

5. Having collected all the material he was able to write a full report on the work of the commission.

6. We have sent invitations to the parties participating in the agreement.

7. Fiscal policy is the policy adopted by a government for raising revenue to meet expenditure.

8. A person starting his own business should have some financial capital to support the firm’s operation before any revenue is earned.

9. VAT has become an established source of revenue for the Government since its inception.

10. Corporation tax is charged on profits made by UK resident companies, public corporation and unincorporated associations.


Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, используя Причастие I или

Причастие II.


Модель: An individual firm has to receive prices (to exist) in the market.

An individual firm has to receive prices existing in the market.


1. Many tax deductions were reduced (to include) sales tax deductions.

2. American companies (to operate) overseas may therefore be subject to VATs.

3. Most goods are sold with VAT (to include) in the selling price.

4. There are some state institutions (to regulate) the life of the society.

5. When (to draw) up a contract, it is necessary to specify terms of payment.

6. The methods (to choose) to report assets and liabilities will influence the amount of tax to be paid.

7. It is known that taxes (to raise) at the national level are usually supplemented by local taxes.

8. A corporation (to reside) in Sweden is taxable on its worldwide income.

9. It is recognized that fiscal policy has been at the center of the economic reform programs (to pursue) by economies in transition.

10. One of the most serious problems in Russia now is poor tax collection (to cause) sharp decline in tax revenue.


Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя Причастие I или Причастие II.


1. Изменения, происходящие в налоговой политике Великобритании сегодня, отражают основные направления политики правительства лейбористов.

2. Увеличивая налоги, правительство решает вопрос пополнения бюджета.

3. В России каждое лицо, вовлечённое в экономическую деятельность, обязано вносить взносы в пенсионный фонд.

4. Реформа налогового законодательства призвана решать проблемы, связанные со сложной структурой налоговой системы.

5. Соблюдая налоговое законодательство, налогоплательщики вовремя подают декларации.

6. Изучив ситуацию, правительство решило снизить налоговые ставки.

7. Налог на добавленную стоимость – косвенный налог, взимаемый с каждого акта продажи.

8. Налоговые льготы, предусмотренные законом, не предоставляются автоматически.

9. Товары, производимые этой компанией, пользуются большим спросом.

10. Отдельные льготы и скидки, предоставленные ранее, имеют социально-экономическую ориентацию.


Упражнение 5. Найдите в следующих предложениях сложные конструкции с причастием, укажите их. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Модель: Weather permitting, we will leave tomorrow.

weather permitting - самостоятельный причастный оборот

Если погода позволит, мы уедем завтра.


1. We saw the student making an experiment in the laboratory.

2. When we called on our friend we found him gone.

3. The tax return being ready, I shall show it to you.

4. All the problems having been solved, they went home.

5. A bank is a business, its owners and managers aiming to maximize profits.

6. She watched him working for a long time.

7. He wants the work done immediately.

8. The price level rising, the value of money decreases.

9. The country having a budget deficit, inflation may follow.

10. Money has a number of functions, with medium of exchange being the principal function.



Задание 2. Выполните следующие упражнения по тексту.

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом. Выучите их.


Упражнение 2. Переведите устно весь текст.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте все случаи употребления причастия. Переведите эти предложения письменно.


In 1995-96 the largest single source of revenue for the government was taxes on income. Over 25 million individuals pay income tax in the United Kingdom but not all income incurs tax. The main kinds of income upon which income tax is levied are pay, pension payments upon retirement, unemployment benefit, profits from business, income from property, bank and building society interest and dividends on shares. Incomes from certain social security benefits are not liable to income tax.

Acknowledging that income tax is assessable on: income arising within the UK, whatever the domicile or residence status of the taxpayers; and income arising outside the UK on any resident in the UK whatever the domicile.

Corporation tax is charged on profits made by UK resident companies, public corporations and unincorporated associations. The “profit” upon which corporation tax is charged is comprised of income from trading and/or investments and capital gains. The standard rate of corporation tax is currently 33%, although there is a reduced rate for small companies. The reduced rate is 24% and is levied on companies with profits of less than £300,000. For firms with profits between £300,001 and £1,500,000 a marginal rate of 35.25% is applied so that by £1,500,000 the average rate is 33%.



Задание 3. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 103 | Нарушение авторских прав

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