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The selfish Giant.

Читайте также:
  1. At parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses
  2. Giant trees
  3. He indicated a metal path that struck off into green wilderness, over steaming swamp, among giant ferns and palms.
  4. It is unthinkable that the Spanish government would say it has “no selfish or strategic interest” in the Basque Country
  1. Words and word combinations to be memorized:
1. To break out into delicate blossoms – распуститься 23. To fling round smb’s neck – обвить шею руками
2. To bear rich fruit – приносить плоды 24. To bid smb good-bye – попрощаться
3. In a very gruff voice – грубым, хриплым голосом 25. To long for – страстно желать; скучать
4. A notice-board – доска объявлений 26. Feeble – слабый, немощный, хилый
5. Trespassers will be prosecuted – правонарушители будут преследоваться по закону 27. To rub one’s eyes in wonder – тереть глаза в удивлении
6. To wander – блуждать 28. To grow red with anger – побагроветь от гнева
7. Not to care to sing in it – птицы не хотели петь там 29. To slay smb (slew, slain) – убить (книж., шутл.)
8. To slip back – спрятаться 30. Nay (=no)
9. To go off to sleep – заснуть 31. To knee before smb – упасть на колени
10. To roar – реветь, орать, рычать 32. Paradise – рай
11. The hail – град 33. Giant – гигант
12. To rattle – трещать, грохотать 34. Cornish – корнуоллский
13. Slate – шифер 35. Ogre – чудовище, великан-людоед
14. Linnet – коноплянка 36. Spot – место; пятно
15. Casement – окно 37. To cease – переставать, прекращать
16. The trees forgot to blossom – деревья так и не распустились 38. To steal (stole, stolen) – красть
17. To creep in – красться 39. Wicked – злой, нехороший
18. To cover oneself with a blossom – расцвести 40. Underneath – вниз, внизу
19. To twitter with delight – щебетать от восторга 41. To hasten – спешить
20. To look up through smth – смотреть через 42. Hath (=has); thee (=you)
21. To melt – таять 43. Who art thou (who are you)
22. To knock down the wall – сломать, разрушить стену 44. Awe – благоговейный страх, трепет
  1. Find the notions of the following definitions in the text and give some English synonyms to these notions:

1. a person who enters private property without any permission

2. having no strength or force to do smth

3. to move somewhere with very fast speed

4. to stop doing smth of the will of a person or because of some circumstances

5. to take away one’s own or somebody’s life

6. to feel lonely without smb who is dear to you

7. not to be seen by anyone

8. the characteristic of the person who does not act in a good way


  1. Give the literary translation of the following passages:

1. beginning with the words “He saw a most wonderful sight.” and ending with the words “… but the boy was too tiny”.

2. beginning with the words “One winter morning…” and ending with the words “… two little nails were on the little feet”.


  1. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Она подошла к окну и увидела, что град всё усиливался и теперь с ужасным рёвом грохотал по крыше.

2. В этом году кусты белой и красной смородины принесли богатый урожай.

3. На доске объявлений мы увидели заметку об открытии нового клуба и решили, что туда стоит заглянуть.

4. Лёд в их отношениях растаял, и они наконец смогли открыто поговорить о своих чувствах.

5. Когда мы вырастаем, нам нередко приходится прощаться с наивными детскими мечтами.

6. Ему удалось разрушить стену её отчуждённости, и они снова стали верными друзьями.

7. Я никак не могла поверить увиденному и долго тёрла глаза в удивлении.

8. Пришла весна, и птички тут и там стали щебетать от восторга.

9. Он побагровел от гнева, когда обнаружил, что друг предал его, а жена ушла к другому.

10. Мне очень хотелось спрятаться от всех, чтобы никто не видел моих страданий.

  1. Make up 10 sentences with words and word combinations of the tale.
  1. Say whether the following facts are true, false or not mentioned in the story and correct the false sentences:
    1. the children liked playing in the Giant’s garden
    2. the Giant was absent because he was on a business trip
    3. the Giant was very kind and he allowed the children to play in his garden
    4. Winter lived in the garden because there were no children in it
    5. the Giant had 50 rose-trees in his garden, 2 oaks and several fir-trees
    6. the Spring came to the garden when the children crept in
    7. the Giant broke the wall and let the children come and play in the garden for money
    8. one boy was tiny and the Giant helped him to sit on the tree
    9. when the Giant got old, he still played with the children
    10. the tiny boy took the Giant into Paradise


  1. Say who or what in the tale:
    1. used to play in the garden
    2. had been visiting a friend, a Cornish ogre
    3. was very selfish
    4. were pleased because there were no Spring in the garden
    5. painted all the trees silver
    6. gave golden fruit to every garden
    7. covered themselves with blossoms
    8. knocked down the garden wall
    9. were going to the market at 12 o’clock
    10. couldn’t play more with the children


  1. Make a short retelling of the tale on the part of: the children and tell about the garden and its role in your life; the selfish Giant and explain your negative attitude towards those children playing in your garden; the tiny boy and tell about your relations with the Giant and your special role in his life.


  1. Speak on the problems of the tale: the problem of selfishness – its meaning in modern life, your attitude to selfish people; the universal problem of misunderstanding between different generations – are there any ways to solve it; the problem of happiness – how to reach it (speak of the examples from the tale and your own life).


  1. Write down a short composition on the tale “The Selfish Giant”:

1. It is never too late to change yourself, if you really want it. Comment on these words.

2. Loneliness is the worst thing in our life. Agree or disagree with the statement. Give your proofs.

3. Only love makes our life complete, happy and full of sense.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 143 | Нарушение авторских прав

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