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The General Prologue

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  6. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 2 страница
  7. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница

We are all pilgrims, and all of us have many tales to tell,

Some finished and others still in the making.

Geoffrey Chaucer

I. Geoffrey Chaucer

a) When was Chaucer born, and when did he die?

b) What were his links to royalty?

c) What social roles did he fulfill in life?

d) What was happening in Europe during his lifetime?

e) Name Chaucer’s creative works. What he was especially famous of?

f) What are Chaucer’s best achievements for the literary process?


II. Theoretical Part


a) What is a frame story (or frame narrative)?

Consult different types of encyclopedias and other sources.

Read the article “ Обрамленная история ” in Краткая литературная энциклопедия.

Give other examples of frame stories, besides Chaucer's book.

How does this technique of storytelling apply to The Canterbury Tales?


b) Direct and indirect characterization.

Define these types of characterization. Choose 1-2 examples of each type from “The Canterbury Tales”.


III. Work with text and its parts

The General Prologue

Read “Prologue”. Make a list of characters – in Russian and in English. Define the new words. Make notes concerning character's clothes, appearance, behaviour etc.



Кармелит – Friar

Кармелит – представитель одного из четырех нищенствующих монахов‑миноритов (кармелиты, августинцы, францисканцы и доминиканцы). Основанные в середине XII и начале XIII в. в целях религиозной пропаганды среди неимущих слоев, ордена эти в первое время требовали от своих монахов выхода из затвора, подвижнической жизни, отречения от всяких земных благ, помощи прокаженным, нищим и больным. Однако очень скоро, и, во всяком случае, ко времени Чосера (XIV в.), нищенствующие братья выродились в обычных монахов‑тунеядцев, прихлебателей и лентяев, не заглядывавших в городские трущобы и больницы, но ставших завсегдатаями богатых купеческих и дворянских домов.

Чосеров кармелит был «лимитур», брат сборщик с ограниченными правами, позволявшими ему собирать милостыню только в определенном круге, во избежание столкновений с соперниками, сборщиками других монастырей.


Он рясою своею щеголял ‑

Не вытертой монашеской ряднины,

А лучшего сукна, и пелерина

Вокруг тверда, как колокол, торчала


Епитимья его была легка,

Коль не скупилась грешника рука.


Был влюбчив, говорлив и беззаботен.


Так сладко пел он «In principio»

Вдове разутой, что рука ее

Последнюю полушку отдавала,

Хотя б она с семьею голодала.

Он, как щенок, вокруг нее резвился:

Такой, да своего бы не добился!



Questions for discussion:

1. Describe the narrative voice of "The General Prologue."
2. How does Chaucer use physical description to show his attitude towards the characters? Give examples.
3. According to what you have read, what qualities is Chaucer intolerant of? Use specific examples.
4. What qualities does Chaucer most admire? How does he show his admiration?
5. What does Chaucer reveal about his society through his description of his pilgrims and their journey?


Character Poster – Work in pairs

Chaucer creates extremely vivid characters that we can visualize and even relate to. Through these descriptions, we get an insight into medieval fashion as well as timeless characteristics of mankind.

Cooperate with your groupmates. ONE pair of students chooses ONE character.

Choose a character from The Canterbury Tales to reproduce in a poster. You may use any materials you can find to make your depiction of the character.

Follow these guidelines:

Use textual clues to draw an accurate portrayal of the character:

Make your poster as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and use some creativity. Try not to copy the pictures from the book (or the Internet); remember, Chaucer did not illustrate his work, so the pictures are someone else's interpretation of the characters.

Present your poster. Make your presentation vivid and bright. Do not exceed time limit of 5 minutes. Give each member in your group (pair) opportunity to speak.

Prepare questions. After all pairs have presented their work a short quiz starts. Every student prepares a question (it may concern the character you presented or another one). These questions will be asked and answered to demonstrate knowledge of the text.

Examples of the questions: Whose costumes are not described in “General Prologue”? What character followed in his work the medieval theory of four human tempers?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 77 | Нарушение авторских прав

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