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Provision of all Russian schools with access to the Internet

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The realization of the large-scale program on connecting all institutions of general education of Russia to the Internet was started in September, 2006. Every day up to 300 Russian schools got connected to the world network. As a result, for two years within the priority national project "Education" the wideband access to the Internet was provided for all institutions of general education of the country.

The primary task of this direction of the national project was not just the connection of schools to the Internet, but providing access for schoolchildren and teachers on all the territory of Russia to the modern informative educational resources. By creating access for children to the "virtual space" at schools, the society, at first, ensures equal educational opportunities for all children. Besides, with appearance of free access to the Internet, in schools new and unique opportunities for teachers to raise their level, search and usage of new methods and instruments of teaching in the educational process, additional educational and methodical and visual aids have appeared, which has led to the significant increase of availability to the qualitative education. Electronic libraries, modern educational resources, news of science and technique - this is only a small list of those opportunities, which has become available for Russian schoolchildren.

According to the list of educational institutions connected to the Internet together with secondary schools of general education the access to the Internet was provided to institutions of pre-school and institutions of junior school education, boarding schools, sanitary educational institutions of sanatorium type, children's home, special educational and pedagogical institutions for children and teenagers with deviant behavior, correction schools, boarding schools with elementary flying training, and evening (interchangeable) educational institutions.

One of the most actual questions within this direction of the national project is the increase of computer and informative literacy of teachers themselves. At present for them the specialized Federal center of informative educational resources is created, where the best samples of educational programs and methods are concentrated, which were elaborated within federal and regional target educational programs. Besides, training of teachers for work in the Internet is maintained on the basis of regional institutions of raising qualification.

The elaboration of electronic educational resources of the new generation (EER) is actively maintained, which provide realization of educational programs on subjects of general education (physics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages, geography, world artistic culture and art, history, Russian, natural history, mathematics). At present more than 100 thousand educational resources have been worked out and published in the Internet, which provides pupils and children with enough quantity of new educational materials. Already now schoolchildren are able to fulfill laboratory works on physics, chemistry and biology at home, teachers and pupils will be able at lesson with the help of an interactive board to travel to Russian and foreign museums, children from far settlements have got the opportunity to see lectures of the best teachers of the country.

The total volume of means, given at this direction of PNPE, is 3 billion rubles. On June, 7, 2006, the contest for providing access to the Internet for educational institutions of the Russian Federation was announced. According to the rules of the contest the minimal speed of access of an educational institution to the Internet is 128 Kbit/s, with the usage of technologies of xSDL, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, as well as satellite channels of connection in places where it is needed. The method of connection to the network is defined starting from the opportunities of the concrete school - by wire (by telephone lines), wireless and satellite methods.

The executioner of the state order by the results of the open contest is the company OJSC "RTComm.ru". According to the state contract from the moment of connection of a school and within two years after the connection the company provides 24-hour unlimited access to the Internet, and also ensures technical support of computers, servers, and local networks in schools. Besides, "RTComm.ru" organizes a centralized system of content filtration, which excludes access to resources, incompatible with tasks of upbringing and education. For support of the project divisions of technical support have been created at sites www.rtcomm.ru and www.ntf.ru, and 24-hour telephone of help-desk department 8-800-333-02-50. The control for the quality of works and expenses of budget means is maintained by Rossvyaznadzor and Rosfinnadzor.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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