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Post – text assingments

Exercise 7. Look through the text and answer the following questions:

1. How many bones has the human skeleton?

2. What are bones made up of?

3. What are muscles connected to bones by?

4. What do the joints do?

5. What do our bones provide support for?

6. How many muscles has the human body?

7. What is the spinal cord is protected by?

8. What do the ribs form?

9. When do our bones begin to develop?

10.What is compact bone?

Exercise 8. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations:

compact bone; cancellousbone; skeletal muscle; smooth, or involuntary, muscle;

cardiac muscle; partially movable, or cartilaginous,joints; freely movable, or synovial,joints;

Exercise 9. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

our bones, joints, muscles, compact bone, trabeculae, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, fibrous, partially movable, synovial joints

Exercise 10. Choose the correct answers:

1. Our bones provide support for…

a) our head

b) spinal column

c) our bodies

2. The skull forms the shape of our…

a) ears

b) face

c) lips

3. Our bones, muscles, and joints enable us to do everyday…

a) morning exercises

b) homework

c) physical activities

4. The human skeleton has…

a) 203 bones

b) 206 bones

c) 209 bones

5. Bones are made up of…

a) compact bone and cancellous bone

b) trabeculae

c) ligaments

6. … supports bones and protects them where they rub against each other.

a) tendon

b) l igament

c) cartilage

7. The human body has more than 650 muscles, which make up…

a) the whole person's body weight.

b) half of a person's body weight.

c) 1/4 of a person's body weight.

8. Joints are classified by their…

a) range of movement.

b) shapes

c) sizes





Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words: Tissue ['tlfu:], f'tlsju:]; layer [Чеіз]; connective [kg'nektlv]; nerve [n3:vj; epithelial [,ері'9і:1із1]; muscle ['rnAsl]; striated ['strleitld]; smooth [smu:6]; cardiac ['kaidiaek]; involuntary [ln4obnt(3)rl].

Exercise 2. Topic Vocabulary:

living - живий

layer - шар

perform. - виконувати

similar - схожий

connective - сполучна

support - підтримувати

striated - поперечнополосата

involuntary' - що мимоволі скорочується

Internal - внутрішній

stain - пляма

tool - інструмент

embedded - вставлений

enhanced - розширений

refinement - поліпшення

Exercise 3. Form new words using suffices and translate them:

- LY: structural, frequent, high, rare, rapid, slow

- M L: harm, use, pain, care, hope, wonder


Exercise 4. Fill in the right prefix: micro-, over-, sur- or ultra-:

1.____second- one millionth of asecond

2.____charge-to ask for more money than usual

3.____-conservative- extremely conservative

4.____electronics – the branch of electronics that deals with miniature components

5.____-modern – very modern

6.____react –to react too enthusiastically.

7.____sleep – to sleep longer than one intended

8.____coat – a heavy coat used outside other garments

9.____crowded – full of too many people or things

10.____realistic – characterized by fantastical imagery and unrealistic locations

11.____plus – a quantity greater than needed

12.____scopic – invisible to the bare eye

13.____biology- the branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their effects on humans

14.____face- the outermost level of the land or sea

15.____come-get on top of; deal with successfully


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Living tissue is made up of cells There are manv different tvoes of celld, but all have tne same basic structure. Tissues are layers ot similar cells that perform a specific function. The various kinds of tissues group together form organs.

There are four basic types of tissues:

- Connective tissue supports otner tissues\and binds them together. This includes bone, blood, and lympiTtissues in addition to the tissues that give support and structure to the skin and internal organs.

- Epithelial tissue provides a covering for deeper body layers. The skin and the linings of the various passages inside the body are made of epithelial tissue.

- Muscle tissue includes three types of tissue,

· Striated muscles, such as those that rmove the skeleton (also called voluntary muscle)

· Smooth muscles (also called involuntary muscle), such as the muscles that surround the stomach and other internal organs

· Cardiac muscle, which makes up most of the heart wall (also involuntary muscle)

- Nerve tissue is made up of nerve cells (neurons) and is used to carry messages to and from various parts of the body. The brain is made of nerve tissue.

The study of tissue is known as histology or, in connection with disease, histopathology.

The classical tools for studying tissues are the paraffin block in which tissue is embedded and then sectioned, the histological stain, and the optical microscope. In the last couple of decades, developments in electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and the use of frozen tissue sections have enhanced the detail that can be observed in tissues. With these tools, the classical appearances of tissues can be examinedfinliealth and disease enabling considerable refinement of clinical diagnosis and prognosis.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. How many basic types of tissues are there?

2. What are the functions of connective tissue?

3. What does epithelial tissue provide?

4. How many types of tissue does muscle tissue include?

5. What muscles are also called voluntary muscle?

6. What muscles are also called involuntary muscle?

7. What muscle is made up of nerve cells?

8. What study leams about tissues?

9. What are the classical tools for studying tissues?

10. What developments have enhanced the detail that can be obseived in tissues?

Exercise 7. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Живі тканини; сполучна тканина; виконувати функції; м'язи, що мимов.олі скорочуються; глибокі шари; нести повідомлення; серцевий м'яз; класичні інструменти; парафіновий блок; пара десятиліть; спостерігати в тканинах; що дає можливість значно поліпшити.

Exercise 8. Read and translate:

Histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals. It is performed by examining a thin slice of tissue under a light microscope or electron microscope. The ability to visualize or differentially identify microscopic structures is frequently enhanced through the use of histological stains. Histology is an essential tool of biology and medicine.

Histopathology, the microscopic study of diseased tissue, is an important tool in anatomical pathology, since accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases usually requires histopathological examination of samples. Trained medical doctors, frequently board-certified as Pathologists, are the personnel who perform histopathological examination and provide diagnostic information based on their observations.

Exercise 10. Translate into English:

1. Існує чотири основні види тканини: сполучна тканина, епітеліальна тканина, м'язова тканина і нервова тканина.

2. Сполучна тканина підтримує інші тканини і зв'язує їх разом.

3. Епітеліальна тканина забезпечує покриття різних проходжень усередині тіла.

4. М'язова тканина включає смугасті м'язи,що допомогають скелету рухатися, і гладкі м'язи, наприклад м'язи, які оточують шлунок.

5. Нервова тканина складається з нервових клітин і нести інформацію в різні частини тіла.




Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation:

Cell [sel], nucleus [rnju:kliəs], nuclei ['nju:kliai], cytoplasm ['saitəplæzm], microscopy [maikrə'skopi], mammalian [mæ'meiliən], alive [ə'laiv], double [dΛbl], organelle ['o:gənə1], granule ['grænju:l], cellular ['seljulə], bacteria [bæk'tiəriə], pinocytosis [painəsai'təusis], tiny [taini], environment [in'vaiər(ə)nmənt]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

A large number -большое количество

To survive - выживать

Reason - причина

Aside from- помимо

Staining characteristics- свойство окрашиваться

inclusion -включение

to maintain - поддерживать

to refer to - относиться

to ingest - глотать, проглатывать

inflammation - воспаление

to combat - бороться

leakage —протекание, утечка

Exercise 3. Form new words using suffices and translate them:

- LY: structural, frequent, high, rare, rapid, slow

- FUL: harm, use, pain, care, hope, wonder

Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

A short life span, spherical structure, red blood cells, keratinized cells, a pathologic process, staining characteristics, a double membrane, secretory and pigment granules, tiny holes, the cellular membrane, unwanted substances, absorption of liquids, harmful substances.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


A large number of cells make up our body. They range from small cells, some of which have a short life span, to others which are extremely large and which may survive in the body as long as we remain alive.

Structurally, each of the cells is divided into two main parts, the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

The nucleus is a large, spherical structure: it is surrounded by cytoplasm. It is a most important structure for several reasons. It is important because it is present in all mammalian cells except red blood cells and keratinized cells. Very frequently nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process. Aside from their staining characteristics, which make them useful to histologists, nuclei are important biologically.

A double membrane, the nuclear membrane, separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm has been shown through electron microscopy to contain many well-organized structures, called organelles and inclusions. The inclusions contain food and secretory and pigment granules.

The cell membrane is the thin membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm. The cellular membrane contains lipid and protein molecules. The membrane also contains tiny holes, called pores. The cellular membrane prevents leakage of the inner cellular structures into the surrounding environment. Serving as a highly selective barrier, the membrane keeps certain unwanted substances from entering the cell but admits other substances that are necessary for maintaining cellular life.

Pinocytosis is the process of absorption of liquids through a cellular membrane. Phagocytosis refers to the process of ingestion or moving of solids through the cell membrane. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against bacteria, or other harmful substances, since these substances are ingested by the cells that combat inflammation.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 153 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 4. Change the sentences as in the model (using Passive Voice instead of Active Voice.| POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS

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