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The Police Find the Dog

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Forty hours had elapsed before the police work and publicity paid off. By meticulously checking the registrations of every red station wagon in the

neighborhood and then cross-checking dog licenses, the police narrowed the search to four owners. After a few telephone calls, the apologetic owner was located and directed to bring her muzzled German shepherd to the Hart domicile. Bobby identified the dog, and the animal was taken to a veterinary's clinic to have the necessary tests performed. The lax owner, Mrs. McGraw, admitted that the dog had a

sporadic mean streak, but she scoffed * at the idea of rabies. Jerry Hart noticed for the first time in two days that his uneasy feeling had departed.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. Inadvertently, * Emma had allowed two months to ________ before paying her rent.

2. The lackluster* battle was punctuated by __________mortar fire.

3. A man's _________ is his castle.

4. Because the watchman was _________, thievery was rampant* at the warehouse.

5. The _________ musician had nothing but disdain* for his disorganized friends.


Definitions: Match the new words with their definitions.


6. elapse ______ a. careless, negligent

7. meticulous ______ b. to slip by

8. domicile ______ c. occasional

9. lax ______ d. home

10. sporadic ______ e. careful


Today's Idiom to sow one's wild oats ― to lead a wild, carefree life

During his teen years, the millionaire avidly* sowed his wild oats.

11th Week / 4th Day

New Words: rash conjectureobviate lurid quip

rash kqn jek΄ chqr ob΄ vē āt lůr΄ id kwip

All's Well That Ends Well.

The Harts were greatly relieved to learn that the rash conjecture about the dog was not true. Because the German shepherd was not rabid, the necessity for the painful treatment was obviated.. The police gave the dog's owner a summons for allowing the animal to go unmuzzled. Little Bobby was treated to an ice cream sundae and a Walt Disney double feature. The neighbors searched for other lurid happenings, and Jerry Hart went back to his office. "What kind of dog was that?" his secretary asked. "Oh, his bark was worse than his bite," quipped Jerry.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. It was sheer_________ on the detective's part but it led to the arrest of the

vexatious* counterfeiters.

2. The newspapers switched from mundane* coverage to ________ reporting.

3. It was exceedingly _________ of the lightweight to insult the belligerent*


4. The necessity for preparing sandwiches was __________ when the picnic was postponed.

5. Hamlet remembered that Yorick was always ready with a lusty _________.


Definitions: Match the new words with their definitions.


6. rash (adj.) _____ a. do away with, eliminate

7. conjecture _____ b. joke

8. obviate _____ c. guess

9. lurid _____ d. sensational

10. quip _____ e. too hasty, reckless

Today's Idiom windfall ― unexpected financial gain

When the bankrupt company struck oil, the surprised investor received a windfall of $20,000.



12th Week / 1st Day

New Words: diatribe inhibition fortuitous incoherent ilk

dī΄ q trīb in΄ q bish΄ qn fôr tü΄ q tqs in΄ kō hir΄ qnt ilk


Off Broadway

When Monte Ziltch told his boss, Mr. Foy, that he was quitting as an accountant to become an actor, the man was convulsed with laughter. After Mr. Foy realized that Monte was obsessed * with the idea, he became quite serious, launching into a diatribe on the importance of responsibility in the younger generation. Monte confessed that he had been developing ulcers as an accountant, and when his psychiatrist suggested that the sickness was a result of inhibitions, Monte agreed. Now a fortuitous opportunity to get into show business required Monte to make an immediate decision. Mr.Foy stormed out of the office, muttering incoherently about hippies, beatniks, and others of that ilk.

Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. When a large expenditure is imminent*, my father goes into a long _________ on the need for economy.

2. It is often fruitless* to argue with racists, bigots*, and others of that _________.

3. Since the patient's speech was garbled * and __________, we could only conjecture* as to his message. haven



4. The meeting was a __________ one, but the jealous husband construed * it as pre-arranged and clandestine.*

5. After two drinks the usually phlegmatic* dentist lost all his _________.


Definitions: Match the new words with their meanings.


6. diatribe _____ a. kind, sort

7. inhibition _____ b. disjointed

8. fortuitous _____ c. accidental

9. incoherent _____ d. bitter criticism

10. ilk _____ e. restraint


Today's Idiom to wear one's heart on one's sleeve ― to make one's feelings evident

People who wear their hearts on their sleeves frequently suffer emotional upsets.


12th Week / 2nd Day

New Words: prestigious placard integral remuneration nominal

pre stij΄ qs plak΄ ärd in΄ tq grql ri myü΄ nq rā΄shqn nom΄ q nql


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 140 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The Search for the Dog (Continued).| Danny Escobedo Goes to Jail

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