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Mullins a K.O. Victim

Читайте также:
  1. Compensation for victims of crime
  2. Young victims and witnesses in court

When the bell sounded, K.O. Mullins responded with alacrity. He sprang from his stool and charged across the ring, showing disdain

for the champion's strength. Although this belligerent attitude impressed the referee, it failed to intimidate the champ. That intrepid * battler laid the hapless* Mullins low with an adroit*feint and an uppercut.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. The motorist tried to __________ the police officer, telling him of his eminent* friends in high places.

2. The Germans were duped* by the Allies' __________ toward the south, leaving the way open for the Normandy invasion.

3. The waiter moved with __________ because he perceived* they were big tippers.

4. His _________ manner caused him to lose one friend after another.

5. When the curtain came down, the critic's face registered the ___________ she felt for the lackluster* play.


Definitions: Match the new words with their meanings.


6. alacrity _________ a. contempt

7. disdain (n.) _________ b. a false attack

8. belligerent _________ c. warlike

9. intimidate _________ d. to overawe

10. feint _________ e. briskness, lively action


Today's Idiom to throw down the gauntlet to challenge someone (when the gauntlet, or medieval glove, was thrown down, the challenger was required to pick it up)

The principal of our rival school threw down the gauntlet, and we had no choice but to accept the challenge.



4th Week / 2nd Day

New Words: pugnaciouspromulgate brash scoff belittle


Mullins Throws Down the Gauntlet*

The pugnacious K.O.Mullins demanded a rematch. He took a full-page newspaper advertisement to promulgate his challenge. When the champ's manager saw the brash announcement, he accosted * Mullins who was surrounded by a throng* of newsmen. The manager openly scoffed at Mullins and belittled his fighting ability. Mullins then lost his temper and fearlessly punched the manager, knocking him from his wheelchair.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. We implored* the faculty advisor to __________ the requirements for the

presidency of the club.

2. My mother liked the salesman's _________ personality, but he irritated most people.

3. I don't understand modern art, but I neither loathe* nor __________ at it.

4. Since everyone can outpunch my cousin, he cannot afford to be __________.

5. Although Ralph can't play, he doesn't hesitate to __________ the efforts of our football team.


Definitions: Match the new words with their meanings.


6. pugnacious ________ a. quarrelsome

7. promulgate ________ b. to make seen less important

8. brash ________ c. to sneer at

9. scoff ________ d. impudent

10. belittle ________ e. to make known officially


Today's Idiom feeling no pain ― drunk

Although the party had just begun, after his first drink he was feeling no pain.

4th Week / 3rd Day

New Words: tangible laceration castigate sordid octogenarian


Mullins Forced to Eat Humble Pie*

There irate* 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O.Mullins, suing him for assault. As tangible evidence of the attack, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow that had required ten stitches. When the case was brought before the court, the judge castigated Mullins

for the sordid incident. In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to make a public apology to the octogenarian.

Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences


1. The medic reached into his kit to find a bandage for the ugly _________.

2. Mr. Dixon belittled * our request for ___________ proof of his loyalty.

3. The kindly foreman was too reticent* to openly _________ the clumsy new worker.

4. When the teenager announced her engagement to the ________, the public suspected it to be a publicity stunt.

5. Stories of their __________ youth poured forth from the unhappy felons. *


Definitions: Match the new words with their meanings.


6. tangible _____ a. having actual form

7. laceration _____ b. to correct by punishing

8. castigate _____ c. jagged wound

9. sordid _____ d. dirty, base

10. octogenarian _____ e. person in his or her eighties


Today's Idiom Hobson's choice - to have no choice at all (Mr. Hobson owned livery stable but he did not allow the customers to pick their

own horses)

Despite all the talk about democracy in my family, my

father usually gives the rest of us Hobson's choice.

4 th Week / 4th Day

New Words: solace aspirant dregs frenzy scurrilous


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 235 | Нарушение авторских прав

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