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Malnutrition afflict besiege privation sinister

Читайте также:
  1. Зловещий Человек-Паук (Sinister Spider-Man)

' Aboard the refugee ship, Dooley's destiny took shape. He became painfully cognizant* of the malnutrition, disease, ignorance, and fear that afflicted the natives. In addition, he discerned * how active the Communists had been in spreading their anti-American propaganda. Tom Dooley pitched in to build shelters in Haiphong, and to comfort the poor Vietnamese there before that besieged city fell to the powerful Viet Minh forces. He was seemingly unconcerned by the many privations he had to endure. For his services, Dooley received the U.S. Navy's Legion of Merit. He told the story of this exciting experience in Deliver Us from Evil, a best seller that alerted America to the plight of the Vietnamese as well as to the sinister menace of communism.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. The stool pigeon, the detective's confidant,* told him about the _____plot.

2. By running up a white flag, the ________ troops indicated their desire to withdraw from the fray.*

3. Citizens of several Kentucky mountain communities are ______ by the worst

poverty in the nation.

4. The emaciated * prisoners were obviously suffering from advanced ______

5. Albert Schweitzer endured considerable ________ as a jungle doctor.


6. malnutrition ---

7. afflict ___

8. besiege ---

9. privation ---

10. sinister ---


Match the new words with their meanings.

a. lack of necessities

b. faulty or inadequate diet

c. evil, ominous

d. to surround, hem in

e. to trouble greatly, to distress

Today's Idiom

to swap horses in midstream -to vote against a candidate running for reelection, to change one's mind

The mayor asked for our support, pointing out how foolish it would be to swap horses in midstream.



8th Week / 3rd Day

New Words: ubiquitous remote thwart harbinger malignant


After an extensive lecture tour in 1956, Dr. Dooley returned to Laos to set up a mobile medical unit. Because the Geneva Agreement barred the entrance of military personnel to the country, he resigned from the Navy and went to work as a civilian. That story is told in The Edge of Tomorrow. Next year, despite a growing illness, the ubiquitous Dooley turned up in the remote village of Muong Sing, attempting to thwart his traditional enemies-disease, dirt, ignorance, starvation-and hoping to quell* the spread of communism. But his trained medical eye soon told him that the pain in his chest and back was a harbinger of a malignant cancer.

Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.

1. Sprinting all over the court, the ---.----- referee called one foul after another.

2. Ben's reprehensible1* table manners led his fraternity brothers to seat him in a -------- corner of the dining room.

3. The excellent soup was a -------- of the delicious meal to follow.

4. In an attempt to -------- the voracious* ants, he surrounded his house with

a moat of burning oil.

5. The surgeon finally located the -------- tumor that had afflicted* his patient

for many months.

Definiti ns: Match the new words with their meanings.

6. ubiquitous --- a. distant, hidden away

7. remote --- b. being everywhere at the same time

8. thwart --- c. likely to cause death

9. harbinger _______d. to hinder, defeat

10. malignant --- e. a forerunner, advance notice

Today's Idiom: to cool one's heels- to be kept waiting

The shrewd mayor made the angry delegates cool their heels in his outer office.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 143 | Нарушение авторских прав

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