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The Search for the Dog (Continued).

Читайте также:
  1. A green light for new research
  2. Benefits of Knowing Research and Research Methods
  3. Complex Gaze at a Complex World: Challenges of comparison in social research
  4. Decide which search engine is the best for each case.
  5. Education word search
  6. Field Research
  7. Fundamental ideas on intertextuality as viewed by different researches and their connecting with translation as a process

Meanwhile, the Harts had notified the local radio station to broadcast a poignant appeal for the dog's owner to come forward. The station was inundated with phonecalls but allleads were fruitless. From what Bobby had told them, a huge dog had leaped out from a red station wagon in the supermarket's parking lot. After biting Bobby it vanished. The six-year-old was too concerned with the bites he had received to see where the dog disappeared to. The boy's story was garbled, but he did remember that the animal was gray and had a collar. There was little tangible* evidence to go on, but the police remained sanguine.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. The sermon was _________ enough to bring tears to the brash* delinquent's eyes.

2. Although the message was ________, its salient* points were clear enough.

3. After a _________ attempt to wrest* control of the government, the traitors were incarcerated.*

4. Even though his boat was almost__________, the skipper was loath* to radio for help.

5. Because the malignancy* had gone unchecked, the surgeons were not ________ about the patient's chances.


Definitions: Match the new words with their definitions.


6. inundate _____ a. useless

7. fruitless _____ b. confused, mixed up

8. poignant _____ c. optimistic

9. garbled _____ d. to flood

10. sanguine _____ e. moving, painful to the feelings


Today's Idiom to feather one's nest ― grow rich by taking advantage of


While working as the tax collector, he adroitly* feathered

his own nest.

11th Week / 2nd Day

New Words: phlegmatic corroborate comprehensive zealous coerce

fleg mat΄ ik kq rob΄ q rāt kom΄ pri hen΄ siv zel΄ qs kō ėrs΄


No Relief The normally phlegmatic Jerry Hart was deeply upset. Twenty-four hours had passed without result, and even if the rabies could not be corroborated, Jerry was determined to see that his son received the vaccine. At the suggestion of some friends, he organized a comprehensive search party, zealously fanning out in circles around the supermarket. They knocked on every door, inspected every dog, and came back empty-handed. Although the Harts were sick with worry (they had to be coerced into going to sleep), little Bobby seemed to be in great spirits. The excruciating* vigil continued.


Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.


1. Harriet's egregious* error disturbed even her __________ employer.

2. The fund raiser was so __________ that he solicited * money from a Salvation Army Santa Claus.

3. In order to get the job, you had to go through the drudgery* of filling out a

ten-page ________ questionnaire.

4. The elusive was ___________ by his attorney into surrendering.

5. Even the swindler's nefarious* accomplice refused to __________ his alibi.


Definitions: Match the new words with their definitions.


6. phlegmatic _____ a. enthusiastic

7. corroborate _____ b. calm, hard to rouse to action

8. comprehensive_____ c.confirm, support

9. zealous _____ d. thorough

10. coerce _____ e. to force


Today's Idiom fair-weather friends ― unreliable, they fail one in time of


The general was chagrined * to learn that so many of his supposed supporters were actually fair-weather friends.

11th Week / 3rd day

New Words: elapse meticulous domicile lax sporadic

i laps΄ mq tik΄ yq lqs dom΄ q sīl laks spq rad΄ ik


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 164 | Нарушение авторских прав

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A Time for Decision| The Police Find the Dog

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