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Complex Gaze at a Complex World: Challenges of comparison in social research

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  1. A green light for new research
  2. Basic notions of a system, subsystem, complex, series, cycle, group of exercises
  4. Belgorod Region (social and economic survey)
  5. Benefits of Knowing Research and Research Methods
  6. C. Is radical feminism to blame for any social problems (e.g. increasing
  7. Challenges of International Expansion

International conference in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR)

May 25-27, 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia


Preliminary Program


May, 25
9.00 – 9.30 Registration 9.30 – 9.45 Openness of the conference   Plenary papers 9.45 – 11.45 Viktor Voronkov & Elena Nikiforova. CISR. “Russian research center in international collaborative projects” Tsypylma Darieva. University of Tsukuba, Japan. “Anthropology and Explicit Use of Comparison. One Order, Different Outcomes?” Michele Rivkin-Fish & Elena Trubina. Department of Anthropology UNC- Chapel Hill, US & Ural State University, Russia. “Comparative Frames and the Framing of Collaboration: Reflections on the Making of Dilemmas of Diversity”
11.45 – 12.00 Coffee brake
Session 1 Session 2
12.00 – 13.30 Challenges of comparison in social research. Reflecting methodology (Part 1) Tatyana Intigrinova. The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. “The advantages and constraints of multi-sited field comparison” Melanie Tolentino. Central Luzon State University, Philippines. “A Multi-Sited Case Study on Social Vulnerability to Climate Change of Selected Rainfed Farming Communities in the Philippines” Polina Ermolaeva. Kazan Federal University. “Cross-cultural case studies of the environmental practices among the USA and Russian students: interpretation and problems of data comparability” 12.00 – 13.30 Complexity in gender studies Elena Zdravomyslova & Anna Temkina. European University at St. Petersburg, Russia. “How to conceptualize post-Soviet gender order in comparative perspective” Tatjana Shchiurko & Olga Burko. European Humanities University. “Gender conferences in post-soviet context of Belorussia and Ukraine” Petra Heyse. University of Antwerpen, IPrA, Belgium. “ The role of the internet in transnational marriage/love, self-representation and imagination”
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch  
14.30 – 16.00 Challenge of comparison in social research. Reflecting methodology (Part 1) Javier Hernandez. University of Edinburgh, UK. “Financial services and social structures: A comparative study” Pavel Starosta. University of Lodz, Poland. “Problems of comparative sociological research in Central and Eastern Europe” Patrick Vander Weyden. University of Ghent, Belgium. “Ethnicity and voting behavior in multi-ethnic societies. Testing theories and methodologies” 14.30 – 16.00 Comparing social welfare systems (Part I) Balazs Feher, Agnes Szabo, Nora Miklos, Adam Szabo & Gergo Vaszi. Political Ideology Lab, Eotvos Lorand University (Faculty of Education and Psychology), Hungary. “How to compare old and emerging democracies? – Taking into account of context and time factors” Alejandra Montané. Universitat de Barcelona. “A comparative study of the role of higher education in Equal Opportunities policies” Hans Peeters & Gert Verschraegen. K.U.Leuven / University of Antwerp, Belgium. “Commensuration and the comparative analysis of pension adequacy”
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee brake
16.30 – 18.30 Law and society Amandine Regamey. CERCEC / University Paris I, France. “ Comparing Violence – Organ Theft Legends in Chechnya and South America” Ella Paneyakh. Institution for the Rule of Law, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia. “Bureaucracy, Closure and Legitimized violence: How to Study Law Enforcement in Russia“ Angelos Giannakopoulos, Ralf Rogowski, Dirk Taenzler. University of Konstanz, Germany, University of Warwick, UK, University of Konstanz, Germany. Corruption and Anti-corruption in the EU: Research Evidence on Perceptions of Corruption and New Trends in the Corruption Fight Penchan Sherer & Moshe Sherer. Mahidol University, Department of Society and Health, Thailand. “Attitudes towards Dating Violence: A Comparison Study between Israeli and Thai Youth” 16.30 – 18.30 Comparing social welfare systems (Part II) Tatiana Karabchuk. National research University Higher School of Economics, Russia. “Job stability in Russia and Germany” Linda Cook & Meri Kulmala. Brown University, Dept. of Political Science, USA & Aleksanteri Institute, Finland. “The Political Economy of Health Care in Russia: State and Markets, Migrants and Mothers” Andrea Mazzarino & Natalia Sarakhanova. Brown University, USA. “Notions of Corporate Responsibility and their Cultural Contexts: Case Studies from Russia and the United States”. Olena Fimyar. Freie Universität Berlin. Becoming ‘Neo-Liberal’? Academic returnees re-engaging with home institutional cultures in post-communist Russia and Ukraine
19.00 Cultural program
May, 26
Session 1 Session 2
9.00 – 11.00 Environmental Governance: global and local dimensions Laura Henry and Masha Tysjachniouk. Bowdoin College, USA & CISR, Russia. “Global Environmental Governance: Transnationalism and Localism in Russia’s Forests” Maria Pettersson. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. “The Development of Wind Power in Sweden and Denmark: A Comparison of the Regulatory Frameworks” Anna-Maija Matilainen. University of Eastern, Finland. “Russian forest companies, corporate social responsibility, and company stakeholders” Vera Giryaeva. University of Bonn, Germany. «Исследования экологического сознания: Россия и Германия». 9.00 – 11.00 Memory at War: experience of interdisciplinary international collaborative research Tanya Zaharchenko. Interdisciplinary international collaborative research team working on the Memory At War project. “How Memory Becomes Identity: The Curious Case of Ukrainian-Russian Borderlands” Nona Shahnazarian. Kuban Social and Economic Institute, Russia. “ Local dimensions of World War II/ great patriotic war: Contradictory Facts and Alternative options” Mischa Gabowitsch. Einstein Forum, Germany. "Dead Soldiers Fighting: The Military, Political, and Artistic Lives of Soviet War Memorials"
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee brake
11.30 – 13.30 New social communities Olga Echevskaya & Alla Anisimova. Novosibirsk State University, Russia. “"Sibiryak": community, nationality or a state of mind? Exploring the narratives and variations of Siberian identity” Alexander Kustov. Mannheim University, Germany. “Beyond Methodological Nationalism: the Case of Glocal Community of Couchsurfing in St. Petersburg” Irina Krutiy. INPO Micar, Russia. “Transnational networks as new form of sociality” Liudmila Kirpitchenko. Monash University, Australia. “Comparing Academic Mobility and Migration” 11.30 – 13.30 Urban and visual (Part 1) Douglas Harper. Duquesne University, USA. “Defining public life in Italy from the vantage points of eight cultures” Oksana Zaporozhetz & Ekaterina Lavrinetz. ИГИТИ, НИУ ВШЭ, Russia & Вильнюсский Технический университет им. Гедиминаса, Lithuania. Immersion into the city: (non) institutional experiences Desmond Wee. Keimyung University, Korea. “ An ‘I’ for an eye: Looking back at visual research” Erik Hagoort. Academy of Art and Design, Netherlands. “Encounter”
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch  
14.30 – 16.00 Discussion "Complexities of the Transnational Northern Projects: New Challenges for Social Researchers" Daria Kovalevskaya and Olga Mikhaylova. Barents Institute, Norway. “Case Study: The Shtokman Project. The Socio-Economic Capacity of the Murmansk Region in the Framework of the Development of the Shtokman Project” Vladimir Didyk and Ludmila Ivanova. Institute for Economic Studies, Kola Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia. “ Lessons learnt from NAPROLD project” Nafisa Yeasmin. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment, Finland. “ Immigration and Changing Humans’ Attitudes in Rovaniemi – a case study” Tore Andersson. ETS, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. “ The Swedish nature conservation movement and the Sámi” Urban Wrakberg. Barents Institute, Univ. of Tromso, Norway. “ Comparative Perspectives on Northern Raw Material Industry” Nils-Gustav Lundgren. Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. “ Northern Sweden and the attitudes to the present globalization process among citizens. Who is positive and who is negative?” 14.30 – 16.00 Urban and visual (Part 2) Prahallad K Kar. B.J.B. Autonomous College, India. “Poverty and deprivation among rag pickers: a sociological study in the urban centers of Cuttack and Balasore” Oleg Pachenkov. CISR, Russia. Urban flea market: to be or not to be a city scene (cases study of St.-Petersburg and Berlin). Reflection on the potential of “shuttle effect” in comparative case study, OR what allows comparative case study that single one does not allow. Elena Chernova. Russian Institute of Urbanistics. “Comparison research of small towns”
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee brake
16.30 – 17.30 Round table discussion "Challenges of the multi-sited and comparative research" Olessia Kirchik, Mariana Eredia HSE, Moscow, Russia & CONICET/University Saint-Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Periphery-to-periphery: cognitive and social limits of an intellectual meeting between Latin America and Post-soviet world Juergen Feldhoff. Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology, Germany. “How does the institutional context (international funding programs, competitive grant and fellowships), and the market conditions, and pressures influence the choice of research designs?” ….
19.30 – 20th Anniversary of CISR
May, 27
11.00 – 12.30 Complexity in research of legal pluralism Soili Nysten-Haarala. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. “Why is the role of private governance growing more important in today's global business?” Svetlana Tulaeva & Minna Pappila. University of Eastern Finland. “Transnational Corporations in Russia: the Conflicts of Laws” Biswajit Chanda. SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom. “Legal pluralism and family law reform in Bangladesh” 11.00 – 12.30 Body Claudia Zbenovich. Hadassah College, Israel. “ Russian Soviet Cultural Values through Family Communication: A Discourse Analysis of Child-Rearing Practices in Modern Russia and in Israel” Alexandrina Vanke. Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia. “The male bodyness in the space of social distinctions” Premalatha Karupiah. Universiti Sains Malaysia. “Beyond Social Construction of Beauty: The Social Construction of Thinness”.
12.30 – 13.00 Coffee-brake
13.00 – 13.30 Closure of the conference
15.00 – 19.00 Meeting of Editorial Board and Advising Committee of Laboratorium





Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 196 | Нарушение авторских прав

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