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Say true or false

Читайте также:
  1. Beware of false data
  2. Change the sentences above which are false so that they are true.
  3. Comprehension check. Tell whether the statements are True or False.
  4. Decide if the following sentences are true of false. Work in pairs. Use the phrases from Appendix 5.
  5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.
  6. Decide whether the statements aretrue [T] orfalse [FJ.
  7. Ex. 1.4 Decide if each statement below is true or false according to the reading. If the statement is false, tell why

· Poirot was happy to see the woman

· She came to talk about her dog’s trick

· She was sure that there was smth criminal about the movement

· The majority of the members were women

· Poiro said not to worry and go home.

· The police also suspected Mr. Anderson

· Miss Carnaby liked Mr. Anderson

· Miss Carnaby inherited a great

· amount of money

Translate into English

- Ти думаєш лише про власну вигоду (p.56), про те, що належить (p.55) тобі, про суму (p.56) грошей, яку ти можеш отримати. Я більше не зможу покладатись (p.56) на тебе. І не намагайся переконати (p.55) мене залишитись з тобою.

- Не роби вигляд (p.55) ніби ти була жертвою (p.54). Я завжди тебе слухав (p.56), забеспечував (p.54) тебе всім, і твоє рішення пов’язане (p.56) з тим, що ти знайшла когось багатшого.


Story 6.2

Find out in which meaning the words were used in the story

Odd (p.57)

· being without a corresponding pair

· not regular, expected, or planned

· smth rare, occasional, not often met

Attend (p.60)

· to pay attention to

· to visit regularly

· to visit professionally as a physician

Smart (p.59)

· stylish or elegant in dress or appearance

· marked by often sharp forceful activity or vigorous strength

· witty, clever

Create (p.60)

· to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior

· to bring into existence

· to produce through imaginative skill

Write all the possible forms of the words

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
  Increase (p.59)    
  Respect (p.60)    
      Enviously (p.61)
    Harmless (p.60)  
  Create (p.60)    

Use the proper article

On... afternoon preceding... Festival Miss Carnaby met Hercule Poiro in... small restaurant in... sleepy little town of... Newton Woodbury. (p.57) But he is... wonderful man,... great Teacher (p.58) It gives... sensation of... great and plesurable enjoyment (p.60) Miss Сarnaby like... rest held her arms out in... front of her (p.58).


Translate into English

Не відкладай (p.60) відповідь (p.57) або ж (p.59) ти втратиш мою повагу (p.60).

Він виглядав не так гарно (p.59) з обладнанням (p.60) на спині.

Його боротьба (p.58) за справедливість була справді неймовірною (p.60) і не зашкодила (p.60) його стосункам з колегами.

Explain why

· M. Poiro met Ms. Carnaby in the restaurant

· Ms. Carnaby refused to follow his orders

· Many people were assambled at the Festival

· Dr. Anderson was arrested

· Mr. Poiro worried about Ms. Carnaby

· The women left their money for Dr. Anderson

· Ms. Carnaby said to Dr. Anderson that she suffered from tuberculosis

· Ms. Carnaby hurried home so quickly

Arrange the following sentences in the proper order.

Miss Carnaby was flushed and even more breathless than usual

You think your friend has become a victim of a sect of this kind?

Otherwise you wouldn’t have been hypnotized by that gentleman

I must get home

You have spoken of your intention to benefit the sect?

You sent me here to spy on Dr. Anderson

... it is usually lonely women who belong to this sect.

Translate the following set expressions with the word respect

have respect to

without respect to

in respect of (to)

with respect to

in all respects


Story 7.1

1.Find synonyms to the words

1. Real, honest, true (p.61)

2. effective, fruitful (p.62)

3. Declare, proclaim (p.64)

4. ban, forbiddance (p.64)

5. Book, keep (p.63)


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Читайте в этой же книге: Робота з папками, файлами та ярликами | Use the phrases in the sentences from the chapter and in your own | Decide which word refers to which person. | Remember who and when said the words and arrange them in the proper order. | Answer the questions to the story. | Seek for phrases meaning and describe the situations where they were used |
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Translate the phrases with the word way.| Find in the story the words meaning

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