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Task 7. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

Читайте также:
  1. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A. Read and translate the text.
  4. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  5. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  6. Act as Sally. Answer the questions using the conversational formulas trained.
  7. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following

Task 8. Find Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text:

backyard pickup/tote barrel method, baling, collection system, collection trucks, constraints, crew, curbside/r alley pickup, disposal site, disposal, feasibility, frequency of collection, implement, land disposal, leachate, pick up, processing, recovery, relevant, sanitary landfill, set-out/set-back collection, shredding, techniques, transfer station, waste management.

Task 9. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text:

бригада, измельчение, мусорная свалка, мусоровоз, пакетирование твердых отходов, сжигать, удаление, захоронение отходов, фильтрат свалок.

Task 10. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

affect alley pickup burn incineration influence
litter receptacles recy­cling reduce rubbish dump wastewater
  location goal carry out  


1. One of the three basic methods in designing a solid waste collection system is curbside pickup.

2. Collection truck equipped with special bins must re­move wastes from inhabited places.

3. One of the three basic alternatives for disposal is direct disposal of un­processed waste in a sanitary landfill.

4. Three basic methods in designing a solid waste collection system have influence on many other collection variables, including choice of storage containers, crew size, and the selection of collection trucks.

5. If we incinerate solid wastes, it will decrease quantity of landfills.

6. Water pollution from leachate may be reduced by shredding and baling.

7. Many cities implement the collection of materials for re­covery.

8. Solid waste collection system implements the choice of solid waste storage containers in terms of both environmental effects and costs.

9. One of the three basic alternatives for disposal is processing of waste to recover resources with subsequent disposal of the residues.

10. The main objective of solid waste disposal is said to be an increase in waste incineration and a decrease in landfilling.

11. Open burning of waste isvery harmful to an environment.

Task 11. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words.

1. (Измельчение и прессование отходов) may reduce the chances for water pollution from leachate.

2. Processing of solid waste (для того, чтобы восстановить ресурсы) is one of the three basic alternatives for disposal.

3. (Разделение в домашних условиях различных материалов для восстановления) is another factor to be considered in examining storage alter­natives.

4. Another key decision in solid waste collection system is (регулярность сбopa) and the choice is between a once-a-week curbside collection and a twice-a-week backyard service.

5. The distance between the disposal site and the center of the city will de­termine (необходимость использования перевалочного пункта в систему перевозки мусора).

6. (Прямое удаление необработанных отходов) in a sanitary landfill is one of the three basic alternatives for disposal.

7. The choice of solid waste storage containers must be evaluated in terms of both (влияние на окружающую среду) and costs.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Task 6. Skim the text and tell what the general idea of the text is.| Task 12. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary

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