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Task 12. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary

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1. Shredding and baling is more conserving … land than sanitary landfilling of unprocessed wastes, but it doesn't provide opportunity … material or energy recovery.

2. Collection truck equipped with special bins must … remove wastes … inhabited places.

3. One of the most difficult problems confronting community officials is the

sheer quantity of solid waste to be disposed of ….

4. Solid waste collection system implements the choice … solid waste stor­age containers … terms of both environmental effects and costs.

5. Twice-a-week the solid waste container is got … the residence … the collection vehicle.

6. The time for the transport is a key factor, … … traffic-congested large cities.

7. Most municipal solid waste is landfilled by people ….


Task 13. Complete the following sentences:

1. Decisions in solid waste management policy formulation must be made in the following areas: …, …, …, and ….

2. In designing a solid waste collection system, one of the first decisions to be made is where the waste will be … or how the solid waste container will get from the … to the … ….

3. Another key decision is … of collection.

4. The choice of solid waste … … must be evaluated in terms of both environmental effects and costs.

5. Home … of various materials for … also should be considered in examining storage alternatives.

6. Basic alternatives for disposal are as follows: 1) … … of unprocessed waste in … …, 2) … of waste followed by … …, and 3) processing of waste to … … with subsequent disposal of the ….

7. With the help of … … … the goal of resource conservation is achieved.

Task 14. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as: I think/suppose/ consider/believe; to my mind/ in my opinion; as far as I remember/ know/ understand; Let me see...; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think..; Let's put it this way...; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question. Let me see...

1. What are the main objectives in solid waste management policy?

2. What decisions should be made in designing a solid waste collection system?

3. What are the basic methods in a solid waste collection system?

4. What collection variables do pick up methods affect?

5. What collection method is used in your street (district)? Do you think it is effective? Which one would you choose? Why?

6. What frequency of waste collection is recommended in your city?

7. What advantages or disadvantages of once-a-week curbside collection and a twice-a-week backyard service can you name?

8. How are solid waste storage containers chosen?

9. Do you think that home sep­aration of various materials for recovery is really efficient? Why? Where should waste be sep­arated: at home or at a plant?

10. When is it necessary to include a transfer stationin the transport system?

11. What alternatives for disposal are commonly used? Can you offer other ones?

12. Why is waste incin­eration more preferable?

13.What are the main problems in solid waste management in a big town?


Task 15. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. is a term covering all activities needed in collection, pick-up, transport and drop-off of waste sorts. a.pick-up
2.is afunction in which a load or part of it is removed from a transport equipment at an unloading point b.transport
3. is a function in which a load of a transport equipment or part of the load is formed at a loading point. c. collection
4.is a function in which a new location is given to a load or transport equipment at another function site. d.drop-off
5.is a function in which material sorts are gathered from several generation points to collection points. e.waste logistics

Task 16. Explain in your own words following words and phrases:

transfer station, crew

Task 17. Guess the term:

- … is a place where trucks dump their loads into a large vehicle where it is compacted

- … is the most common type of waste collection used. The crews simply empty the containers into the collec­tion vehicles. Municipal ordinances or administrative regulations usually specify when the containers must be placed at the curb or in the alley for pickup and also how long they may remain after pickup. Aside from the cost advantage of this method, it also eliminates the need for the collectors to enter private property, and the amount of service given each homeowner is relatively uniform.

- In … method, the collector enters the resident's property, dumps the container into a tote barrel, carries it to the truck, and dumps it. The collector may collect refuse from more than one house before returning to the truck to dump. The primary advantage of this system is in the convenience to the homeowner. The major disadvantage is the high cost. Many homeowners object to having the collectors enter their private property.

- The … method con­sists of the following operations: 1) the set-out crew carries the full containers from the residential storage location to the curb or alley before the collection vehicle ar­rives, 2) the collection crew loads the refuse in the same manner as the curb method, and 3) the set-back crew returns the empty cans. Any of the crew may be required to do more than one step or the homeowner may be required to do one of the steps.


Task 18. Find in the text and put down key words to speak about advantages and disadvantages of once-a-week curbside collection and a twice-a-week backyard service.


Task 19. Speak on the following topic:

Solid waste collection system.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 180 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Task 7. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.| Социальный институт — относи­тельно устойчивая форма организации социальной жизни, обеспечивающая устойчивость связей и отношений в рамках общества.

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