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Dr. Sandeep Rai

Sahaja yoga for diabetes

Amp; life style Diseases

(Re print of the Scientific Article with Shri Matajis Photo,on Recent Researches on Sahaja Yoga,published in Scientific Proceedings of the National Conference, 12 Oct 2013 Mumbai, on Diabetes and sent across the country,to the top Medical Institutions &Doctors)

Stress!!! We all have it. Medical institutions such as Stanford university hospitals and Mayo clinic estimate that 90% of all preventable disease is caused by stress. We are up to the eyebrows with stress and are assaulted on all sides, every day with job stress, anxious news reports of murder and mayhem. When stress takes hold, the brain is bathed in chemicals, the sympathetic nervous system gets a jump-start, and stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol make us feel even more wired. Glucose and fats flood the bloodstream and our cardiovascular and respiratory systems rev up, all to give us the armaments we need to deal with the stress.

To complicate matters, the "fuel" our muscles need during the fight or flight response is sugar, a reason you crave carbohydrates when stressed. Stress hormone cortisol is produced which increases blood sugar. So people, who are under stress, metabolically speaking, will gain weight and worsen their blood sugar levels for that very reason. Elevated blood glucose and fat levels raise the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

India is the diabetic capital of the world, and diabetes is the leading cause of heart disease in India. Even when Diabetologists aggressively manage their patients’ blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, millions of Diabetics continue to suffer heart attacks and strokes. The reason is that many doctors fail to address the key underlying cause of coronary artery disease—that of endothelial dysfunction. The endothelium comprises the thin layer of cells that line the interior surfaces of the entire circulatory system including the heart and maintains uninterrupted circulation. One of its most important functions is the release of nitric oxide, which signals the arteries to relax and dilate, which increases healthy blood flow throughout the body. Harmful oxidative stress, such as that which occurs in diabetes & hypertension inactivates nitric oxide, thereby contributing to endothelial dysfunction. Thus, endothelial dysfunction is one of the first steps in the creation of blockage in arteries which elevates the risk for heart attack and paralysis. Oxidative stress has also been implicated as root cause underlying the development of insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction in diabetes.

We have recently at Dept of Medicine, have completed a large randomized controlled research study on effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation on endothelial function, oxidative stress, serum cortisol, perceived stress levels and HRV and have found a very significant improvement in both heart rate variability and endothelial function and serum cortisol levels and significantly decreased oxidative stress and perceived stress levels in long term Sahaja Yoga meditators as compared to general population who were not practicing any meditation. The study was done in collaboration between the International Sahaja Yoga Research Centre, Navi Mumbai & the MGM Institute of Health Sciences Navi Mumbai. These results will prove to be a boon for diabetics and can decrease their incidence of heart disease because all major factors incriminated for causation of heart disease in Diabetics like perceived Stress, endothelial dysfunction& oxidative stress, are all significantly decreased by SY Meditation.

The heart is also where Researchers discovered the body’s best biological indicator of stress: heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is the cutting edge of current cardiology research. We are finding that when we are putting out heaps of adrenaline from stress, we are making our heart more touchy and irritable. It is a proven fact now that decreased heart rate variability responsible for so many complications of diabetes is an indicator of reduced longevity in Diabetics. Can all this be averted? This new study reveals that just a few minutes of Sahaja yoga meditation has an immediate and marked increase in HRV by switching off the stress button in human beings.

To substantiate those similar benefits will occur in Diabetic population, a subsequent study jointly supervised by Dr Padma Chavan, Director, School of Biomedical Sciences at the MGM Institute of Health Sciences, along with her Msc students, Mrs Kiran and Mr Imran and Our Group including myself & Dr Vishesh from from Dept of Medicine at the MGM Medical College, along with and Dr Anoop & Dr Dongre from the International Sahaja Yoga Centre, measured similar parameters in diabetic patients who practiced Sahaja yoga meditation and compared to non meditating diabetic population. The diabetic group doing Sahaja Yoga showed marked reduction in systolic blood pressure, levels of stress hormone cortisol along with increase in vasodialator NO (p<0.0001). The fasting blood glucose were also reduced significantly (p<0.01). More over the lipid profile levels in diabetic group participating in Sahaja Yoga showed marked reduction in Cholesterol and Triglycerides, whereas the good cholesterol HDL levels showed significant improvement

Hence we propose that Sahaja Yoga may offer an effective intervention for reducing blood sugar among diabetic people especially with coexistent hypertension also improving the vascular tone by secreting adequate levels vasodilator nitric oxide .This is a path breaking study which shows direct beneficial correlation of, endothelial functions implying a healthier heart, and better control of blood sugar and A1C levels, decrease in blood pressure and in bad Cholesterol and increase in the good cholesterol in the patients who are diabetic and and practice Sahaja Yoga meditation for just 20 mins a day.


Dr. Sandeep Rai


Post Graduate Department of Medicine

MGM Institute of Health Sciences & Hospitals, Navi Mumbai

Chairman Board of Studies - MGM Institute of Health Sciences

Member Academic Council -MGM Institute of Health Sciences

IN-CHARGE: Division – Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders

HONY DIRECTOR – International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre

FORMER CONSULTANT: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (Delhi)



The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the biggest body fighting the disease globally has put the death toll in India from diabetes at one million this year. "India has a national diabetes control programme but it is yet to be fully implemented. India needs to put in place measures to curb risk factors. Reducing stress hormone levels through meditation may help diabetics keep their blood sugar and blood pressure levels under control. We recommend meditation in addition to their prescribed medications, diet & exercise to most of our Diabetic patients.


Recent research has gone to the genetic level and it’s been shown that hundreds of genes may change their expression in as short a time as a few months after the person starts meditating. Genes associated with heart disease and Diabetes where “turned off” or down-regulated and genes that were found to be protective where up-regulated. People need to be aggressive about modifying their lifestyles, because if people are rigorous about these changes, they can ward off the diseases – it's a real option. ‘Hopefully, studies like this one will contribute to that effort. “opines Dr Padma Chavan, and Dr Parneeta, Professor Biochemistry and Lecturer Biochemistry respectively, at MGMIMS, both of whom were actively associated with this study. As of now, the literature suggests that Sahaja Yoga Meditation can be recommended as an adjuvant treatment for various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease and many other Life Style Diseases which are known to be exacerbated by stress.



DR. SANDEEP RAI, PROFESSOR & UNIT HEAD, Post Graduate Department of Medicine, INCHARGE: Div - Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases, CENTRE HEAD: Diabetes Specialty Centre, MGM - Advanced Centre for Diabetes Care & Research DIRECTOR: International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre, Navi Mumbai


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав

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