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Reading and discussion

Читайте также:
  1. A Freeway on line discussion
  2. Additional reading
  4. After Reading Activities
  5. After reading tasks
  6. After reading tasks.
  7. After-reading activities.




My name is Boris Klimov. I am a first-year student of the Civil Engineering Department at the Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University. I had to take entrance examinations in Mathematics, Physics and Russian in order to be accepted to the University. I entered the University in 2003. I am a full-time student, that is I attend classes, lectures and seminars in the daytime, whereas the University accepts a lot of young people for a correspondence course.

2. The University has a five-year course of study. The academic year begins in September and ends in June. There are two terms in it. So students take end-of-term tests and examinations twice a year, that is in January and June. If a student passes them successfully, he is granted a monthly scholarship.

3. We have two vacations a year - winter and summer ones. The winter vacation is quite short, it lasts only two weeks, the summer one is longer, and it lasts a month.

4. We go to the University on week-days. We have no classes on Sunday. At the University, classes begin at 8.15 in the morning and are over at 3.55 in the afternoon. During the first two years, students are taught different subjects of general nature. My favourite ones are Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and English. From the third year onwards, students take some special subjects of their chosen profession.

5. Every day we usually have three or four classes, lectures and seminars. During a long forty-five minute break students go to dining rooms, snack bars or a canteen to have their midday meal.

6. I go to the University library after my classes. I am in the habit of doing my homework there. But a lot of my fellow-students prefer doing it at home.

7. I live with my parents. I have to take a trolley-bus or a bus to get to the University. It usually takes me twenty minutes to reach it. Those studying away from home are given accommodation in the University hostel. It is situated near the University and students walk there.

8. I am a diligent student. I don’t miss any classes or lectures and always do my best to prepare properly for them.


1. an academic year - учебный год

2. to accept [эk’sept] - принимать

to be accepted to the University - быть принятым в университет

3. to accommodate [э‘komэdeit] - предоставлять жилье

accommodation - помещение, жилье

a hostel - общежитие

4. to attend - посещать, присутствовать

to attend classes - посещать занятия

5. a canteen [kæn’ti:n] - столовая, буфет

a dining room - столовая

a snack bar - закусочная, буфет

6. to do one’s best - сделать все от себя зависящее

7. to enter - поступать

to enter the University - поступать в университет

to graduate from the University - заканчивать университет

8. an exam [ig’zæm] = - экзамен

an examination

an entrance examination - вступительный экзамен

a test - зачет

to take an exam (a test) - сдавать экзамен (зачет)

to pass an exam (a test) - выдержать экзамен (зачет)

9. a habit - привычка, обыкновение

to be in the habit of doing smth. - иметь привычку что-либо делать

10. to be over - заканчиваться, прекращаться

11. a scholarship [‘skolэ∫ip] - стипендия

to grant a scholarship - давать стипендию

12. a student - студент

a diligent student - прилежный студент

a first-year student - первокурсник

a second-year student - второкурсник

a third-year student - третьекурсник

a full-time student - студент дневного отделения

a fellow-student - сокурсник

13. a subject [‘sΛbdζэkt] - дисциплина, предмет; тема

to take a subject - изучать предмет

14. a term - семестр

15. a vacation - каникулы

a winter vacation - зимние каникулы

a summer vacation - летние каникулы



Pronounce correctly.

accommodation [э,komэ‘dei∫n] canteen [kæn’ti:n] correspondence [korэs’pondэns] course [ko:s] department [di’pa:tmэnt] descriptive [di’skriptiv] diligent [ ‘dilid эnt] dining [‘dainiŋ] engineering [,endζi’niэriŋ] entrance [‘entrэns] examination [ig,zaemi’nei∫n] favourite [‘fevrэt] geometry [d i’omэtri] lecture [‘lekt∫э]   mathematics [,mæθэ‘mætiks] minute [‘minit] onwards [‘onwэdz] parents [‘peэrэnts] physics [‘fiziks] prefer [pri’fэ:] scholarship [‘skolэ∫ip] seminar [‘semina:] special [spe∫l] successfully [sэk’sesfuli] taught [to:t] technological [,teknэ‘lod ikl] university [,ju:ni’vэ:sэti] walk [wo:k]



2. Express in one word the meaning of each of the following phrases. All the words required are in the Text. You are given the first letter of each word and the number of letters in it.


1. a lodging-house for students - (h_ _ _ _ _)

2. to take or receive smth. offered or given - (a_ _ _ _ _)

3. to become a member of; to join - (e_ _ _ _)

4. studying for the normal number of hours or days - (f_ _ _ - t _ _ _)

5. to be present at; go to - (a_ _ _ _ _) 6. to finish an educational course - (g_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

7. one of the periods of time into which - (t_ _ _)

the univer­sity year is divided

8. a sum of money given to a student by an official body - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

to support him during his/her studies

9. a period of holiday - (v_ _ _ _ _ _ _)_ 10. one of the several divisions of a university - (d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

11. to like better - (p_ _ _ _ _)

12. a public eating place - (s_ _ _ _ - b_ _)

13. a student of the same group, faculty, etc. - (f_ _ _ _ _ - s_ _ _ _ _)

14. to continue for a period of time - (l_ _ _)

15. a place to live; room; flat; house - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

16. hardworking; showing steady effort - (d_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

Choose the Russian equivalents from the right column to the following English words and phrases.

to be over that is a correspondence course to grant a scholarship to take a bus week-days onwards to take a subject to have classes to have meals to be in the habit of doing smth. to do one’s best an academic year to take an exam to pass an exam t o miss in order to выдержать экзамен пропускать, не посещать изучать предмет сесть в автобус, ехать автобусом сделать все от себя зависящее сдавать экзамен учебный год далее заочный курс обучения заканчивать, прекращаться то есть принимать пищу, есть давать стипендию для того, чтобы заниматься будние дни иметь обыкновение что-либо делать

Finish up the sentences of the Text.

1. I am a first-year student of ….

2. I entered ….

3. The University accepts….

4. Students take end-of-term ….

5. The winter vacation is ….

6. The summer vacation is ….

7. At the University classes ….

8. My favourite subjects are ….

9. Every day we usually have ….

10. I am in the habit of ….

11. It usually takes me ….

12. The University hostel is situated ….

5. What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.


A.: What is your name?

B.: ….

A.: Where do you study?

B.: ….

A.: What entrance examinations did you have to take?

B.: ….

A.: Are you a part-time student?

B.: ….

A.: What course of study does the University have?

B.: ….

A.: When does the academic year begin and end?

B.: ….

A.: How many terms are there in the academic year?

B.: ….

A.: Are all students granted monthly scholarships?

B.: ….

A.: When do the students have classes at the?

B.: ….

A.: What subjects are the students taught during the first two years and from the third year onwards?

B.: ….

A.: When and where do the students have their midday meal?

B.: ….

A.: When do your fellow-students and you prefer doing their/your homework?

B.: ….

A.: Where do you live or stay?

B.: ….

A.: Do you attend all classes, lectures and seminars?

B.: ….

A.: What kind of student are you?

B.: ….

Make up a plan of the Text and reproduce it according to the plan.




1. I get up at seven o’clock. I open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom to wash and clean my teeth. At half past seven, I have my breakfast. My mother gets breakfast ready for the whole family. It takes me about ten minutes to have breakfast. Then I put all my textbooks and copybooks into my bag. I put on my coat and cap when it is cold and leave home for the University. I take a bus in order to get to the University. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there from my home.

2. At the University I take off my cap and coat and leave them in the cloak-room. Then I go to the time-table to see in what classroom we shall have our first class. I go to the classroom and prepare everything for the class. At 8.15 the bell rings, the teacher comes in and the class begins. Each class lasts for an hour and a half broken up by a five-minute break. After each class, we have a 10-minute break. During this break, we can have a smoke, talk about our student life or sport news. After the third class, we have an hour lunch break during which we can go to the canteen or to the snack-bar to eat and drink something. We have three or four classes a day. At 3.55 p.m., the classes are over. Sometimes I can go home after my classes but I usually have to stay at the University. I have either to go to the library or to work at a laboratory. We very often have to listen to the tape-recorder at the language laboratory and do some exercises in English. When I stay at the University, I have lunch at the canteen. If I go home after my classes, I have lunch at home.

3. When I come home, I have a short rest and then I begin preparing my homework. I usually have to prepare my homework. Sometimes my friend Mike comes to see me and we do our homework together. It takes us about two or three hours to prepare it. After this we go for a walk or play chess. If an interesting programme is on, we watch TV. Then we have dinner and after this Mike goes home. At midnight I go to bed.


Read Text 1B and answer the following questions.

1. What do you do after you get up in the morning?

2. How do you get to the University?

3. How long does it take you to get to the University?

4. When do your classes begin and are over?

5. What do you do during a ten-minute break?

6. When and where do you have lunch?

7. Do you often have to stay at the University after your classes?

8. Do your fellow students come to see you at home?

9. What do you do in the evening?

10. When do you usually go to bed?


8. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions and reproduce the context in which they are used.


To do morning exercises, to get breakfast ready for somebody, to leave home for, in order to, to get to the University, to have a class, to see a time-table, to stay at the University, to listen to the tape-recorder, to have a short rest, to come to see somebody, to be on.


9. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasoning. The following phrases may be helpful:

Quite so. Exactly. It’s (partly) true. Just the opposite. I don’t think so. I can’t agree with you.


1. I don’t do morning exercises in the morning.

2. It takes me about twenty minutes to have breakfast.

3. I leave home for the University in the morning.

4. The bell usually rings at 9.00 a.m.

5. We have four classes a day.

6. I never stay at the University after my classes.

7. When I come home, I immediately begin doing my homework.

8. I don’t like watching TV in the evening.


10. Put the following headings in a logical order according to the Text.


1. Coming home after my classes.

2. My first class according to the time-table.

3. The things I do in the evening.

4. My friend Mike’s coming to my place.

5. The things I do in the morning.

6. Going to bed.

7. The things I do during breaks.

8. Getting to the University.

9. Staying at the University after my classes.

10. Doing my homework.


11. Read Text 1B again. Give a brief outline of the information each paragraph contains.






1. My name is Helen. I came to Belgorod two months ago because I want to be a professional civil engineer, and the best higher educational institution in this field is here in Belgorod. I’m doing a civil engineering course at the Belgorod State Technological University, which is very hard work, but I’m really enjoying it. The course is very interesting. I’m living with another girl in a flat in Popov street. We rent this flat from my parents’ friends. It’s small, but it’s comfortable. My boyfriend, Nick, lives in the same street with his parents. They are very kind, and often cook meals for me.

2. I know my parents are worried about me living in Belgorod, but it is very safe here. It’s so exciting in Belgorod, there is so much to do and see. It was difficult in the beginning, especially getting to know this city, and I didn’t know many people, but it’s fine now. I have a lot of good friends. I love my Mum and Dad very much, but I don’t want to live at home for the rest of my life. I phone home every Sunday, and I regularly send them letters. Mum reads them, but I don’t know if Dad does.


12. Ask your groupmates about Text 1C and let them answer these questions.

1. When did Helen come to Belgorod?

2. What course is she doing?

3. Who is she living with?

4. What is the room she rents like?

5. Where does Helen’s boyfriend live?

6. Why are Helen’s parents worried about her?

7. Why was it difficult for Helen in the beginning?

8. Does Helen want to live with her parents for the rest of her life?


13. Consider the following statements.


1. I came to Belgorod to do a civil engineering course because the Belgorod State Technological University is the best higher educational institution in the field.

Do you agree? Can you give your reasons?

2. My parents are worried about me leaving and studying away from home.

Do you agree to that? What is really meant?

3. I don’t want to live at home for the rest of my life.

How do you understand it? Can you express your opinion on the above?



14. Discuss pros and cons of living and studying away from home.


Here are some useful expressions for the supporters:

The point I’m making is …; it is generally felt …; I’m bound to say …; I’m inclined to point out …; everyone knows that …; etc.

Some useful expressions for the opponents:

That’s not the point …; I think it’s absurd to …; anyone can see …; the facts just don’t support …, etc.



15. Retell the story as if it happened to you.


16. Make up a story about your student life based on the information given in the above Texts.







Peter: How many exams did you take last term?

Bob: Four.

Peter: Did you pass all of them?

Bob: Certainly, but I didn’t do very well, unfortunately I got a sat in physics. How about you?

Peter: I passed three exams and failed mathematics.

Bob: But you were quite good at mathematics. Why did you fail the subject?

Peter: I’m afraid I was loafing the second half of the term; that’s the reason.

Bob: They say: you either go forward or slip back.


17. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 1.


18. Make up dialogues of your own using Dialogue 1 as a model.

Situations: You meet your friend and talk about:

a) progress in studies;

b) end-of-term tests passed;

c) examinations passed.





Henry: Are you still studying English?

James: Yes, but I don’t get enough time for it. I have so many other things to do.

Henry: It’s the same with me. I can read English now without much difficulty, but I still find it rather difficult to speak it. Moreover, I don’t always understand people when they speak English to me.

James: We don’t hear English spoken enough, I suppose. Do you listen to the radio programmes from England?

Henry: Yes, I listen to the news and talks from London. That helps me to understand spoken English but not to speak English.

James: We must go to England, or the USA, for a holiday one day.

Henry: Yes, that’ll be the best way.


19. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.


20. Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.


Oleg: Hello, Yuri.

Yuri: Hello, Oleg. How are you?

Oleg: Not very well, I’m afraid.


Oleg: I’m giving up. I certainly can’t speak English.


Oleg: I try and try but still can’t speak it well.


Oleg: Thank you, Yuri. I’m sure your help will improve things.


Oleg: Thanks again, Yuri. Good-bye.




(Alex, a first-year student, is talking to his tutor – Mr. Ivanov).


Alex: Mr. Ivanov, I would like to clear up a few questions. Will you, please, explain some abbreviations in the timetable?

Mr. I.: With pleasure.

Alex: What does LAB mean?

Mr. I.: It means LABORATORY CLASS. The students may work with machines, or they may carry out experiments and write reports about them there.

Alex: What about LEC?

Mr. I.: That stands for LECTURE CLASS. A professor gives lectures and the students take notes.

Alex: The last abbreviation is SEM.

Mr. I.: It stands for SEMINAR. The professor and the class discuss problems connected with a specific subject. The students frequently prepare reports and read them to the class.

Alex: Do all University courses have examinations?

Mr. I.: Yes, all of them do and students take them twice a year. They are called end-of-term exams.

Alex: Are there any other exams besides these?

Mr. I.: Well, some teachers also give short exams, but these are called end-of-term TESTS.

Alex: What does a student’s final mark depend on?

Mr. I.: It depends on everything: on the examinations, tests, written assignments and often on attendance.


21. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.


22. Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.


1. Your groupmate asks you about your timetable of the first term.

2. You explain the meaning of the following forms of teaching to your groupmate: a class, a lesson, a lecture, a seminar.





23. Listen to the Text “Student Life” about Oleg Petrov’s study at the Belgorod State Technological University.


a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. Oleg Petrov is in his second year, isn’t he?

2. What faculty does he study at?

3. Does he live with his parents?

4. Is he a part-time student or a correspondence student?

5. Why is Oleg a diligent student?

6. What subjects does he take?

7. Is he a book-lover?

8. Where does Petrov prefer doing his homework?

9. What has Oleg recently become interested in?

10. Why will he surely make a good researcher?

b) Retell the story about Oleg Petrov.

c) Read Tapescript 1A of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Tell your groupmates about one of your friends studying at another higher educational institution.

24. Listen to the Text “The Student Rob Fellows” about Rob who is a student in England.


Study the following commentary:

Dundee [‘dΛndi] – Данди, город в Шотландии

Durham University [‘dΛrэm] – Даремский университет, расположенный в городе Дареме, в Англии, основан в 1832 г.

Castle [ka:sl] – замок, дворец.

a) Fill in the chart.


The place Rob comes from   University he goes to   The course he takes   The time he started his course   The languages he studies/ knows   The number of students living in Durham Castle The year of study he is in   His plans for the future  


b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c ) Read Tapescript 1B of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Retell the story.



The Belgorod SHUKHOV State







1. The Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University was founded in 1970 and since that time, it has grown into a big higher educational institution.

2. There are seven faculties at the University. They are the Faculty of Silicate and Composite Materials, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Architecture and Technology of Building Materials, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Faculty of Industrial Automation and Information Technologies and the Faculty of the Correspondence Course. The University has about 50 departments.

3. About 5,000 students go to the University. About 60 professors, 250 assistant professors and a lot of lecturers work at it. The Belgorod State Technological University trains highly-skilled specialists for the industry of building materials: mechanical engineers, chemists, economists, civil engineers, architects, computer engineers and others. There are a lot of laboratories at the University. They are fitted with modern equipment and instruments to provide a high level of training. They are of great help to students. Here students carry out their experiments and do research work.

4. There is also a good library at the students' disposal where they can borrow text-books, manuals and literature on the subjects they are interested in, and a few reading rooms at the University.

5. Almost all the students go in for different kinds of sports. They do them in a few large well-equipped gyms.

6. A period of study at the University lasts five years. The academic year begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in June. According to the University curriculum the 5-year period is divided into: 1) two years of general study when students are taught different subjects of general nature, for example, Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, History of Russia, Foreign Languages, Descriptive Geometry and some others; and 2) three years of professional training when students learn special subjects, quite necessary for their future profession. There are two terms in the course of the academic year. Therefore, students take oral tests and examinations twice a year. If they pass them successfully, they are granted monthly scholarships. During the terms, students have to attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and do practical work. At the end of the period of study, a student writes and gets ready a graduation paper and then defends it in the presence of the examiners' body. Soon the defence is over and the former student becomes an engineer with a University diploma.

7. A post-graduate course was organised at the University in 1973. At present about 150 post-graduate students take it.

8. Every year a lot of young engineers graduate from the University. They work at plants, factories, research institutes, design offices, carry out research work, create new types of materials, and work out new methods of production processes. The industry of building materials needs such experts and always gladly receives them.

9. The Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University is young but it has great prospects.

Active vocabulary to remember


1. to carry out experiments - проводить эксперименты

2. a curriculum [kэ‘rikjulэm] - 1) учебный план; 2) курс обучения

3. a department - факультет; кафедра

correspondence department - заочное отделение

4. to be at one’s disposal [dis’pэuzl] - быть в чьем-либо распоряжении

5. an examiners’ body - экзаменационная комиссия

6. to fit - оснащать, оборудовать

(Syn.) to equip [i’kwip]

7. to found - основывать, создавать

8. to graduate from the University - закончить университет

a post-graduate course - аспирантура

a post-graduate student - аспирант

9. a graduation paper - дипломная работа

to defend a graduation paper - защищать дипломную работу

to get ready a graduation paper - подготовить дипломную работу

10. a gym (сокр. от gymnasium) - спортивный зал

11 an institution [,insti’tju:∫n] - заведение, управление, ведомство

a higher educational institution - высшее учебное заведение

12. a professor - профессор

an assistant professor - доцент


13. to provide [prэ‘vaid] - обеспечивать, снабжать

14. research [ ri’sэ:t∫] - научно-исследовательская работа

a research institute - научно-исследовательский институт

to do research work - проводить исследование

15. to train - обучать(ся), учить

training - обучение



Pronounce correctly.

architect [‘a:kitэkt] chemical [‘kemikl] course [kо:s] curriculum [kэ‘rikjulэm] disposal [dis’pэuzl] economics [,i:kэ‘nоmiks] educational [,edju’kei∫эnl] engineering [,endζi’niэriŋ] equipment [I’kwipmэnt] experiment [ik’sperimэnt] faculty [‘fæklti] gym [dζim] higher [‘haiэ] industry [‘indэstri] institution [,insti’tju∫n] laboratory [lэ‘bоrэtэri] lecturer [‘lekt∫эrэ] manual [‘mænjuэl] manufacturing [,mænju’fækt∫эriŋ] mechanical [mi’kænikl]] mechanics [mi’kæniks] organize [‘о:gэnaiz] period [‘piэriэd] quite [kwait] receive [ri’si:v] research [ri’sэ:t∫] specialist [‘spe∫list] technology [tek’nоlэdζi]

Indicate one of the meanings in which the given word is used in the Text, the paragraph number is given in brackets.

1. since (1) - так как, с тех пор как, с, после
2. an institution (1) - учреждение, учебное заведение, общество
3. a department (2) - ведомство, отдел, кафедра
4. to train (3) - тренировать, обучать, воспитывать
5. to fit (3) - устанавливать, годиться, оборудовать
6. an instrument (3) - орудие, инструмент, прибор, аппарат
7. to carry out (3,6,8) - выполнять, доводить до конца, проводить
8. to borrow (4) - брать, занимать, заимствовать
9. a gym (5) - гимназия, спортивный зал
10. academic (6) - академический, учебный, теоретический
11. quite (6) - вполне, совершенно, совсем, полностью
12. a course (6) - курс, направление, ход, очередь, течение
13. a paper (6) - газета, бумага, документ, работа
14. a body (6) - тело, масса, комиссия, организация
15. to graduate - окончить, градуировать, располагать в последовательном порядке


Choose the synonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one.

to found a lecturer skilled to provide to be of help to smb. research to be at smb’s disposal a manual according to a curriculum training a term to defend former prospects a post-graduate course to give to protect a textbook chances instruction able to be used by someone a university (college) teacher a course of study a graduate school to assist to set up previous as said or shown by a semester qualified investigation

4. What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: When was the Belgorod State Technological University founded?

B.: ….

A.: What faculties are there at the University?

B.: ….

A.: How many departments does the University have?

B.: ….

A.: How many students study at the University?

B.: ….

A.: What is the teaching staff?

B.: ….

A.: What specialists does the University train?

B.: ….

A.: What can you say about the University laboratories?

B.: ….

A.: Where can the students borrow literature for their studies?

B.: ….

A.: Are there any facilities for the students to go in for sports?

B.: ….

A.: What is the period of study at the University?

B.: ….


Put questions to which these are the answers. The important words in the answer are underlined. Act the dialogue.

A.: …?

B.: The academic year begins in September and lasts ten months.

A.: …?

B.: The 5-year period of study is divided into two years of general study and three years of professional training.

A.: …?

B.: There are two terms in the academic year.

A.: …?

B.: The students take tests and examinations twice a year.

A.: …?

B.: If the students pass their tests and examinations successfully they are granted monthly scholarships.

A.: …?

B.: When the period of study is over, a student writes, gets ready and then defends a graduation paper.

A.: …?

B.: A post-graduate course was organized at the University in 1973.

A.: …?

B.: Young engineers who graduate from the University work at plants, factories, research institutes and design offices.

A.: …?

B.: They also carry out research work, create new types of materials and work out new methods of production processes.



Make up a plan of the text and reproduce it according to the plan.




Training specialists at the Belgorod SHUKHOV

State Technological University

1. The Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Russia training highly skilled experts in different fields of the industry of building materials.

2. If you finished a secondary school and took and successfully passed the entrance written examinations, you are accepted to the University and become an undergraduate (a student). Now you are on the way to get a profession, to become a highly qualified specialist in one of the branches of the industry of building materials chosen by you.

3. A period of study at the University lasts 5 years. According to the University curriculum the 5-year period is divided into: 1) two years of general study when the student is taught different subjects of general nature, for example, Economics, Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, History of Russia, Foreign Languages, Descriptive Geometry and some others; and 2) three years of professional training when the student learns special subjects, quite necessary for the given profession.

4. Each year students take oral end-of-term tests and examinations. If they pass them successfully, they are granted monthly scholarships.

5. At the end of the fourth year University undergraduates are sent for a few months to factories, plants, research institutes, or some other enterprises in order to get some practical training in the field of their future profession. Working and staying there fifth-year students start their work at diploma papers.

6. At last the time of vocational professional practice is over and the students come back to their University. Here they consult their professors or tutors on some vague items and get ready to defend their diploma papers in the presence of an examiners’ body.

7. Soon the defense is over and a former student becomes an engineer with a University diploma – a civil engineer, a chemical engineer, a mechanical engineer, an architect, an economist, a computer engineer and so on.

8. After some rest a new specialist being fresh from the University is given a job at some place of Russia. The state’s national economy needs such people and always gladly receives them.


Read Text 2B and answer the following questions.

1. Why is the Belgorod State Technological University considered to be one of the leading higher educational institutions of Russia?

2. What subjects do the students take during the period of study at the University?

3. How often do the students take end-of-term tests and examinations?

4. Why are the fourth-year students sent to research institutes, factories, plants or other enterprises?

5. When and how are diploma papers done?

6. When is a student conferred on a diploma?

7. Does the national economy need the graduates of the University?


Reproduce the parts of the Text in which these words and phrases are used. Use these phrases in short stories of your own.

A higher educational institution, a highly skilled expert, to become an undergraduate, to last, to be on the way to do something, to choose, an end-of-term test, to send, in order to, to work at something, vocational (professional) practice, a tutor, a vague item, to give a job.


Discuss the Text in pairs. Use the pattern below as a model and guidelines.

A.: It has been stated that if the student passes his/her end-of-term tests and examination, he/she is granted a monthly scholarship.

B.: I think it’s debatable. As a matter of fact only those students who pass them successfully, that is with excellent and good marks are granted monthly scholarships.

A.: As far as I know from the text …, etc.


Find and reproduce the key sentence in each paragraph expressing the main idea.

Retell the Text according to the plan made up.






1. There are a lot of students at the Belgorod State Technological University. Unlike school most of the work at the University is not done in class but must be done in the library or in laboratories.

2. Among the students there are young men and girls from different villages, towns and cities of Russia. Every morning the students enter the classrooms of the University.

3. Now we are in one of the classrooms. It is a large sunny room. There is a door to the right and four windows to the left. There are some tables and a lot of chairs. In front of the blackboard, there is a table and a chair for the teacher.

4. Some of the students are at their tables. All the students have textbooks on their tables as they will have an English class. At 8.15, the door opens and the teacher comes in. The class begins. Nobody is late. All the students attend classes regularly.

5. As the students have to do a lot of drawing they do it in special drawing-rooms equipped with drawing boards.

6. In the language laboratory the students work with equipment. They put on ear-phones, listen to tape-recorders and try to imitate the correct pronunciation of English words. They also try to imitate correct intonation.

7. Besides studying in class students have much homework, which they must prepare at home. Some students prefer preparing homework in the reading-room of the University. They can get all the necessary textbooks there. If they need any consultation, their teachers answer their questions.

8. After their working day is over the students train in many different sports clubs.

9. At the end of each term students must pass end-of-term tests before they can take exams. Those students, who study regularly, pass their exams very well, but those who spend little time on their studies often fail at the exams.

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