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Electronic correspondence

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  1. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  2. Business correspondence
  3. Correspondences to PIE
  4. Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 1 страница
  5. Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 2 страница
  6. Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 3 страница
  7. Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 4 страница

Text 1. Read and discuss the text.


The word "fax" comes from the word "facsimile". A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax machine which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary according to the time of day and where the fax is heing sent. The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and docu-mentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.


Read and discuss the following faxes.

1. This fax is from Lynk & Co, who received a damaged consignment and were told by their supplier, Mr Causio, to return it.

P. Lynk & Co. Ltd

(Head office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B,3 3EL. Telephone: 021-327 5385 Cables: MENFINCH Birmingham Telex: 556241


Fax transmission

Message for: D Causio From: K. Pane

Address: Satex S.p.A., Via di Pietra Papa, Date: 24 January 20__

Fax number: (06) 394 8629


Dear Mr. Causio,

This is an urgent request for a consignment to replace the damaged delivery which we received, and about which you have already been informed.

Please airfreight the following items:

Cat.no. Quantity

PN40 60

AG20 75

L28 100


The damaged consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement.

Yours sincerely,

K. Pane

Chief Buyer


2. This fax is an example of аn informal message from a sales representative, who needs something to be done urgently by his Head Office. Notice that the fax is kept brief and clear.



Canal Street, Manchester M12 4KQ

Fax transmission

From: Nick Manson

To: Sue Bresson


Sue –

I've been in Bournemouth now since yesterday, and our clients seem to be most enthusiastic about our new range of notepaper. Can you send some more samples and about twenty more catalogues? Please send them Datapost, then I'll definitely get them tomorrow.

Also, just to let you know I'll be in Norwich on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, and back at the office on the Monday.

Thanks, and see you next week.


Ex.1. Complete the dialogue.

A: Where does the word "fax" come from?


A: What can a fax machine do?


A: When did this means of communication develop?


A: How does it function? В:.............................

Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message (like telephoning, but cheaper), so telex operators have developed then-own abbreviations.

A: And how are charges measured? B:...................................................

A: What are the advantages of fax?



Ex.2. Write two faxes: one - formal, the other- informal.


Text 2. Read and discuss the text.


Telegrams and cables can be sent at any time and from any post office. This means of communication is available for twenty hours a day, but between sending a message and its arrival there can be short delay. Telex is as direct as using the phone.

The telex is a machine like a typewriter but the difference is that it has a dial on its casting. You can send messages by dialing the receiver's number or by asking the operator at the exchange to connect you. An answerback code will appear on the teleprinter indicating that the sender is through as soon as the operator has dialed the code. The message is typed and will appear on the receiver's machine.


Besides the advantages of sending a cable, telex is available right in the office, you needn't go to the post office. It offers a direct line with immediate reply.

Layout of telexes

Answerback – 154738 EGVSL
Sender's name – DAN ROLLINS


Telecommunicators have developed their own language. It is very similar to English but it has its own vocabulary and its own grammar, A sentence like "The meeting has been arranged for the 9th October" becomes "MEETING ARRANGED 9TH OCTOBER".

Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message (like telephoning, but cheaper), so telex operators have developed their own abbreviations.


Abbreviations in telexes:

ABS – absent subscriber, office closed

ASAP – as soon as possible

BK- I cut off

CFM – please confirm /I confirm

CRV – Do you receive well?

DER – out of order

DF – you are in communication with the called subscriber

EEE – error

FIN – I have finished my message(s)

GA – you may transmit / May I transmit?

INF – subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the information (Enquiry) Service MNS – minutes

MOM – wait/ waiting

NCH – subscriber's number has been changed

OCC – subscriber is engaged

OK – agreed / do you agree?

P* (or Figure 0) – stop your transmission

PPR – paper

R – received

Rap – I shall call you back

RPT – repeat

SVР – please

TAX- What is the charge?/ The charge is...

ТEST MSG – please send a test message

U – you

W – words

WRU – Who is there?

XXXX – error


Ex.1. Write these sentences as if you are sending a telex.

1. I'm arriving at 6 p.m.

2. I'm staying in Kyiv for five days.

3. Could you please arrange a hotel for me from the 5th of April to 10th.

4. Will you cancel order number 5874 immediately.

5. I will send you a letter of confirmation.

6. Your order number 9846 has not arrived yet.

7. Please send a test message as soon as possible.


Ex.2. Rewrite this telex as a short letter.

Tony Rendell (of Rendell Bros., 15, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL) sent this telex to Max Stewart (of Winford & Co. Ltd, Preston New Road, Blackpool FG 4 4UL):



Text 3.Read and discuss the text.



Electronic mail is a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally.

Subscribers to e-mail need a terminal, such as personal computer, a telephone line, and a modem, which is a device for converting signals to text. Messages appear on the receiver's computer screen. E-mail users can also have access to a mailbox, which they can call from anywhere in the world and retrieve messages. They receive a mailbox number and a password for confidentially. Messages can be printed out and kept for reference.

In comparison with telex, e-mail is relatively low in cost, and does not require a trained operator. It is also fast, relatively reliable, and messages can be sent or picked up anywhere in the world, and stored in the mailbox until they are retrieved.

This can be particularly advantageous for users who are communicating across international time zones.


Ex.3. Read and discuss the following e-mail.

Here is an example of one type of message, with the capitals representing data on the Visual Display Unit (VDU) and the italics, the messages.

Notice the codes which are the personal numbers of subscribers (e.g. ABC 536), and the prefixes (e.g. 40): which is the number of that computer system. Also the dot (.) before the word SEND (.SEND), which is a command to the computer.

SEND, READ OR SCAN: read TO: British Shipping Lines 50: (ACL 678) FROM: Grizzler Shipbrockers Ltd. 80: (HDR 321) POSTED: 15-May-96 12..45 SUBJECT: Charter of the MV Orion
MORE: yes
Our clients, Wissarey Grain, are willing to accept the character of the MV Orion at $30.45 per ton. Please confirm that the vessel will be in Rotterdam ready for loading on 29 June '96.
TEXT: Confirmation, the MV Orion will be in Rotterdam loading on 29 June '96, and the charter rate is $30.45 per ton.


Ex.1. Complete the dialogue.

A: What do subscribers to e-mail need? B:...................................................

A: What is modem?


A: Why do e-mail users need a mailbox?


A: What are the advantages of e-mail in comparison with telex?


A: Who is e-mail particularly advantageous for?



Text 4. Read and discuss the text.


The best way to think of the Internet, or Net as it is often called, is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world. At present, more than 33 million people use Internet and over three million computers worldwide are linked in. They use the Net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail.

The Net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four computers. By 1972 the number had risen to 40. About this time the idea of electronic mailbox was born. By 1984 the Internet began to develop into the form we know it today.

The Internet can be divided into five broad areas.

Electronic mail, which is much faster than traditional mail. Anything that can be digitized (converted into digital form) - pictures, sound, video - can be sent, retrieved, and printed at the other end.

Information sites. This is perhaps the fastest growing area of the Internet as more and more people put their own information pages on line. Computers process vast amounts of information very fast, by specifying a key word or phrase. The computer can then search around the Net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usually stored on big computers that exist all over the world. The beauty of the Net is that you can access all of them from your home, using your own PC.

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast network of information databases that feature text, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can go on a tour of a museum or exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotels and holidays.

Usenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Each newsgroup consists of messages and information posted by other users. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they are popular with universities and businesses.

Telnet programs allow you to use your personal computer to ac-' cess a powerful mainframe computer.


Ex.1. Match verbs in A to the phrases in B.

1. to link in 2. to transfer 3. to retrieve 4. to access 5. to subscribe a. information from one computer file to another b. to a global computer network c. to a magazine or a special interest group d. information from a database e. information in a database

Ex.2. Make the following sentences complete.

1. More than 33 million people use the Net for................................

2. It was in the late 1960s when........................................................

3. By 1984..........................................................................................

4. Internet...........................................................five broad areas.

5. Anything that can be digitized, can..............................................

6. One thing that computers do very well is...............................................

7. On WWW you can.....................................................

8. More than 10,000...................................................................


1. Write one of the following letters of inquiry:

a) A letter to Professor K.J. Hackett, a lecturer of Columbia University and a well-known specialist on American history asking him to speak before a group of students. Describe the kind of group you have how many are in it, and how long you wish him to speak. Be sure to give the exact time and place.

b) A short letter to Information Service, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. for one of these pamphlets: “American History in united States Stamp” or “Postal Service Paints Picture of Nation”.

c) Many radio stations like to have listeners write criticism of their programs. If there is a programs you think particularly good or particularly bad, or one that you think could be improved, write to the station a letter with your sincere and polite criticism.

d) A letter to your local dealer of “General Motors Company” asking him to send you a company’s brochure describing different types of cars produced by the company and their technical characteristics such as engine, brakes, transmission, electric equipment.


2. Choose anyone of the following order letters:

a) Booking seats in an airplane.

The United Airlines Ticket Office, 35 East Monroe Street, Chicago 3, Illinois, Ask for a copy time-table of flights between Chicago Los Angeles.

b) Write letter to the Swissair Company asking to book two seats in an airplane leaving Geneva for California on Monday.

c) Write a letter to your local office of the Royal Dutch Airlines asking to reserve a seat for a day non- stop flight from Amsterdam to Tokio. State the date of the flight.

d) Write to the Hilton Hotel, Clevaland, Ohio, Ask for accommodation for your wife and yourself for the Thanksgiving Day weekend.

Be definite as to the kind of accommodation that you desire, the approximate rates that you are willing to play, and the length of your stay. Tell when you expect to arrive.

e) Reserve accommodation in London Hotel “Commodore” for a fortnight, August 16th –August 29th. Inquire about the price of a single room.

f) Order three books of war memoirs from the Cedar Book Store, 518 Commercial Street, St Louis 4, Missouri, Ask to have these books sent to your friend Mr. Henri Pullen, 137 16th Street, Washington, D.C.

g) Write an order letter to Hunt and Brown Company asking to send you C.O.D. some bicycle accessories: 1 bicycle headlight outfit -$17.19, 1 bicycle bell- $8.65, 3 flashlight battery lamps-$10.48. Total-$ 36.32.

3. Write a letter subscribing for a year to one of the following magazines;

a) ”Time International”, The time Inc. Magazine Company, Principal Office, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. U.S.A. Subscription rates $75.00.

b) ”Newsweek International”, Subscription department, 444 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. U.S.A. subscription rates $59.00.


4. Write a school note to your daughter’s teacher Miss Nancy Cooper asking her to excuse Vera from school for two weeks because Vera is sick with pneumonia.

Getting a Job

Text 1. Read and translate the text.

The kind of job you want

The first step in a successful search for a job is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that first you should answer the questions “What can I do well?” and “What do I really want to do?”

Begin with thinking about the work you can do. Include work you have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you enjoy doing. Therefore, you have to answer some questions.

· Do you like to work with your hands?

· Do you like to work outdoors?

· Do you like to work with others?

Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns. Talk to your friends, neighbours, and your family or relatives. These contacts may help you to get information about different jobs; to form a “network” of people interested in helping you; to find people who work (or who know people who work) in the area of your interest; each discussion will give you additional practice in expressing yourself.

Now when you know the kind of job you want, the next question to answer is “Where can I find that job?”

People use many methods of finding a job. They answer job advertisements (want ads), or apply directly to employers. Of course, some methods are better than others are.

“Want ads”

“Want ads” are job advertisements you can find in the classified advertising section of newspapers, professional or trade journals.

You should read the want ads at least for two reasons:

· To learn more general information about jobs available;

· To learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.

The ad may tell you about the education and work experience required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours and the pay. It also tells you how to apply for that particular job.

Some want ads say that certain qualifications are required, while other qualifications are preferred or hoped for. The employer will try to find someone who has all of the required and preferred qualifications. However, if no one has all the qualifications that the employer requires and prefers, he may hire someone who has only some of those qualifications. It is usually best to apply only for jobs for which you have at least all the required qualifications. However this is not always true.

Not all want ads are easy to read. The longer a want ad is, the more money it costs to print. In order to safe money, employers leave unnecessary words out of the advertisement. They also use abbreviations.

There are many good reasons for using the want ads in your job search. The following suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively:

1. Remember that want ads are only one of the methods you may use. Save time to use other methods.

2. Reading all the want ads you will learn useful general information.

3. Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers.

4. Analyze ads, which are of interest to you.

5. Determine your qualifications for that job.

6. Act quickly, effectively and stay cheerful!



Ex.1. Read the job advertisement. Answer the questions.


THE TRANSWORLD LUXURY TOURISM (TWLT) is the most exciting new concept of this season. It provides exclusive facilities for corporate leisure and entertainment in the most beautiful and interesting places all over the world.

We are looking for a creative, energetic and outgoing person to market luxury travel packages to the corporate travel industry worldwide. You must have excellent interpersonal and presentation skills, experience of working in the leisure or corporate travel sector, to enjoy international travel and contact. Ideally, you are 25-37 years old, and fluent in English.

Attractive salary, car, and bonus.

Please send resumes or apply to:

World-Executive Search,

Box No 1234, Condale Ave,

London SW1 2DX

1. Why are "excellent interpersonal and presentation skills" required for this job?

2. Would you like to get this job? Why? Give your reasons.


Ex.2. Match the definitions in A with the correct adjective or phrases in B.

1. wants to get to the top a. sensitive
2. open and friendly b. creative
3. doesn't get tired easily c. attentive to detail
4. can change people's opinions d. ambitious
5. doesn't get angry or irritated quickly e. adaptable
6. can produce new ideas f. independent
7. thinks of other people's feelings g. outgoing
8. doesn't mind changing his/her habits h. energetic
9. can work alone i. persuasive
10. regularly checks the quality of his/her work j. patient

Ex.3. Write a short description of someone you like (or dislike) in your personal or professional life.

MODEL. My boss is very energetic. She works about 12 hours a day. She is a patient woman, and always has time to talk to us if we have a problem.


Read and discuss the text

The Resume

A Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an objective written sum­mary of your personal, educational, and experience qualifications. It packages your assets in the form of a convincing advertisement, which sells you for a specific job. A resume is a kind of written sales presen­tation. An effective resume creates a favourable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience.

The basic requirements for a good resume are:

• brevity: one page is preferable, but not more than two pages;

• top quality paper;

• perfect spelling and grammar;

• no typographical errors;

• attractive layout.

Your personal data sheet contains most of the information you need to prepare a resume. Now you have to select and arrange that infor­mation in the way that best relates your background to the work you seek. Every resume is an individualized presentation of your qualifi­cations for a particular job. It means that you may prepare a few different resumes, depending on the types of jobs you are applying for. You can choose from among four types of resumes:

Chronological resume lists work experience or education in reverse chronological order. It describes responsibilities and accom­plishments associated with each job or educational experiences.

Functional resume lists functional skills and experience sepa­rately from employment history.

Combination (functional/chronological) resume draws on the best features of the chronological and functional resumes. It high­ lights an applicant's capabilities and includes a complete job history.

Targeted resume emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for. Work experience is briefly listed in a separate section.

Resumes provided for graduate school admission highlight your skills, professional experience, accomplishments, and academic his­tory in much the same way as “job” resumes. The difference is that an admissions resume will focus on what transitions well to the class­room, not to the workplace.

The most popular with the recruiters nowadays is the combina­tion resume, which includes:

1.Main heading Applicant's first name, last name JASON DANIELSON
2. Personal Data   Date of birth: Age: Place of birth: Marital status; Children, and their Ages Address: Phone: Home phone: Fax, E-mail:   235 White Road San-Francisco, California 029992 + 01 (245) 987-6543
3. Objective Detailed information, in response to the company's requirements. Use a specific job title here, or write a brief, simple phrase describing the type of work you are seeking. To obtain an administrative assistant position, this would utilize my clerical and administrative skills and offer opportunity for growth.
4. Education Includes degrees and certificates. Also listed in the reverse chronological order. September 1988 –May 1991 Technical College of San-Francisco
5. Experience (Employment) Work history, in the reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position. Include name of the Company, and your position. Using action words to maximize the impact, describe your current or most recent responsibilities. Be concise; remove all unnecessary words and phrases. Include duties, accomplishments, and promotions as well as the specific results of your actions or decisions to demonstrate your contribution. June 1994 - to present The Institute of Medical Care; San-Francisco Unit Secretary, Child and Adolescent Unit Responsible for maintaining patient charts, entering patient data on database, transcribing medication orders, tracking and paging medical personnel. Relaying patient records to other treatment facilities and fielding incoming-phone calls. October 1991 to May 1994 University of National Law; San-Francisco Administrator, Registrar's Office Answered telephones, filed documents, produced letters for certification and deferment, proctored exams. Registered students for courses, proofread grade sheets, registration materials, exams and course schedules, computed grade point average. Interacted with students, faculty and staff.
6. Special skills - List languages, include mother language, and describe your level of knowledge. - List software applications, operating systems, and pertinent hardware information. (Include years of experience, or describe your level of knowledge.) Languages: English - mother tongue, German - beginning Computer literate: word-processing Word Perfect & Word for Windows), Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3). Excellent interpersonal and communications skills.
7. Licenses and certificates List licenses or certificates you hold that are pertinent to the job you are seeking. Include the year you obtained each license or certificate.  
8. Interests Particular sports, arts, reading. Alpine skiing, climbing, computers.
9. Activities Community activities that you regularly participate in. Member, High Honor Student Society, San Francisco.


To strengthen your resume you may use action verbs like:

Analyzed – аналізував

Administered, managed – вів справи, керував

Completed – проводив роботу

Created – створював

Evaluated – визначав (кількість, вартість); підраховував

Implemented – впроваджував

Improved – удосконалював

Investigated – дослідив, вивчив

Organized – організував

Participated – брав участь

Performed – виконав

Planned – планував

Proposed – запропонував

Provided – забезпечив

Researched – досліджував

Solved – вирішив (проблему, задачу)

Streamlined – модернізував

Supervised – завідував

Supported – підтримував


Knowing what to exclude from your resume is as important as knowing what to include. Here is a list of details to exclude from your resume:

• Height, weight, hair or eye colour;

• Comments about your family, spouse, or children;

• Your photograph (unless you are applying for modeling or acting job);

• Travel restrictions;

• Preferences for work schedule, days off, or overtime;

• Salary demands or expectations.

The trend in resumes today is to omit personal data, such as birth date, marital status, religion, nationality.

Very few people have good resumes. If English is not your native language or if you come from another country, it can be even more difficult to know the right things to do. Some special suggestions will help you write a perfect resume:

1. Adapt your resume to the information you have gathered about the employer and the job you want.

2. Use action verbs, they will bring your resume to life.

3. Avoid the pronoun "I". Describe your skills and capabilities by using as many specific words as possible.

4. Highlight your accomplishments and achievements.

5. Keep it simple and clear: two pages at most.

6. Be truthful. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent yourself. Re­member that employers check the information.

7. Don't mention salary.

8. Avoid long sentences. Use the minimum number of words and phrases but avoid abbreviations.

9. Looks are important. The resume should be typed with plenty of white space and wide margins. Place headings at the left side of the page, and the details relating to them on the right side.

10. Make sure there are no errors in spelling; punctuation, or typing.

11. Don't sign or date the resume.

12. Always send an original of your resume. Don't send a photo­copy.

13. Keep copies of resumes on file for future reference. Once you have a job, update your resume on a regular basis.

Ex.1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a resume? Give all possible definitions of it.

2. What are the basic requirements for a good resume?

3. How many types of resumes do you know? What do they differ in?

4. What type of resume is the most popular with the recruit­ers?

5. What information is recommended to exclude from your re­sume?

6. Which of special suggestions that can help you write a per­fect resume do you think are the most important?

Ex.2. Read the resume (A), and extracts from the covering letter (B). Match the letter extracts to the relevant parts of her resume.



DAVID DAMPLJN 111 East Main - Chicago, Illinois, 60608 773-555-1212 suppol-t@resumeedge.com
QUALIFICATIONS Enterprising, articulate Investment Banking Analyst with solid market knowledge and recent success as a proprietary trader, securing more than $25,000 in NASDAQ trades. Possesses Series 7 and 63 licensing*; professionally affiliated with NASD. Works well alone or as part of a team. Technically proficient in Microsoft Windows, Excel, Access, Word, and PowerPoint. Willing to travel.
CITY UNIVERSITY, Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance Major 2000
Projects: Fundamentals of Management: Worked with a student team that researched and analyzed a company in order to provide data on management. Devised concepts to enhance manage­ment and increase production. International Business: Worked with a team strategizing entry into a global market that included the political, economic, and financial sectors.
Honors: • Recipient, Who's Who Among College Students, 1997-2001 • Member, Student Activities Board, 1997-2001 • Representative, Inter-Fraternity Council, 1997-2001 • Representative, Commuter Council, 1997-2001
TTST SECURITIES, Chicago, Illinois 2001 - present Proprietary Trader • Oversaw trading for a $100,000 account. • Generated $25,000+ by trading securities. • Passed Series 7 and 63 examinations.
BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS, Evanston, Illinois 2000 Clerk • Managed accounts payable and receivable; participated in and com­pleted numerous projects in the local area.
NEW DIRECTIONS COMPUTER STORE, Chicago, Illinois 1998-1999 Customer Relations Specialist • Ensured adequate inventory levels; assisted consumers in purchases



... As you can see from my resume, I studied business administration and finance for three years... (1)


... After I obtained my diploma in 2000,1 worked in Evanston for a year. This position gave me experience of managing accounts, and completing projects in the local area... (2)


... As a customer relations specialist, I was responsible for ensuring adequate inventory levels and assisting consumers in purchases....(3)


Text 3. Read and discuss the text.


A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness for the job. Equally important, the interview gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. The interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for. To present your qualifications most advantageously, you have to prepare for the interview: you should know how to act to make the interview an opportunity to "sell" your skills.

Careers officer speaking:

What makes a good interview? First, good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you. Guideline number one is - find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview. For example, you can get a lot of useful information from the company's brochures, annual reports, and catalogues. Two, find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are. It's very useful to know something about the interviewers before you meet them. And three, make a check-

list of the questions you want to ask at the interview. Remember an interview is a two-way process. The company finds out as much as possible about you, and you find as much as possible about the company.

So, that's what you need to do before the interview.

Now the interview itself. There are seven more guidelines to remember here.

Guideline number four: dress smartly. A suit or something formal is best. Five, arrive in good time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing you can do. Rule number six: create a good first impression. First impressions are very important. Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. Guideline number seven: try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. I know that's difficult. As a rule, people don't feel relaxed, but your body language gives the interviewer a lot of information about you. You want that information to be positive. Number eight: don't give only "Yes" or "No" answers. Talk freely about yourself, give reasons for your opinions, and explain why you're interested in the job. Nine: ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you're interested! Finally, guideline number ten: learn from the interview. Analyze your performance afterwards and think how you can improve the next time!


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