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Include necessary information

Читайте также:
  1. A law – it is connection between the phenomena: general, objective, substantial and necessary. There are 3 laws of dialectics, we will study them on the next lecture.
  2. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.
  3. A-4: Learned schematic information
  4. Additional information
  5. Answer the questions using the information from the text.
  6. Are there specific details I need to include?
  7. Asking for Further Information



1. Read the text:

In spite of the great advances made in the field of communication the letter remains one of the most effective ways of conveying information from one person to another.

The critical importance of the letter is its impact on the receiver. We are dealing with customers or members of the public without whose support the business would fail and our jobs disappear. Of course this is true of all our contacts with the public but the letter is difficult to retract or to deny, and these features mean that we need to be particularly careful and precise when we compose letters.

The most important quality to cultivate for writing letters is empathy. Empathy requires you to ‘stand in the shoes’ of the recipient. How would you react to this letter if it was addressed to you? The other guidelines which you will need to bear in mind are:

1. Reply to letters as promptly as possible. Time is sometimes of the essence.

2. Keep the language as simple as possible particularly when you are writing to a non-expert. At the same time do not go too far in that direction so that the recipient feels he or she is being treated as an idiot.

3. Avoid irrelevancy and triviality.

4. Use only as many words as you really need.

5. Check the letter carefully before it is signed and leaves the office.

6. Avoid making promises you cannot keep.

7. Avoid attacking other people or firms particularly by name. Your letter must be produced in court when you are charged with damaging a person’s reputation.

8. Be careful you are not committing your organization to an unwanted course of action.

9. Deal with all the points raised in an incoming letter.


Notes to the text:

to convey - передавать - відбивати

to retract - отменять - скасовувати, відміняти

empathy - сопереживание - співчуття

recipient - получатель - адресат, одержувач

2.Answer the questions. Give your reasons:


ü What makes letters one of the most effective ways of conveying information?

ü Can we avoid writing letters? Why?

ü What is meant by ‘empathy’?

ü What must one bear in mind while writing a letter?

ü Which of these guidelines is the most important one? Why?


3. Read the text:


Decide what your purpose for writing is, and write to achieve that purpose. Do you want to provide information? What information do you want to provide? Do you want to persuade? What do you want the reader to do? Is your major purpose to get your reader to act?

Good news and routine messages call for direct - deductive plan for structuring ideas. This is the method where the sender starts with the main idea and follows with the details and explanations. The sender closes the letter with a positive, forward-looking statement.

Communicating bad news requires writers to take different approach to planning and writing their message.

In some situations, the writer simply has to convey some kind of bad news to the reader. In others, the writer can also offer the reader various alternatives to what he or she originally wanted.

Bad news messages call for an indirect - inductive ideas. This structure allows a writer both to convey the message and to maintain goodwill with the reader. If writers first clearly explain the reasons for the bad news, readers will more likely understand and accept these messages with less negative emotion. This plan allows for that result:

  1. Begin with a neutral statement.
  2. Offer the explanation – the facts behind the bad news.
  3. Present the bad news.
  4. Present alternatives, if possible.
  5. Close with a positive, off-the-bad-news ending.


Notes to the text:

to persuade - убеждать - переконувати

deductive - дедуктивный - дедуктивний

inductive - индуктивный - індуктивний

forward-looking - дальновидный - передбачливий

goodwill - расположение - прихільність

off-the-bad-news - не относящийся - не стосуватися

4. Analyze the letters. Improve the style:

Example 1:

Dear Dr. Zenner:

I was pleased to have your letter of November 14, in which you invited me to talk to your students on Career Day.

In reply, I wish to state that I have been in the insurance business for 25 years. I have a talk that I could give on “Insuring Your Career by Insuring Your Friends,” and I could supplement it with an eight-minute film on insurance careers.

I consider it an honor and a pleasure to accept your invitation. I shall look forward to seeing you promptly at nine o’clock on Tuesday morning.


Very sincerely yours,


Harvey Goldstein


Insurance Representative


Example 2

Dear Mr Brown:

We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot use your offer of 3 March. We do not plan any seminars in Insurance at present. But as soon as we resume our seminars we shall send you a notification.




Rose White


Training Programs Secretary


5.Study the following:

Layout of a Letter

Business letters today usually use one of the three letter styles: block style (every letter feature begins at the left margin), modified style (the return address, the date, the complimentary close, signature, and typed name and title begin at the horizontal centre of the page), or simplified style (salutation and complimentary close are omitted, the subject line serves as a title to the letter).

A neatly arranged letter will certainly make better impression on the reader.

The layout of business and private letters are more or less common in all countries and include the ten elements in the following order:

1. Return address

2. Date

3. Inside address

4. Salutation

5. Subject line

6. Letter body

7. Complimentary close

8. Signature

9. Typed name and title

10. Reference information (initials of the person who composed the letter and preparer’s initials: PSA/tid; enclosure; names of persons whom you sent a copy of the letter; postscripts).

Write a bad news letter and a good news letter following a block style.

LETTERHEAD or Return address * Date * Addressee’s Name Address * Salutation * Subject: * Body * Complimentary close * Signature * Sender’s Typed Name Official Title * Reference Information  

Write a bad news letter and a good news letter following a modified block style.

LETTERHEAD or Return address * Date * Addressee’s Name Address * Salutation * Subject: * Body * Complimentary close * Signature * Sender’s Typed Name Official Title * Reference Information  



1. Read the text:


It’s not always easy to find a job. The best way to get information about available job is to read various advertisements. You can find them in papers, magazines, and journals. Some firms and enterprises advertise over radio or TV. Nowadays Internet is a popular source of information for those looking for a job.

External advertising is a good source for attracting candidates, but for job ads to bring results, there are two issues to address: the media to be used, and the construction of the ad. The selection of the best medium – be it the local paper, a national daily or a technical journal – depends on the types of positions to be filled. The local newspaper is usually the best source of blue-collar jobs, clerical employees, and lower-level administrative employees. The advantage of this medium is that the job ads are more likely to be read by those seeking local employment, and therefore the ad should land in the right hands. The drawback of using the local press is that it tends not to be read by professional and technical people seeking vacancies.

For specialized employees, advertisements can be placed in trade and professional journals. These reach a specific population with a minimum waste and a minimum standard of applicant can be guaranteed. However, one drawback to advertising in this type of trade paper is the relatively infrequent publication which may require advertising copy six weeks before appearance of ad.

National press offers another way of targeting middle and senior management personnel. One significant advantage of using national papers is that they reach large numbers of readers. However, the major drawback to national advertising is the cost.


2. Answer the questions:

ü What does the selection of the best medium depend on?

ü In what cases should we use the local medium?

ü In what cases should we use the national medium?

ü What are the advantages and drawbacks of the local and national

ü medium advertisement?

ü What should we use for specialized employees search?

ü What kind of medium should we use to hire middle and senior

ü personnel?

ü What are the most popular local newspapers in your region?

ü What are the most popular national newspapers in your region?


3. Look through the following advertisements. Say:

ü what information about the future work is presented;

ü what are requirements to the future employee;

ü what knowledge and skills are expected;

ü what other in formation is necessary to present;

ü could you apply for this job.

Example 1

Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting, machinery and tools for stainless materials, special alloys, and ceramic resistance materials. As part of the strategic expansion plan, we are looking for long-term oriented, energetic and highly self-motivated persons to join us:



Job Responsibilities:

ü develop new production schemes;


ü Master degree in Production Engineering;

ü a minimum of 3 years experience with Machine-Building Enterprise;

ü good interpersonal skills, service-minded and able to meet tight timeliness;

ü decision-making abilities;

ü good computer literacy.


Job Responsibilities:

ü prepare monthly accounts and balance sheets;

ü maintain fixed asset register.


ü Bachelor degree in Accounting;

ü a minimum of 5 years experience in general accounting;

ü good interpersonal and analytical skills;

ü good knowledge of national and international accounting system;

ü good computer literacy.


Job Responsibilities:

ü support and enhance critical Internet web applications.

ü net development.


ü Specialist or Master degree in IT related fields;

ü 1 year+ related work experience;

ü good interpersonal and analytical skills;

ü portal experience is a big plus.

We offer an attractive package commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Please send your Application Letter and

Resume to:


Sandvik Limited

Human Resources Department

43, Frunze Street

Lugansk, 91000

Example 2

Interplast Limited has vacancies for the following positions:


- male/female, age over 25 years;

- Bachelor/ Specialist/Master degree in Design or related field;

- creativity and understanding of commercial design;

- ability to use computer for design purpose;

- experience will be an advantage.

Production Manager

- vocational certificate with 5-10 years direct experience;

- Bachelor degree in Engineering;

- computer literate in basic software;

- good interpersonal skills.

Production Engineer

- Bachelor degree in Engineering;

- experience is not necessary, eager to learn and able to work in production line.

Financial Officer

- Specialist degree in Accounting, Finance;

- 1-year+ experience in related field;

- computer literate;

- good interpersonal skills.

An attractive salary and opportunity for career advancement will be offered to the right candidate. Interested persons, please send your letter of application and Resume to:

Bogdan Shevchenko

Interplast Limited

109 Lugovaya Str.

Lugansk, 91053


4. Use the words to complete the advertisments:

Salary temporary training applicant requires

Experience rates leave apply position


Local hotel_____ cleaner Monday – Friday, 9 am – 1 pm. Good ____ of pay. Tel:01345 876545



Full-time _____ in busy car hire company. To start immediately. Computer skills essential. _____ accounting to age and experience.

Phone Bushy’s on 10267 435 985.


Sales Assistant

The successful _____ must be hard-working, responsible and honest. Previous _____ is an advantage but full _____ will be given. _____ to

Mr P. Dale, Tel: 012 74 768231.



_____ position for three months to replace nurse on maternity _____.


Look through your local press. Analyze job advertisements.




1. Read the text:


The first piece of employment communication is the application letter. You will write the application letter to a potential employer and ask for some specific action in the hiring process. Your purpose in the application letter is not usually to ask for a job. Since the letter serves as only one step in the job search process, its purpose is to get you an interview. The letter accomplishes this task by introducing and referring your reader to your accompanying resume. By sending your letter and resume together, you hope to create interest in yourself as a potential employee. Then, the reader will want to talk further with you. The application letter should answer the question for the reader, “Why should I see you?”

An application letter serves as a sales letter for your services. When an application letter accompanies a resume that details the writer’s education and work experiences, it becomes a cover letter.

Your application letter helps develop the reader’s first impression about you as a potential employee. Your application letter must be neat, polite, purposeful, accurate, and technically correct. Make your letter brief, one typed page, consisting of four elements that contain the following information:

1. Design the first paragraph to gain attention and make your reader want to read further. Your first paragraph can accomplish this purpose in one of several ways:

ü By briefly summarizing your qualifications

ü By mentioning the name of a mutual acquaintance, or where you saw the job ad

ü By referring to news about the company or current activity

ü By asking the reader a challenging question.

2. State the job you are after. The paragraph should state what job you are applying for. Mention the source you got an information about a vacancy.

3. Sell yourself. The paragraph should emphasize the skills that will be most attractive to that employer. Begin to convince the company to hire you. Your purpose in paragraph is to create interest in examining your background further. Here is where you discuss the benefits the company would derive from hiring you. Your goal is to convince the reader that you can satisfy the need that the company has for a new employee. Don’t go too far and outwardly boast about your skills and abilities. However, do present a businesslike and objective description of what you can do.

4. Be positive. Close your cover letter with a request for an interview. State that you will be calling within the week to arrange a time and date for your meeting, and then be sure to make that follow-up call.

Letters of application arise from two situations – either someone solicits the application or not. In either case, your purpose is to convince the reader to examine your resume.

If someone solicits your application, you are applying for a known job opening. The potential employer advertises the available position, you respond to a job announcement or recruitment bulletin, or someone personally notifies you about an available job.

In an unsolicited situation, you are initiating the search. You are seeking an interview where, as far as you know, no one has sought applicants. You are attempting to generate interest for a potential position, or you are working your way into a situation where you can respond when an opening does occur. In either case, the purpose of the letter is specifically definite. You want to create enough interest for the reader to review your resume and then to talk with you.



2. Answer the following questions. Give your reasons:

ü Is it important to attract the reader’s attention?

ü Why is it important to attract the reader’s attention in the first paragraph of your cover letter?

ü What are the most common ways to attract the reader’s attention?

ü Which of them is the best one? Why?


3. Ask your group mate about the information you must present in your cover letter. Begin your questions with: Could you tell me…?, What can you tell me about…?, Why should I…?


4. Analyze the following cover letter. As you study the letter, note the four components of the cover letter:

ü Gaining attention by making a connection

ü Introducing the “product” by briefly outlining your background and situation

ü Giving evidence of value by emphasizing the benefits to the employer and referring to the attached resume

ü Asking for action by asking for an interview.


Charles Jacobs

188 East Taylor Drive

Mayfair, OH 44533


May 3, 200…


Mr. Hardly Samuels

Personnel Director

Merchants Department Store

222 Medium Road

Columbus, OH 44512


Dear Mr. Samuels:


Cover Letter


Please consider my application for administrative assistant that you advertised in the May 1 edition of the Columbus Herald. The requirements you describe match my qualifications.


I will be graduating from the business program at Pace County Community College at the end of the month. I’m planning to enroll part time at the Ohio State University in the fall to complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration. However, I would like to begin working full time to apply what I’ve learned at the college.

Please note on my enclosed resume the part-time and temporary positions I’ve held over the past three years. As a result, you could hire an administrative assistant with experience in office management and customer relations with strong word processing skills.

After you have read my credentials, I would like to meet you to discuss how I can contribute to Merchants’ operations in the Columbus area. I will call next week to see if we can arrange a convenient time. If you wish to reach me before then, please leave a message at (614) 235-6677.


Charles Jacobs

Enclosure: Resume


5. Study the following cover letter and answer the questions:

ü What does this letter respond to?

ü What kind of cover letter is it?

ü What are the main parts of the letter?

ü What information is presented in the letter?

ü What are the purposes of giving this information?


Dear Mr. Jones


Since Computer Systems is a fast-growing company, you are likely in need of young and energetic people with a good knowledge of computers. In one month I will be graduating from University with a Computer Science degree and would like to join your company as a programmer.

In addition to my university courses, I have had work experience in programming and operating computers. Last summer I implemented programs for the design of loudspeakers at Nortec Industries.

At your convenience, I would like to meet you to discuss how my qualifications could benefit Computer Systems.

I am looking forward to our meeting. Next week I will call you to try to arrange an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Runnels

Enclosure: Resume

6. Study the following cover letter. Add everything that has been omitted:

David Benton

Worldwatch UK Ltd

357 Ferry Rd

Basingstoke RG2 5HP


Dear Mr. Benton


I saw you advertisement for the job in sales department. I am very interested in the job.

I graduated from a college.

I worked in a related field.

I enclose a copy of my resume.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Yours sincerely,

Nancy Mann

Write a cover letter for any job opening advertised in your local

newspaper, for which you feel you are qualified. While writing a cover letter you should keep in mind the following points:

ü Write the letter in standard business format.

ü Make you cover letter attractive and businesslike in quality, grammatically precise, and free from typographical errors.

ü Specially identify the position you want and the circumstances that led to writing the letter.

ü Make your points briefly, directly, and firmly.

ü Focus on relevant skills, training, or experience by highlighting your resume or adding other appropriate information.

ü Stress how the employer will benefit from hiring you, yet give the idea you’ll learn a great deal by becoming a part of the company.

ü Make the connection between you and the job you are applying for.

ü Refer briefly to your attached resume and any other enclosures.

ü Specifically request an interview at the employer’s convenience, or suggest other appropriate action.

ü Limit this letter to one page, and keep paragraphs short.






1.Read the text:

What is a Resume?

In the language of careers, your resume is like a balance sheet. Just as the balance sheet is a current snapshot of a business’s financial position, the resume is a snapshot of the status of your career. However, while a balance sheet includes both assets and liabilities, the resume presents only your assets. Do not include weaknesses.

The resume is a job search tool that you design to present your skills, abilities, and experiences to potential employers and others interested in your background. A variety of formats, styles, and types of resumes are acceptable. Since your resume reflects you, it shows the individual choices you make when preparing it.

The diversity of some resumes can help stimulate your thinking. Remember that a real value of a resume comes from your background and skills, and you will tailor your resume to present that information. Very important is the fact that your resume will be different from everyone else’s. The resume is one of several tools that you will use to communicate your qualifications to potential employers. Your application letter, the firm’s application form, your interviews, and other correspondence you send work together to present your qualifications for a particular position.

The resume has a specific purpose – to create enough interest in you so a potential employer will grant you an interview. The resume serves as an extension of the application letter and a prelude to the interview.

Although no standard form or style really exists for a resume, readers of resumes have certain expectations that you must meet. How you meet them is a matter of choice. The types of details included and the format chosen can vary widely from person to person. You can choose from among many “correct” ways to present your qualifications in resume form. Since diversity is acceptable, you can use it to your advantage in presenting the best picture of your qualifications.

In the same way that a snapshot doesn’t reflect your entire personality, the resume cannot fully reflect all your qualifications, it does not provide every detail. Although it will show your educational level and briefly describe your work experience and accomplishments, it is not a complete picture of you. Remember, the resume, like the application letter and the interview, is simply one step in the process. It helps get you in the door.

You must select the facts you want to include. You want to highlight those facts that reflect a favorable picture. You want to be accurate. However, you may also omit facts that don’t show you in the best way. You must select elements of your background that are your strongest qualifications and strengths. Remember, we all have our weaknesses. Employers, though, will hire you for your strengths, and these are what you want to show.

While preparing your resume, you have to make some choices. Revolve your choices around the type of resume you choose to prepare. The type of resume will determine which information you will include and exclude and the order in which you will present it. It will also dictate the format of presentation and the structure of the wording you’ll use to present this snapshot of your qualifications.


Notes to the text:

balance sheet - балансовый отчет - балансовий звіт

snapshot - фотография - фотографія

assets and liabilities - активы и пассивы - активи та пасиви

to tailor - специально приспосабливать - навмисно пистосовувати

accomplishments - достижения - досягнення

to omit - не включать - не включати


2. Answer the question:


ü What can a resume be compared with?

ü What information can be included in a resume?

ü What information can be omitted?

ü Why is it necessary to write a resume?

ü What can a resume show?

ü Why can’t a resume reflect all your personality?


3. Read the text:

Types of Resumes

There are six different kinds of resumes. The most common are:

ü The chronological resume – list education and work history in reverse chronological order with the most recent activity first.

ü The functional resume – emphasizes your abilities and achievements rather than your work history. The skills listed should correspond to skills which are important to the position for which you are applying.

ü The targeted resume – focuses on a specific job and lists only capabilities and accomplishments which relate to that job.

ü Electronic resume - serves for sending your resume through Internet.

ü Combined resumes - different parts of resume may be presented in different formats.

Job applicants who use the chronological resume present information based on time. A potential employer will read about your education and work history. He or she will want to see your most recent experiences first, followed by previous experiences. A chronological resume is useful to emphasize the steady and systematic development of an individual’s education or work experience. It’s the most used type of resume.

Job applicants who choose the functional resume present information based on skills and abilities that they have acquired at various jobs. This type of resume will let you emphasize what you can do instead of what you have done or when you did it.

The functional resume is especially useful for people who are making significant changes in their careers, for people who have a chronological gaps in their work experience or educational development and recent graduates. The functional resume allows applicants to focus attention on the positive aspects of what they can do. In the functional resume, people do not raise questions about what happened during a specific time.

The third option is to combine the two approaches. The combined resume lets you focus attention on your specific skills and abilities and yet still include a chronological listing elsewhere in the resume.


4.Agree or disagree with following statements. Support your answer by the facts from the above text. Use the phrases: It goes without saying…, One can’t deny…, I don’t think…, It is not right to …


ü Resumes are grouped into two basic types: chronological and functional.

ü Functional resume presents information based on the skills and abilities.

ü Functional resume is the best type of resume for recent graduates.

ü You are not allowed to combine different types of resumes.

ü The chronological resume allows applicants to focus attention on the positive aspects of what they can do.

ü A chronological resume is useful to emphasize the steady and systematic development of an individual.

ü A potential employer never pays attention to any gaps in your resume.

ü There is one generally accepted type of resume.


Compare the suggested resumes. State the type of each of them. Say what qualities they are focused on.

Example 1:

Nataliay Rudenko

Tel.: (0642) 55 67 32

e-mail: rudenko@Ukr.net


Job Objective: Leading economist of industrial enterprise



2006-2010 - Master Degree in Economics, Kiev National University

2003-2006 - Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, College of

Commerce, Kiev


Work Experience:

2009- present - Assistant to the Head of Financial Department,

Brown & C°, Kiev

2005-2009 - Economist of Financial Department, Brown & C°.


Personal Information:

Computer Literate: C-1, Microsoft Office 10.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian (native), English (fluent)


Ref. Available on request


Example 2: Susan Great

16, Fort Road

New York 11678

Tel: (516) 725 5327


Job Objective: Public relations trainee



Communication: Gave oral presentations to public as guide at Huronia Village in summer. Debated as a member of Queen’s Debating Society.

Leadership: Elected Vice-President of English Club at Queen’s University.

Initiative: Founded my own home-baked cookie business, when at the University.

Organizing: Planned and chaired monthly seminars.

Writing: Wrote in-house, monthly newsletter.




Master of Counseling degree, Queen’s University 2006.

Bachelor of Arts degree, Long Island University, 2003.



Award included a full scholarship, work-study grants, and graduation with honor.

Interests: Jogging, skiing, playing tennis, reading, and playing the saxophone.


References: Available on request


Example 3:

Ward Gantney

Tel: (0463) 463-5948


Job Objective: Leading Engineer specializing in machine-tool design

Work experience:

2008- present - Engineer of Design Bureau, Lugansk Pipe Works.

2002-2004 - Entry-level Engineer of Design Bureau, Holding

Company ‘Lugansklocomotive’


2001-2005 - Master Degree in Metal-cutting Machine-tools, East-

Ukrainian National University named after V.Dal.


Professional Affiliations

Member of Machine-Builder’s Association of Ukraine



Dr. Ivanovsky T. B.,

Head of Production Engineering Department - tel: (0642) 44 55 69


Popov N.N.,

Chief Engineer of Lugansk Pipe Works - tel: (0642) 57-48-09






1. Read the text:


As you prepare you resume, you should include information that supports what the company is looking for in a perspective employee. If you are responding to an ad in the newspaper, be sure to include information about yourself that shows you can do what the company wants. Many employers want evidence that you have various skills and attributes.

Resumes generally include information that you can group in the following categories:

ü Career goal or job objective

ü Educational background

ü Work experience

ü Personal information

ü References

None of these are “required” categories in a resume. However, nearly all resumes begin with a career goal or job objective.

After you write the career goal or job objective statement, the next task is to determine the order of presentation for the rest of the information. The order is important because it also has as effect on how your readers receive it. Applicants should first present their strongest qualifications. If you have recently earned a degree (or will soon earn a degree), your educational background will likely be your strongest qualification for the job you seek. But after gaining experience on the job for a few years, you may choose to place your work experience section first.

Traditionally, resumes have been one page long. Some people include attachments that present detailed background, along with a one-page resume. Keep the one-page resume an integrated, complete picture. However, if the reader wants additional detail, you can place it on the attached detail sheet.


2. Answer the following questions. Prove your opinion. Use the phrases: I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that…; One can’t deny the fact that…; As to …:

ü What information should be included into your resume?

ü What is the objective of including this information?

ü Are there any “required” categories in a resume?

ü Is there any strict order of resume writing?

ü Why is it important to determine the order of presentation in resume?

ü How long should a resume be?

ü Why is it advisable to write a one-page resume?

ü What information can be included in the attachment?


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ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE| Prepare a resume that you could use now to apply for a variety of

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