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Prepare a resume that you could use now to apply for a variety of

Читайте также:
  1. A Apply a thread-lock to the bolt
  2. A. Prepare a talk, giving your own views on any one of these topics which you feel strongly about. Find some facts to support your idea.
  3. After finishing secondary school or college you can apply to a university, polytechnic, college of education or you can continue to study in a college of further education.
  4. Answer the questions about the resume.
  5. Applying for a job
  6. Applying for a job online
  7. Applying Names - an Example

Positions in business.


Think about the ideal job you would like to have after graduation. Write a description of this job, and then prepare a resume for it. Assume any necessary information that would present a good case for yourself in applying for this position.


Before you prepare a personal resume, complete, in writing, the

following activities:

- Identify all relevant and appropriate information that you could include in the “Personal” section of your resume

- Provide all relevant and appropriate information that you could include in the “Education” section of your resume. Don’t forget any activities you have been involved in.

- Provide all relevant and appropriate information that you could include in the “work Experience” section of your resume. Don’t forget to supply dates, names of supervisors, work-related awards and honors, and job responsibilities.

- After you have listed all relevant and appropriate information, decide how you can best arrange it on the page with appropriate headings.

- Prepare a draft of your resume.

- Have some members of your class evaluate the rough draft of your resume; then prepare a final version.


7. Select a specific job for which you think you will be qualified, either now or at the time you graduate. Select this job from advertisements in the newspaper. Prepare your resume.


8. Take any resume that is in chronological format and put it in a functional format. Then find a resume that has been done in functional format, and put it in a chronological format. Do you see any advantages and disadvantages in changing one format to the other?




1. Read the text:


Most communication involved with the job search serves one purpose: to get an interview. Your cover letter attracts the attention of potential employers and encourages them to look at your resume. Your resume then generates enough interest to obtain an interview.

In the interview, you will prove your potential worth to the organization in a very different way. You’ll have to make a good impression. You’ll also have the chance to communicate precisely what you want to the decision makers who will be eventually hiring or not hiring you. Once you’ve reached the interview stage, the other communication becomes secondary. You now have to make a visible and personable impression.

There are many types of interviews in business today; traditional one-to-one interviews, panel interviews where one or more candidates are interviewed by a panel of interviewers and even a “deep-end” interview where applicants have to demonstrate how they can cope in actual business situations. Moreover, the atmosphere of an interview may vary from the informal to the formal and from the kindly to the hostile. The interviewers may take a friendly, neutral or even hostile approach. Fashions seem to change quite rapidly in interview techniques and the only rules that applicants should be aware of may be “Expect the unexpected” and “Be yourself!”

2.Answer the questions. Give your reasons:

ü What is an interview?

ü What types of interviews are mentioned in the text?

ü What is the difference between the types of interviews?

ü Do different interviewers use different interviewing techniques? Why?

ü What is a “deep-end” interview?

ü What are the rules an applicant should be aware of?

ü What is meant by “Expect the unexpected”?

ü What is meant by “Be yourself”?

ü Do they always use an interview when hiring staff in this country?

ü Is an interview a good method for hiring staff?

ü What can an interviewer find out while interviewing applicants?

ü What can an applicant show while being interviewed?

3. Read the text:

The structure of an interview


Understanding the structure that most employment interviews follow will help you prepare for the situations you’ll face. Employment interviews generally have four stages:

  1. Opening and getting started
  2. Questions the interviewer asks the interviewee
  3. Questions the interviewee asks the interviewer
  4. Closing.

The interview will typically last for thirty minutes.

Remember that your interview begins when you enter the reception area of the company. Be on time or even 5 to 10 minutes early. Greet the receptionist pleasantly and respectfully. Then confidently and clearly state your name, that you have an appointment, and who you want to see. Don’t chew gum, smoke, or engage in other activities that would be inappropriate and even offensive.

The opening is the time for mutual preliminary assessment and turning to each other. Even the beginning small talk leaves an impression. Start with enthusiastic attitude and a smile, introduce yourself to the interviewer, and use a firm and confident handshake. This is equally important for men and women. Do not put any materials on the interviewer’s desk or act as though you are scanning the person’s desk. Your posture should be natural but professional.

As you settle into your seat and begin the small talk to start the interview, you can mention the surroundings or items you see in the room. Be observant; perhaps you can see something in the office that you can use for a brief conversation starter. For example, “I see by your diploma that you went to Utah State University.”

Eventually, the conversation will turn to questions about you. Your preparation in the three areas of achievement, skills, and knowledge will help you in this portion of the interview. Answer the questions directly and with some detail. Provide more then a yes or no response.

At some point during the interview, the interviewer will likely ask you for questions. Ask some intelligent questions, based on your research, about the company or job. Ask the interviewer to explain the major products or services the organization provides. Ask about working conditions. Although, you have interest in salary levels, discussion about them is a natural outgrowth of an offer. You are not at the stage yet where the company is making an offer. Similarly, you will not want to place too much emphasis on company benefits.

Observe nonverbal cues and be sensitive to the close. If the interviewer begins watching the clock or shows other signals of restlessness, then the interviewer shifts to stage 4. You and the interviewer are closing your interview. Don’t expect the immediate offer. As you close, shake hands confidently, thank the interviewer for his or her time, and end with a smile. You want your last impression to be strong and favorable. Ask when the company expects to reach a decision if the interviewer has not yet answered that question. Be sure to thank the receptionist on your way out.


Notes to the text:

Posture - поза - поза

Cue – намек - натяк

4. Answer the questions:


ü What kind of specific information can you include in your interview?

ü What are some reasons why a firm is likely to reject an applicant based on the interview?

ü What cues can you use to note the shift from one stage of an employment interview to the next?

ü What kind of questions an interviewer might ask an applicant during the interview?

ü What are some appropriate questions interviewees can ask during the job interview?

ü What are some inappropriate questions?


5. Look through the following questions. Divide them into groups. Give detailed answers:


With what kind of people do you lest get alone?

What do you consider your greatest strengths or assets?

What do you feel are your major weaknesses?

What led to your decision to choose your major?

Do you have any work experience?

Give some examples of your achievements that go well beyond the

absolute requirements of your curriculum?

How do you imagine an ideal work environment?

Tell about the most creative thing you’ve done. What was unique about


In what areas are others most complementary of you?

What has been your single most significant career-related failure? Why?

What do you most value about your education? Why?

Which of your past jobs you enjoyed most of all and why?

How do you measure your personal success?

Tell me about your daily routine. How and when do you start the day?

Do you consider yourself to be more analytical or more creative?

Explain by providing concrete examples.

What do people do to make you dislike them?

How do you do planning? What influences your planning?

What would you most like to improve about yourself? Why?

Tell about situation when you wish you had done more planning. What

exactly happened?

How do you cope with people you dislike?

In what ways do you consider your qualifications unique or distinctive

from others applying to this position?

What did you like least about your education?

Which of your jobs was most challenging? Least challenging?

What are you long-term career objectives?

What have you done to improve relationship with people you dislike?

What do your group-mates most admire or value about you?

Which skills do you lack to succeed in a job?

How you see yourself in ten years?

What do you believe are most important principles needed to achieve

job success?

What have been the results of your effort to improve your relationship

with the people you dislike?

What type of work do you find most rewarding and stimulating?

Which of your personal traits and characteristics sometimes get in the

way of your relationship with others?

What type of work do you find less satisfying?


Start the conversation with the Head of Personnel Department of a large company conducting the interview.

7.Imaging you are conducting an interview/participating as an interviewee. Dramatize a situation together with your group-mattes.



1.Choose the right answer:

1. The letter remains one of the most ______ ways of conveying information.

a) out of date b) effective c) speedy


2. The most important quality to cultivate for writing letters is _____.

a) empathy b) emphasis c) efficiency


3. Good messages call for _____ plan for structuring ideas.

a) inductive b) deductive c) neutral


4. Communicating bad news call for _____ plan for structuring ideas.

a) indirect b) direct c) neutral


5. Business letters today usually use one of the _____ letter styles.

a) two b) unlimited c) three


6. The best way to get information about available job is to _____.

a) communicate with friends b) word-of-mouth recommendation

c) read advertisement


7. The _____ is usually the best source of blue-collar jobs, clerical employees and lower-level administrative employees.

a) local newspapers b) national daily newspapers c) journal


8. The resume presents _____ your assets.

a) both b) particularly c) only


9. The resume is _____ tools that you will use to communicate your qualifications to potential employers.

a) the only b) one of several c) the first


10.The resume has a specific purpose: _____.

a) the create enough interest in you b) to grant you a job

c) to make you a preposition


11._____ resume is useful to emphasize the steady and systematic development of an individual’s education or work experience.

a) A chronological b) A functional c) A targeted


12. Applicants should first present their _____ qualifications.

a) all b) relevant c) strongest


13.Traditionally, resumes have been _____ long.

a) unlimited b) three-to-five pages c) one page


14. In the interview, you will prove your _____ to the organization.

a) desire to work b) potential worth c) expectations for bonuses


15. Employment interviews generally have _____ stages.

a) limited number of b) unlimited number of c) four


16. _____ the immediate offer.

a) Don’t expect b) Expect c) Ask for


17. During _____ interview applicants have to demonstrate how they can cope in actual business situation.

a) panel b) “deep-end” c) one-to-one


18. Your purpose in the application letter is _____.

a) get you a job offer b) to get you an interview c) to get bonuses


19. Your application letter must be_____.

a) neat, polite b) purposeful, accurate c) all of these


20. In an unsolicited situation, you are _____ the search.

a) initiating b) answering c) discussing

Write a Cover letter and a Resume to fit for the advertised position.




1.Memorise the following words and word-combinations:


under the sponsorship, auspices - под покровительством, под эгидой - при сприянні, під егідою

invited paper - доклад приглашенного участника - доповідь запрошеного учасника

contributed paper - доклад, предоставленный по инициативе докладчика - доповідь, з ініціативи доповідача

oral paper - устный доклад - усна доповідь

poster paper - стендовый доклад - стендова доповідь

round table discussion - обсуждение за круглым столом - обговорення за круглим столом

to submit - предоставлять - надавати

dead line - крайний срок - кінцевий термін

thesis - тезисы - тези

camera-ready original - готовый к печати - придатний до друку

affiliation - название организации - назва організації

formal invitation - официальное приглашение - офіційне запрошення


2.Read the text and answer the questions which are given below:

1.What specific information was given on the following points:

ü Time and place;

ü Theme;

ü Objective;

ü Types of presentation;

ü Requirements for thesis (format);

ü Deadline for their submission;

ü Sponsors.


2.What other information should be given in the First Circular?

First circular

The XXI Conference on problems and methods of machine-building design will be held in the East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine, May 25-30, 20….., under the sponsorship of the Academy of Engineering of Ukraine. The primary objective of the conference is to encourage scientists in various areas of machine-building and related branches of engineering to present their latest findings and discuss their ideas.

The scientific program encompasses fundamental problems and specific technological applications. It will involve invited lectures, contributed papers, which may be presented in oral or poster form, and round table discussions. All papers are to be delivered in official languages of the conference (Ukrainian, Russian, English). All contributing participants are required to submit one printed copy of thesis of their proposed presentations and CD-copy together with their registration forms. The dead line for receipt of abstracts is March 15, 20…. The thesis must be prepared as a camera-ready original, not exceeding two pages. It should be typed clearly with 1.5 spacing and with 20 mm margins. The page should be headed by the title (centered and in bold capitals). The author’s name should also be centered below the title, followed by affiliation and name of the establishment.

We cordially invite you to participate in the conference and to treat this letter as our formal invitation. If you are interested in attending, please complete and return the enclosed Application Form before March 15, 20…


3.Replace the words and phrases in italics with suitable expressions from the text:

ü The annual conference on Economic Development of Lugansk region is to take place under the sponsorship of the Institute of Regional Development.

ü The chief aim of this fundamental research is to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of the nature of financial crises.

ü The range of the problems to be discussed will cover some aspects of basic theoretical and experimental knowledge of this phenomenon.

ü The invited papers are to be read at a special session.

ü Prospective contributors are required to present their registration forms.

ü The closing date for the submission of thesis of proposed presentations is October 10, 20…...

ü The International conference on Environmental Protection is organized under the auspices of UNESCO.


4.Answer the following questions. Use the phrases: As to …; Frankly speaking…;

ü How often are seminars (conferences, workshops) held at your University? Use the time expressions: once (twice, three times…) a month (year, quarter); annually, regularly, seldom, etc.

ü Have you participated in any scientific conference? When? What was its subject? Use the time expressions: last week, (month, year); two weeks (months, years) ago; on June 9, 2010; etc.

ü Are you planning to take part in any conference (seminar, workshop) in the near future? When is it to be held? What is its objective?


Use the following phrases:

Time: next week (month, year); in a week (month, year); in March;

Objective: to clear up the problem of …; to discuss the question of…;to obtain better understanding of the problem of …; to understand the mechanism of…; to consider the recent developments in the field of …; to report new data on ….

5.Your friend is going to submit a paper to the conference. Say what requirements his/her paper is to meet. Mention the following points: the required format; the deadline for submission, a form of presentation.


6.Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box:


accepted; discussions; be held; sectional; be located; to welcome; to submit; be provided; devoted; information; theme; be organized; contributing;


The symposium _____ between the 5th and 10th of June 20….. The _____ of the symposium is to be “Economic Aspects of Nature Protection”. Those _____ papers are asked _____ thesis to the Program Committee. All papers _____ for the symposium will be published in the symposium proceedings. We shall also be very happy _____ those who intend to take part in the _____ which will follow each paper.

The major part of the program will be _____ to_____ meetings and informal group discussions. The headquarters for registration, the _____office and travel office will _____ in the main building of the Science Centre. Accommodation will _____in the students’ hostel and city hotels. A bus tour round the city will_____.

7 .Give English equivalents to the following, use the words:

Format, word division, word processing software, font, to margin, round brackets, to save, to process, margin, abbreviated.


1. Объем доклада до 6 страниц формата А-4 на диске CD-RW;

Обсяг доповіді до 6 сторінок формату А-4, диск CD-RW;

2. Шрифт Times New Roman, размер 14, межстрочный интервал 1,5.

Шрифт Times New Roman, розмір 14, міжрядковий інтервал 1,5.

3. Все поля по 2 см., отступ на абзац 1,25.

Поля 2 см., відступ абзацу 1,25.

4. Текст до трех полных страниц, формат А-4, с полями: верхнее и нижнее 25мм., правое и левое 20мм. Материалы оформить с применением редактора Word, шрифтом Times New Roman, размер 14.

Текст до трьох повних сторінок, формат А-4, поля: зверху та знизу 25мм., зліва та справа 20 мм. Матеріали оформлюються у редакторі Word, шрифтом Times New Roman, розмір 14.

5. Порядок оформления: название печатать заглавными буквами, не отступая от верхнего поля, центрируя. Через 1,5 интервала – фамилии и инициалы авторов, сокращенное название организации, город, страна. Через 1,5 интервала – аннотация на английском языке (до 5 строк). Через 1,5 интервала материалы доклада (язык изложения – по выбору автора).

Правила оформлення: назва статті великими літерами без відступу від верхнього поля у центрі. Через 1.5 інтервали – прізвища та ініціали авторів, скорочена назва організації, міста, країни. Через 1,5 інтервали – анотація англійською мовою (до п’яти рядків). Через 1,5 інтервали – матеріали доповіді (мова за бажанням автора).

6. Не будут опубликованы материалы с существенными отступлениями от требований и тематики конференции.

Матеріали, що не відповідають вимогам та тематиці конференції не публікуються.

7. Не будут опубликованы материалы, поступившие в оргкомитет с опозданием.

Матеріали, надіслані пізніше встановленого терміну не розглядатимуться.

8.Speak abut students’ conferences held in your University. Give information about:

ü Type of the conference;

ü Place and time;

ü Organizers;

ü Problems to be discussed;

ü Types of presentations.


Use the following: national, international, special, annual, regular, under the sponsorship, plenary meeting, section, invited paper, contributed paper, poser presentation, report.



1.Study the content and composition of a personal invitation to a conference:

Dear Dr. Carry:


On behalf of our Organizing Committee I would like to invite you to the XXV Regional Conference “Scientists to the Industrial Development of the Region” which will be held in Lugansk under the auspices of the East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dal on April 21-26, 201… The topic of this year’s conference is Global Warming. In view of your active interest in this field, I would like to extend to you an invitation to present a paper on a subject of choice. If you are interested in attending, please forward the enclosed application form to the Organizing Committee. An Early reply will be appreciated.


Sincerely yours,


Paul Brown

The Head of Organizing Committee


2.Compare the following answers. Say:

ü Which of them is more acceptable one, why?

ü What approach is used in each letter?

ü What approach is more acceptable, why?

Example 1:


Dear Dr. Brown:

I will be happy to accept your invitation to participate in the XXV Regional Conference “Scientists to the Industrial Development of the Region”.

This Conference sounds well planned, and I know it will benefit the people who attend. I am very interested in the subject of this conference and will be pleased to give an invited paper on “Modern energy-saving technologies”.

Please send me the final program and specific details as soon as you are able.


Sincerely yours,




Example 2:


Dear Dr. Brown:


Your five-days conference that focuses on contribution of scientists to the industrial development of the region certainly sounds well planned.

I know this conference will benefit the people who attend. Improvement of industrial development of our region is one of the most serious scientific problems.

Therefore, I will be happy to accept your invitation to be a speaker at your conference. An abstract of my paper will follow.

Sincerely yours,



3.Write a letter to the Organizing Committee accepting an invitation to participate in a conference. Use the Phrases:

A. Thank you very much for…

I am very grateful to you for…

I wish to express my …

I am honored by your invitation to participate in the …

I greatly appreciate your invitation to attend …..


B. I am pleased to accept your invitation.

I am very much interested in subject of this conference…

I shall be very pleased to participate…


C. I plan to speak on …

The title of my paper will be …

I would like to give a talk on …

I would be pleased to present a paper on ….


4.Study the letter declining the invitation. Say:

ü How is the letter structured?

ü What information is presented in the letter?


Dear Dr. Brown:


Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the XXV Regional Conference “Scientists to the Industrial Development of the Region”. The subject of the Conference is very important and may be very beneficial for those who participates.

Approximately at the same time conference on problems of energy-saving technologies will be held in Sevastopol under the sponsorship of the National Academy of Sciences. Unfortunately my participation in this conference makes it impossible for me to come to your conference.

I am very sorry, therefore, to have to decline your kind invitation.


Sincerely yours,




5. Complete the letters given below declining the invitation. Use the suggested phrases and sentences:

a) I am very grateful for your letter concerning the conference on perspectives of Machine-building industry. I appreciate very much your invitation to give a talk, ….. (A) that …. (B) as …. (C).

b) Thank you very much for your letter of ….., informing me of your intention to gather a conference on Global Warming Problems to be held in Green Hill, April 15-18. I feel honored for being asked to present an invited paper there. Unfortunately, ….. (B) as ….. (C).


А. I am sorry that…

I regret that…


B. I am unable to attend…

I have to decline your invitation…


C. My research is not directly concerned with the problems to be discussed.

I have other commitments at the same time.

I have to complete …


6.Write letters taking into account the situations suggested:

a) You have received invitations to attend two conferences simultaneously. One is to be held in Kiev, the other in London. The Organizing Committee of the second one informs you that there will be no reimbursement of the air fare to London. Both conferences are of equal professional interest to you; write to both organizes.

b) You are completing an important work to be submitted by October 1. You have received an invitation to a symposium planned in Venice on 20-25 September.





1. Information presented in an abstract usually includes a description of:


ü the research subject;

ü methods used;

ü results obtained.


Find these components in the abstracts below:


Perfection of transport systems of urban transportations

Development and perfection of urban transportation transport systems has been considered. Basic directions of research and improvement of industrial vehicle have been highlighted.



Example 2:

Toothed links coupling characteristics estimation

Estimation method of the toothed links coupling at the stage of planning has been developed. A transmission with evolvent gears, inner gearing and longitudinal modification of teeth has been analyzed. A mathematical model of the tooth evolvent surface has been created using the matrices of coordinate transformation.


Example 3:

Improving design and technological reliability of electrical tool manufacturing

The issues of developing technological process of electric tool manufacturing have been investigated. Combined algorithm to improve design-technological reliability has been proposed.


Example 4:

On the application of Delcam software in parts machining

Analysis of software products used in machine parts manufacturing has been conducted. The algorithm of 3D part models creation using Delcam Power Shape software product has been proposed. The control program for treatment of parts on a NC milling machine has been developed.


2.Classify the phrases given below into two groups:

ü introducing the subject of the study;

ü considering the results obtained

1.The mechanism of … has been fully confirmed; 2.Research into … has been done; 3.These data favor the assumption that …; 4. The parameters of … has been presented; 5.The results obtained suggest an alternative mechanism of …; 6. Evidence for … was provided; 7. The values of … were estimated; 8.The components of … are examined; 9.The validity of … has been established; 10.The consistency of the assumption of … has been tested; 11.A series of experiments on … were performed; 12.The idea of … has been further supported; 13.The function of … has been considered; 14.The phenomenon of … has been discussed.


3.Read the following abstracts. State what grammatical structures are characteristic for scientific abstracts:

The paper deals with computers. Types of computers and input data have been described. Special emphasis has been laid on the advantages of the computer use.


New directions in metal processing by explosion has been explained and partially grounded quantitatively. The preference has been given to physical phenomenon observance on the micro- and nano-levels for developing tool modified materials.


4.Make up sentences using the structures given below. Use the model:

Model: Subject matter related to the influence of cutting temperatures on wear of high-speed steel tools has been considered.

The results of the theoretical Приводятся результаты

(experimental) study of … теоретического (эксперименталь-

has been resented. ного) исследования …

Наводяться результати теоретичного

(експериментального) дослідження..


It has been shown that… Показано, что …


A theoretical dependence of … Сформулирована теоретическая

vs … has been formulated. зависимость … от…

Сформульована теоретична

залежність …. від …


Recommendations for … Приведены рекомендации по …

have been presented. Наведені рекомендації щодо…

Conclusions regarding … Сделаны выводы о том, что …

were made. Зроблені висновки щодо …


The role of … in … В данной статье рассматривается

has been discussed. роль …

В наданій статті розглядається

роль …


Subject matter related to … Обсуждаются вопросы, относя-

has been considered. щиеся к …

Обговорюються питання маючі

відношення до …


The factors considered include … Рассмотрено влияние таких

факторов, как …

Розглядається вплив таких

чинників як…


5.Write an abstract of your paper. Use the phrases:

The subject and the methods used

The mechanism of … was/has been investigated using the method/technique of….

The structure of … was/has been studied by ….

The phenomenon of … was / has been analyzed ….

The process of … was/has been examined making use of the technique of…

The function of … was/has been analyzed by ….


The results obtained

The relationship between … was/has been established.

The interaction between … was/has been determined.

The parameters of … were/have been calculated.

Some information concerning … was/has been obtained.

The properties of … were /have been evaluated.


It was/has been found that …

It was/has been shown that …

It was/has been postulated that …

It was/has been established that …

It was/has been suggested that …

It was/has been concluded that …


The conclusion was/has been made that …

An assumption was/has been made that …

A suggestion was/has been made that …


The results suggest that …

The results indicate that …





1.Study the following form:

Application form

For participation in the II international scientific and practical conference “Problems and perspectives of region economical development”

Family name ____________________

Name __________________________

Father’s name ___________________

Organization ____________________

Position ________________________

Scientific degree_________________

Academic rank ___________________

Paper title _______________________


I plan to make a report (underline):

□ at the plenary meeting (up to 15 min);

□ at the section meeting (up to 10 min);

□ to participate at the conference without making a report:

□ to publish thesis without making a report.

Required equipment:

□ overhead projector;

□ multimedia complex.


□ I need an accommodation;

□ I do not need accommodation.

Contact address:

Mail: ____________________________________________________

Tel: ______________________________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________


__________ _____________________

Date Signature


2.Chose the kind of participation and the type of report at the conference:

Key (lead, main, principal) speaker - основной докладчик - основний доповідач

Plenary speaker - докладчик на пленарном заседании - доповідач на пленарному засіданні

Poster speaker - стендовый докладчик - стендовий доповідач

Poster presenter

Keynote report - основной доклад - основна доповідь

Principal report

Plenary report - пленарный доклад - пленарна доповідь

Brief (summary) report - краткий доклад - кратка доповідь

Poster report - стендовый доклад - стендова доповідь

Review (overview) - обзорный доклад - оглядова доповідь

3.Read and dramatize the dialogue:


Rensky: Hello.

Derby: Dr. Rensky?

Rensky: Speaking.

Derby: Good morning, Dr.Rensky. This is Prof. Derby calling.

Rensky: Good morning Prof. Derby. I am glad you have called. Thank you

for accepting my paper. I received the notification from your


Derby: You are welcome, Dr.Rensky. We do appreciate having you as a

conference participant. Dr. Rensky, I have a request to make.

Rensky: Yes, what is it?

Derby: I wonder if you could chair one of the conference sessions. We

would be grateful if you would accept.

Rensky: Thank you very much for the invitation. May I have a day or two

to think it over?

Derby: Yes, of course. I’ll be sure to provide you with the abstracts of the

papers in your session and all other necessary information about

the program.

Rensky: Thank you. I’ll call you back as soon as possible.

Derby: I’ll be expecting for your call then. Goodbye, Dr. Rensky.

Rensky: Goodbye Prof. Derby.


4.Note how Prof. Derby expresses his appreciation of Dr. Rensky’s participation in the conference. Study other ways of expressing appreciation.

I appreciate your assistance/advice/frankness/criticism.

It’s very kind of you.

You are very helpful.

That’s/was the right thing to say/to do.

You’ve done a good job.

Good for you.

Well done.

That’s a good idea.

That’s it!


5.React to the following statements using expressions of Task 5:

ü I’m going to change the notation. It’s confusing and inconsistent.

ü I’ll type the text, you need not bother.

ü I have managed to do the job. It was not easy.

ü What do you think of my classification? I have worked on it for two years.

ü I said there was too little time left to spend it on arguing. Was I right?

ü Could I help you with proof-reading? You look tired.

ü We are late. Let’s take a taxi.

ü I believe he should be told; no point in putting it off.

ü Let him have the most pay. He worked much more than any of us.


6.React to the following situations using the phrases you have studied:

  1. You are preparing a paper for publication and have received useful advise from:

a. your colleague;

b. your supervisor;

  1. Respond to the following situations: you friend

a. did something well;

b. said something witty;

c. found a good solution to a problem.

  1. In a confusing situation presence of mind was shown by:

a. a man you don’t know well;

b. your friend.


7.Read and dramatize the dialogue:


Rensky: Good afternoon. I am Dr. Rensky.

Registrar: Good afternoon, Dr. Rensky. Welcome to the conference.

Did you have a good trip?

Rensky: Very good, thank you.

Registrar: Let me see if everything is all right with your registration fee…

It’s OK. Here is your conference folder. It contains the

conference program, abstracts of the papers, your identification

badge, and some local maps.

Rensky: Oh, fine. Thank you. Are there any messages for me?

Registrar: No, there are none here. You might want to check with the

message centre in the Registration Hall over there. The bulletin

boards are identified by the name and registration number of the


Rensky: Thank you. I’ll have a look.

Registrar: Also I’d like to call your attention to the notice boards just

opposite the registration counter. All the information about

current changes in the program will be posted there.

Rensky: Thank you for the information. Good bye.

Registrar: Good bye, Dr. Rensky. Good luck to you.

8. Note how registrar makes a suggestion. Study more ways of making a suggestion/giving advice and possible replies:


I would advise you to … Thank you for your advise.

May I advise you to … I appreciate your advise.

I’d like to advise you to …

You might want to … A am all for it.

Perhaps you should … No objections.

I’d like to recommend … I’ll try do to my best.

I would suggest … I’ll think it over.

Have you considered… Let me see …


9.Complete the following dialogues using the phrases given above:


  1. ___________ to check your data.
  2. Thank you for your advice.


  1. __________ I would change the title of your article.
  2. I’ll give it some thought.
  1. ___________ to explain your point of view?
  2. I don’t mined.


  1. I would suggest that you should produce more evidence.
  2. _________ do it without further research.


  1. You might want to make your discovery public.
  2. ___________ wait for the end of the experiment.


  1. ____________ putting off the discussion.
  2. _____________ I am short of time myself.


  1. You look tired. __________ to stay at home.
  2. __________________- No, this is impossible. I cannot miss the lecture.


  1. ___________ publishing this report?
  2. ______________ It might be a good idea.


10.Paraphrase the sentences using the verb to suggest:

Model: I would advise you to contact the Chairman.

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