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Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text:

Читайте также:
  1. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  2. A. Read and translate the text.
  3. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  4. Analyse and translate the following sentences
  5. Answer the following questions on the text.
  6. Answer the following questions to the text.
  7. Answer the following questions to the text.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text:

People are likely to be involved in a bailment transaction when they leave their baggage at the airport for shipment.

A bailment is a deal in which one party gives in personal property to another party for some purpose.

After the purpose of bailment is complete the goods will be given back to the owner.

The distinguishing feature of a bailment is that things are handed in for a short period of time.

Even when the bailee is in possession of the goods, the bailor is still the owner of them.

When goods are sold, both ownership and possession are transferred to the buyer.

For most bailment, the bailee has the right to retain possession of the goods.

(goods are transferred temporary; luggage, shipping; the right of lien on goods in its possession; title to them remains with the bailor; returned to the original party; title to them is transferred; a transaction, delivers)


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:

F Although the legal term … is probably unfamiliar, it is likely that you have been involved in a … recently.

F A bailment is a … in which one party delivers personal property to another party for some purpose.

F The owner of goods who transfers temporary possession of goods or property is ….

F The person to whom the goods are given and who is to have temporary custody of them is ….

F As you can see, … is a type of contract.

F In a bailment only … is ever transferred, ownership never is.

F A bailment does not exist when … to the bank.

F All bailments can be divided into two main types: … and ….

F For most bailments, the bailee has … in its possession.

F … does not exist if the services asked for have not been performed.

F The right of lien exits … involving repairers, innkeepers and common carri8ers.

F The Innkeepers’ Act allows innkeepers to seize the personal property of guests … have been paid.

(the right of lien on goods; until outstanding room bills; the bailor; ”bailment”, bailment transaction; under common law and in statutes; a bailment; gratuitous bailments, bailments for consideration; the bailee; a right of lien; possession; a person deposits money; transaction)


Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:

F For most bailments, the bailee has ….

F When you borrow a record or tape from a friend or leave a car in a garage for repairs – you are involved ….

F After the purpose of the bailment is complete the goods will be returned ….

F As you see, ….

F Even when the bailee is in the possession of the goods, ….

F In a bailment only possession is ever transferred, ….

F All bailments can be divided into two main types: ….

F The bailee has the right to retain possession of the goods until the bailor …

F The right of lien does not exist if the services asked for ….

F A shoe-repairer may retain shoes until ….

(gratuitous bailments and bailments for consideration; the right of lien on goods in its possession; the repair bill is paid; ownership never is transferred; in a common bailment transaction; pays the amount due for the services; a bailment is a type of contract; have not been performed; to the original party; title to them remains with the bailor)

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

1. When are people involved in a common bailment transaction?

2. What is a bailment?

3. When are the goods returned to the original party?

4. Who transfers the temporary possession of goods or property?

5. Who has the temporary custody of goods or property?

6. What is a distinguishing feature of a bailment?

7. Whom does the title to goods remain with?

8. Does the bailment exist when a person deposits money to the bank?

9. What types of bailments do you know?

10. What is the right of lien?

11. What does the Innkeepers’ Act allow innkeepers to do?

12. How does a bailment differ from a sale of goods?

13. What is transferred in a bailment?

14. What is transferred to the buyer when goods are sold?

15. Why does no bailment not exist when a person deposits money to the bank?


Ex. 6. Ask questions to fit these answers:

1. When you leave luggage at the airport for shipping or leave a car in a garage for repairs – you are involved in a common bailment transaction.

2. A bailment is a transaction in which one party delivers personal property to another party for some purpose.

3. After the purpose of the bailment is complete the goods will be returned to the original party.

4. The owner of the goods who transfers temporary possession of goods or property is the bailor.

5. The bailee has temporary custody of goods or property.

6. As you see, a bailment is a type of contract.

7. The distinguishing feature of a bailment is that goods are transferred temporary.

8. A bailment differs from a sale of goods.

9. A bailment does not exist when a person deposits money to the bank.

10. All bailments can be divided into two main types: gratuitous bailments and bailments for consideration.

11. For most bailments, the bailee has the right of lien on goods in its possession.

12. A shoe-repairer may retain shoes until the repair bill is paid.

13. The Innkeepers’ Act allows innkeepers to seize the personal property of guests until outstanding room bills have been paid.

14. When goods are sold, both ownership and possession are transferred to the buyer.

15. Even when the bailee is in possession of the goods, title to them remains with the bailor.


Ex. 7. Read the text and match these headings with the paragraphs:

– People are often involved in a common bailment transaction.

– Bailor and bailee.

– A bailment is a type of contract.

– A bailment differs from a sale of goods.

– There are two main types of bailment.

– The bailee has the right of lien on goods in its possession.

– The right of lien exists under common law and in statutes.


Ex. 8. Make up an oral summary of the text using the headings from ex. 7.


Types of Bailments

Gratuitous Bailments

A gratuitous bailment is one in which the transfer of property or goods is done at no cost to either party; the transfer of goods or property is usually done as a favour between the parties. No money is earned or paid. The most common examples of gratuitous bailments are the situations in which friends borrow goods from each other, neighbours look after property for each other as a favour. Such bailments can benefit either the bailor or the bailee or both. The bailor, for example, benefits when she leaves a pet with a neighbour. The bailee benefits when he or she borrows and uses a friend’s or neighbour’s slide projector or tools. Both benefit when a person leaves her stereo with a friend and gives him permission to use it until she returns. In any of these situations no contract exists between the parties.

Bailments for Consideration or Reward

Bailments in which consideration is exchanged between the parties are a key part of the daily operation of many different businesses. In recent years the number of businesses that rent store, repair and transort goods has increased considerably. An example of this type of bailment occurs when money is paid by a bailee to rent a car from a bailor. Both parties receive some benefit from the transaction. The bailee receives the benefit of the use of the rented car, while the bailor receives a payment of money for the use of the car.

Storing Goods

Storage and warehousing are other forms of bailments that occur regularly in the business world. When families move from a large house into an apartment they may rent storage space in a warehouse for the furniture that will not fit into the apartment.

Private and Common Carriers

A carrier is a bailee that carries goods for other people. There are two types of carriers – private and common. A private carrier is one that reserves the right to accept or reject the transportation of goods for parties that request the service. Because the carrier is a bailee in a bailment for consideration it must take reasonable care of the goods and is liable for any losses due to negligence. A common carrier is one that is in the business of transporting goods for any party that requests the service. Airlines, trucking lines and buses all fall under this category. A common carrier cannot choose its customers, it must carry the goods if spare is available and the fee is paid. A common carrier is also an insurer of the goods carried. The goods are automatically insured because common carries have complete charge of the goods during shipping and their business is to be responsible for the safe delivery of the goods.



Gratuitous безплатний
at no cost безплатно
as a favour як послуга
look after (тут) наглядати за …
benefit мати вигоду
consideration зустрічне задоволення
reward винагорода
a key part головна частина
rent орендувати
store зберігати
repair ремонтувати
transport перевозити
occur траплятися
storage склад, сховище
warehousing складування
move переїздити, перевозити
storage space місце для зберігання
carrier перевізник
common громадський
reserve right зберігати за собою право
accept прийняти
reject відмовити, відхилити
take care of піклуватися
liable відповідальність
be liable   бути відповідальним
negligence недбалість
available наявний; той, що існує в наявності
fee   плата
insurer страхувальник
shipping перевізка, транспортування
be responsible бути відповідальним
delivery доставка


Answer the following questions:

1. What is a gratuitous bailment?

2. How is the transfer of goods or property in this kind of bailment done?

3. What are the common examples of gratuitous bailment?

4. Who can benefit gratuitous bailments?

5. What is a bailment for consideration?

6. What has considerably increased in recent years?

7. What are the other forms of bailments?

8. How many types of carriers are there?

9. What characterizes a private carrier?

10. Is the carrier liable for any losses due to negligence?

11. What is a common carrier?

12. Can a common carrier choose its customers?

13. Is a common carrier an insurer of the goods carried?

14. Is a common carrier responsible for the safe delivery of the goods?


Exercises in Writing


Ex. 1. Write three paragraphs on:

Gratuitous Bailments.

Bailmens for Consideration or Reward.

Private and Common Carriers.

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Існує два головних види залежного утримання.

2. Безоплатне утримання речей – це такий вид залежного утримання, коли речі передаються безплатно.

3. Така передача товарів або речей проводиться як послуга.

4. Коли друзі позичають речі один у одного – це приклад безоплатного утримання.

5. При безоплатному залежному утриманні не існує контракту між сторонами угоди.

6. За останні роки кількість підприємств, що орендують, ремонтують або зберігають різні товари, значно зросла.

7. Залежне утримання із зустрічним задоволенням – це характерна риса багатьох бізнесових угод.

8. Зберігання речей – це одна форма залежного утримання товарів або речей.

9. Існує два види перевізників – приватний та громадський.

10. Приватний перевізник – це такий, що сам вирішує питання транспортування товарів.

11. Приватний перевізник несе відповідальність за втрати в разі недбалого транспортування товарів.

12. Громадський перевізник не може вибирати собі клієнтів, він повинен перевозити товари, якщо така послуга оплачена.

13. Громадський перевізник – це також страхувальник товарів, які перевозяться.

14. Громадські перевізники несуть повну відповідальність за безпечну доставку товарів.


Oral Topic: The Law of Bailment.

Discuss this topic using Exrs. 7,8 for Text A and Ex. 1 for Text B.



Tort Law

Study the following vocabulary notes for the text:


Tort делікт, цивільне правопорушення
inflict заподіяти (шкоду), спричинити
noncriminal не карний
injury шкода, збитки
reputation репутація
compensation компенсація
law of agency агентське право
entity об’єднання (адміністративне, державне)
principal принципал; довіритель
be held liable бути відповідальним, нести відповідаль-ність
agent агент, посередник
dealings ділові відношення, угоди
contract law договірне право
deal with мати справу (з)
violate порушувати (закон)
convenience store магазин самообслуговування, де прода-ються товари повсякденного попиту
jail в’язниця
legal правовий, законний
pursue здійснювати
seizure конфіскація (тут), захоплення
suit позов, судова справа
charge звинуватити
defamation образа, наклеп, знеславлення
slander усний наклеп, плітки
libel наклеп (у письмовій формі)
assault напад, фізична розправа
intentional умисний, навмисний
occur траплятися
negligence недбалість, халатність
deliberate навмисний
fraud обман, шахрайство
owner хазяїн, той, що володіє чимось
employee працівник
roughly грубо, не поважно
handle поводитися
suspected підозрюваний
shoplifter магазинний крадій
conduct поведінка
excessive надмірний
unjustified необґрунтований, несправедливий
agency law агентське право
caution обережність
careless неуважний, недбалий
pedestrian пішохід
create створити
result from виникати через

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

Compensation must be paid for that.

Tort law deals with compensating injured persons who are the victims of noncriminal wrongs.

International tort refers to a civil wrong purposely inflicted on other persons or their property, such as assault, slander or libel.

Negligence is a civil wrong based on careless behavior that causes injury to another person.

Businesses have faced a growing number of suits charging them with slander (spoken defamation) and libel (written defamation), both of which are torts.

A tort is a civil injury to people, their property or their reputation.

Torts may be intentional, or may occur through negligence.

The law of tort is closely related to the law of agency, because the business entity, or principal, can be held liable for the tort committed by its agents in the course of business dealings.



Tort Law


Tort law applies to most business relationships not governed by a contract. A tort (French for “wrong”) refers to a civil wrong inflicted on other people or their property. A tort is a civil – noncriminal – injury to people, their property or their reputation. Compensation must be paid for that. The law of tort is closely related to the law of agency, because the business entity, or principal, can be held liable for the tort committed by its agents in the course of business dealings.

Tort law differs from both criminal and contract law. Criminal law is concerned with crimes against the state or society.

Tort law deals with compensating injured persons who are the victims of noncriminal wrongs. For example, if a person violates zoning laws by opening a convenience store in a residential area, she (or he) cannot be sent to jail, as would be the case in a criminal violation. But a variety of other legal measures can be pursued – for example, fines or seizure of property.

In recent years, businesses have faced a growing number of suits charging them with stander (spoken defamation of character) and libel (written defamation of character), both of which are torts.

Many torts, such as assault, are intentional actions carried out by the wrongdoer. Torts may be intentional or may occur through negligence. Intentional torts result from the deliberate actions of another person or firm. Examples of an intentional tort are slander, libel and fraud. Businesses can become involved in such cases through the actions of both owners and employees. The security guard who roughly handles a suspected shoplifter and holds the suspect in the manager’s office for questioning may be committing a tort if his or her conduct is excessive or otherwise unjustified. Under agency law, the store owner can be held liable for any damages or injury caused by the security guard.

The other major group of torts is negligence. Negligence is the lack of reasonable care and caution. This type of tort is based on careless behavior that causes injury to another person.

Under agents law, businesses are held liable for the negligence of their employees or agents. The delivery truck driver who kills a pedestrian while delivering goods creates tort liability for his or her employer if the accident results from negligence.




Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using words and phrases from the text:

A tort is a civil wrong that injures another person or another person’s property.

Remuneration must be paid for that.

The law of tort is connected with the law of agency.

The principal can be responsible for the tort committed by its agents in the course of business transactions.

Criminal law deals with crimes against the state and society.

Tort law is concerned with compensating injured people who are the victims of a civil wrong.

Such legal measures as penalties or holding the property can be applied.

In recent years, businesses have run into a growing number of lawsuits charging them with spoken defamation of character and written defamation of character, both of which are torts.

(is concerned with; a civil –noncriminal– injury to people or their property; deals with; the business entity can be held liable, business dealings; compensation; have faced, suits, slander and libel; is closely related to; fines or seizure of, can be pursued)


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:

F A tort is a … to people, their property or their reputation

F Business entity, or principal, … for the tort committed by its agents in the course ….

F … is concerned with crime against ….

F … compensating injured persons who are the victims ….

F business have faced a growing number of … them with … and …, both of which are torts.

F Torts may be … or may … through ….

F … result from the … of another person or a firm.

F … are examples of an ….

F … is the lack of reasonable ….

F this type of tort is based on … that causes … to another person.

(suits charging, slander (spoken defamation) of character, libel (written defamation of character); careless behavior, injury; civil –noncriminal– injury; intentional torts, deliberate actions; criminal law, the state or society; intentional, occur, negligence; tort law deals with, of noncriminal wrongs; can be held liable, of business dealings; negligence, care and caution; slander, libel and fraud, intentional tort)


Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:

F Tort law applies to most business relationships ….

F A tort (French for “wrong”) refers to a civil wrong ….

F Tort law differs from ….

F Tort law deals with compensating injured persons who ….

F But a variety of other legal measures can be pursued – ….

F Tort may be ….

F Examples of an intentional tort are ….

F Businesses can become involved in such cases through the ….

F Under agency law, the store owner can be held liable for ….

F This type of tort based on careless behavior that ….

F Under agency law, businesses are held liable for ….

(intentional or may occur through negligence; not governed by a contract; are the victims of noncriminal wrongs; actions of both owners and employees; the negligence of their employees or agents; inflicted on other people or their property; any damages or injury caused by security guard; slander, libel and fraud; for example, fines or seizure of property; both criminal and contract law; causes injury to another person)


Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What law applies to most business relationships not governed by a contract?

2. What does a tort refer to?

3. What must be paid for civil wrong inflicted on other people or their property?

4. What is the law of tort closely related to?

5. Why is the law of tort closely related to the law of agency?

6. What does tort law differ from?

7. What is criminal law concerned with?

8. What does tort law deal with?

9. What have businesses faced in recent years?

10. What do intentional torts result from?

11. What are the examples of intentional tort?

12. How can businesses become involved in intentional tort?

13. Can the security guard that roughly handles the suspected shoplifter commit a tort?

14. What is the other major group of torts?

15. What is negligence?

16. What is the tort of negligence based on?

17. What can the store owner be charged with under agency law?


Ex. 6. Ask questions to fit these answers.

1. Tort law applies to most business relationships not governed by a contract.

2. Compensation must be paid for civil wrong inflicted on other people or their property.

3. Tort law differs from both criminal law and contract law.

4. Criminal law is concerned with crimes against the state or society.

5. Tort law deals with compensating injured people.

6. Many torts such as assault, are intentional actions carried out by the wrongdoer.

7. Intentional torts result from the deliberate actions of another person or firm.

8. The other major group of torts is negligence.

9. Businesses can become involved in an intentional tort through actions of both owners and employees.

10. Negligence is the lack of reasonable care and caution.

11. In recent years, businesses have faced a growing number of suits charging them with slander and libel.

12. The business entity or principal can be held liable for the tort committed by its agents in the course of business dealings.


Ex. 7. Read the text and match these headings with the paragraphs:

– A tort is a civil wrong inflicted on other persons or their property.

– Tort law differs from both criminal and contract laws.

– Spoken defamation of character and written defamation of character.

– Intentional torts.

– Other major group of torts.

– Ways of compensating injured persons, who are the victims of tort.

– The delivery truck driver can create tort liability under agency law.


Ex. 8. Make up an oral summary of the text using the headings from ex. 7.


Product Liability Torts


An area of tort law known as product liability has been developed by both statutory and case law to hold businesses liable for negligence in the design, manufacture, sale and/or use of products. This area of tort law is particularly worrisome to businesses. Product liability suits hold a company responsible for injuries caused by its product.

Toy manufacturers have lost product liability lawsuit when children swallowed small parts from their toys. These lawsuits charged that the manufacturers should have more clearly labeled their toys.

Consumer groups have argued for some time that the law governing civil liability for damage due to defective goods is unfair. For a consumer to sue a manufacturer he must either proceed via a chain of contractual actions or he must sue for negligence and prove fault. This means that the law often fails to regulate the conduct of those responsible for the damage.

To succeed in a product liability claim against a manufacturer the plaintiff must show four things:

1) That the product contained a defect.

2) That the plaintiff suffered damage.

3) That the damage was caused by the product.

4) That the defendant was a producer, ‘own brander’ or importer of the product.

A supplier will also be liable if he fails identify the producer or importer when requested to do so.

Some states have extended the theory of tort to cover injuries caused by products regardless of whether the manufacturer is proven negligent. This legal concept is known as strict product liability. Lately, businesses have faced a number of strict product liability torts that involve harm arising without either intent or negligence.

Recent strict product liability cases have focused on injuries and illnesses caused by toxic waste or other dangerous substances. These suits frequently succeed because plaintiffs in these cases need not show negligence or fault on the part of the defendant. The number of such cases seems likely to increase in the future.

Careful supervision of employees and careful on-the-job conduct by employees are the best ways to avoid tort liability. However, with tort damages running higher and higher, most firms have turned to liability insurance for production, though insurance would be expensive and some smaller businesses could be forced to close.



Product liability відповідальність компанії за неякісну продукцію
statutory law статутне право
case law прецедентне право
worrisome такий, що викликає стурбованість
lawsuit позов, судова справа
sue подавати до суду
claim вимога, претензія
supplier постачальник
identify визначити
cover (тут) відшкодувати
be proven бути визнаним, бути доведеним
strict product liability форма відповідальності фірми за неякісну продукцію, навіть, якщо ком-панія і не була звинувачена в недба-лості
harm шкода, ушкодження
toxic waste токсичні викиди
on-the-job під час роботи
liability insurance страхування відповідальності
unfair несправедливий

Study the following:

product liability is a form of tort in which a company is held responsible for injure caused by its product strict product liability is a form of product liability in which a company is held responsible for harm caused by its product, even though no deliberate tort or negligence was involved.


Answer the following questions:

1. What has been developed by statutory and case law?

2. Why was product liability developed?

3. What has happened to toy manufacturers?

4. What have consumer groups argued for some time?

5. What must a consumer do to sue a manufacturer?

6. What must the plaintiff do to succeed in a product liability claim?

7. When will a supplier also be liable?

8. What theory of tort have some states extended?

9. What does strict product liability stand for (mean)?

10. What have recent strict product liability cases focused on?

11. What are the best ways to avoid tort liability?

12. What have most firms turned to for protection?

Exercises in Whiting


Ex. 1. White two paragraphs on: Product liability tort; strict product liability tort.

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Згідно з законом про відповідальність компанії за неякісну продукцію компанія несе відповідальність за шкоду, яку зазнали користувачі через використання неякісної продукції.

2. Такий вид правопорушення особливо неприємний для підприємств.

3. Головна мета позивача, який зазнав шкоди від такого виду правопорушення (product liability), довести, що фірма винна у недбалості при виробництві продукції.

4. Споживачі вважали, що закон, який регулює відповідальність компанії за нанесену споживачам шкоду, несправедливий.

5. Для того, щоб виграти справу проти виробника, позивач повинен довести вину відповідача за 4-ма пунктами.

6. Постачальник може бути визнаний винним, якщо він відмовляється назвати виробника продукції.

7. Компанія може нести відповідальність за шкоду, завданою її продукцією, навіть, коли недбалість не мала місця при виробництві.

8. Найкращий спосіб уникнути таких звинувачень – це суворий нагляд за працівниками та за їхньою поведінкою на роботі.


Oral Topic: Tort Law

Discuss this topic using Exrs. 6,7 for Text A and Ex.1 for Text B.


Additional Topics for Discussion


Kiev National University of Trade and Economics

Kiev National University of Trade and Economics was founded in 1966, now it is the leading university of Ukraine.

The KNUTE is a higher educational establishment, that trains highly qualified specialists for the non-production sphere: trade, catering, financial institutions and banks, hotels, tourist complexes, the customs, etc.

It is an educational establishment of the highest level of accreditation. Its teaching staff do their best to perfect forms and methods of teaching.

Training is carried out in modern laboratories and studies. Students have an opportunity to work on PCs equipped with the latest program products.

The best students may continue their studies abroad.

The University encourages all the students to do scientific research and actively participate in scientific conferences and seminars.

The University is a complex of buildings, consisting of an academic and laboratory building, a library, an assembly hall, a teaching and production catering complex with a students' cafe. Students, specializing in catering have their practical training in the training production catering centre.

Now Kiev National University of Trade and Economics trains specialist to state order and on a contractual basis.

The University staff do everything to help each student find his/ her own place in life, in a new market-oriented society and make a brilliant career.

My Speciality


Act "at will" Þ діяти на власний розсуд
be at risk Þ бути в небезпеці
legal consequence Þ юридичні наслідки
be subject to Þ підкорятись, залежати від
vary Þ мінятись, змінюватись
relating Þ що має відношення
law merchant/ commercial law/ mercantile law/ Am. business law Þ торговельне право
insurance Þ страхування
negotiable instruments Þ оборотні документи
agency Þ агентський договір
sales law Þ норми права, що регулюють продаж

My speciality

We live in the most wonderful time of developing specialities connected with economics and business. I study at Kiev National University of Trade and Economics and major in Commercial (Business) Law.

Without law people would be free to act ‘at will’ and everyone’s life and property would constantly be at risk. Laws are simply the codified rules of behaviour enforced by a society.

Law is crucial to business success. One cannot conduct any type of business activity without reference to business law. All business decisions must take into account the legal consequences. Executives learn how to apply legal standards to their decisions. In a broad sense, all law is business law because all businesses are subject to the entire body of law. But in a narrower sense, business law consists of those aspects of law that most directly influence and regulate the management of various types of business activity. Specific laws vary widely from business to business and from industry to industry. Business law includes those branches of law that relate to contracts, agency, sales law, bankruptcy, insurance, negotiable instruments and business organization.

On the other hand, laws are necessary in society to prevent chaos. Laws are directly related to human activity and reflect changing social and political attitudes. They apply to both businesses and individual citizens. Knowledge, of the legal system and how it operates is part and parcel of economic management. Commercial law has a special facination for me and I’ll try to do my best to become a good specialist in this sphere.


Check yourself:

Where do you study?

What is law to business success?

What does business law consist of?

What does business law include?

Why are laws necessary in society?



The State System and Judiciary of Ukraine


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 58 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.| The State System and Judiciary of Ukraine

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