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Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  5. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  6. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  7. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.


Nature of Law

Study the following vocabulary notes for the text:


Law 1. Право е. g. commercial law (анг. business law) – торговельне (комерційне) право
law of association акціонерне право
law of contracts договірне право
  загальне право
law of equity право справедливості
the law of negotiable instruments вексельний та чековий закон; право, що регулює оборотні інструменти
the law of property майнове право
law of torts деліктне право
corporate law норми права, що регулюють діяльність корпорацій
tax law податкове право.
public law публічне право
private law приватне право
law and order Правопорядок
law 2. Закон
  e.g. Verkhovna Rada passes laws of Ukraine. It is a law-making body.
make/ pass/ adopt the law приймати закон
break the law порушувати закон
protect the law захищати закон
abide by the law виконувати вимоги закону
commercial law комерційне право
commercial law торговельний закон e.g. Commercial laws of many European countries changed when they joined the EU
pervade наповнювати e.g. The law pervades our lives.
approach підхід e.g. There are two approaches to the problem.
environment (оточуюче) середовище syn. surroundings, circumstances e.g. Special laws are necessary to protect the environment The moral environment in the firm influences its performance.
environmental той, що стосується оточуючого середовища, оточення;
environmentally з екологічної точки зору e.g. environmentally friendly
court суд e.g. court of appeal; court of first instance; court of justice; district (state, federal) court; Supreme Court – Верховний суд
courtroom судова зала syn. tribunal – 1.суд; трибунал; 2. орган правосуддя
trial судовий процес e.g. to commit to trial – віддати до суду
bring to trial/ put on trial притягувати до суду
flexible гнучкий syn. supple; adaptable, adjustable ant. inflexible
knowable пізнаванний; доступний для пізнання
reasonable розумний, резонний; слушний syn. rational
subject-matter 1) зміст; 2) предмет, мета syn. 1) content(s) 2) subject, matter, point, theme, topic
witness свідок e.g. witness for the defendant – свідок з боку відповідача; witness for the defence – свідок захисту; witness for the plaintiff – свідок з боку позивача; witness for the prosecution – свідок обвинувачення
witness давати свідчення; бути свідком
witness-box/ stand місце для давання свідчень в суді
justice 1) справедливість; 2) правосуддя, юстиція e.g. to administer justice – відправляти правосуддя; 3) суддя e.g. justice of the peace – мировий суддя
lawyer 1) юрист; 2) адвокат syn. advocate, counsel, solicitor
restraint обмеження syn. limit, restriction, arrest, embargo
punishment покарання syn. penalty
punish карати
judge суддя syn. arbiter, arbitrator, justice, magistrate, referee, umpire
judge судити
judgement (ам.judgment) – 1) судове рішення, вирок; 2) точка зору, оцінка syn. 1) sentence, verdict, award, decision; 2) assessment, common sense, belief



Translate the following into Ukrainian:


I study commercial law.

Where common law and equity were in conflict equity (law) should prevail.

An environmental approach to production problem solution is becoming more and more important.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest court in Ukraine.

The courtroom was overcrowded as very many people wanted to be present at the trial of the man suspected of all these horrible crimes. All expected a fair judgement.

Large corporations must abide by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Private Law is a set of principles that refer to individual members and organizations within the society.

One of the most important features of any law is its certainty.

One by one witnesses for the prosecution were called to occupy their place in the witness-box.

More serious civil cases are heard by judges in the county courts.

In the USA federal judges are appointed for life by the President.

Less serious criminal and civil cases are heard in the Magistrates’ Courts or by judges known as Justices of the Peace (JP).



Nature of Law


One of the definitions of “law” is the following: “Law is a set of rules made by authority for the proper regulation of community or society or for correct conduct in life”. The law fills our lives, both business and personal. Philosophers have characterized the law in an endless variety of ways, but two major approaches are the “traditional” and the “environmental”. The former sees the law as a set of rules and standards which the courts use to resolve cases; the latter views the law more as a dynamic process for resolution of social questions.

An effective system must provide certainty, yet be flexible so it can adjust to changed circumstances. It must be knowable so that people realize what is generally expected of them, and it must generally be considered reasonable.

Each law will fit into a particular subject-matter category – contract law, corporate law, tax law, and the like. At the same time it will be either a court-made rule or a statute, a civil or a criminal law, and a public or a private law.

Because the law has so many human factors, there is no one right answer to legal questions. Witnesses see “facts” in different ways. Lawyers will view “the law” in various ways, depending on policy considerations and their own feelings of justice. You cannot simply feed the facts and the law into a computer and produce the right answer.

The ability to hire the best lawyers does not guarantee anyone absolute immunity from the restraints and punishments of the law. Finally, although judges do not always make the best decisions, their conclusions are seldom based on pure whim.

The purpose of law is to produce justice. Unfortunately, this is an amorphous concept and the law is heavily influenced by society’s moral convictions though practical considerations cannot be ignored in making legal rules.



Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using words and phrases from the text:

The law enters our lives, our business activity and personal affairs.

The law can be described in infinitely different ways.

The court used that law to decide the case.

Laws help people (to) realize what society considers appropriate for them to do.

Each witness sees facts in his/ her own way.

You can’t act relying only on your understanding of what is right and what is wrong.

The penalty was not very heavy.

The verdict of the court was unanimous.

The justice was a man of high reputation.

I can’t agree with the method used by you to solve this problem.


Ex. 3. Fill in blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:

F We have been told by Aristotle that … is a rule of conduct.

F Law is based on what society … believes … for behaviour (=conduct) should be.

F A law must be … so that people know how society expects them to behave.

F … governs the activities of corporations.

F No computer can produce … the right answer even if all the … and the necessary … were fed into it.

F … and … are necessary to prevent chaos.

F Judges can’t act ….

(facts, laws; standards; corporate law; on pure whim; knowable; law, restraints, punishments of the law)


Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences using words and phrases from your active vocabulary:

F There are 2 main approaches to the law ….

F A legal system must guarantee ….

F Each law falls into one particular ….

F Though lawyers have different opinions of ‘the law’ and their feeling of justice is different, they ….

F The case was very difficult and the defendant being a wealthy man hired ….

F Though the defendant hired the best lawyers to defend him in court he knew that they ….

(couldn’t guarantee him absolute immunity from punishment; justice, certainty, flexibility, be reasonable and knowable; can’t act entirely on the whim; the best lawyers; subject-matter category; traditional and environmental)


Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the law fill our business and personal lives?

2. What are two major approaches to the law classification?

3. Can the law be viewed only as a dynamic process?

4. Why is it so important for the system to be flexible? Knowable?

5. What subject-matter categories of law do you know?

6. Why there is no one right answer to legal questions?

7. Can a judge rely only on his/ her feeling of justice?

8. How does society guarantee that nobody is absolutely immune from restrictions and punishments?

9. What is the law heavily influenced by?

Ex. 6. Ask questions to fit these answers.

1. Law is a set of rules of behavior that society imposes on its members.

2. Philosophers have characterized the law in an endless variety of ways.

3. “Traditionalists” view the law as a set of rules and standards for the court resolution of legal cases.

4. Lawyers who believe in the “environmental approach” to the law classification see the law as a dynamic process for resolution of social questions.

5. The law has so many human factors.

6. The judges’ policy considerations and their feeling of justice influence their decisions.

7. Judges do not always make the best decisions.

8. The purpose of law is to produce justice.

9. Practical considerations cannot be ignored in making legal rules.

Ex. 7. Read the text and match these headings with the paragraphs:

– Two major approaches.

– Certain, flexible, knowable and reasonable laws.

– Particular subject-matter categories and laws.

– Human factor influence on laws.

– The best lawyers and the immunity from the restraints and punishments of the law.

– The purpose of law.

Ex. 8. Make up an oral summary of the text using the headings from ex.7.


Read and translate text B:

Law as a subject of study


The law is an integral part of the human environment. Almost all-human activity is affected by it in one manner or another. Certainly, anyone considering a business transaction of any size today realizes that he or she must consider not only the physical and financial effort it will require but the legal impacts as well. The law is a societal institution. It certainly is not static and it certainly does not exist in a vacuum. This approach emphasizes the impact of social and economic changes on the law, and becomes rewarding to anyone having even a passing interest in economics, sociology, and political science.



Integral part невід’ємна частина
affect впливати
business transaction ділова угода
effort зусилля
require вимагати
legal impacts правові наслідки
societal institution суспільний інститут
exist існувати
become rewarding ставати корисним
passing interest побіжна цікавість, побіжний інтерес

Answer the following questions:

1. Is the law an integral part of the human environment?

2. How is human activity affected by it?

3. What aspects of any business transaction must be considered?

4. What kind of institution is “the law”?

5. Can the law exist in vacuum?

6. What impacts on law exist?


Exercises in Writing


Ex. 1. How do you understand the following statements? Make brief written answers.

A) Law is a societal institution.

B) There is no one right answer to legal questions.

C) The purpose of law is to produce justice.

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. “Право” визначають як ряд правил (норм), розроблених владою для належного регулювання життя суспільства або для встановлення норм поведінки у житті.

2. Два головних підходи до права – це традиційний та такий, що враховує оточуюче середовище.

3. При останньому підході право розглядається як динамічний процес розв’язання соціальних питань.

4. Ефективна правова система має забезпечувати певність (надійність) у вирішенні певних соціальних проблем і, в той же час, бути гнучкою.

5. Люди повинні знати, що від них очікують.

6. Кожний закон має свій предмет дії.

7. Існують правила (норми), встановлені судом, статути, закони цивільного, кримінального, публічного та приватного права і т.ін.

8. Через те, що закон торкається багатьох факторів життя людини, не може існувати єдиної вірної відповіді на правові питання.

9. Не можна закласти в комп’ютер факти справи і відповідний закон і отримати вірну відповідь.

10. Навіть можливість знайти найкращих адвокатів не гарантує нікому уникнення від покарання.

11. Мета права – досягнення справедливості.


Oral Topic: Nature of Law.

Discuss this topic using Exrs. 7,8 for Text A and Ex. 1 for Text B.



The Relationship Between Law and Ethics

Study the following vocabulary notes for the text:


Ethics [‘eθıks] етика
ethic етичний
ethical етичний e.g. ethical domain; syn. code, moral valyes; morality, morals, standards
fit together 1) співпадати; 2) бути сумісним
legal законний, правовий legal profession – професія юриста; legal right – суб’єктивне право; legal claims – законні претензії; legal action – судовий позов; legal tender – законний платіжний засіб; legal offence – правопорушення syn. lawful ant. illegal
legally законним шляхом
legality законність, легальність e.g. the legality of an act
counterpart супротивна сторона e.g. counterpart originals – оригінали, що мають однакову силу
domain царина, сфера, галузь діяльності чи знань syn. area, realm, sphere, territory
source джерело
statute статут, законодавчий акт e.g. statute in force – діючий статут statute law – статутне право; syn. decree, edict, enactment, law, ordinance
statutory такий, що діє на підставі закону; передбачений законом; статутний
judicial судовий e.g. judicial decision – судове рішення
agency агентство
define визначати
definition визначення
apply застосовувати syn. use, exercise, employ, engage, practice
applicable застосований, придатний, відповідний
application 1) застосування (права, закону), e.g. application of the law 2) заява, клопотання e.g. application for citizenship – клопотання про надання громадянства;
applicant заявник
appropriate відповідний syn. applicable, correct, fit, proper, right ant. inappropriate
conduct поведінка syn. behaviour (behavior)
ultimately в кінці кінців, нарешті
modify змінювати syn. change, alter
derive 1) одержувати, отримувати, витягати, видобувати; syn. receive, extract, borrow 2) походити; syn. arise, originate
authority 1) влада; 2) авторитет
conformity відповідність, узгодженість e.g. conformity between the testimony and the facts – відповідність між свідченнями та фактами; in conformity with the law – відповідно до закону
exercise застосування використання, вияв, прояв e.g. an exercise of the will – волевиявлення; прояв волі
consequence наслідок, результат e.g. the consequences of an action – наслідки вчинку
take the consequences of відповідати (нести відповідальність за наслідки; syn. effect, outcome, result impact; ant. cause
violate порушувати e.g. to violate the law – порушити закон syn. to break
violation порушення e.g. violations of the law – порушення закону
ostracism остракізм
dealing 1) (звичайно pl.) відношення, стосунки, зв’язки; e.g. social dealings – соціальні стосунки; 2) угода, зв’язок; e.g. business dealings – ділові угоди/ зв’язки

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

Morals are high among them.

Though his illegal dealings were well known of, no legal action was initiated.

His legal rights and obligations arise from this.

Legality is the state or quality of being legal.

Legal standards have their counterparts in the ethical domain.

The statute, which had been in force for many years, was cancelled at last as absolutely obsolete (застарілий).

Everybody was looking forward to a judicial decision, which would put an end to the case.

Please, look up a definition of the term “law” in one of these dictionaries.

No applications for citizenship were considered yesterday.

Legal standards are applied by governmental processes.

It was evidently inappropriate conduct in such circumstances.

They respect authorities and their documents have always been in conformity with the prescribed norms.

Be prepared to take the consequences of your illegal behaviour.

Ostracism is refusal of the majority to have social dealings with an ill-reputed person or group of people.



The Relationship Between Law and Ethics


There are a number ways in which ethics and law fit together very naturally. Let us discuss some of the differences between law and ethics. Legal standards often have their counterparts in the ethical domain and vice-versa *.

There are several basic differences between legal and moral standards. First, legal standards have a different source than moral ones. Whether found in a constitution, statutes, judicial decisions, or administrative agency regulation, legal standards are defined and applied by governmental processes. It takes ** governmental power to adopt and enforce laws.

Moral standards are internal: they are developed within each person.

They are developed thanks to instructions from parents, teachers, friends, and others under whose influence people fall during their formative years. People even pick up information about appropriate and morally improper behaviour by observing the conduct and speech of strangers. Despite *** external influences, people ultimately develop, apply, and modify their own moral standards. Even when one gets his or her basic moral standards from a higher authority, conformity with those standards involves an individual choice – an exercise of the will.

Second, the consequences of violating legal and moral standards are different. Violations of the law, if detected, result in concrete sanctions. The violation of moral standards, if it becomes popularly known, may injure person’s reputation and result in ostracism, i.e. situation when people refuse to have social dealings with person in question ****.


* vice-versa (Lat.) навпаки
** it takes (smth) треба (застосовувати щось)
*** despite незважаючи (на) syn: in spite of
**** the person, question особа, про яку йдеться



Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text:

Don’t mix legal standards with ethical ones

The ethical sphere is of a special importance in business contacts.

The origin of legal norms is closely studied.

Moral standards are within each person.

People quickly get information watching other people.

In the course of years people finally develop, apply and modify their moral standards.

He has broken the law and has to face the legal consequences of it.

Everybody has learnt about it.

As the result of his immoral behaviour his reputation was badly spoilt.

The problem about which we are talking is very serious.

During the years when the character of a child is formed children are very vulnerable.

(in their informative years; internal; violated, to take the legal effects; their ethical ones; in question; ultimately, use, change, ethical standards; source; standards; conduct, badly injured; it has become popularly known; domain; pick up)


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:

F … developed by people from input they receive from external sources.

F … from parents and teachers help to from a child’s character.

F … take the form of sanctions.

F His … were so different from theirs that people took him for a ….

F A constitution …, statute, …, etc. are different sources of legal standards.

F The Verkhovna Rada … laws

(legal consequences; adopts and enforces; instructions; conduct and speech; moral standards; judicial decisions)

Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences using words and phrases from the text:

F Let us discuss some of the differences between ….

F It takes government power to ….

F Their moral views are formed ….

F People often develop their own moral standards despite ….

F Conformity with the basic moral standards requires from

a person …

F People face different consequences ….

(an exercise of the will; law and ethics morality and legal standards; when they violate legal and moral standards; within each person; external influences; to adopt and enforce laws)

Ex. 5.Answer the following questions.

1. Do ethics and law have common features?

2. In what domain can we find legal standards’ counterparts?

3. Are there several basic differences between legal and moral standards?

4. Do moral and legal standards have different sources?

5. What are the main sources of legal standards?

6. How are legal standards defined and applied?

7. What power does it take to adopt and enforce laws?

8. Are moral standards internal or external?

9. What are the sources of moral standards formation?

10. Can people pick up information about moral and immoral behaviour by observing the conduct and speech of strangers?

11. Do moral standards once formed (коли вони вже сформувалися) remain unchanged through their lives?

12. What does the law violation result in?

Ex. 6. Ask questions to fit these answers:

1. There are several basic differences between legal and moral standards.

2. Legal standards are found in a constitution, statutes, judicial decisions, etc..

3. It takes governmental power to adopt and enforce laws.

4. Moral standards are developed within each person in the course of his life.

5. People pick up information about appropriate and wrong conduct from different sources.

6. People modify their own moral standards, which is an exercise of their will.

7. Bad behaviour from the moral point of view may result in ostracism.

8. People feel deeply the loss of their social contacts.

Ex. 7. Read the text and match these headings with the paragraphs:

– The definition of the topic of the text.

– Sources of legal standards.

– Sources of moral standards.

– Consequences of violating legal and moral standards.


Ex. 8. Make up an oral summary of the text using its outline drawn up by you in ex. 7.


Is Business Ethics Different?


The terms “morality” and “morals” refer to the appropriate treatment of people. Although some people see a certain distinction between “ethics” and “morals”, these terms are often used interchangeably. When someone says, for example, that: Joe did not act ethically in that situation, the word “ethically” means the same thing as “morally”. The context will make the meaning clear.

Moral issues arise in the realm of the family, social groups, neighborhoods, politics and government, interactions between nations, professional associations and other relationships, as well as in business. The basic questions, arguments, and problem-solving methods remain the same for all these spheres. The factual contexts will vary, of course, depending on the nature of the relationship. So studying “business” ethics, you should focus on business relationships and problems that raise ethical questions. Thus, business ethics consists of the application of moral principles to people in a business setting.



Refer to smth відноситися до чого
appropriate treatment відповідне ставлення
be used interchangeably вживатися одне замість іншого
realm царина, сфера
interaction взаємодія
the factual context факти, фактичні обставини
a business setting в контексті бізнесу/ в зв’язку з бізнесом


Answer the following questions:

1. What do the terms “morality” and “morals” refer to?

2. Are there any distinctions between “ethics” and “morals”?

3. What makes the meaning of the words “ethically” and “morally” clear?

4. Where do moral issues arise?

5. Are the basic questions, arguments, and problem-solving methods the same in different spheres of people’s relationships?

6. What does business ethics consist of?


Exercises in Writing


Ex. 1. How do you understand the following statements? Make brief written answers:

A) there are two main differences between legal and moral standards;

B) consequences of violating legal and moral standards are different;

C) business ethics consists of the application of moral principles to people in connection with business.


Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Правові стандарти часто мають відповідні етичні стандарти і навпаки.

2. Але є декілька відмінностей між правовими та моральними стандартами.

3. Перша відмінність між правовими та моральними стандартами полягає в тому, що вони мають різні джерела походження.

4. Джерелами походження правових стандартів є конституція, статути, судові рішення і т. ін..

5. Прийняття законів та введення їх у дію – це компетенція уряду.

6. Моральні стандарти виробляються людиною впродовж усього її життя під впливом батьків, вчителів, друзів і через спостереження за іншими людьми.

7. Вибір слідувати чи ні тим чи іншим моральним стандартам залишається за окремою людиною.

8. Порушення загальноприйнятих моральних норм веде до псування репутації людини і, в результаті, до остракізму, тобто до ситуації, коли інші люди відмовляються спілкуватися з такою людиною.


Oral Topic: The Relationship Between Law and Ethics.

Discuss this topic using Exrs. 7,8 for Text A and Ex. 1 for Text B.




Criminal Law and Business

Study the following vocabulary notes for the text:


Wrong (n) зло, правопорушення
commit скоїти (злочин)
unfortunate невдалий, несприятливий
inimical ворожий; такий, що спричиняє шкоду
remedy засіб судового захисту
litigation позов, цивільний судовий спір
victim жертва
wrongdoer правопорушник
initiate починати, ініціювати (наприклад, судову справу)
protect захистити, захищати
at large повністю, в повній мірі
armed robbery озброєне пограбування, озброєний грабіж
bad check підроблений чек, фальшивий
pilfer здійснити дрібну крадіжку
employee pilfering працівник, що розкрадає майно; розкрадання, здійснене робітником
losses збитки
manifest показувати, проявлятися
failed business невдалий бізнес (такий, що не має успіху)
become aware стати обізнаним, узнати
wrongful неправомочний, несправедливий
stifle подавляти, придушувати
fix (price) встановлювати, фіксувати (ціну)
contrive вигадувати, придумувати
contrived надуманий, видуманий
financial фінансовий
statement звіт
false фальшивий, несправжній
lure заманювати
inferior products продукти низької якості
and the like і тому подібне
hold (тут) дотримуватися думки, вважати
liable відповідальний
white collar crime злочинність “білих комірців” (як одна з форм організованої злочинності, рекету)
staggering такий, що неможливо уявити
rapidly різко, швидко
perception поняття
substantial реальний, суттєвий
penalty покарання, штраф
street hood вуличний крадій
embezzlement розтрата
forgery шахрайство
abide виконувати вимоги закону
arson підпал, підпалення
hold criminally liable нести карну відповідальність
criminalize віднести до злочинів


Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

The government initiates criminal actions to protect society when some acts of individuals in society are inimical to the public good.

Potential criminal liability must now be a significant concern for both corporations and their officials.

It is necessary to review the role of criminal law in the legal environment of business.

Corporate officers will definitely be held liable for criminal acts that they participate in or authorize.

Economic losses caused by white-collar crime are growing rapidly.

American law was slow to punish corporate officials who committed crimes.

Criminal law is one of society’s important mechanisms for controlling individual behavior.



Criminal Law and Business


A crime is a wrong committed against society. Crime is an unfortunate fact of life for businesses as well as for individuals. Some acts of individuals in society are so inimical to the public good that remedy cannot be left to litigation between the victim and the wrongdoer. When that is true the government initiates criminal actions to protect society at large.

Businesses are the victims of crime. Businesses commit crime. This sad reality necessitates a general overview of the role of criminal law in the legal environment of business. Armed robberies, bad checks, employee pil-

fering and other criminal acts cost businesses billions of dollars annually. Consumers suffer as well, because these losses are manifested either in the form of higher prices or, worse, failed businesses.

Criminal acts committed by businesses also cause enormous losses to our society. Crimes committed by businesses received little attention in the criminal law until recently. But this situation has changed dramatically as we have become aware of such wrongful acts as stifling competition by fixing prices, selling stock based on contrived financial statements, using false advertising to lure customers into buying inferior products and the like.

A recent survey found that 25 percent of businesses responding had recently experienced losses due to computer crime.

The general rule today is that corporations can be held criminally liable for any wrongful acts performed.

The term ‘white collar crime’ generally encompasses nonviolent acts by individuals or corporations in order to obtain a personal or business advantage in a commercial context. White collar crime (especially computer crimes) has become an extremely controversial subject in recent years for at least two reasons. First, there is evidence that the economic losses caused by white collar crime are at a staggering level and growing rapidly. Second there is a perception based on substantial fact, that criminal penalties for white collar crimes costing the public millions of dollars are often much less severe than criminal penalties imposed on the average street hood who steals a $75 pair of shoes.

A raft of state laws such as those criminalizing larceny, embezzlement, forgery and arson help to protect business interests. Today criminal law is not a concern solely for the street criminal. Corporations must also abide by society’s laws.




Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text.

Some acts of individuals in society are harmful to the public good.

The government commences criminal actions to protect society completely.

Businesses are victims of wrongdoing

This sad reality makes necessary to review the role of criminal law in the legal environment of business.

Customers suffer as well, because these losses are shown either in the form of higher prices or, worse, unfortunate business.

But this situation has changed as we have known about such wrongdoings as competition restraint by fixing prices.

The general rule today is that corporations can be responsible for any wrongful acts.

There is a substantive idea that criminal fines for white collar crimes are often not very severe.

(be held criminally liable; inimical; are manifested, failed; a perception based on substantial fact, penalties; necessitates a general overview of; initiates, at large; have become aware of such wrongful acts as stifling competition; of crime)


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:


F A crime is … committed against ….

F Some acts of individuals in society are … to the public good.

F The government … criminal actions to protect society ….

F Armed robberies …, … and other criminal acts cost business billions of dollars ….

F Criminal acts committed by businesses also … enormous … to our society.

F Crimes committed by business received … in the criminal law until recently.

F We have become aware of such … acts as … competition by …, selling stock based on … financial …, using false … to … customers into buying … products.

F Corporations can be … criminally … for any … performed.

F There is evidence that the … caused by … are at a … level and growing rapidly.

F A … such as those criminalizing … and arson help to protect business interests.

(wrongful, stifling, fixing prices, contrived, statements, advertising, lure, inferior; a wrong, society; bad checks, employee pilfering, annually; raft of state laws, larceny, embezzlement, forgery; inimical; little attention; cause, losses; economic losses, white collar crime, staggering; initiates, at large; held, liable, wrongful acts)


Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:

F Businesses are the ….

F Crime is an ….

F Consumers suffer as well because these losses are manifested either in the form of ….

F Crimes committed by businesses received little attention ….

F A recent survey found that 25 percent of businesses responding had recently experienced ….

F The term ‘white collar crime’ generally encompasses nonviolent acts by individuals or corporations in order ….

F There is a perception that criminal penalties for white collar crimes are less severe than criminal penalties imposed on the average ….

F Today criminal law is not a concern ….

F Corporations must ….

(losses due to computer crime; also abide by society’s laws; victims of crime; street hood who steals a $75 pair of shoes; higher prices or failed business; solely for the street criminal; in the criminal law until recently; unfortunate fact; to obtain a personal or business advantage in a commercial context;)


Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a crime?

2. What is inimical to public good?

3. When does the government initiate criminal action to protect society?

4. Who commits crime and what are the victims of crime?

5. What is it necessary to review and why?

6. What costs businesses billions of dollars annually?

7. Why do consumers suffer?

8. What causes enormous losses to our society?

9. What has the society become aware of?

10. Can the corporations be responsible for any wrongful acts performed?

11. What does this term ‘white collar crime’ encompass?

12. What can you say about economic losses caused by white collar crime?

13. What are criminal penalties for white collar crimes?

14. What helps to protect business interests?

15. Do the corporations have to abide by society’s law?


Ex. 6. Ask questions to fit these answers:

1. Crime is an unfortunate fact of life for businesses as well as for individuals.

2. The government initiates criminal actions to protect society at large.

3. Businesses are the victims of crime.

4. It is necessary to review the role of criminal law in the legal environment of business.

5. Armed robberies, bad checks, employee pilfering cost businesses billions of dollars annually.

6. Criminal acts committed by businesses also cause enormous losses to our society.

7. The society has become aware of such wrongful acts as stifling competition, selling stock based on contrived financial statements, false advertising and the like.

8. The term ‘white collar crime’ generally encompasses nonviolent acts by individuals or corporations.

9. The economic losses caused by white collar crime are at a staggering level and growing rapidly.

10. A raft of state laws such as those criminalizing larceny, embezzlement, forgery and arson help to protect business interests.


Ex. 7. Read the text and match these headings with the paragraphs:

– A raft of state laws help to protect business interests.

– White collar crime.

– Businesses are victims of crime, businesses commit crime.

– Crimes committed by businesses received little attention in criminal law recently.

– Some acts of individuals are inimical to public good.

– White collar crime has become an extremely controversial subject in recent years.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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