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Comprehension Check

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1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a market? What is a competitive market?
2. What does “supply and demand” model show?

3. When does desire become an effective demand?

4. Do prices have any effect on demand? Why?

5. What factors influence consumers to buy more or less of a product?

6. What do the basic laws of demand and supply say?

7. What influences the amount of a good or service supplied to the market?

8. Is it possible for supply and demand to be equal? In what case?


2. Complete the following statements.

1. Buyers and sellers in a competitive market ….

2. … is not the same as desire.

3. “The quantity of the commodity which will be demanded at any given price over some given period of time” is ….

4. According to the law of demand, consumers ….

5. Production will become more profitable if ….

6. A state of equilibrium is ….


3. Do you agree with the following statements? Use the given vocabulary to explain your choice.

In my opinon, … (на мой взгляд…)

It would be more correct to say that … (было бы правильнее сказать, что…)

I’m afraid, I disagree with… (боюсь, я не согласен с…)

1. Supply and demand is a model for a competitive market, which shows how buyers and sellers influence prices.

2. Demand is the ability and willingness to pay the price.

3. According to the law of demand, price has a great influence on demand.

4. More goods will be supplied at a higher price than at a lower price.

5. If supply and demand are equal, the economy is balanced in a state of equilibrium.


Vocabulary Focus

1. Match the words from Key Vocabulary with definitions:

a) any written rule or collection of rules

b) a person who sells

c) to achieve or accomplish

d) to give some money in exchange for something

e) a particular or indefinite amount of anything

f) a person who buys commodities or services


2. Look through the text and find the equivalents or synonyms of the following words.

goods n

affect v

cooperate v

consumer n

beneficial adj

3. Use the vocabulary of the text to complete the sentences. Guess the suitable word by the first letter.

1. You need a degree to be c… in today's job market.

2. I completely s… your decision to buy new equipment.

3. He thinks that the new regulations will e… people to invest.

4. The car can a… a top speed of 200 km/h.

5. These two chemicals i… with each other at a certain temperature.

6. The boss is worried about q… as well as quality.


Talking Points

1. Do you know the difference between needs and wants, goods and services? Match each item correctly. Write the letter in the blank and give your own examples of:

_____1. Needs

_____2. Wants

_____3. Goods

_____4. Services

_____5. Market

A. Works that are performed for someone.

B. Basic requirements for survival.

C. Location or other mechanism that allows buyers to exchange economic products.

D. Means of expressing needs.

E. Tangible commodities.


2. Suppose that there has been a decline in the price of pork (свинина). What effect will this have on the market for beef (говядина)?


3. Which of the following provides an example of complementary goods? Think of your own examples of complementary goods.

a) Pepsi and Coca-Cola

b) French fries and ketchup

c) Milk and orange juice

d) Beef and pork


Summary Points


1. Identify the main idea of the text “Demand and Supply”.

2. Divide the text into logically completed parts and make up a plan of this text.

3. Describe each point of your plan using phrases from Summary Points (Units 1-4). Use some other words and expressions to show the logical connection between the parts of the summary:

On the one hand,… On the other hand, … С одной стороны…; с другой стороны
It should be mentioned that … Следует отметить, что …
The author comes to the conclusion… Автор приходит к выводу …
On the whole… В целом …
In brief … Вкратце, в двух словах …
Thus … Таким образом, итак …
After reading the text (article, passage) we realize the fact that … Прочитав текст (статью, отрывок), мы понимаем (убеждаемся), что …

Unit 6



Express your opinion on the following issues.

1. Is scarcity an economic or social issue?

2. Is it possible to solve the problem of scarcity? Why?


Key Vocabulary


Study the following list of vocabulary.

1. scarce/ limited resources дефицитные, ограниченные ресурсы
2. save v копить, откладывать, экономить
3. reduction n снижение, понижение, сокращение
4. value n ценность, стоимость
5. efficient adj действенный, результативный, эффективный
6. restrict v ограничивать
7. financial costs расходы по финансовым операциям
8. utility n полезность
9. assess v оценивать, давать оценку
10. cost n стоимость
11. loss n убыток, ущерб, потеря
12. purpose n цель, намерение
13. prevent smb from предотвращать, предупреждать
14. implement v выполнять, осуществлять
15. application n применение, использование

Pre-reading Activities


Match the words on the left with those on the right. Then translate the expressions into Russian.

1. make a. costs
2. scarce b. choice
3. opportunity c. money
4. available d. decisions
5. financial e. cost
6. earn f. land
7. sell g. alternatives
8. career h. resources



Read the following text and be ready to explain what “opportunity cost” means.

Economists are concerned with how we make choices in a world of scarce resources. Individuals, families, business firms and governments must make decisions about how best to allocate limited resources. But when resources are limited, choices are limited as well. This means that the decision to have one thing is, at the same time, the decision not to have something else. Suppose, for example, that the government chose to pay for the increase in the size of its air force with the money it had saved by building fewer schools. In that case the increase in defense was paid for by a reduction in the number of schools.

So, the opportunity cost of any decision is the value of the next best alternative that is given up. The concept of opportunity cost was first developed by John Stuart Mill. It is a key concept in economics. It has been described as expressing the basic relationship between scarcity and choice. The notion of opportunity cost plays an important role in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently.

It is important to understand that opportunity costs are not restricted to financial costs, but lost time, pleasure or any other benefit that provides utility should also be considered as opportunity costs.

Assessing opportunity costs is fundamental to assessing the true cost of any course of action. However, opportunity cost is not the sum of the available alternatives when those alternatives are mutually exclusive to each other. The opportunity cost of the city’s decision to build the hospital on its vacant land is the loss of the land for a sports center, or the inability to use the land for a parking lot, or the money which could have been earned from selling the land, as using any one of those purposes would prevent the possibility to implement any other. It is also the cost of the forgone products after making a choice.

In the science of economics the concept of opportunity cost has a wide range of applications, including a consumer choice, production possibilities, cost of capital, time management and a career choice.


Comprehension Check


1. Agree or disagree with these statements about the text.

1. When resources are limited, our choices are not limited.

2. The opportunity cost of any decision is the value of the next best alternative that is given up.

3. The concept of opportunity cost is a key concept in economics.

4. The concept of opportunity cost was first developed by Alfred Marshall.

5. Assessing opportunity costs is fundamental to assessing the true cost of any course of action.


2. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

1. The concept of opportunity cost has been described as ………

2. It is important to understand that opportunity costs are not restricted ………

3. Opportunity cost is not the sum of the available alternatives ………

4. Opportunity cost is also the cost of the forgone ………


3. Choose the sentence which best explains the role of opportunity cost in economics.

A. In the science of economics the concept of opportunity cost has a wide range of applications.

B. The concept of opportunity cost is a key concept in economics and it plays an important role in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently.

C. The decision to have one thing is, at the same time, the decision not to have something else.


Vocabulary Focus


1. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1. scarce a. evaluate

2. economize b. save

3. costs c. price

4. assess d. limited

5. cost e. expenses


2. Use the words from the list of Useful Vocabulary to complete the sentences.

1. Those who make financial contributions to firms for the..... of earning profit are known as investors.

a. growth

b. purpose

c. supply

2. Good managerial work is of great ….. for obtaining high profits.

a. value

b. opinion

c. scarcity

3. In a free market economy producers try to ….. all consumers’ tastes.

a. prevent

b. demand

c. satisfy

4. Opportunity ….. are to be calculated for labor and financial capital used in production.

a. costs

b. decisions

c. choices

5. The purpose of governmental regulations is to allocate ….. resources rationally.

a. expensive

b. efficient

c. scarce


3. Give the English equivalents to the following expressions.

развивать концепцию

играть важную роль

дефицитные ресурсы

управление временем

выбор потребителей

оценить стоимость


Talking Points


1. Try to explain the term “opportunity cost” in your own words.

2. Discuss the following issues in small groups and then report your findings.

a. What is the opportunity cost involved in a decision to continue education after finishing school?

b. What was the opportunity cost of your latest major purchase?


Summary Points

1. Revise the list of basic steps in summarizing.

1. Skim the original text and identify its main idea.

2. Divide the text into logically completed parts.

3. Read the text again and draw up an outline of the text.

4. Give a one-sentence summary of each item of the outline in your own words.

5. Find in the original text the most important details that may be added to support the main points.

6. Use appropriate words and phrases to show the logical connection between the parts of the summary.


2. Divide the phrases for summarizing into 3 groups and fill in the table.


Introduction Main Body Conclusion


The author comes to the conclusion that ………

Thus ………

The author thinks that ………

According to the author………

On the one hand ……… on the other hand ………

The text deals with ………

The basic topic is ………

The author notes that ………

After reading the text we realize the fact that ………


3. Summarize the text from Reading. Use phrases for your summary from Task 2.




1. Do you agree with those who say that time is money? Give your arguments.

2. In your opinion, what’s the best way of making a lot of money?

3. In our everyday lives we often refer to “money” as one of three things: coins and paper money (currency); a person’s wealth; a person’s income. Using this vocabulary and working with a partner, try to define the term ‘money’.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 117 | Нарушение авторских прав

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