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Part 3. Water Pollution

Читайте также:
  1. A- The no. of water molecules
  3. Air Pollution
  5. Air Pollution
  6. B) People use great amounts of water for their needs.
  7. By good fortune Hunter pulled a good oar. We made the water fly; and the boat was soon alongside, and I aboard the schooner.

Unit 3. Ecological Condition of the Environment

Part 1. Air Pollution

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


pollution [pə’lu:∫(ə)n] – загрязнение to pollute [tə pə’lu:t] – загрязнять to belong [tə bi’lɔŋ] – принадлежать to be concerned about [tə bi: kən’sə:nd ə’baut] – заботиться о to carry [tə ’kæri] – нести, везти trash [træ∫] – мусор, хлам, отбросы dirty [’də:ti] – грязный contaminated [kən’tæmineitid] – отравленный sick [sik] – больной beach [bi:t∫] – морской берег, пляж to destroy [tə dis’trɔi] – разрушать, истреблять, уничтожать ozone layer [’əuzəun ’leiə] – озоновый слой to protect [tə prə’tekt] – защищать acid rains [’æsid reinz] – кислотные дожди in turn [in tə:n] – в свою очередь to affect [tə ə’fekt] – влиять, оказывать влияние, подвергать воздействию balance in nature [’bæləns in ’neit∫ə] – равновесие в природе healthy [’helθi] – здоровый to consider [tə kən’sidə] – считать, полагать, рассматривать debris [’deibri:] – осколки, обломки, строительный мусор, развалины hazard [’hæzəd] – риск, опасность, шанс, случай fume [fju:m] – дым, pl. пары, сильный резкий запах to convert [tə kən’və:t] – превращать, обращать to reradiate [tə ‚ri:’reidieit] – излучать вторично deflected [di’flektid] – отторгнутый, отклонённый trend [trend] – направление, тенденция to trend – отклоняться, склоняться, иметь тенденцию discharge [dis’t∫a:dჳ] – разгрузка, разряд, разрядка to discharge – разгружать, выделять, разряжать emission [i’mi∫(ə)n] – эмиссия, излучение, выхлоп, выброс to denitrify [tə ‚di:’naitrifai] – денитрировать, удалять азот из соединений nuisance [’nju:səns] – нарушение общественного порядка, досада, неприятность storage [’stɔ:ridჳ] – хранение, склад, хранилище   nursery or turf activities [’nə:s(ə)ri ənd tə:f æk’tivitiz] – отходы от инкубаторов или от покрытия дерна discarded produce [dis’ka:did ’prɔdju:s] – отходы procedure [prə’si:dჳə] – процедура, операция, порядок densely [’densli] – густо, плотно to generate [tə ’dჳenəreit] – порождать, вызывать, производить, вырабатывать odour [’əudə] – запах site [sait] – местоположение, местонахождение boundary [’baund(ə)ri] – граница, предел inevitable [i’nevitəb(ə)l] – неизбежный, неминуемый, неизменный, постоянный to contribute [tə kən’tribjut] – жертвовать, делать вклад, сотрудничать to require [tə ri’kwaiə] – требовать, нуждаться to undergo (underwent, undergone) [tə ‚лndə’gəu] – преодолеть, пережить испытание rigorous [’rigərəs] – строгий, неумолимый producer and consumer safety [prə’dju:sə ənd kən’sjumə ’seifti] – безопасность производителя и потребителя product effectiveness [’prɔdлkt i’fektivnis] – результат эффективности environmental impact [‚invai(ə)rən’mentl ’impækt] – воздействие на окружающую среду field testing [fi:ld ’testiŋ] – полевое исследование application [‚æpli’kei∫(ə)n] – применение, приложение, использование, заявление to subject [tə sлb’dჳekt] – подвергать, подчинять, представлять spray droplets [sprei ’drɔplits] – капли аэрозоли mist [mist] – дымка, туман, мгла dusts or vapours [dлsts ɔ: ’veipəz] – пыль или пары within enclosed space [wi’ðin in’kləuzd speis] – внутри закрытого пространства harm applicators [ha:m ‚æpli’keitəz] – инструменты/ используемые материалы приносящие вред non-target organism [nɔn ’ta:git ’ɔ:gənizəm] – организм/ живое существо не являющееся целью to alter [tə ’ɔ:ltə] – изменить to impair [tə im’peə] – портить, нарушать

Exercise 1. Copy the following textThe Waste Management Act” separating it into words and sentences and then read and translate it into Russian:



Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. debris a. skill or science put to practical work

2. hazard b. dividing line that indicates the farthest limits

3. fume c. particular smell

4. storage d. risk or danger

5. odour e. space for collecting or keeping things

6. site f. something or someone that causes annoyance, bother or disorder

7. boundary g. place where something is located

8. application h. fragments of something destroyed

9. impact i. smoke or vapour

10. nuisance j. strong effect

Exercise 3. Find the verbs in the list of vocabulary above according to their definitions below:

1. to have a difficult experience

2. to have direction of doing something

3. to change into another state

4. to cause something or to produce

5. to give money for special purposes or to cooperate

6. to want, need or demand

Exercise 4. Read the following texts and give the title to each of them:

Impacts on Air

Text 1.

Open air burning of wastes, such as plant debris and plastics, introduces smoke, gases and particulates into the air. Besides the potential for fire and the smoke hazard, burning may also create toxic fumes.

Text 2.

When the sun’s rays hit the earth, light energy is converted to heat energy which is reradiated into the atmosphere. Certain gases in the atmosphere block the escape of this deflected heat energy resulting in a warming trend in the earth’s atmosphere. This process is called the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are increasing in concentration due to discharges caused by human activities.

Text 3.

Nitrogen oxide emissions cause ground-level ozone formation during the summer. Elevated values of ground-level ozone have been associated with crop damage. Nitrogen oxides can be produced when nitrogen in the soil is denitrified.

Text 4.

Odours may create conflicts among neighbours related primarily to the nuisance created, rather than any physical harm. Nursery or turf activities like handling, burning, storage or composting of plant debris, discarded produce, and pest control procedures can generate odours.

Text 5.

Noise has the potential for creating nuisance in densely populated areas where farm sites are small and structures are built close to the property boundaries. The presence of noise from activities and equipment is an inevitable fact of nursery and turf operation. Traffic to and from the farm site for the transport of labourers, materials and produce can also contribute to an increase in noise levels.

Text 6.

The federal regulatory system requires that pest control products undergo rigorous testing in areas such as producer and consumer safety, product effectiveness, environmental impact, and field testing.

Under normal application, air may be subjected to pesticides in the form of spray droplets, mists, dusts or vapours. Once in the air they can be transported to water bodies, non-target organisms or soil. Pesticides can also be concentrated within enclosed spaces and harm applicators or non-target organisms.

Exercise 5. Read the texts above once again and decide true or false are the following statements:


1. Smoke hazard is not the only air pollution produced by burning.

2. Toxic fumes are created by the green house effect.

3. Ground-level ozone formation emissions are caused by carbon dioxide during the summer.

4. When nitrogen in the soil is denitrified nitrogen oxides can be produced.

5. Odours can be generated by nursery or turf activities.

6. Noise comes from the activities, working equipment and traffic.

7. The federal regulatory system was always interested in producer and consumer safety.

8. Pesticides may occur in the form of spray droplets, mists, dusts or vapours.

Part 2. Soil Pollution

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


fortunately [’fɔ:t∫(ə)nətli] – к счастью weathering [’weð(ə)riŋ] – выветривание, эрозия to contribute [tə kən’tribju:t] – способствовать, делать вклад slope [sləup] – уклон, покатость drainage [’dreinidჳ] – дренаж, осушение, сток mantle [’mæntl] – покров to preserve [tə pri’zə:v] – сохранять skillfully [’skilf(ə)li] – искусно, умело to manage [tə ’mænidჳ] – управлять, обходиться dozen [’dлz(ə)n] – дюжина texture [’tekst∫ə] – строение ткани, степень плотности ткани, текстура, структура size of particle [saiz əv ’pa:tik(ə)l] – размер частицы clayey [’kleii] – глинистый silty [’silti] – илистый sandy [’sændi] – песчаный division [di’viჳ(ə)n] – деление, разделение immature [‚imə’t∫uə] – неспелый, незрелый mature [mə’t∫uə] – спелый, зрелый true and modified laterites [tru: ənd ’mɔdifaid ’lætəraits] – настоящие и видоизменённые латериты podsol [’pɔdsɔl] – подзол modification [‚mɔdifi’kei∫ən] – модификация, видоизменение chernozem and prairie soils [‚t∫ernɔ’zə:m ənd ’pre(ə)ri sɔilz] – чернозёмы и почвы прерий sewage [’sju(:)idჳ] – сточные воды, нечистоты inclination [‚inkli’nei∫ən] – наклон gradual decay – постепенное разложение parent material – исходный материал fresh rock – свежая/новая порода decayed rock – разложившаяся порода subsoil – подпочва, недра top-soil – верхний слой почвы, пахотный слой residual – элювий, кора выветривания, бесструктурная почва deepening – углубление, увеличение beneath – внизу, ниже feldspar – полевой шпат equilibrium [‚i:kwi’libriəm] – равновесие ratio [’rei∫iəu] – отношение, коэффициент, пропорция to tie up [tə ’tai ’лp] – связывать, устанавливать связь fixation [fik’sei∫(ə)n] – фиксация, закрепление, образование (чего-либо) to attain [tə ə’tein] – достигать, добиваться, добираться immobile [i’məubail] – неподвижный, недвижимый uptake [’ лpteik] – поглощение, поднятие to apply [tə ə’plai] – использовать, применять, употреблять unwanted [лn’wɔntid] – нежелательный, ненужный accumulation [ə‚kju:mju’lei∫(ə)n] – накопление, аккумуляция topsoil [’tɔpsɔil] – верхний слой почвы, пахотный слой toxicity [tɔk’sisiti] – ядовитость, токсичность precautionary measures [pri’kɔ:∫ən(ə)nri ’meჳəz] – меры предосторожности buildup [’bildлp] – сосредоточение, накопление, наращивание (средств) ingestion [in’dჳest∫(ə)n] – приём пищи manure [mə’njuə] – навоз, органическое удобрение hydraulic fluid [hai’drɔlik flu:id] – гидравлическая/ гидротехническая жидкость boron [’bɔ:rɔn] – хим. бор excess amount [ik’ses/ ’ekses ə’maunt] – избыточное количество deleterious [‚deli’tiəriəs] – вредный, ядовитый unanticipated exposure [‚лnæn’tisipeitid ik’spəuჳə] – непредвиденное/ неожиданное внешнее воздействие improper handling [im’prɔpə ’hændliŋ] – неправильное обхождение/ обращение spill [spil] – пролитие, разлитие, рассыпка to spill (spilled, spilt) – проливать, разливать mixing and loading [’miksiŋ ənd ’ləudiŋ] – смешивание и погрузка to load [tə ləud] – грузить particularly [pə’tikjuləli] – очень, чрезвычайно, особенно persistence [pə’sistəns] – выносливость, стойкость solubility [‚sɔlju’biliti] – растворимость, насыщенность раствора beneficial insects [‚beni’fi∫(ə)l ’insekts] – полезные насекомые adverse effect [’ædvə:s i’fekt] – неблагоприятное воздействие reproductive failure [‚ri:prə’dлktiv ’feiljə] – отсутствие/ недостаток репродуктивной (силы) tissue [’ti∫u:/ ’tisju:] – биол. ткань unfit for consumption [лn’fit fɔ: kən’sлmp∫ən] – непригодный к употреблению gas [gæs] – амер. бензин, газолин, топливо diesel [’di:z(ə)l] – дизельное топливо kerosene [’kerəsi:n] – керосин oil [ɔil] – масло (машинное) grease [gri:s/ gri:z] – смазочное вещество, густая консистентная смазка alkali [’ælkəlai] – хим. щёлочь solvent [’sɔlvənt] – растворитель, раствор volatile [’vɔlətail] – летучее вещество potential contaminant [pə’ten∫(ə)l kən’tæminənt] – потенциальное загрязняющее вещество to firmly or loosely bind (bound, bound) [tə ’fə:mli ɔ: ’lu:sli baind] – крепко или слабо завязывать to restrict [tə ri’strikt] – ограничивать, держать в определённых пределах to leach [tə li:t∫] – выщелачивать to dissolve [tə di’zɔlv] – растворять, разлагать, разрушать tank leak [tæŋk li:k] – утечка из цистерны nursery [’nə:s(ə)ri] – очаг, рассадник fungus (pl. fungi) [’fлŋgəs (pl. ’fлŋg(a)i)] – биол. гриб, грибок infestation [‚infes’tei∫(ə)n] – заражение паразитами severe [si’viə] – суровый, сильный feed constituent [fi:d kən’stit∫uənt] – питательный элемент salt sorted log [sɔ:lt ’sɔ:tid lɔg] – бревно относящееся к разряду солёных compost [’kɔmpɔst] – компост, составное удобрение fertilizer [’fə:tilaizə] – удобрение (минеральное) sawdust [’sɔ:dлst] – древесные опилки shavings [’∫eiviŋ] – pl. стружка chip [t∫ip] – щепа, щепка to mulch [tə mлlt∫] – мульчировать mulch [mлlt∫] – мульча tannin [’tænin] – хим. танин inappropriate [‚inə’prəupriit] – неподходящий, нецелесообразный, несоответствующий rate [reit] – норма, размер, ставка тариф, скорость, процент, доля to expose [tə iks’pəuz] – выставлять, выдвигать, раскрывать, показывать to break down [tə breik daun] (broke [brəuk], broken [’brəukn]) – расщеплять(ся), сломать(ся), ухудшить(ся), потерпеть неудачу to release [tə ri’li:z] – высвобождать, избавлять, освобождать soluble [’sɔljub(ə)l] – разрешимый, объяснимый (о проблеме), растворимый, способный к распаду или к ослаблению внутренних связей resin acid [’rezin ’ æsid] – смоляная кислота leachable [’li:t∫əb(ə)l] – способный к выщелачиванию to incorporate [tə in’kɔ:pəreit] – включить, соединять, смешивать nutrient imbalance [’nju:triənt im’bæləns] – отсутствие равновесия питательных веществ shift [∫ift] – перемещение, изменение, сдвиг microbial population [mai’krəubaiəl ‚pɔpju’lei∫(ə)n] – микробная популяция deficiency [di’fi∫(ə)nsi] – отсутствие, нехватка, недостаток

Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. weathering a. twelve

2. slope b. carrying off water or sewage

3. drainage c. destruction of rocks under the wind impact

4. mantle d. structure

5. soil e. covering

6. texture f. extremely small piece or amount

7. modification g. inclination

8. dozen h. act of dividing or sharing out

9. division i. changing in quality or appearance

10. particle j. top layer of earth



Exercise 2. Read the text about “Soils” and find in it the equivalents in English to the following expressions:

сложная порода, исходный материал, микроскопические формы, образование почвы, от нескольких дюймов до ста футов толщиной, средняя глубина, умело использоваться, пол дюжины способов


Soil is the best known, most complex rock and, fortunately, one which has been studied a long time. The physical and chemical weathering of surface rock (parent material) with the addition of organic material, forms soil. Plants and animals (especially microscopic forms) contribute greatly to soil formation, as do climate, vegetation, time, slope, and drainage. The result of centuries of activity is a soil mantle from a few inches to a hundred feet thick, though the average depth of soil is only a foot or so. Since most life depends on soils, they should be preserved and skillfully managed.

Soils may be classified in a half dozen ways, according to various properties. They may be classified on the basis of texture (size of particle), as clayey, silty, or sandy. Other classifications have been based on color, parent material, type of crop raised, and many other bases. Most modern classifications begin with three great divisions or zones ranging from immature to mature soils. Three examples of well-developed soils are (1) the tropical red soils (true and modified laterites), (2) the northern forest soils (podsols) and their modifications, and (3) the grassland soils (chernozem and prairie soils).


Exercise 3. Copy the following text “Residual Soils” separating it into words and sentences and then read and translate it into Russian:

Residual Soils



Exercise 4. Read about different types of soils and decide which title is the most suitable for each text:

Tropical Red Soils, 2. Clay, 3. Transported Soils, 4. Northern Forest Soils

Text A. These soilsare developed on parent material that has been moved by wind, water, or ice. Huge deposits of windblown silt serve as the parent material for the loess soils in the western prairies. In the Mississippi valley and along western streams are deposits of water-borne alluvial materials on which some very rich soils have formed. In northern states glacial debris is often the parent material.

Text B. These soilsare well-developed, well-drained soils resulting from the deep leaching action of much rain and the chemical action of warm air. These may be residual soils of great thickness. The leaching and oxidation make poor soil which may be exhausted after a few years of cultivation. The fall of the Mayan civilizations has been attributed to soil exhaustion.

Text C. These soilsillustrate different conditions from those above. These gray soils form under beds of spruce, pine, and fir needles which are acid in composition and decay slowly. The organic and inorganic materials mix poorly. Many of these soils of cooler regions have no been altered enough to make them good producers without special handling.

Text D. This soilwas used by primitive men to make pottery not long after they first began to use stones as tools and weapons. After centuries of service, clay is still essential in many industries. About 35 million tons are mined annually and are used in bricks, pottery, chinaware, ceramic pipe, drilling muds, and for many other purposes. Clays are a mixture of silica, alumina, and water. Clay particles are small — less than 0.0001 inch. They stick together but are slippery when moist. Clays may come from granitic rocks, as a weathering product of the feldspars. They also form from weathered shales which came mainly from clay minerals originally. Clay deposits form on lake bottoms and in other quiet water, sometimes with annual layers (varves). One of the clay minerals is kaolin.


Exercise 5. Read the texts above once again and complete the following sentences:

1. In different parts of the country soils are formed of different parent material …

a. – sand, ice, and silt.

b. – windblown silt, water-borne alluvial materials, and glacial debris.

c. – glacial debris and ice.


2. The residual soils were formed by …

a. – leaching action and the chemical action of warm air.

b. – the exhausted cultivation.

c. – leaching and oxidation.


3. Soils under beds of spruce, pine, and fir needles are poor because …

a. – they haven’t been altered.

b. – they are found in cooler climates.

c. – of the rapid decay processes.


4. Clay is …

a. – a productive agricultural soil.

b. – a good producer without special handling.

c. – essential in many industries.

Exercise 6. Practice the reading of the following words and expressions and translate them into Russian:

nitrogen fixation, unwanted accumulation in the topsoil, plant growth, high levels of metal, primary nutrients, manure and fertilizer, soil and water contamination, significant losses in quality and growth, weight loss, petroleum-based products, transported from field to field by livestock, elevated salinity levels, soluble compounds, incorporated into the soil, nitrogen deficiencies


Exercise 7. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

A. Nouns:

1. alkali a. liquid capable to dissolve other substances

2. tissue b. taking food or drink into a body

3. persistence c. any kind of liquid poured from a tank or container

4. toxicity d. stability

5. equilibrium e. plant without leaves, flowers, or roots

6. solvent f. poisoning

7. sawdust g. substance which combines with acid and neutralizes it to form a salt

8. ingestion h. a centre from where a disease could be spread further around

9. nursery i. ability to survive in severe conditions

10. manure j. fine wood fragments made in sawing

11. fungus k. substance of an animal body or plant

12. spillage l. animal excrement used as a fertilizer

B. Adjectives:

1. immobile a. being able to produce a copy of oneself

2. microbial b. unable to move

3. excess c. able to be dissolved

4. deleterious d. antagonistic or hostile

5. unanticipated e. being more than the permitted limits

6. adverse f. not suitable

7. reproductive g. being harmful

8. beneficial h. very intense or unpleasant

9. hydraulic i. unexpected

10. severe j. referring to tiny living creatures that could be seen only with a help of a microscope

11. soluble k. being very useful

12. inappropriate l. operated by pressure forced through a pipe by a liquid such as water

C. Verbs:

1. to tie up a. to separate or become separated into two or more pieces

2. to attain b. to pour from a container

3. to apply c. to remove or be removed from substance by liquid passing through it

4. to spill d. to include or be included as part of a larger unit

5. to restrict e. to put something on or into

6. to leach f. to link parts

7. to load g. to put to practical use

8. to release h. to achieve or to accomplish, to reach

9. to incorporate i. to set free, to let go or fall

10. to break down j. to confine to certain limits

Exercise 8. Check yourself. Match the English names of the following substances on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right:

1. nickel a. железо 2. manganese b. сера 3. zinc c. ртуть 4. nitrogen d. магний 5. mercury e. фосфор 6. carbon f. свинец 7. iron g. цинк 8. copper h. калий 9. lead i. танин 10. chromium j. смоляная кислота 11. magnesium k. хлор 12. boron l. аммиак 13. chlorine m. никель 14. molybdenum n. нитриты 15. phosphorus o. углерод 16. potassium p. азот 17. sulphur q. нитраты 18. calcium r. хром 19. tannin s. водород 20. resin acid t. бор 21. ammonia u. щёлочь 22. nitrates v. марганец 23. nitrites w. кальций 24. oxygen x. молибден 25. hydrogen y. кислород 26. alkali z. медь

Exercise 9. Read the following texts and match them with the titles below:

Impacts on Soil

Metals, 2. Wood-waste Breakdown Products, 3.Pesticides, 4. Fuels, 5. Nutrients, 6. Salts, 7. Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) Ratio, 8. Plant Diseases


Text A.

Soils have an equilibrium C:N ratio of the order 12-15:1. The application of wastes with a higher C:N ratio (wood-waste has a C:N ratio of 300:1) will tie up free nitrogen in the soil. The continued application of such a waste will cause continued nitrogen fixation until a new soil equilibrium is attained. Soil with a high C: N ratio will have less nitrogen available for plant use.

Text B.

Most metals are relatively immobile and crop uptake is small. Application of wastes containing metals results in an unwanted accumulation in the topsoil. Crop yield reduction or even toxicity can occur for some crops at relatively low levels of metals. If waste containing metals is applied to soil, precautionary measures must be taken. Once buildup has occurred, and damage produced, it is too late to correct. Although levels in the soil may not harm plant growth, plant levels may be toxic to animals. Toxic effects of metals in livestock may be caused by the ingestion of plants or soil. Some types of manure contain high levels of metal, mainly copper and zinc. Waste oil and hydraulic fluids also contain high metal levels. Metals are generally more available in acid soils (soils with a low pH).

Text C.

The primary nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The secondary nutrients are sulphur, magnesium and calcium. The micro-nutrients are iron, magnesium, boron, chlorine, zinc, copper, and molybdenum. If applied in excess amounts to soil, these nutrients can reduce crop yields or become toxic to plants. Furthermore, when levels in the soil are not deleterious to plant growth, plant levels may be harmful to animals. The main sources of nutrients are manure and fertilizer.

Text D.

The accumulation of excess or unwanted pesticides on the farm increases the potential for soil and water contamination from pesticide storage. Pesticide losses may occur due to leaks in containers and/or unanticipated exposure to weather elements.

Improper handling of pesticides may lead to spills during mixing and loading. The specific characteristics of the pesticide used, particularly its persistence and solubility, strongly influence the potential for soil pollution from spills when handling pesticides.

Pesticide application can result in some amount of pesticide missing its target. When pesticide pollution of soil occurs, beneficial insects may be killed, crops may not grow, or the type of crop grown may be limited. Animals including birds may be harmed or killed by eating contaminated crops or soil, or suffer adverse effects such as weight loss and reproductive failure. They may also accumulate pesticides in their tissues making them unfit for consumption.

Text E.

Petroleum (gas, diesel, kerosene) and petroleum-based products (oils, greases, solvents) are complex organic compounds which contain metals and other potential contaminants. Some petroleum products are volatile which results in them being lost to the air; however, many others either firmly or loosely bind to soil particles. In either case, petroleum products restrict the growth of plants. Petroleum products that are loosely bound to soil can be either washed or leached into surface or groundwater. The sources of environmental concern are storage tank leaks and spillage during handling.

Text F.

Transfer of plant diseases is common in areas where nursery equipment moves either from field to field or nursery to nursery, or when plants are relocated between nurseries. Movement of machinery in turf operations may transfer diseases rapidly through a field. Often, bacteria, fungi or other organisms growing on the crop or in the soil are picked up by equipment. Plant disease organisms may also be transported from field to field by livestock. Contamination can also result from plant diseases being moved in manure. Plant disease infestations can result in significant losses in quality and/or growth. Severe soil contamination may reduce the range of plants that can be grown.

Text G.

The salt content of a manure depends on the feed constituents. Many manures contain between 10% and 13% salts (dry weight basis). High annual application rates of manure can increase soil salinity in areas of low precipitation. Salt sources include wood-waste from salt sorted logs, compost and fertilizer. Elevated salinity levels adversely affect many crops.

Text H.

Wood-waste (sawdust, shavings, chips, bark, etc.) may be a useful soil conditioner or mulch; however, if inappropriate rates are used, it may have a negative impact. When exposed to water, air and soil microbial activity, wood-waste breaks down and releases soluble compounds that can lead to the contamination of soil. Some of these compounds, particularly tannins, and resin acids, are toxic to some plant life. Wood-waste breakdown by-products are also acidic and will cause certain metals and nutrients to be released from the soil. Because the breakdown by-products are leachable, they can enter groundwater. High application rates of wood-waste to the soil surface or incorporated into the soil will cause nutrient imbalances or shifts in soil microbial populations. For example, a heavy application of sawdust that is incorporated into the soil will cause nitrogen deficiencies (see Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio in this subsection) and may cause the soil pH to drop.


Exercise 10. Read the texts above once again and find the right answer after each question given below:


What action will free nitrogen tie up in the soil?


a. – the application of pesticides

b. – the application of wood-waste such as sawdust, shavings, chips, bark, etc.

c. – the application of wastes with a higher C:N ratio

What are the common places of plant diseases transfer?


a. – places with high application rates of wood-waste incorporated into the soil

b. – places where nursery equipment moves either from field to field or nursery to nursery, or when plants are relocated between nurseries

c. – places with application of wastes containing metals


Why can the breakdown by-products enter ground water?


a. – because the breakdown by-products are leachable

b. – because the breakdown by-products are solid

c. – because the breakdown by-products are mixed with soil when they are used

How can pesticide pollution damage the environment?


a. – soil will have less nitrogen available for plant use

b. – beneficial insects may be killed, crops may not grow, or the type of crop grown may be limited

c. – pesticides that are loosely bound to soil can be either washed or leached into surface or groundwater

How can excess amounts of nutrients affect soil?

a. – excess amounts of nutrients can reduce crop yields or become toxic to plants

b. – excess amounts of nutrients can adversely effect plant growth and limit the range of plants

c. – excess amounts of nutrients can be harmful to animals


How may toxic effects of metals be caused in livestock?


a. – toxic effects of metals in livestock may be caused by excess amounts of primary nutrients

b. – toxic effects of metals in livestock may be caused by elevated salinity levels in soil

c. – toxic effects of metals in livestock may be caused by the ingestion of plants or soil.

Part 3. Water Pollution

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


crop dusting [krɔp ’dлstiŋ] – опыление урожая livestock waste [’laivstɔk weist] – отходы от домашнего скота industrial emission [in’dлstriəl i’mi∫(ə)n] – промышленный выброс (газообразных отходов) hazardous waste disposal [’hæzədəs weist dis’pəuz(ə)l] – удаление/ захоронение опасных отходов excessive fertilizer application [ik’sesiv ’fə:tilaizə ‚æpli’kei∫(ə)n] – чрезмерное применение удобрений urine [’ju(ə)rin] – моча silt [silt] – геол. ил, шлам, мелкозём siltation [sil’tei∫(ə)n] – заиливание водоёмов trace quantity [treis ’kwɔntiti] – небольшое количество pile [pail] – куча, груда, кипа to interfere [tə ‚intə’fiə] – мешать, служить препятствием (помехой), вредить elevated level [’eliveitid ’lev(ə)l] – высокий уровень to attach [tə ə’tæt∫] – присоединять, скреплять, связывать infant [’infənt] – младенец blue-baby syndrome [’blu:‚beibi ’sindrəum] – синдром врождённого порока сердца stomach [’stлmək] – желудок, живот extreme case [iks’tri:m keis] – чрезвычайный случай fatal [’feitl] – роковой, губительный, фатальный adult [’ædлlt/ ə’dлlt] – взрослый, совершеннолетний to pose [tə pəuz] – ставить в тупик, позировать, излагать, ставить (вопрос, задачу), представлять собой, являться threat [θret] – угроза tolerance level [’tɔlər(ə)ns] – допустимый уровень to accelerate [tə ək’seləreit] – ускорять(ся), разгонять(ся), увеличивать скорость eutrophication [ju:‚trəufi’kei∫(ə)n] – биол. эвтрофикация, загрязнение водоёмов водорослями alga (pl. algae) [’ælgə (’ældჳi:)] – водоросль (водоросли) to erode [tə i’rəud] – разрушать, геол. выветривать, размывать, подвергаться эрозии chemical application to parks and lawns [’kemik(ə)l ‚æpli’kei∫(ə)n əv pa:ks ənd lɔ:nz] – химическая обработка парков и газонов sewage treatment plant [’s(j)u:idჳ ’tri:tmənt pla:nt] – завод по обработке сточных вод/ нечистот, очистные сооружения marine waste [mə’ri:n weist] – загрязнение моря, отходы с морских кораблей soil erosion [sɔil i’rəuჳ(ə)n] – эрозия/ разрушение почвы construction erosion [kən’strлk∫(ə)n i’rəuჳ(ə)n] – эрозия/ разрушение почвы при строительных работах decomposition [‚di:kɔmpə’zi∫(ə)n] – хим., физ. разложение, распад, гниение underground storage tank [‚лndə’graund stɔridჳ tæŋk] – подземный накопитель/ отстойник strip-mining [’strip ‚mainiŋ] – открытая добыча (ископаемых) underground mining [‚лndə’graund ‚mainiŋ] – добыча (ископаемых) под землёй aquatic life [ə’kwætik laif] – жизнь в воде pathogen [’pæθədჳ(ə)n] – патогенный, болезнетворный микроорганизм pathogenic [‚pæθə’dჳenik] – мед. болезнетворный, патогенный virus [’vai(ə)rəs] – вирус, заразное начало, яд, отрава parasite [’pærəsait] – биол. паразит transmission [trænz’mi∫(ə)n] – передача transmissible [trænz’misəb(ə)l] – передающийся, заразный pathway [’pa:θwei] – тропа, путь estuary [’est∫u(ə)ri] – устье реки, эстуарий, дельта, морской рукав shellfish bed [’∫el‚fi∫ bed] – местонахождение моллюсков, ракообразных to render [tə ’rendə] – воздавать, платить, представлять, придавать drift [drift] – медленное течение, направление, тенденция antifreeze [’ænti‚fri:z] – антифриз, незамерзающая жидкость paint [peint] – краска suspension [sə’spen∫(ə)n] – приостановка, временное прекращение какого-либо жизненного процесса gills [gilz] – жабры respiration [‚respi’rei∫(ə)n] – дыхание, вдох suspended [səs’pendid] – подвешенный, приостановленный, отложенный, отсроченный to ingest [tə in’dჳest] – глотать, проглатывать to taint [tə teint] – разлагать, заражать, портить, примешивать, добавлять flavour [’fleivə] – аромат, приятный запах или вкус, букет (вина, чая), привкус, пикантность, изюминка flesh [fle∫] – тело, мясо, плоть film of free oil [film əv fri: ɔil] – нефтяная плёнка stream aeration [stri:m e(ə)’rei∫(ə)n] – аэрация реки cancer [’kænsə] – мед. рак, раковая опухоль, язва, бич, бедствие precaution [pri’kɔ:∫(ə)n] – предосторожность, предусмотрительность maintenance [’meint(ə)nəns] – поддержание, сохранение, продолжение, защита, содержание containment [kən’teinmənt] – вместимость, сдерживание, герметичность safe disposal [seif dis’pəuz(ə)l] – безопасное захоронение отходов acute [ə’kju:t] – острый, крайний, решающий, критический waste oil [weist ɔil] – отработанное масло municipal sewage discharge [mju: ’nisip(ə)l ’s(j)u:idჳ dis’t∫a:dჳ] – сброс сточных отходов от коммунальных сооружений landfill [’lændfil] – амер. закапывание мусора deep-well waste disposal [’di:pwel weist dis’pəuz(ə)l] – глубинное удаление мусора/ отходов road-salt runoff [rəud sɔlt rлn əv] – смыв соли с поверхности дороги septic system [’septic ’sistəm] – септическая система conditioner [kən’di∫(ə)nə] – кондиционер; закалка, метод сохранения здоровья parameter [pə’ræmitə] – параметр, характеристика, мерка, критерий, показатель depletion [di’pli:∫(ə)n] – истощение, опустошение deforestation [di’fɔris’tei∫(ə)n] – обезлесение, вырубка леса acidity [ə’siditi] – хим. кислота (чего-либо), кислотность leachate [’li:t∫eit] – насыщенный раствор, щёлок fungal [’fлŋg(ə)l] – бот. грибной, грибковый algal [’ælgəl] – бот. относящийся к водорослям, водорослевый to smother [tə ’smлðə] – затруднять дыхание, густо покрывать to spawn [tə spɔ:n] – метать икру spawning [’spɔ:niŋ] – нерест watercourse [’wɔ:təkɔ:s] – поток, канал, река, ручей, русло, водоток storm water runoff [stɔ:m ’wɔ:tə ’rлnəv] – сброс воды с придорожных канав mine waste pond [main weist pɔnd] – запруда/ водоём для сброса отходов при добыче (ископаемых) water-bearing sandstone [’wɔ:tə ‚be(ə)riŋ ’sændstəun] – геол. водоносный песчаник water well [’wɔ:tə ‚wel] – колодец saturated zone [’sæt∫əreitid zəun] – пропитанная влагой зона, заболоченная местность water table [’wɔ:tə ‚teib(ə)l] – геол. уровень грунтовых вод limestone [’laimstəun] – геол. известняк freshwater aquifer [’fre∫wɔ:tə ’ækwifə] – геол. водоносный пласт пресной воды

Exercise 1. Practice reading the following words and expressions and translate them into Russian:

a negative effect on surface water and groundwater, soluble compounds, crop dusting, the depletion of oxygen levels in surface waters, the movement of metals and nutrients, chemical application to parks and lawns, unfit for human consumption, fungal and algal growth, aquatic organisms, the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, an early warning sign of further contamination, eutrophication of water bodies, suspended or dissolved solids, a pathway for the transmission of disease, runoff from over-fertilized cropland, spawning areas, hazardous waste disposal, industrial emission


Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

A. Nouns:

1. pile a. reducing in number

2. virus b. mud deposited by moving water

3. precaution c. soft part of a human or animal body

4. estuary d. thin sheet or layer

5. shellfish e. breathing organs in fish and other water creatures

6. gills f. action taken in advance to prevent something bad to happen

7. flesh g. mouth of a river

8. alga h. number of things lying on top of each other

9. silt i. breathing

10. respiration j. aquatic mollusks

11. depletion k. a water or near water plant without true stems, leaves or roots

12. film l. microorganism that causes disease in plants and animals

B. Adjectives:

1. elevated a. causing the remains floating or hanging

2. extreme b. causing death or ruin

3. fatal c. producing disease

4. pathogenic d. raised rank or status

5. suspended e. severe or intense, sharp or sensitive, critical

6. acute f. being of a high or the highest degree or intensity

C. Verbs:

1. to interfere a. to lay eggs, or generate

2. to attach b. to cause to move faster

3. to accelerate c. to cover thickly, to suppress

4. to taint d. to join, fasten, or connect

5. to smother e. to spoil with a small amount of decay or contamination

6. to spawn f. to try to influence other people’s affairs where one is not wanted

Exercise 3. Look through the following texts and match them with the titles below:


BOD (biochemical oxygen demand)/ COD (chemical oxygen demand)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 107 | Нарушение авторских прав

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