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The forbidden forest

Читайте также:
  1. Botanical, maintenance men, digging, flowerbeds, ultimately, instrumental, rarest, expertise, plant hunters, artificially, rainforest, specimens, gatekeeper, labourers, prestige
  2. Chapter 7 ...in which Kanga and Baby Roo come to the forest, and piglet has a bath
  3. Chapter II. In which Tigger comes to the forest and has breakfast
  4. Chapter Thirty-Four The Forest Again
  5. D. Deforestation
  6. Dust storms / forest fires / power plants / car exhaust fumes / burning wood / volcanic eruption / oil refining / aerosol sprays / nuclear weapon
  7. Forest Fires - An Overview

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

cover-up ['kAv(q)rAp] n – надуманный предлог; маскировка

feeble ['fi:b(q)l] a – незначительный, ничтожный

out-of-bounds ["aVtqv'baVndz] a – запретный, закрытый; cпорт. вне игры

cock-and-bull story ["kPkqnd'bVl"stO:rI] – выдумка, небылица

blundering ['blAnd(q)rIN] a – неловкий, неумелый

meddle [medl] v – вмешиваться; соваться не в своё дело

gamble ['gxmb(q)l] v – делать ставку, поручиться

kindling ['kIndlIN] n – зажигание

sack [sxk] v – увольнять (с работы)

furore ['fjV'rO:rI] n – фурор

to leer one's eye at smb. – бросить хитрый взгляд на кого-либо

oaf [qVf] n – (pl тж. oaves) тупица, болван; олух

crossbow ['krPsbqV] n – ист. самострел; арбалет

stagger ['stxgq] v – идти шатаясь

mossy ['mPsI] a – мшистый; покрытый мхом

stump [stAmp] n – пень

squint [skwInt] v – щуриться, жмуриться,

centaur ['sentO:] n – греч. миф. Кентавр

let on ['let'Pn] phr v – разг. выдавать; раскрывать (секрет, факты)

hoof [hu:f] n – (pl тж. hooves) копыто

mane [meIn] n – грива

palomino ["pxlq'mi:nqV] n – пегая лошадь с белой гривой

sapphire ['sxfaIq] n – сапфир

livid ['lIvId] a – багровый

lurk [lE:k] v – скрываться, прятаться

slay [sleI] v – (slew; slain) книжн. убивать

dappled ['dxpld] a – испещрённый пятнами

canter ['kxntq] v – ехать кентером, лёгким галопом

imprecise ["ImprI'saIs] a – неточный, неопределённый

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to be cornered
  2. to kindle
  3. to back up
  4. to drop one’s gaze
  5. a coward
  6. to reach a fork
  7. in a fume
  8. to kick up/make a racket
  9. feverishly


III. Find English equivalents in the text:

  1. в глухую полночь
  1. потерять преимущество, перевес
  1. мы у тебя в долгу
  1. за один раз
  1. впредь, в дальнейшем
  1. подвергать что-л., кого-л. испытанию
  1. самостоятельно, одиноко
  1. прирасти к месту
  1. бежать по пятам
  1. предсказано звёздами
  1. утешения
  1. на всякий случай

IV. Put prepositions:


  1. to get __ __ the trouble
  2. to creep __ the school
  3. except __ classes
  4. to stand __ somebody
  5. to get __ Fluffy
  6. __ a whisper
  7. to interfere __ something
  8. to finish somebody __
  9. to return __ power

V. Comment on the use of modal verb+perfective:

Things couldn't have been worse. How could they have been so stupid as to forget the cloak. Had Harry thought that things couldn't have been worse. Harry knew what it must have cost him to try and find them in the dark, to warn them. That's what we should have done ages ago. His relief must have showed in his face, because Filch said “Should've thought of them werewolves before you got in trouble, shouldn't you.” It must've been staggering around since last night at least. Firenze saved me, but he shouldn’t have done. Firenze should have let Voldermort kill me.

VI. Who in the story:

- had failed to answer a teacher’s question for the 1st time

- was dreading the dawn

- stopped drawing attention of the class

- got the chains in the office

- was hurt badly

- was a coward

- had a deep, sorrowful voice

- were ruddy star-gazers

- came crawling like some stalking beast



Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 101 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE BOY WHO LIVED | THE VANISHING GLASS | THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS | VI. The importance of names (chapter 5). | THE JOURNEY FROM PLATFORM NINE AND THREE-QUARTERS | Activities for Pleasure | THE POTIONS MASTER | Write a detailed description of the characters. | Activities for Pleasure | THE MAN WITH TWO FACES |
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