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VI. The importance of names (chapter 5).

Читайте также:
  1. Applying Names - an Example
  2. B. Try to guess the names of the jobs which are common in the cinema world.
  3. C) Now point out the most important factors in choosing your job. Put them in order of importance and explain your choice.
  4. China's growing importance on the world stage means that the West needs to start speaking its language, says economist Martin Jacques.
  5. Complete the following sentences with the names given below.
  6. Ex.2. Pick out from the text all proper names, transcribe and learn them.
  7. Exercise 1. Read and translate the text, pay attention to the geographical names

J.K. Rowling didn’t pick the names for her characters from a hat. The names of the people who wrote the books required at Hogwarts are related to the subjects they teach. For instance, Phyllida Spore is the author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. Fungi reproduce with spores. Her first name indicates she may also know something about another group of organisms in the Phyllidae family. Explain how each of the author’s names from the list below is connected to their book.



  1. The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
  2. A history of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
  3. Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
  4. A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
  5. Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
  6. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
  7. The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
  8. Curses and Counter-Curses by Professor Vindictus Viridian





I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

rap [rxp] v – слегка ударять

pouch [paVtS] n – сумка, мешочек

to look sideways at smb. – посмотреть на кого-л. искоса

spell [spel] n – заклинание, заговор

enchantment [In'tSQ:ntmqnt] n – колдовство, магия, волшебство

as if by enchantment – как по волшебству

blimey ['blaImI] – сл. вот это да! иди ты! чтоб мне провалиться!

knitting ['nItIN] n – вязание

stitch [stItS] n – стежок

plain [pleIn] a – одноцветный, без узора или рисунка

hide [haId] n – шкура; кожа

transfiguration ["trxnsfIgjV'reIS(q)n] n – видоизменение, преобразование

herb [hE:b] n – трава; растение (особ. лекарственное)

fungus ['fAN|gqs] n – (pl -gi, -guses [-gqsIz]) биол. гриб, грибок; низший гриб

potion ['pqVS(q)n] n – настойка; микстура, зелье, снадобье

wand [wPnd] n – волшебная палочка

cauldron ['kO:ldrqn] n – котёл; котелок

pewter ['pju:tq] n – пьютер, сплав олова со свинцом

phial ['faIql] n – склянка для лекарства; пузырёк

broomstick ['bru(:)m"stIk] n – ручка у метлы, метловище

a witch upon a broomstick – ведьма на помеле

all of a flutter – в состоянии растерянности и недоумения

babble ['bxb(q)l] n – лепет

cobbled street – булыжная мостовая

collapsible [kq'lxpsqb(q)l] a – разборный; складной; откидной

plump [plAmp] a – полный; пухлый; округлый

apothecary [q'pPTqk(q)rI] n – арх. aптека

emporium [Im'pO:rIqm] n – (pl тж. -ria) большой магазин, универмаг

screech ow l ['skri:tSaVl] – зоол. малая ушастая сова

earn [E:n] v – выть

spleen [spli:n] n – анат. cелезёнка

grubby ['grAbI] a – неряшливый, неопрятный, грязный

pick-me-up ['pIkmI"Ap] n – разг. тонизирующее средство; возбуждающий алкогольный напиток

mauve [mqVv] n – розовато-лиловый цвет

savage ['sxvIdZ] n – дикарь; варвар

duffer ['dAfq] n – разг. никчёмный человек, пустое место; ничтожество

counter ['kaVntq] n – нечто противоположное, обратное

bewitch [bI'wItS] v – околдовывать, заколдовывать

fang [fxN] n – клык

willow ['wIlqV] n – бот. ива

mahogany [mq'hPgqnI] n – бот. красное дерево

pliable ['plaIqb(q)l] a – сгибаемый

unicorn ['ju:nIkO:n] n – миф. единорог; зоол. нарвал, единорог

phoenix ['fi:nIks] n – миф. Феникс

heartstrings ['hQ:t"strINz] n – pl. глубочайшие чувства; тайники души

beech [bi:tS] n – бот. бук

maple ['meIp(q)l] n – бот. клён

holly ['hPlI] n – бот. падуб, остролист

II. The explanation of Harry Potter special points:


1. Diagon Alley – home to many wizarding shops. If you put the two words together, Diagon Alley becomes “ Diagonally ”. According to Gretchen “ Diagon Alley ” is actually “ diagonal ley ”. A ley line is a line connecting ancient sites of Britain and was thought to have magical powers.

2. Hogwarts – British wizarding school. “ Hogwart ” is a type of lily. It’s also “ warthogs ” switched around.

3. Nimbus 2000 – Harry’s broomstick. Nimbus – a rain storm, a rain cloud, the cloud shaped which enveloped the gods when they appeared on earth. 1. (Art) A circle or disk or any indication of radiant light around the heads of divinities, saints, and sovereigns, upon medals, pictures, etc.; a halo. Note: “The nimbus is of pagan origin”. “As an attribute of power, the nimbus is often seen attached to the heads of evil spirits”.

2. (Meteor.) A rain cloud; one of the four principal varieties of clouds. The Nimbus “halo” in painting was developed in Christian art in the 400`s. According to Greek myths, a radiant nimbus surrounded the heads of gods and goddesses when they came to earth.

4. Alchemy – science devoted to turning substances (especially lead) into pure gold. Nicholas Flamel’s forte.

5. Philosopher’s Stone – a substance which turns any metal into gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.

6. Quidditch – popular wizard sport played on broomsticks. Quidditch is a combination of the three balls used in the game. (Qu)affle + Blu(d)ger + Sn(itch). “Bludgeon” means “to hit, usually with a large, blunt object, like a club”.

III. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:


  1. collapsed sofa
  2. to scramble to one’s feet
  3. bunch of keys
  4. a handful of coins
  5. to yawn loudly
  6. best be off
  7. to draw up
  8. to gleam in the sunlight
  9. to unfold a newspaper
  10. to pelt someone with questions
  11. to blame someone
  12. to pant
  13. to stick
  14. a bustle
  15. a halt
  16. a hag
  17. his head was swimming
  18. a pile of books
  19. swarthy face
  20. to wrinkle one’s nose
  21. to throw out one’s chest
  22. to melt away
  23. to drag
  24. to bully someone into doing something
  25. to smuggle
  26. to hop down
  27. to make up for
  28. to go out of fashion
  29. creepy
  30. Harry could see himself reflected in those misty eyes
  31. to snap something in half
  32. to shuffle one’s feet
  33. tape-measure


IV. Meaning of Harry Potter character names:

Professor Quirrell: May be from the word squirrel, for a group of nervous, nut-eating rodents that live in trees. The professor was a scared, shaky man who behaved a lot like one, later an act to cover up his allegiance to Voldemort.

Dedalus Diggle: Daedalus (the more common spelling) was a craftsman and inventor in Greek mythology. He fled Greece and went to the island of Crete. There he built the labyrinth, a maze that held the Minotaur, a monster man with the head of a bull. Daedalus tried to escape King Minos of Crete, so he built wings of wax and feathers for himself and his son, Icarus. They flew like birds into the sky. Icarus flew too closely to the sun and crashed to earth, dying. Diggle may be from dig.

V. Translate the rhyme into Russian:


Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn, So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding more than treasure there. внимать, внять, учитывать грех; жадность, алчность   вор; остерегаться

VI. Writing Prompts: Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley... Who would want to shop in this magical place? Wands, treats, cloaks, books, and magical creatures are just a few of the things you will discover in these shops. So wander the streets of Diagon Alley and explore them.

Writing Prompt # 1
You just won a shopping spree at Diagon Alley. Make a list of all of the things you would like to buy for your stay at Hogwarts. You are only allowed one thing from each store. List the store and what you would purchase.
Writing Prompt # 2
Flourish & Blotts just agreed to publish your first book. What is the title and what is it about?
Writing Prompt # 3
You have just stopped by the Magical Menagerie to pick up a magical pet for your stay at Hogwarts. Which pet do you want to bring? A cat, a toad, a rat, or an owl?


Writing Prompts: Gringotts Bank

Gringotts Bank - is the main banking establishment of the wizarding world. It is an eerie place where goblins are the bank tellers and a maze of tunnels lead to elaborate vaults of untold riches. We learn about the security system of dragons and spells.

Writing Prompt # 1
Gringotts is the famous bank run by goblins. Inside the bank are treasures of all sorts. You have just found out that you inherited a vault from a long lost uncle. Write a passage about what you find when you go to Gringotts to open the vault.
Writing Prompt # 2
You are a Wizard that has tried to rob one of Gringotts vaults. You failed and the vault has sucked you inside... for the next 20 years! Since you are a Wizard you can survive in the vault. What would it be like to be by yourself for the next 20 years? What would you do to make it endurable?
Writing Prompt # 3
You got lost on the way to your vault inside of Gringotts. As you turn a corner, there is a huge dragon looking menacingly at you. What do you do?
Writing Prompt # 4
You are the chief goblin in charge of internal communications at Gringotts. Each week you publish a short newsletter explaining what has happened at the bank. Write this week report and detail the special visitors, attempted break-ins, and other happenings at Gringotts.


VII. Talking points:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 133 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE BOY WHO LIVED | THE VANISHING GLASS | Activities for Pleasure | THE POTIONS MASTER | Write a detailed description of the characters. | NORBERT THE NORWEGIAN RIDGEBACK | THE FORBIDDEN FOREST | THROUGH THE TRAPDOOR | Activities for Pleasure | THE MAN WITH TWO FACES |
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