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Task 6. Skim the text and tell what the general idea of the text is. Solid waste management

Читайте также:
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  2. Annual General Meeting (herein referred to as AGM)
  4. C) confusion and disorder in general
  5. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 1 страница
  6. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 2 страница
  7. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница


Unit 1

Task 1. In pairs answer the following questions:

1. What do you think the “solid waste” is?

2. Do you think it is important to know information on the quantity of solid waste generated and collected per person per day? Why?

3. Where can we find such information?

4. Do you know the quantity of solid waste generated and collected per person per day in the Murmansk region?

5. What does the amount of solid waste collected by municipalities depend on?


Task 2. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the following words.

aesthetic [i:s'Tetik] moisture ['moistSq]
combustible [kqm'bΛstqbl] municipality [mju:,nisi'pæliti]
criteria [krai'tiqriq] objective [ b'jektiv]
designation [,dezig'neiSqn] putrescible [pju:'tresibl]
exposure [ iks'pou q] refuse ['refjuz]
insult (n) ['insΛlt]    


Task 3. Learn new words and phrases.

abandoned заброшенный, покинутый.
cannery консервный завод
condemned food products бракованные, непригодные пищевые продукты
commercial waste использованная упаковка; использованная тара
constraint принуждение, давление
demolition разрушение, снос, уничтожение
demolition waste строительный лом
discard сбрасывать, выбрасывать
in situ на своем месте
incinerator мусоросжигательная печь
institutional waste отходы общественных учреждений
likelihood вероятность
slaughterhouse бойня

Task 4. Translate the following words and phrases.

hazardous wastes disagreeable odor refuse
health considerations garbage trash
public receptivity reuse of waste constraint
reclamation of waste recycle litter
environmental acceptability waste management waste

Task 5. Make up your own sentences using words and phrases from the tasks 2,3,4.

Task 6. Skim the text and tell what the general idea of the text is.


Solid waste is a generic term used to describe the things we throw away. It includes things we commonly describe as garbage, refuse, and trash. Regulatory definition is broader in scope. It includes any discarded item; things destined for reuse, recycle, or reclamation; sludges; and hazardous wastes. The regulatory definition specifically excludes radioactive wastes and in situ mining wastes.

Magnitude of the Problem. Solid waste disposal creates a problem primarily in highly populated areas. The more concentrated the population, the greater the problem becomes. Various estimates have been made of the quantity of solid waste generated and collected per person per day.

Averages depend on many local factors. Studies show there are wide differences in amounts collected by municipalities because of differences in climate, living stan­dards, time of year, education, location, and collection and disposal practices.

Characteristics of Solid Waste. The terms refuse and solid waste are used more or less synonymously, although the latter term is preferred. The common materials of solid waste can be classified in sev­eral different ways: a) the point of origin (domestic, institutional, commercial, industrial, street, demolition, or construction); b) the nature of the material (organic, inorganic, combustible, noncombustible, putrescible and nonputrescible fractions). One of the most useful classifications is based on the kinds of materials as shown in Table 1.


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