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Give synonyms to the following words.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  3. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  4. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  5. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  6. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following
  7. Analyse and translate the following sentences


1. oil pools – 2. deposits of petroleum - 3. drive - 4. push through - 5. exist - 6. help – 7. part - 8. need - 9. make - 10. extraction – 11. uncontrolled pressure well – 12. decrease -


Define the following terms.


1. drive 5. artificial lift
2. dissolved – gas drive 6. gravity drive
3. gas – cap drive 7. compaction drive
4. water drive 8. combination drive

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Correct the false statements.


1. Oil does not really flow rapidly through sand or rock.

2. To lift the fluid to the surface small amount of energy is needed.

3. The forces that push the oil are called natural ones.

4. As gas expands, it exerts the pressure which pushes the oil through the reservoir.

5. Artificial lift – is when sufficient pressure energy exists.

6. For the gravity drive to be effective low structural dip is required.

7. A great deal of oil wasted when a well gushed.

8. The petroleum industry today is concerned about stopping wasteful gushers.

Answer the following questions.


1. The term “oil pools” refers to deposits of petroleum, doesn’t it?

2. What do deposits look like?

3. When does natural flow occur?

4. Are there two kinds of natural drives?

5. In what condition does gas occur in the oil?

6. What type of natural drive makes the recovery slow?

7. Why must oil be pumped to the surface?

8. In what wells is the pressure without control?



In pairs discuss advantages and disadvantages of drive mechanisms you know.

Express your own point of view using the following expressions:

I think … Я думаю …
I believe … Я полагаю …
As I see it, … Как я это вижу, …
As I understand it … Насколько я понимаю …
I should say … Я бы сказал …
From my point of view … С моей точки зрения …
My own point of view of the problem is … Моя личная точка зрения на данный вопрос состоит в (том, что) …



abandon a well ликвидировать скважину, прекращать бурение по техническим или геологическим причинам
acid fluid solution кислый электролит
acid fracturing (high pressure acidizing) кислотный разрыв
acidizing кислотная обработка
acoustic logs диаграмма акустического каротажа
acoustic velocity акустическая скорость
bit долото
“bridging” закупоривание, перекрывание
caliper logs кавернограмма
Christmas tree фонтанная арматура («ёлка»)
conductivity удельная проводимость
contamination загрязнение
core barrel керноотборник
coring отбор кернов
coring gun стреляющий боковой керноотборник
cuttings буровой шлам
cоre bullet боёк стреляющего керноотборника
density logs диаграмма плотностного каротажа
differential sticking прихват бурильной колонны за счёт перепада давления в стволе скважины
dissolve растворять
dissolved – gas drive режим растворённого газа
drill stem бурильная колонна
drilling mud буровой раствор
drilling site буровая площадка
drive пластовый режим
field месторождение
flow capacity пропускная способность
fluid properties свойства флюида
flushed zone зона проникновения фильтрата (бурового раствора)
formation segregation разобщение пластов
fracture разрыв, трещина
fracturing гидроразрыв пласта
full core керн, полученный при колонковом бурении
gamma-ray logdensity logs диаграмма гамма – каротажа плотности
gas –cap drive газонапорный режим
hydraulic fracturing гидравлический разрыв пласта
induction electrical log диаграмма индукционного каротажа
injection нагнетание
invaded zone зона проникновения (фильтрата бурового раствора)
logging геофизические исследования в скважинах, каротаж
matrix (low pressure) acidizing матричная обработка (под давлением ниже давления гидроразрыва пласта)
mooring cable швартовный канат
mud filtrate фильтрат бурового раствора
mudcake глинистая корка (образующаяся на стенках скважины в результате фильтрации промывочной жидкости в области пористых и проницаемых отложений)
neutron logs диаграмма нейтронного каротажа
oil sands нефтяные пески
plug заглушка
pool залежь, бассейн
propellent stimulation интенсификация притока флюидов в скважину при помощи пропеллента
proppant fracturing гидроразрыв с расклинивающим агентом
proved reserves доказанные запасы
radioactivity logs диаграмма радиоактивного каротажа (гамма – каротажа)
reserves запасы
reservoir evaluation оценка свойств и запасов коллектора
resistivity удельное сопротивление
resistivity logs каротаж по методу сопротивления
resource ресурсы
secondary recovery вторичная добыча
sidewall coring отбор кернов боковым керноотборником
sonic logs акустический каротаж
spontaneous (self) potential logs (SP Logs) диаграмма каротажа потенциалов самопроизвольной поляризаци
stimulation возбуждение скважины, интенсификация притока флюидов в скважину
treatment кислотная обработка
ultimate reserves суммарные запасы
uninvaded zone не затронутая проникновением зона
velocity асoustic logs диаграмма акустического каротажа по скорости
water drive водонапорный режим
wellbore ствол скважины
wireline well–logging technique канатный метод каротажа




Crude oil is mixture of many different hydro­carbons —chemicals which contain only hydro­gen and carbon atoms.

Crude oil is not much use until it is separated into more useful parts, called fractions. This is done by fractional distillation.

Most of the fractions are burnt as fuels. The rest go to make plastics, detergents and many other import­ant chemicals.


1. What is a hydrocarbon?


2. Octane is a hydrocarbon which has eight carbon atoms. Which fraction would you find it in?


3. Which property of hydrocarbons is used to separate them?


4. Which fraction has the lowest boiling range?


5. Which fraction would be the hardest to boil?


6. Which of the fractions are burnt as fuels?


7. Which fraction do you think there is most demand for in the world?


8. What do you think would happen to the price of crude oil if:


(a) all countries banned the use of nuclear power?


(b) the Persian Gulf, through which most of the West's oil is carried, was closed by war?


9. Decide what you think might happen if the oil runs out.


10. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words explaining what you think will happen.



Fig.7. The Fractions



Fig.8.When the oil runs out.


(Stephen Beer, David Edwards “Thinking Through Science”, London, 1989).




  1. Stephen Beer, David Edwards "Thinking Through Science", London, 1989
2. Vladimir Belousov "Oil and Gas Industry", Moscow, 2004.
3. Dictionary for the Petroleum Industry, Schlumberger, Austin, Texas, 1997
4. Dvoretskaya O.B. "Business English", "Titul" publishers, 2006
5. Elsevier Encyclopaedia Geology, Vol. I-IV
6. Norman Hyne "Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration, Drilling and production", Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1998.
7. Frank John, Mark Cook and Mark Graham, Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production (Development in Petroleum Science 46), Amsterdam, 1999.
8. David Lambert "The Field Guide to Geology", Cambridge University Press, 1998.
9. F.K. North, Petroleum Geology, London, 1985
10. Oil and Gas Production Primer, Houston, 1989
11. Wood’s Illustrated English – Russian \ Russian-English Petroleum Technology Dictionary, ALBION, WOODS Pub.
12. M. Я. Баракова «Английский язык для горных инженеров», М. «Высшая школа», 2001
13. Material supplied by the Institute of Petroleum.
14. http.//www.science. ubc.ca\~geol202\sed\sili\arc.html
15. Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. http://www.wikipedia.org/



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