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Match pairs of words having similar meanings.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A Have a conversation similar to those on the recording.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  5. A) Match the idioms with their definitions.
  6. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  7. A) Pair off the units with the similar meaning. Give your grounds.
to exist essential
survival to consider
to ignore to involve
to include to reward for
to entail to establish
to requite to live
to think to comprise
to create remnant
inherent to slight

13. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

неотъемлемый, присущий, свойственный; приспосабливать; развивать; спутанный, беспорядочный, сбивчивый; непоследовательный, несвязный, непонятный; не может не; вознаграждать; давать возможность; вызывать; наследство; ни один настоящий архитектор; долговечность, пережиток; обеспечивать жильем; письменность; здание не может считаться архитектурным произведением; в первом веке до нашей эры; ни один настоящий архитектор не мог бы думать только об одном из них; архитектура требует своеобразного видения; существовать в большом количестве; пренебрегать; изменение; взаимодействие; тройной смысл; одновременно; давать возможность; излагать.

Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

1. Architecture is the art or science (проектирования зданий и сооружений).

2. (Без анализа) of structural principles, materials, so­cial and (экономических требований) a building (не может быть построено).

3. Without aesthetical quality inherent in its form (здание не может считаться архитектурным произведением) as well.

4. The oldest book, which (изложила принципы архитектуры), upon which buildings (необходимо спроектировать) and (чьей целью является направлять) the architect, is the work of Markus Vitruvius Pollio writ­ten in the first century B.C.

5. (Нельзя пренебрегать наследием прошлого), but it must be expressed in modern terms.

6. Three basic factors in architecture are (удобство, прочность) and beauty.

7. (Ни один настоящий архитектор не мог бы думать только об одном из них) without almost auto­matically considering the other two as well.

8. (Таким образом), architectural de­sign (влечет за собой) not only the necessity to (изучать) various solutions for (удобства), structure, and (внешнего вида) as three separate processes.

9. (Архитектурное проектирование) also includes the necessity (учитывать) the constant interaction of these factors.

10. It's impossible for an architect first to plan a building (с точки зрения удобства), and then (проектировать надежную конструкцию) around his plan to shelter it.

11. Then, (в качестве последнего штриха), try (приспособить) and decorate the whole to make it pretty.

12. (Когда идет разговор о каком-либо, действительно великом сооружении), we cannot but say that (каждый элемент этого сооружения имеет тройной скрытый смысл) or significance.

13. (Архитектура требует своеобразного видения) as well as (долгих лет обучения) and experience to make a designer capable of getting requite in the light of these three factors – use, (устройство), and aesthetic effect – (одновременно).

14. The designer must have a good knowledge as of engineering so of building materials. This knowledge (дадут возможность) him (создать) economically strong and practical construction.

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

· to be interrelated · architecture · sets forth · skills · entails · evident paradox · have housed nations and generations of people · heritage · to study
· convenience · adjust · to decorate · integration

· Without aesthetical quality inherent in its form a building cannot be considered as a work of the art and practice of planning and designing buildings.

· From the very beginning of construction in human history abilities to do something well, especially because you have learned and practiced them have been evolved for the construction of the buildings, which have provided nations and gener­ations of people with a place to live in any kind of their activity.

· The oldest book, which explains ideas, facts, or opinions in a clearly organized way, upon which buildings should be designed and which aim is to guide the architect.

· The traditional values and customs of a country, or society cannot be ignored, but they must be expressed in modern terms.

· There exists an obvious situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different in the coexistence of change and survival in every period of human civilization.

· These three factors have been present and are always connected and have an effect on each other in the best constructions till the 21st century.

· Architectural de­sign involves not only the necessity to spend time reading or going to classes in order to learn about various solutions for con­venience, structure, and appearance as three separate processes.

· It's impossible for an architect first to plan a building from the point of view of the quality of being suitable or useful for a particular purpose, and then to make the design of a strong construction around his plan to shelter it.

· As a final touch, try to change or move something slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose and to make something look more attractive by putting something pretty on it to make it pretty.

· The architect's feeling of satisfaction in achieving such combination of two or more things so that they work together effectively is one of his/her (their) greatest rewards.

16. Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

of; on; from; automatically; for; till; in; around; without; into.

· … consideration of structural principles, materials, so­cial and economic requirements a building cannot take form.

· … the very beginning … construction in human history lots … architectural skills, systems and theories have been evolved … the construction … the buildings, which have housed nations and gener­ations … people … any kind … their activity.

· Writings … architec­ture are almost as old as writing itself. Books … the theory of archi­tecture, … the art of buildings, and … the aesthetical view … build­ings exist … great number.

· These three factors have been present and are always interrelated … the best constructions … the 21st century.

· No true architect could think … any … them … almost … considering the other two as well.

· It's impossible … an architect first plan a building … the point … view … convenience, and then make the design … a strong construction … his plan to shelter it.

· Any design evolving … such kind … work will produce only a confused, incoherent, and unsatisfactory building.

· It needs some unique type … imagination as well as long years … training and experience to make a designer capable … getting requite … the light … these three factors – use, construction, and aesthetic effect – simultaneously.

· The designer, … addi­tion, must possess the creative imagination, which will enable him to integrate the plan and the construction … the harmonious whole.

· The architect's feeling … satisfaction … achieving such integration is one … his/her (their) greatest rewards.

17. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as:

I think / suppose / consider / believe; to my mind / in my opinion; as far as I remember / know / understand; Let me see…; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think…; Let's put it this way…; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question.

What is architecture?

What is the oldest book to set forth the principles of construction?

How should mankind deal with the heritage of the past?

What three basic factors in architecture were listed nearly two thousand years ago?

Why architecture is a difficult art?

What can we say about any truly great building?

What integration must an architect achieve?

What famous Russian/English architects do you know?

What famous architectural complexes in Russia do you know?

What do you think about your city/town architecture?

18. Give the definitions to the following terms:

· structure · economic requirements · architectural de­sign
· aesthetical quality · heritage · triple nature

19. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. designer a. the work involved in designing and building roads, bridges, machines etc
2. construction b. the art and practice of planning and designing buildings or the structure of something
3. significance c. the importance of an event, action etc, especially because of the effects or influence it will have in the future
4. engineering d. someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture, equipment etc
5. architecture f. the process of making something using many parts

20. Speak on the following topics:

1. Responsibilities of architects.

2. Forms and functions of architecture.

21. Translate the following sentences:

1. Известно, что архитектура – это искусство проектирования зданий и сооружений.

2. Прежде чем построить какое-либо здание или сооружение, его необходимо спроектировать, учитывая особенности ландшафта и климата.

3. Студенты уже много узнали об истории архитектуры и поняли, что основными факторами архитектуры является удобство, прочность и красота.

4. Архитектор, пренебрегающий наследием прошлого, не может отвечать требованиям современности.

5. Мы уже 3 месяца работаем над проектом нового супермаркета, но еще не закончили, так как убеждены, что здание должно быть не только надежным, но и удобным и красивым.

6. Чертежи, принесенные этими инженерами, сейчас рассматриваются экспертами, и я думаю, будут одобрены.

7. К концу следующей недели будет завершен проект здания, и мы сможем с ним ознакомиться.

8. Наверняка знания, полученные в университете, будут применяться студентами на практике.

9. Экологи помешали строителям возвести спортивный комплекс в этой части города.

10. Когда студенты пришли в офис, они увидели, что инженеры обсуждают новый проект здания.

Write an abstract of the chapter, i. e. express the idea of the chapter in some sentences.

Render the text in English.

Для лучшей систематизации природных строительных материалов их разделяют на классы по сходным признакам, в классах – по разновидностям пород или изделий. Так, лесные материалы и изделия по породам подразделяют на лиственные и хвойные, по признаку ассортимента – на круглые, пиленые и штучные. Имеется и дальнейшее их подразделение, например, по свойствам, структуре и др. Природные каменные материалы и изделия имеют свою классификацию, в основу которой положен генетический признак, т. е. происхождение горных пород. Их разделяют также по признаку технических свойств – средней плотности, прочности, морозостойкости; по химическому составу, например, по содержанию кремнезема – кислые, средние, основные и ульт­раосновные.

Большое значение в строительстве имеют горные породы вторичного происхождения – осадочные, а среди них – природные конгломераты, брекчии, песчаники и др. Так были названы осадочные горные породы, которые образовались в результате цементации скоплений гальки, гравия, песка и других природным вяжущим веществом. Практическое значение этих пород невелико, однако характерная их структура (вяжущее цементирует рыхлый минеральный материал) является самой распространенной в ИСК структуры бетонов.

Искусственные строительные материалы, находящиеся в тесной взаимосвязи между собой, разделяют по главному признаку их отвердевания:

1) материалы, отвердевание которых происходит при обычных сравнительно невысоких температурах с кристаллизацией новообразований из растворов, а также материалы, отвердевание которых происходит в условиях автоклавов при повышенных температуре и давлении водяного пара. Условно те и другие материалы относят нередко к безобжиговым материалам. Часто выделяют автоклавные материалы в самостоятельную группу;

2) материалы, отвердевание кото­рых происходит в основном при остывании огненно-жидких расплавов, выполняющих в структуре функцию вяжущего вещества, или цемента высоких температур.


Chapter 6. Asbestos

1. In pairs answer the following questions:

5. Do you know what is asbestos?

6. What are the main applications of it today?

2. Write phonetic symbols for the following words, pay attention to their correct pronunciation and read them aloud:

asbestos; Siberia; chrysolite; fiber; yarn; handkerchief; fabrics; decorative; curtains; emperor.

Learn new words and phrases.

to delight доставлять большое удовольствие, восхищать
to weave ткать, сплетать
evidence доказательство, подтверждение; свидетельство
to be subjected to unusual treatment during its formation подвергся необычному воздействию во время своего образования
to obtain получать, приобретать
variety многообразие, разнообразие, множество
to mine добывать; разрабатывать рудник
to spin прясть
packing прокладка; уплотнение, упаковка
flameproof жароустойчивый
yarn пряжа, нить
to determine oпределять, обусловливать
fireproof несгораемый; огнеупорный, тугоплавкий
to assemble cобирать, собираться

4. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

naturally occurring fiber; resistance to heat; to be used for electrical windings and insulation; to remove smth unchanged; the only mineral substance used as
a textile fiber; to burn off.

Make up your own sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 2-3.

Skim the text and say what the general idea of the text is.

When skimming divide the text into parts.

Compare your number of parts with that of your fellow students.


Asbestos has been known and used as a textile since the earliest times. The first written evidence of asbestos was recorded by Pliny in the first century A.D.

It is told that one of the Emperors of Rome delighted guests by throwing
a tablecloth made of asbestos into fire and then removing it unchanged from the flame. A few centuries later Marco Polo told his friends in Italy about
a substance he observed in Siberia. He told that it could be woven into attractive textiles, which did not burn even in direct flame.

Asbestos is one of the strangest of all the naturally occurring fibers. It is
a rock, which has been subjected to unusual treatment during its formation. Asbestos is the only mineral substance used as a textile fiber in the form it is obtained from natural sources. There are many varieties of asbestos rocks but only chrysolite is widely used for textile products. Chrysolite is mined in many countries of the world. The soft, long, white fibers of this mineral can be spun into yarn by the usual processes. Pure asbestos being very difficult to spin,
a proportion of cotton fiber is usually added to help to bind the asbestos fibers together. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fi­bers is their resistance to heat and burning. This property determines the ways in which they are used.

Early uses for asbestos included such articles as handkerchiefs and table coverings. The Chinese used asbestos to make false sleeves, which could be cleaned by putting them in the fire. All the dirt was burned off, leaving the asbestos clean. We know commercial devel­opment of the fiber to have started in the 19th century. Asbestos was used in flameproof clothing of many kinds, for laboratory, industrial and military purposes.

Fabrics made of asbestos have good strength. Today the main applications are those in which non-inflammability is essential such as conveyor belting for hot materials, industrial packings, fireproof clothing, etc. Asbestos is sometimes used with glass fiber in making decorative fabrics for curtains used in hospitals, theatres and other buildings where the public assembles. Some grades of asbestos are used for electrical windings and insulation.

Read and translate each part using a dictionary.

Underline the sentences that best sum up the main idea of each part and use key words from them to make plan of the text in order to retell it according to your plan.

11. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

the first written evidence of asbestos; to delight; to remove; to be woven into attractive textiles; the naturally occurring fibers; rock; mineral substance; to be mined in many countries of the world; can be spun into yarn by the usual processes; to add; to bind the asbestos fibers together; resistance to heat; to determine; to include; handkerchiefs; commercial devel­opment of the fiber; flameproof clothing; applications; glass fiber; to assemble.

Match pairs of words having opposite meanings.

attractive to conserve
naturally occurring to stay
to include to be over
to leave to take
to clean unpleasant
to start unnecessary
to put artificial
to use to exclude
essential to pollute

13. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

собирать, собираться; oпределять, обусловливать; добывать; доказательство, подтверждение, свидетельство; доставлять большое удовольствие, восхищать; жароустойчивый; многообразие, разнообразие, множество; несгораемый; огнеупорный; подвергаться необычному воздействию во время своего образования; получать, приобретать; прокладка; уплотнение, упаковка; пряжа, нить; прясть, ткать, сплетать; встречающиеся в природе волокна; вещество; мягкие нити; добавлять; изделия, вещи; коммерческая разработка; для военных целей; основное применение.

Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

1. (Из асбеста можно ткать) attractive textiles, which (не горят) even (в открытом огне).

2. Asbestos is one of the strangest of all (встречающихся в природе волокон).

3. It is a (порода), which (подвергся необычному воздействию во время своего образования).

4. There are many varieties of asbestos rocks but only (хризолит, который добывают во многих странах) is widely used (для производства текстильных изделий).

5. (Мягкие) long, white (волокна) of this mineral (прясть в нити) by the usual processes.

6. (Так как чистый асбест очень трудно прясть), a proportion of cotton fiber usually (добавляют для того, чтобы соединять) the asbestos fibers together.

7. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fi­bers is (жаропрочность) and (горение).

8. (Известно, что) commercial (разработка) of the fiber to have started in the 19th century.

9. Today the main applications are those in which (невоспламеняемость) is essential such as (конвейерная лента для горячих материалов), industrial packings, (огнеупорная одежда), etc.

10. Asbestos is sometimes used with (стекловолокном) in making decorative fabrics for curtains (используемых там, где собирается много людей).

11. Some grades of asbestos are used for (электрической обмотки) and (в качестве изоляционного материала).

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

· many varieties · asbestos · written evidence · to spin
· commercial development · substance · unusualtreatment
· flameproof clothing · their resistance to heat · determines

1. A mass of threads used to make rope and cloth has been known and used as a textile since the earliest times.

2. The first written facts that show clearly that asbestos exists were recorded by Pliny in the first century A.D.

3. A few centuries later Marco Polo told his friends in Italy about a particular type of solid he observed in Siberia.

4. It is a rock, which has been subjected to different from what is usual or normal treatment during its formation.

5. There are many things of the same type that are different from each other in some way of asbestos rocks but only chrysolite is widely used for textile products.

6. Pure asbestos being very difficult to make it into thread by twisting it, fiber is usually added to help to bind the asbestos fibers together.

7. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fi­bers is the ability of a substance to stop the flow of heat through it and burning.

8. This property directly influences or decides the ways in which they are used.

9. We know devel­opment related to the buying and selling of the fiber have started in the 19th century.

10. Asbestos was used in clothes made of or covered with substances that will not burn easily for laboratory, industri­al and military purposes.

16. Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

into; to; of; in; from; for; naturally; with; during; by.

11. The first written evidence … asbestos was recorded … Pliny … the first century A.D.

12. One … the Emperors of Rome delighted guests … throwing a tablecloth made … asbestos … fire and then removing it unchanged … the flame.

13. Asbestos is a … rock, which has been subjected … unusual treatment … its formation.

14. The soft, long, white fibers … this mineral can be spun … yarn … the usual processes.

15. We know commercial devel­opment … the fiber to have started … the 19th century.

16. Asbestos was used … flameproof clothing … many kinds, … laboratory, industri­al and military purposes.

17. Asbestos is sometimes used … glass fiber … making decorative fabrics … curtains used … hospitals, theatres and other buildings where the public assembles.

18. Some grades of asbestos are used … electrical windings and insulation.

17. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as:

I think / suppose / consider / believe; to my mind / in my opinion; as far as I remember / know / understand; Let me see…; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think…; Let's put it this way…; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question.

1. Why is asbestos one of the most ancient naturally occurring material?

2. What are the unique properties of asbestos?

3. What are the disadvantages of pure asbestos?

4. What characteristics of asbestos determine the ways in which it is used?

5. Where is it used now?

18. Give the definitions to the following terms:

· textile · evidence · attractive textiles
· naturally occurring fiber · resistance to heat · strength

19. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. resistance to heat a. a grey mineral that does not burn easily, that was used in the past as a building material or in protective clothing
2. to mine b. to make cotton, wool etc into thread by twisting it
3. asbestos c. a mass of threads used to make rope, cloth etc
4. fiber d. if you assemble a large number of people or things, or if they assemble, they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose
5. spin e. to dig large holes in the ground in order to remove coal, gold etc
6. to assemble f. the ability of a substance to stop the flow of heat through it

20. Speak on the following topic:

11.Asbestos as one of the unique naturally occurring material.

21. Translate the following sentences:

1. Раньше считали, что асбест – один из экологически чистых материалов, но сейчас стараются избегать использовать его в строительстве.

2. Ученые нашли доказательства того, что люди используют асбест уже очень долго.

3. Полотно, сделанное из асбеста, и брошенное в огонь, не сгорело потому, что это вещество не горит даже в открытом огне.

4. Асбест подвергся необычному воздействию во время своего образования.

5. Интересно, из чего изготовлена эта скатерть?

6. Если бы люди не добавляли хлопок, то асбестовые нити было бы трудно соединять друг с другом.

7. К началу 19 века началась коммерческая разработка асбеста.

8. Как изоляционный материал асбест используют уже много лет.

9. Мне пришлось найти доказательства того, что асбест один из жаростойких и огнеупорных материалов.

10. Жаль, что эту ткань не сплели из асбеста. Если бы это было сделано, скатерть не сгорела бы.

Write an abstract of the chapter, i. e. express the idea of the chapter in some sentences.

Render the text in English.

Практика в строительном материаловедении имеет не только приоритетное значение, но и предусматривает первостадийное ее изложение. В ней раскрывается, во-первых, сущность производства природных строительных материалов без химической переработки сырья – лесных и горных пород; во-вторых, сущность производства искусственных строительных материалов и изделий с привлечением для этих целей химической переработки природного сырья и побочных продуктов промышленности, сельского хозяйства, горно-обогатительных комбинатов; в-третьих, сущность технических ценностей готовой продукции этих производств, направляемой для реализации ее в строительстве и технологиях строительного производства, а также в отраслях по изготовлению строительных изделий и конструкций.

Первое стадийное изложение практики строительного материаловедения было особенно характерно для второго исторического этапа развития этой науки, и оно проводилось под рубрикацией строительных материалов. В данной книге по методическим соображениям представилось более целесообразным изменить последовательность изложения теории и практики, но с непременным сохранением приоритета практики.

Chapter 7. New trends in urban management

1. In pairs answer the following questions:

2. What is urban management?

3. Do you know anything about new trends in urban management?

2. Write phonetic symbols for the following words, pay attention to their correct pronunciation and read them aloud:

efficiency; equity; precautionary; vernacular; practitioners; revive; bamboo; Earthen floor; thatch; appreciation; reliant; aesthetically.

Learn new words and phrases.

urban management градостроительное проектирование
to incorporate объединять
environmental limits возможности окружающей среды
adobe саман, кирпич воздушной сушки
cohesion связь, сплоченность
diligent прилежный, старательный
equity справедливость, беспристрастность
flux 2.течение, поток 3.постоянное движение
to further through содействовать, способствовать
hitherto до сих пор
loop петля
output продукция, выпуск, производительность
to reconcile примирять, улаживать
to surge возникать
threshold порог, преддверие
to bale увязывать в кипы, укладывать
demand management управление спросом
multiple use комплексное использование (ресурсов)
environmentally sound экологически приемлемый
self-sufficient самостоятельный
carrying capacity потенциальная ёмкость экологической системы
state of the art современное положение дел, современное положение

4. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

to bring together; environmental efficiency; welfare efficiency; precautionary principle; durability; urban planning; to prevent lasting environmental damage; environmental preservation; restructuring.

Make up your own sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 2-3.

Skim the text and say what the general idea of the text is.

When skimming divide the text into parts.

Compare your number of parts with that of your fellow students.

New Trends in Urban Management

The environmental protection brings together social, economic, moral and political considerations. Urban management must take these considerations into account and incorporate the following prin­ciples:

Environmental limits. Uncertainty about the environmental threshold of the earth's carrying capacity requires the adoption of the precautionary principle and calls for demanding management.

Environmental efficiency. Reducing the use of natural resources, increasing durability and closing resource loops will contribute to long-range environmentally compatible urban management.

Welfare efficiency and equity. Multiple use and social and eco­nomic diversity, as well as a fair distribution of natural resources are key elements to be considered in urban planning.

To reconcile continuing development with environmental lim­its mankind must choose certain types of development rather than others. Efficiency has meanings beyond maximizing the economic output of each human being. Human benefit is not necessarily iden­tical to utility as measured by neo-classical economics. Quantity of goods should be replaced with quality of life. Environmental protec­tion is closely connected to social equity.

Natural building materials

Natural building has emerged as a response to an increasing concern for our built environment. Natural materials can provide an alternative to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness. While interest has surged in the industrialized West, the ancient roots of natural building are being lost in many traditional areas. Ironically, builders in the industrialized countries are now turning to these very cultures for solutions to their building problems. It is to be hoped that increased interest and research into vernacular building systems will increase respect for these timeless ideas in their native lands, and through diligent efforts by a number of people, many of these techniques are indeed being revived, studied and implemented throughout the world.

As natural building and design is still in its infancy, the state of the art is in constant flux as practitioners and techniques, hitherto isolated, are identified and brought into partnership with others. Most popular natural building techniques and materials include: adobe, bamboo, compressed earth, earthen floors, light straw-clay, natural fibres, living roofs, natural plasters and finishes, paper blocks, rammed earth, straw bale construction, thatch, wattle and daub and wood.

Many of the European city problems could be resolved by pay­ing greater attention to the environment. Architecture and urban planning based on environmental preservation are the only option for maintaining quality of life and preventing lasting environmen­tal damage. Pollution reduction, waste minimization and energy conservation can be furthered through environmentally friendly urban design and construction. Awareness of these issues and information on possible opportunities existing worldwide are vital to the development of new possibilities and new scopes in restructur­ing urban and agricultural areas, as well as human settlements in general.

Bio-architecture links the appreciation of the environment and biodiversity with urban design and planning. Bio-architecture also promotes the use of materials and techniques, which are environmen­tally sound, culturally sensitive and reliant on local resources and skills. A "Biopolis" functions as a model for the harmonious co-evolution of humanity with the bio-environment. It is based on the application of clean energy sources (solar, wind, hydrogen, etc), cleaner production and environmentally friendly materials, and pro­tection of bios aims at creating a self-sufficient, aesthetically pleas­ing urban environment with an active participation of every member of society in arise the conservation of nature.

Read and translate each part using a dictionary.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 218 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases. | Look and read. | Answer these questions. | Read the text. | PART 4. АНГЛО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ |
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