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Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

Читайте также:
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  5. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  6. A) scan the texts and find the words concerning oil and gas sphere
  7. A- Correct the underlined words

1. A man, who has been an (ученик, подмастерье) for some years in
a building trade and has therefore (достаточно умений) to be considered
a (искусный, умелый) work­er at his trade, is called tradesman or craftsman.

2. He may be a (плотник, столяр, каменщик, кровельщик, водопроводчик, электрик, маляр, стекольщик, штукатур, обойщик, высотник, теплотехник) and so on.

3. (Каменщик) is a tradesman who (сооружает) and (восстанавливает) brickwork, lays and (закладывать швы кирпичной кладки раствором), sets (дымоходы), manhole frames and (камины).

4. (Плотник)is a man who (возводит) wood frames, (подгоняет стыки), fixes wood floors, stairs and window frames, asbestos sheeting and other wall­board.

5. He builds or (демонтирует) wood or metal (конструкции).

6. (Столяр) is a man who makes (столярные изделия) and works mainly (за верстаком) on wood, which has been cut and shaped by the machinists.

7. (Штукатур) is a tradesman who may be a fibrous plasterer or a plasterer in solid work.

8. (Штукатур) can use a (опалубку для бетона), (крепить сетку под штукатурку), and (применять отделочный гипс).

9. Aconstruction manager(обеспечивает) services similar to those of general contractor, but represents client's interest during all phases (процесса строительства) – design as well as construction.

10. The CM also (готовит контракты) and sends them out to the (субподрядчикам).

11. The CM may also (отвечать) for the (безопасность) safety of workers on the (строительной площадке).

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

· is derived from · durability · resistant to · applied to · framework
· subcontractor · basement · bricks · woodwork · the quality of concrete

1. Nowadays plastics, which are artificial materials, can be used in almost every branch of building, from the laying of foundation to the final coat of paint.

2. A particular characteristic that concrete has is known to depend on the properties of materials it consists of.

3. In modern times rectangular blocks of baked clay used for building walls can be made of concrete, mortar, of burnt clay and of a combination of some other substances.

4. The word "carpenter" comes from the French word "charpente",which means a wood or metal structure that forms a support or frame for something.

5. The CM also prepares a contract and sends it out to the firm that has
a contract to do part of a job which another firm is responsible for

6. One of the key requirements of concrete service is its ability to be strong and last a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.

7. Timber is not damaged by corrosion produced by chemical substances in the modern polluted atmosphere.

8. Softwoods are mainly used for producing window and door frames and other wooden parts of a house.

16. Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

with; out; of; on; at; therefore; for; in; highly; from; to; usually.

1. A man, who has been an apprentice … some years … a building trade and has … enough skill to be considered a skilled work­er … his trade, is called tradesman or craftsman.

2. The word "carpenter" is derived … the French word charpente,which means a wood or metal framework.

3. Joineris a man who makes joinery and works mainly … the bench … wood, which has been cut and shaped … the machinists.

4. Joiner's work is finer than the carpenter's, much of it being … finished and done … a joinery shop which is not exposed … weather.

5. In Scotland and the USA a bricklayer is … also a mason.

6. Plasterer is a tradesman who may be a fibrous plasterer or a plasterer … solid work.

7. Construction managers are … paid a negotiated fee … the scope … services rendered.

8. The CM also prepares contracts and sends them … to the subcontractors.

9. The owner signs the contracts … each subcon­tractor.

10. The CM may also be responsible … the safety of workers … the construction site.

17. Fill in the table using the information from the text "Some building professions".

Building profession The main responsibilities

18. Give the definitions to the following terms:

· successive · client · carpenter
· apprentice · complete · construction site

19. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. a person who makes wooden window frames, door frames, doors, and cupboards a. joint
2. a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets b. chimney
3. a structure that forms a support or frame for something c. plaster
4. a smooth paste made of sand, lime, and water which goes hard when it dries. It is used to cover walls and ceilings and is also used to make sculptures d. plumber
5. a place where two things are fastened or fixed together e. joiner
6. a pipe through which smoke goes up into the air, usually through the roof of a building f. framework

20. Using the information from the table (See task 17), speak about responsibilities of the following tradesmen:

7. bricklayer and mason;

8. carpenter;

9. joiner;

10. plasterer;

11. construction manager.

21. Translate the following sentences:

1. Контракты, подготовленные прорабом, уже подписаны подрядчиками.

2. Известно, что профессия высотника очень опасна и требует специальной подготовки.

3. Проходя практику, студенты интересовались, может ли обычный каменщик делать кладку для коллекторов и тоннелей.

4. Будучи высококвалифицированным специалистом в определённой сфере, например: плотником-столяром, штукатуром, теплотехником, электриком, маляром, каменщиком, плиточником и др., можно без труда найти работу и получать достойную заработную плату.

5. Известно, что перед началом рабочего дня на любом строительном объекте, прораб обязан проинструктировать рабочих по технике безопасности, так как он несёт ответственность за безопасность рабочих.

6. Для ремонта этого здания были привлечены такие специалисты, как каменщик, плотник и кровельщик.

7. Несомненно, что во время кладки кирпича, каменщик должен следить за качеством кладки.

8. Студентам-строителям рассказали, что после того, как бетон наберёт достаточную прочность, начинается демонтаж опалубки.

9. Вам известно содержание вредных примесей в бетоне?

10. Если кирпич доставят вовремя, то рабочие закончат возведение стены и начнут заниматься внутренней отделкой.

11. Студенты наблюдали, как штукатуры накладывают последовательные слои штукатурки на стены.

12. Известно, что древесину используют в качестве строительного материала с древнейших времён.

Write an abstract of the chapter, i. e. express the idea of the chapter in some sentences.

Render the text in English.

Длявнешней и внутренней отделки зданий и сооружений служат различные отделочные материалы и изделия. Они предназначены для повышения эксплуатационных и эстетических качеств и стойко­сти строительных элементов против атмосферных и других воздей­ствий, придания им архитектурно-выразительного оформления. Разнообразие отделочных материалов достигается рациональным сочетанием их вещественного состава и форм, придаваемых отдель­ным изделиям. Особо высокая эффективность в архитектурной вы­разительности достигается использованием широкой гаммы цветов в результате применения многоцветных пигментов в красочных со­ставах, а нередко и в сырьевых – при производстве основных одно­родных и конгломератных материалов и изделий. К их числу отно­сятся: декоративный и цветной бетоны, цветной асфальтовый бетон и раствор, керамическая плитка и иные изделия из декоративной ке­рамики, изделия из природных каменных материалов разных разме­ров и форм, а также искусственные, имитирующие природные мате­риалы по текстурно-структурным признакам (мраморы, граниты и др.), цветные кровельныe покрытия – металлочерепица, цемент­но-песчаная черепица и др. К ним относится еще и цветное стекло (смальта), впервые предложенное и использованное для мозаичных изделий М.В. Ломоносовым в середине XVIIIвека. Формированию эффективной отделки способствуют также металлические материалы, древесные и особенно широко – органические полимерные вещест­ва. Отдельные разновидности отделочных изделий изготовляют и из асбестоцементных, силикатных, картонно-бумажных и других мате­риалов, причем самым удобным отделочным материалом для стен служат обои. Но, как отмечено выше, наиболее альтернативными в отделочных работах всегда являются красочные, или точнее, лако­красочные материалы. В настоящее время окраска в общем объеме отделочных работ фасадов зданий составляет более 50 %.

Chapter 4. Air-conditioning

1. In pairs answer the following questions:

5. What is air-conditioning necessary for?

6. What conditions inside the house are desirable?

2. Write phonetic symbols for the following words, pay attention to their correct pronunciation and read them aloud:

ceiling; circulation; desired; draught; furnace; healthy; humidity; moisture; processing; temperature; therefore; throughout.

Learn new words and phrases.

attic мансарда, чердак
diffusion распространение, рассеивание
draught сквозняк, тяга
neither …, nor … ни…ни
precipitator осаждатель, ускоритель, электрофильтр
predetermined предопределённый, заранее установленный
processing обработка
purity чистота
to achieve добиваться, достигать
to carry out выполнять, осуществлять
to heat нагревать, накалять
to install устанавливать, монтировать
to maintain поддерживать, сохранять, обслуживать
uniform одинаковый, постоянный, неизменный

4. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

external influences; humidity; inhabited space; low velocity; moisture content; outlet; relative humidity; stuffy; to cool; to distribute heat; to maintain a uniform temperature.

Make up your own sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 2-4.

Skim the text and say what the general idea of the text is.

When skimming divide the text into parts.

Air-conditioning is the bringing of air in a building to a desired temperature, purity, and humidity throughout the year to maintain healthy and comfortable atmosphere.

Air-conditioning may be divided into two main sections: one for the processing of materials in industry; the other for human com­fort. It has been found that there is an optimum condition of temper­ature and humidity at which the processing of different materials may be carried out with the minimum of wastage and the maximum of goods' quality. The system is therefore designed to produce air of predetermined temperature and moisture content and to keep it so despite all external influences. Such air is filtered free of foreign material.

Conditioning air for human comfort may also be divided into two main sections – winter and summer. Frequently, the systems in­stalled in office buildings provide control during both seasons. Complete air-conditioning provides the following services:

First,filtration of theair both in winter and summer to remove dust.

Second,circulation of the air at low velocity and with proper diffusion to prevent draughts and maintain a uniform temperature and humidity at all parts of the inhabited space.

Third,introduction of enough fresh air from the outside atmo­sphere.

Fourth,heating of the air in winter.

Fifth,cooling of the air in summer below the outside atmosphere.

Sixth,humidifying the air in winter to a relative humidity of at least 20–25 per cent.

Seventh,dehumidifying the air in summer to a relative humidity not exceeding 55 per cent.

The basic pieces of equipment are the filters, preheat coils, hu­midifiers, reheat coils, additional cooling coils and fans. The control of air purity can be achieved in various degrees. As a minimum control some sort of filtering must be done near the en­trance of the air-conditioning system. Possibly the most efficient fil­tering device is the electrostatic precipitator.

Air conditioning for human comfort is employed in both large and small installations, such as theaters, office buildings, depart­ment stores, residences, airplanes, railways, cars and submarines.

People are comfortable when they are neither too cold, nor too warm and when the air about them is neither too dry, nor too clamp and is not stuffy or dusty. To bring about these desirable conditions the heating or air-conditioning apparatus must be capable of main­taining the following conditions inside the house, whatever the con­ditions outside maybe.

To avoid stuffiness, the air should be given a certain amount of motion. Under winter conditions this must be sufficient to distribute the heat uniformly throughout the rooms. It must not be too cold at the floor, not too hot at the ceiling. A stove causes the hot air around it to rise up toward the ceiling and cooler air to flow toward the stove. A radiator acts in this respect like a stove. Warm-air registers bring heated air into a room with a certain motion or velocity which imparts movement to the air already in the room. An outlet for this air should be provided in order to have good ventilation. In summer time much greater air motion is needed, enough to change the air in a room completely from three to ten times per hour. Sometimes a fan is placed in the attic to blow the warm air out and to cause the cooler night air to flow through open windows. When this is done, air in the house can be expected to be changed completely every two or three minutes. When air is brought into a house from outside, heated in a furnace and distributed through all the rooms, it ought to be cleaned by passing it through "filters" before it enters the furnace.

Compare your number of parts with that of your fellow students.

Read and translate each part using a dictionary.

Underline the sentences that best sum up the main idea of each part and use key words from them to make plan of the text in order to retell it according to your plan.

11. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

air-conditioning; desired temperature; purity; humidity; to maintain; healthy atmosphere; processing of materials; an optimum condition of temper­ature and humidity; air of predetermined temperature and moisture content; filtration of theair; to remove dust;circulation of the air; at low velocity; proper diffusion; draughts; a uniform temperature and humidity; heating; cooling; the outside atmosphere; humidifying; pieces of equipment; preheat coils; hu­midifiers; the control of air purity; can be achieved; en­trance; fil­tering device; large and small installations; submarines; too cold; too warm; too dry; stuffy; dusty; desirable conditions; conditions inside the house; sufficient; to distribute heat; ceiling; to rise up toward the ceiling; to flow toward the stove; heated air; imparts movement; outlet; good ventilation; completely; in the attic; heated in a furnace.

Match pairs of words having similar meanings.

foundation similar
surfacing airless
provide enough
sufficient ensure
remove humidity
moisture manage
stuffy fix
uniform advantageous
install base
circulation displace
desirable facing
achieve motion

13. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

желаемая температура; чистота; влажность; поддерживать, обслуживать; обработка материалов; выполнять, осуществлять; качество; воздух, заранее установленной температуры; содержание влаги; внешние воздействия; фильтровать; системы, установленные в офисах; обеспечивать; удалять пыль; низкая скорость; рассеивание; предотвращать сквозняки; одинаковая температура; заселённое пространство; нагревание воздуха; охлаждение воздуха; температура воздуха на улице; относительная влажность; превышающая; увлажнитель; спираль; системы кондиционирования воздуха; самый эффективный; электрофильтр; используется; желаемые условия; слишком сухой; движение; достаточный; распределять тепло; потолок; подогретый воздух; выпуск, выпускное отверстие; мансарда, чердак.

Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

1. (Кондиционирование воздуха) is the bringing of air in a building (до желаемых температуры, чистоты и влажности) throughout the year (для поддержания) healthy and comfortable atmosphere.

2. Air-conditioning (можно разделить) into two main sections: one (для обработки) of materials in industry; the other for human comfort.

3. It has been found that there is an optimum condition of (температуры и влажности) at which the (обработка) of different materials (может выполняться) with the minimum of wastage and the maximum of goods' quality.

4. The system is therefore designed to produce air of (предопределённой температуры и содержания влаги) and to keep it so (несмотря на все внешние воздействия).

5. (Системы кондиционирования воздуха) in­stalled in office buildings (обеспечивают) control throughout the year.

6. (Полное) air-conditioning (обеспечивает) various services.

7. (Циркуляция) of the air (с низкой скоростью) and with proper (рассеиванием) to prevent (сквозняки) and maintain (одинаковые температуру и влажность) at all parts of the inhabited space is one of the services (которые обеспечивает) complete air-conditioning.

8. The basic pieces of (оборудования) are the (фильтры, нагревательные спирали, увлажнители, дополнительные охлаждающие спирали, вентиляторы).

9. Possibly the most efficient (фильтрующее устройство) is the (электрофильтр).

10. To avoid (духоту), the air should be given a certain amount of (движения).

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

· provided · ferrous metals · is composed of · quality · is used
· humidifying the air · remove · carried out · attic · velocity · residences
· possess different properties · motion · heated air

1. Materials used for construction purposes differ in the ways they behave in particular conditions.

2. Air is filtered both in winter and in summer to take away dust.

3. Among the aggregates concrete consists of, there are heavy and light ones.

4. The increase of the amount of moisture in the air to a relative humidity of at least 20–25 per cent in winter is made available by complete air-conditioning.

5. Warm-air registers bring air with a raised temperature into a room with
a certain motion or the speed at which air moves in a particular direction which imparts movement to the air already in the room.

6. Air-conditioning for human comfort is employed in both large and small installations, such as theaters, office buildings, depart­ment stores, houses where people live, airplanes, railways, cars and submarines.

7. Sometimes a fan is placed in the room at the top of a house just below the roof to blow the warm air out and to cause the cooler night air to flow through open windows.

8. Metals containing iron are commonly used for construction of supporting members.

9. In summer time much greater air movement is needed, enough to change the air in a room completely from three to ten times per hour.

10. There is an optimum condition of temper­ature and humidity at which the processing of different materials may be accomplished with the minimum of wastage and the maximum of goods' characteristic.

16. Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

about; at; of; into; frequently; in; for; therefore; near; despite; possibly; out.

1. Air-conditioning may be divided … two main sections: one … the processing … materials … industry; the other … human com­fort.

2. It has been found that there is an optimum condition … temper­ature and humidity … which the processing … different materials may be carried … with the minimum … wastage and the maximum … goods' quality.

3. The system is … designed to produce air … predetermined temperature and moisture content and to keep it so … all external influences.

4. Conditioning air … human comfort may be divided … two main sections – winter and summer.

5. … the systems in­stalled … office buildings provide control during both seasons.

6. The control … air purity can be achieved … various degrees.

7. As a minimum control some sort … filtering must be done … the en­trance … the air-conditioning system.

8. … the most efficient fil­tering device is the electrostatic precipitator.

9. To avoid stuffiness, the air should be given a certain amount … motion.

10. In summer time much greater air motion is needed, enough to change the air … a room completely … three to ten times per hour.

17. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as:

I think / suppose / consider / believe; to my mind / in my opinion; as far as I remember / know / understand; Let me see…; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think…; Let's put it this way…; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question.

· How can air-conditioning be defined?

· What sections is it divided into?

· What services does air-conditioning provide?

· What are the basic pieces of equipment for air-conditioning?

· How are desirable conditions inside the house brought about?

18. Give the definitions to the following terms:

· processing · furnace · purity
· attic · uniform · prevent

19. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. the amount of water in the air a. achieve
2. a current of air that comes into a place in an undesirable way b. install
3. to succeed in doing something or causing it to happen, usually after a lot of effort c. filter
4. to put a piece of equipment, so that it is ready to be used d. outlet
5. to pass a substance through a device which is designed to remove certain particles contained in it e. humidity
6. a hole or pipe through which liquid or air can flow away f. draught

20. Speak on the following topics:

12. The objectives of air-conditioning.

13. The services provided by air-conditioning.

14. The process of bringing about desirable conditions inside the house.

21. Translate the following sentences:

1. Если бы был установлен увлажнитель воздуха, в кабинете не было бы так душно.

2. Известно, что системы кондиционирования воздуха устанавливают сейчас в жилых помещениях, в офисах, магазинах и других местах.

3. Существуют различные виды оборудования, обеспечивающие фильтрацию и увлажнение воздуха, а также поддерживающие заранее определённую температуру в помещении.

4. Доказано, что квалифицированные рабочие способны выполнять разные виды работ.

5. Оказывается, что кондиционирование воздуха применяется при промышленной обработке материалов.

6. Хорошая вентиляция обеспечивается наличием выходного отверстия для воздуха.

7. Относительная влажность воздуха должна поддерживаться на уровне 25 %.

8. Увлажнив воздух в помещении, мы почувствовали себя лучше. Жаль, что это не было сделано раньше.

9. Если бы образец выдержал испытание на напряжение, не пришлось бы применять армирование.

10. На сегодняшний день созданы такие системы кондиционирования, которые совершают охлаждение и нагревание воздуха, но и удаляют пыль и вредные примеси.

11. Вам известно, как устанавливать кондиционер?

12. Какие заполнители наиболее предпочтительны: натуральные или искусственные?

Write an abstract of the chapter, i. e. express the idea of the chapter in some sentences.

Render the text in English.

Гидроизоляционные, в том числе кровельные и герметизирую­щие материалы и изделия предназначены для изоляции строитель­ных конструкций зданий и сооружений от воздействия агрессивной внешней среды, особенно воды и влажного воздуха. Поэтому мате­риалы этой группы строительных материалов должны быть водоне­проницаемыми и удовлетворять показателю прочности, деформативности, химической стойкости, водостойкости и долговечности. Их используют при наружной и внутренней защите подземных соо­ружений – котлованов, фундаментов, труб под насыпями и трубо­проводов, коллекторов, туннелей, сводов траншей и т. п. – от воз­действия грунтовых вод с растворенными в них, как правило, агрессивными солями, кислотами и щелочами, а также других хими­ческих реагентов; для изоляции водохранилищ, бассейнов, водоемов и пр.; для защиты мостов (конструкций проезжей части, опор и др.); при устройстве противофильтрационных экранов и укрепительных покрытий в гидротехническом строительстве;· для изоляции дна и откосов каналов в ирригационном строительстве; для заполнения полостей в горных породах при устройстве оснований и фундаментов; при защите междуэтажных перекрытий в производственных помещениях и санузлах; при устройстве кровли и кровельных покрытий зданий: для герметизации стыков, температурных швов, отверстий в крупнопанельном строительстве и при прокладке труб. Гидроизоляция не только предохраняет защищаемую поверхность от контакта с водной средой, ·но и благоприятствует паро- и газоизоляции, повышению стойкости конструкционного материала против коррозии.

Chapter 5. Architecture: Its forms and functions

In pairs answer the following questions:

1. What is architecture?

2. What integration must architect achieve?

2. Write phonetic symbols for the following words, pay attention to their correct pronunciation and read them aloud:

inherent; requirements; aesthetical quality; consequently; heritage; necessity; harmonious.

Learn new words and phrases.

architectural design 1) архитектурное проектирование, проектирование на уровне архитектуры (системы), процесс определения структуры системы, её компонентов и их интерфейсов 2) результат архитектурного проектирования
to adjust приспосабливать
to evolve развивать
confused спутанный, беспорядочный; сбивчивый
incoherent непоследовательный, несвязный, непонятный
cannot but не может не
to requite вознаграждать
to enable давать возможность
to entail вызывать
heritage наследство, наследие
no true architect ни один настоящий архитектор
survival долговечность, пережиток; выживание

4. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

the art of building; to guide the architect; to keep in mind; triple implication; to possess the creative imagination.

Make up your own sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 2-3.

Skim the text and say what the general idea of the text is.

When skimming divide the text into parts.

Compare your number of parts with that of your fellow students.

Architecture: Its Forms and Functions

Architecture is the art or science of planning, building and structures. Without consideration of structural principles, materials, so­cial and economic requirements a building cannot take form. But without aesthetical quality inherent in its form a building cannot be considered as a work of architecture as well.

From the very beginning of construction in human history lots of architectural skills, systems and theories have been evolved for the construction of the buildings, which have housed nations and generations of people in any kind of their activity. Writings on architecture are almost as old as writing itself. Books on the theory of architecture, on the art of buildings, and on the aesthetical view of buildings exist in great number. The oldest book, which sets forth the principles, upon which buildings should be designed and which aim is to guide the architect, is the work of Markus Vitruvius Pollio writ­ten in the first century B.C.

Architecture is an art. Its nowadays expression should be creative and consequently new. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in modern terms. There exists an evident paradox in the coexistence of change and survival in every period of human civilization. This paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any architectural style.

Architecture is also the style or manner of building in a particular country or period of history. There are widely known examples of Gothic architecture all round the globe. During many centuries mankind admires the architecture of ancient Greece or Roman Em­pire as well.

Nearly two thousand years ago the Roman architect Vitruvius listed three basic factors in architecture. They are convenience, strength and beauty. These three factors have been present and are always interrelated in the best constructions till the 21st century. No true architect could think of any of them without almost automatically considering the other two as well. Thus, architectural design entails not only the necessity to study various solutions for con­venience, structure, and appearance as three separate processes. Architectural design also includes the necessity to keep in mind the constant interaction of these factors. It's impossible for an architect first to plan a building from the point of view of convenience, and then to make the design of a strong construction. Then, as a final touch, try to adjust and to decorate the whole to make it pretty. Any design evolving from such kind of work will produce only
a confused, incoherent, and unsatisfactory building. When speaking about any truly great building we cannot but say that every element in it has a triple implication or significance.

This triple nature of architectural design is one of the reasons why architecture is a difficult art. It needs some unique type of imagination as well as long years of training and experience to make a designer capable of getting requite in the light of these three factors – use, construction, and aesthetic effect – simultaneously. The designer must have a good knowledge as of engineering so of building materials. This knowledge will enable him to create eco­nomically strong and practical construction. The designer, in addi­tion, must possess the creative imagination, which will enable him to integrate the plan and the construction into the harmonious whole. The architect's feeling of satisfaction in achieving such integration is one of his/her (their) greatest rewards.

Read and translate each part using a dictionary.

Underline the sentences that best sum up the main idea of each part and use key words from them to make plan of the text in order to retell it according to your plan.

11. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

without consideration of structural principles; aesthetical quality inherent in its form; from the very beginning; to be evolved for the construction of the buildings; writings on architec­ture; to guide the architect; consequently; the heritage of the past cannot be ig­nored; manner of building in a particu­lar country or period of history; all round the globe; architectural de­sign; to entail; from the point of view of convenience; to adjust and decorate the whole to make it pretty; unique type of imagination; long years of training and experience; simultaneously; to enable smb to create eco­nomically strong and practical construction; reward.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 111 | Нарушение авторских прав

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